All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 171 What a purple spirit coming from the east!

Boom boom!

The sea of ​​fire rolled in the bustling city, wrapping around buildings like a red snake, spreading in all directions like a tidal wave.

All the remaining flesh and blood of Scorpio was covered and completely destroyed in the scorching heat, cutting off any hope of rebirth.

Chu Xin simply increased the output, sending ultra-high-heat radioactive particles with flames to send the horn of death to the entire central area.

"Are you police officers freeloaders? Can you hurry up!"

"Where are those stinky girls? If they don't fight for us at this time, do we still have to invite them ourselves?"

"I have long said that the Cursed Sons are unreliable and should have been killed years ago!"

"Send a plane to pick us up immediately. This is the number one singer in Tokyo!"

"She is nothing, my husband is an entrepreneur who cooperates with the Tendo family!"

Those middle-class people who had not yet had time to evacuate were crowding the streets and venting their anger at the sweating police.

"Have you ever felt so hot all of a sudden?"

Someone took off his coat and said with a confused look on his face.

There was a loud sound of fierce battle between giant beasts in the distance, and the ground shook continuously. People who were already panicked were reminded of this, and they all swallowed their saliva nervously.


"Look at the back!"

"what is that?"

"Fire, it's fire!"

The crowd instantly fell into chaos. All the brightly dressed men, women and children abandoned their so-called nobility and sophistication and fled in all directions.

At this moment, the Maserati, Bentley, and Maybach they drive are no longer status symbols, but bumper cars and bulldozers that open up new paths for life!

It is quite ironic that they bump into and crowd each other without morality and order.

But soon, their expressions became fixed.


Fire and explosions drowned the crowds and traffic.

The extremely wealthy Ginza was burned down again, and the Wako Building and Kabukiza instantly became history.

This is the Central District, a paradise for the rich. The Cursed Children cannot enter at all. Once the patrolling security guards find their presence, they will be expelled without mercy.

Moreover, there is no outer area where they are placed around the central area.

This is also the main reason why Chu Xin is so unscrupulous.

Tokyo, which was already severely shrunk in area, lost its vast and most prosperous Chuo District tonight, and its overall strength suddenly dropped to the bottom of the five neon districts.

After this battle, Chu Xin had a rough judgment on the strength of the Zodiac.

You can see from Scorpio that they are extremely powerful!

In fact, molecular level regeneration and physical resistance to nuclear bombs are enough to prove its strength.

The reason why he was so successful was thanks to the tail radiation stream exploding in his body, causing Scorpio's own collapse.

But Chu Xin didn't have the slightest worry or fear. He was only filled with joy and expectation for such a powerful enemy.

Also, he feels that Scorpio does not have enough practical experience.

Either it has fought too few fights, or its attribute positioning is that of a fatan.

It may also be that level 5 gastrula rarely fight against enemies of the same strength and do not have enough coping methods and awareness.


Chu Xin finished spraying and looked behind him instinctively.

Between the sky and the sea, an incandescent "sun" explodes and rises!

a minute ago.

Halfway up the mountain fifty kilometers away.


More than a dozen steel cable devices operate at high speed, dragging the electromagnetic gun on the ladder to adjust its position through length changes at different angles.

Dozens of huge cylindrical buildings stood on a hillside, buzzing inside, providing just enough power for the ladder.

"It's still a little short, please go a little further." Satomi Rentaro prayed murmuringly.

On the big screen, the central area transformed into a flaming purgatory was clearly visible.

But the stone tablet was still in the ballistic trajectory, and it was still not the time to launch.

The trembling expressions from before still remained on his and Ahara Yanzhu's faces, and they were obviously shocked by the fact that Cancer killed Scorpio.

Including Sheng Tianzi and others who had evacuated to the safe house in western Tokyo, they were all in disbelief.

That's not a cat or a dog, but Scorpio, one of the zodiac signs who once tortured Neon and even the whole world to death!

You must know that they are battles between the same level, not level 5 vs. level 4. How can the winner be determined in such a short period of time, and even kill the other side directly to wipe out the other side.

However, this is the reality. Cancer, who appeared twice in a short period of time, after a fierce battle, killed his compatriot Scorpio to pieces.

"Rentaro, I believe you." Tendo Kisara said.

"I believe in you too, let's launch together." Aihara Enju put her small hand on the back of Rentaro's hand.

"Don't worry, I will definitely hit it." Rentaro took a deep breath and stared at the screen.

Chu Xin in the picture is like a huge demon, spewing hellfire into the world through his mouth.

