All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 164: Eliminating harm for the people

"A safe place?" Riho Aragaki murmured.

Is there any place for the Cursed Son in today's world?

Next, Chu Xin learned through questions and answers that she and Scar Man both belonged to a private security company in Osaka and had been working for a year and a half.

She has not been getting along harmoniously with the profit-seeking and selfish Scar Man.

Outside is the starter of combat tools, who does all the dirty and dangerous work.

At home, she is a hard-working nanny who doesn't even have a dedicated bedroom and can only sleep on an old mattress in the utility room.

But Riho Aragaki has long been accustomed to this kind of setting that everyone hates, and has no complaints about the current situation, because it is better than being frightened in the outer area and eating this meal without finishing the meal.

If you die in battle, in the words of the instructor back then, it is your destined fate.


Chu Xin took out a pack of energy bars stored in the spacecraft and handed it to Riho Aragaki.

Riho Aragaki took it obediently, opened the box and took a bite.

This thing is an emergency ration for the Predator. It can be eaten by humans, but the taste is not guaranteed to be delicious.

However, she did not show any discomfort or rejection. In her early years, she was used to eating expired food, roasted rats, and roasted bugs, which had already raised the upper limit of her acceptance.


She looked at the tall figure wrapped in silver and black armor, and her inner defenses weakened a bit.

The iron-blooded spaceship moved forward without revealing any trace of its body regardless of thunderstorms or wind and rain.

The two stopped talking to each other. Chu Xin remained silent, exuding indifference and evil aura. It was obvious at a glance that he was not a good person.

But Riho Aragaki had an intuition. Whether it was a suspected Level 5 gastrea or at this moment, this mysterious man did not seem to be a bad guy in the absolute sense.

Moreover, there is an aura lingering around him, and staying with him makes you feel inexplicably at ease, as if he will hold you up even if the sky falls.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look forward to the safe place Chu Xin mentioned.

Warm lights, friendly friends, beautiful and well-fitting clothes, hot toast and milk...all the good things that have been peeped on TV and in shop windows come to mind.

Gradually, Aragaki Riho's numb eyes glowed with a faint light.

It's like a devastated depressed patient who suddenly has hope for tomorrow.

In fact, Chu Xin, who was silent, was also thinking about this issue and wondering how to properly deploy Task 1.

He can be a bad guy unscrupulously, but once he decides to do a good thing, he must follow through. This is the weight that must be borne by the name of a good guy.

"We're almost there."

Chu Xin woke up Riho Aragaki who was sleeping.


The spacecraft passed a stone monument at high speed.

The soldiers stationed on the stone tablet were not aware of it and were still chatting.

"Where is this?" Riho Aragaki asked.

"Tokyo area." Chu Xin replied calmly.

Continuing past a forest, they came to the sky above an abandoned city.

This is the outer area of ​​Tokyo.

The spaceship descends and reveals itself.

The two walked out and the spacecraft took back.

Riho Aragaki was very curious, but she, who was always taciturn, chose to keep her mouth shut as always.

The principle of "don't ask, don't tell, just obey orders and just fight" is deeply rooted in her instincts. Most initiates are in the same situation as her and eventually die in silence.

"This is an advanced space technology. Have you seen Doraemon?" Chu Xin said bluntly.

"I've seen it a little bit, and it can hold a lot of things in its belly." Riho Aragaki thought to herself that this was the case, and at the same time she felt a little palpitating.

Because no one had ever taken the initiative to explain anything to her, just like a soldier would not grieve for the sacrifice of a bullet before shooting.

She doesn't care about the thing itself, but feels happy because of "sharing" and "identification".

In short, Riho Aragaki realized that Chu Xin was treating her as a human being, not a mass-produced expendable humanoid weapon.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Chu Xin didn't seem to hear her and led her into the deserted city.

The sky is getting dark, and bright stars are twinkling in the night.

The two stopped on a half-collapsed high-rise building and looked across the river.

The bridge connecting the two sides was artificially blasted, and a dog-gnawed wall was built on this side.

Under the same night sky, the place is lifeless, but across the river there are tall buildings and bright lights, and the dazzling spotlights illuminate the sky in colorful colors.

The strong contrast instantly silenced Riho Aragaki.

"There is a sound." She suddenly pointed to the river bank.

Chu Xin naturally heard it.

"Eliminating harm for the people~"


The sparkling river flowed slowly, reflecting several elongated figures.