He walked methodically, exposing his body to the stone tablet little by little.

Head, arms, torso, legs, tail!

When Chu Xin was completely exposed in the scope, Rentaro yelled and pulled the trigger hard.


The Ladder Electromagnetic Cannon quickly charged up and condensed at the muzzle within 1 second.


The layers of aperture are dazzling and the special effects are full.


The holmium right arm in the magazine was pushed out by electromagnetic energy, and the strong recoil caused the entire mountain to shake.


The right arm turned into a beam of white light.

There is a bay separated from the mountainside to the central area, and the sea water where it passes instantly creates a shocking gully.

It's like a blast of divine power from a god, lighting up the night into day!

Fifty kilometers is nothing but lightning, and the terror of sub-light speed is fully revealed.

Boom boom~

Almost the moment Chu Xin turned around, Rentaro's right arm was accelerated and launched in front of him.

A scalp-numbing edge!

It seems that like Odin's Gungunir gun, carrying the supreme glory of 100% hit, it is bound to kill Chu Xin, a natural disaster that has caused trouble to the world.

In less than 0.001 seconds, Chu Xin subconsciously wanted to switch cards.

As long as you transform into one of Rey, Licker, and Predator, you will be unscathed.

Because these three are small in size, they are reduced to the ground as soon as they are switched, and they naturally pass by them.


Chu Xin let out a low roar from the root of his throat.

But he couldn't hide or retreat, and there was no flash of golden light.


The limited time is just enough to activate the atomic heat shield.

Blazing white light filled his eyes, and the sharp whistling was a bit salty like the sea.

He clenched his fist with his right hand and blasted out toward the center of the circle.


The sky and the earth shook, and the mountains and seas trembled.

Rentaro's right arm was as small as a needle.

But this needle actually pierced the atomic heat shield, even though it was also worn away by nine-tenths of its volume.

The remaining violent kinetic energy drove a small piece of holmium metal and hit the back of Chu Xin's hand with all his might.

It's a pity that Chu Xin's defense power is not comparable to that of a Scorpio.

boom! ! !

As if in slow motion, Chu Xin's punch reversely bombarded the ladder cannon to a level that could be described as violent aesthetics.

The exploding white light splashed against the current, like a blooming white chrysanthemum.

Chu Xin remained as motionless as a mountain in the gorgeous world, not even moving his feet.

He looked at his right hand expressionlessly. The hard surface of the entire back of his hand looked chapped, just like a dry river bed that was short of water all year round, and the flesh and blood inside also became necrotic and disintegrated.

Holmium metal is ineffective against him, but the penetrating power given by sub-light speed cannot be underestimated. Although this ladder cannon has been in disrepair for a long time, and the additional bullets are not suitable, it is impossible to determine whether it has sub-light speed.

If the high-heat and high-explosive atomic heat shield was not activated at the extreme moment, the palms and even arms would most likely be penetrated and shredded.

In the original drama, this shot directly killed Scorpio!

It sank into its body on the spot, and the powerful penetrating impact tore apart the flesh and internal organs. Before it could regenerate and heal itself, the holmium-made arm exploded, causing fundamental suppression of the cells.

The Scorpio in the original drama basically did nothing and received the box lunch before even climbing onto land.

"How come it's not dead?" Rentaro murmured as he almost collapsed.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu on the side felt inexplicable fear and couldn't help but curl up into his arms.

"I still have my right leg and can fire another shot!" Rentaro said excitedly.

Woo buzz~~

Sadly, the console's light went out.

The power generation device outside stopped running, and the entire reserve was directly consumed by one power generation.

"Sister Kisara, mobilize the power in Tokyo immediately. We still have a chance." Rentaro did not give up and wanted to seize a glimmer of hope.

"Rentaro, the ladder to heaven has been scrapped." Tendogi said in a lower voice.

"Why?" Rentaro was puzzled.

"Because the official cannon shells were not used, the inside of the barrel was damaged and could no longer transmit energy." Tendogi replied disappointedly.

"Are we just going to give up like this?" Sheng Tianzi said bitterly.

"Evacuate Tokyo." Tendo Kikunoichi said firmly, with unconcealable anger in his tone.


Just when everyone was desperate and helpless, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's clear exclamation sounded.

Rentaro looked up and immediately stood up with one hand on the console, shouting, "Cancer has disappeared?"

As he said, Cancer melted in the sea of ​​fire, disappearing like ice and snow, leaving only a mysterious back.

The sun rises over the sea.


Hilltop town.

Chu Xin, who switched to Predator, pushed open the church door.

There was a dusty table placed on the podium at the head of the table, and a silver metal box with the lid lifted lay quietly on it.

Chu Xin walked over and lowered his head to check.

The so-called "Legacy of the Seven Stars" is not an unpredictable sacred object, nor is it a strange-shaped organ.

But an old red three-wheeled bicycle.

Obviously, this is the kids version.

Looking at this, Chu Xin became more sure of his guess.

The predecessor of the extremely powerful Zodiac was definitely...a little girl.

During the fight last night, he had a strange feeling, not physical, but a shallow signal of emotion.

There is a hint of suppressed emotion hidden in the 99% consciousness of destruction of Scorpio.

Pure and clean, just like a child who is ignorant of the world.

However, the legacy of the seven stars, the origins of the zodiac, etc. are still unknown mysteries.

After all, Chu Xin has only watched anime, and what he knows is limited to Tokyo.

In addition, the original novel of the anime has already been released, so he has no way of knowing many things.


Whatever is incomprehensible, unclear, or annoying, just transform into Godzilla and push it aside!

At this time, the card text appeared:

“Finally, I experienced a hearty one-on-one fight in the body of Godzilla, and I gained a deeper understanding of the secrets of fighting the giant beast;

Unprecedented energy against the wave broke the law of losing on the left side, and wealth and wealth were obtained in danger, and he dared to give the enemy a frontal sneak attack on the way to the wave, which was incredible;

The next proficiency improvement will become more and more difficult, please continue to maintain a fast pace;

Proficiency +4%, reaching 86%;

Earn rewards:

Skill [Purple Air from the East] (as the name is full of beautiful meanings, releases a large number of purple high-heat particles through the dorsal fin, floating like a dreamy purple cloud, covering tens of thousands of meters in diameter, the specific range changes according to the environment, until a certain amount is reached Afterwards, there will be chain explosions, covering all areas of damage without blind spots. Cooling time is 24 hours). "

What a great purple energy coming from the east!

Sometimes there is something wrong with the system's name.

If someone wants to appreciate the earth-shattering natural scenery, then he must not show his hand?

Moreover, the master's body was not yet cold, so he modified his abilities and used them overnight?

The system belongs to Penguin, right?

How shameless!

I like it so much~

Ta da~

Footsteps sounded.

"You are indeed here." It was Qianju Natsuyo's voice.

She walked over without any precautions against Chu Xin.

"Is this the legacy of the Seven Stars?" she asked thoughtfully, "Scorpio will actually be summoned by a children's tricycle, if so."

Having dolphin genes, she had already guessed it, but she just didn't want to say it out loud.

Da da da~

Another footsteps approached.

Satomi Rentaro and Aihara Enju ran in at the same time.

"Who are you!"

Rentaro subconsciously drew his gun, but after seeing it clearly, he took it back angrily.

Chu Xin's tall and cold figure, at first glance, he thought it was a humanoid gastrea.

Of course, the main reason was that Qian Shou Xia Shi had no defense against Chu Xin, so he guessed that Chu Xin should be the policeman who came to investigate.

Although these types of strangely dressed people are not common, Rentaro has seen some.

He led Lan Yuan Yanzhu closer, and his pupils trembled when he saw the box.

"Rentaro, is this?" Aihara Yanzhu pulled his sleeves, with a hint of crying in his voice, "Is it?"

The trained Cursed Son was not stupid, and had intelligence beyond his years. Although she was very confused, she also felt a sense of sadness.

"It's okay, don't think too much." He comforted her.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Rentaro turned around and asked.

He looked at Chu Xin carefully, becoming more solemn as he looked.

This armor, which is suspected to be made of holmium metal, must be expensive to make. It is just like the ones worn by superheroes in movies.

But what made him fearful was Chu Xin's restrained aura. The fierceness that escaped unintentionally made his hair stand on end.

There seems to be a humanoid monster standing inside this armor!

"A traveler passing by by chance." Chu Xin spoke fluent Japanese calmly, not relying on equipment, but using real language.

In his free time, he was not really idle. He learned Japanese, Korean, English, French, German and other mainstream languages ​​​​from the soul level.

"Passenger? Are you not from Tokyo?"

Rentaro breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it was a human voice.

It's good that he speaks Japanese and he is human, otherwise he will always feel that Chu Xin is not human.


Chu Xin replied casually, and then left directly.

Watching him disappear into the forest, Rentaro asked Senju Natsuyo, "Do you know him?"

"He saved me, he is probably a good person." Qianju Natsuyo answered quietly.

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