An old speedboat was parked beside the stone beach, and the wall not far away collapsed, creating an accessible gap.

On the overgrown river embankment, five young people of seventeen or eighteen years old gathered together, making disgusting laughter.

They had colorfully dyed hair and wore fancy shirts and jackets.

An old-school gangster from Shinjuku who calls himself New Age Yakuza.

The things that can be done have nothing to do with the serious underworld.

Among them, a little girl of five or six years old fell down.

Dirty face, torn hair, tattered white skirt, and a pair of dark red pupils.

There were several overlapping shoe sole marks on her white arms. Even so, she just lowered her voice and sobbed.

She was afraid that her friends would be bullied if they were attracted, and she also knew that these people would leave if they found it boring.

In fact, this is not the first time they have come here to have fun.

Many of these people will come to the outer areas, searching for valuables that may be found in abandoned houses, and looking for Cursed Sons to play and bully.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be done by young and energetic young people. Ordinary people are too late to dislike it and will not take the initiative to contact him at all.

"Even if you kill these guys, it's not a crime."

"Although they are not human, no one seems to have said that, right?"

"Don't worry, I heard a few police officers chatting before, guess what they said."

"You kid, don't show off!" Hong Mao, the boss, scolded.

"Yes, they said, when will they secretly kill a few cursed sons to eliminate harm to the people!"

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned, and then the corners of their mouths rose.

To the little girl on the ground, this was no different from the evil smile.

Hongmao touched his chin, "So, what we are doing now is actually to eliminate harm for the people."

When a wrong thing is justified, murderous intentions will arise.

The five of them all turned their attention to their feet.


Feeling the different atmosphere of being beaten than in the past, the little girl's tears couldn't stop rolling down.

Red Hair licked the corner of his mouth and took out a folding knife from his bag.

"Don't do this, their blood is poisonous and I don't want to be infected," someone reminded.

"Yes," Hong Mao looked at the river, "I heard that the cursed child can regenerate. How long will it take for her to die if she is thrown into the water?"

"I come!"

At this time, the Yinyi boy, who had been silent until now, grabbed the folding knife and thrust it straight into the little girl's shoulder.

As expected of a cursed child, the blade felt like it was pierced into rubber, breaking when it was halfway in.

The little girl hadn't learned how to use her own power, so she couldn't completely defend against ordinary weapons. Blood flowed for a while, staining her white dress red.

"If it weren't for you gastrea animals, my parents wouldn't have died, and I would still be living a rich life!"

The shadowy boy grabbed the little girl's hair and pulled her towards the river as he spoke.


A childish voice came, and a thin figure jumped out, knocking the shadowy boy several meters away.

"elder sister!"

The little girl immediately burst into tears and threw herself into his arms.

The wound on her shoulder has healed, and the blade inserted into her flesh has been squeezed out.

"You are going too far! Why don't you let us go!"

The visitor was a ten-year-old girl with a ponytail.

The childish voice and childish appearance screamed despair and helplessness.

Although she looked angry, her whole body was actually trembling.

She was scared and helpless.

Although there is considerable power in his body and he can barely use it, he has never learned to fight.

The key is that they don't dare to really resist.

Because once the people on the other side are angered, they will be destroyed.

So I just endured it and lived like a year without any hope.

"You beast, how dare you hit me?"

The dark boy was so angry that he picked up an iron rod and staggered towards the two girls.

The two wanted to escape, but their way back was blocked by four other people.

They all showed fierce looks on their faces, and they were determined to "remove harm for the people" tonight to satisfy the dark side in their hearts.

"go to hell!"

The shadowy young man held the iron rod high.

Just as he was about to swing it down, a hand reached out from behind and grasped the stick tightly.


At the same time, Riho Aragaki jumped out, picked up the two girls one on the left and the other on the right, and jumped onto the roof across the street.


The five gangsters took two steps back in unison, startled by the elusive man in black armor, especially the mask that looked as ferocious as an evil ghost was really terrifying.

"When did this guy get close?"

"Whatever I'm wearing, I feel hard to deal with."

"The one just now seems to be a cursed child too."

"Then he can't be a policeman, right?"

The four of them murmured quietly, looking wary.

However, the sinister young man was at the height of his anger, and his stubbornness came to his head. He threatened and cursed loudly, "Don't think that I'm afraid of you because I'm wearing armor. Get away and stay out of your own business!"

He pulled hard on the iron rod, but it didn't move.

The suppression of his momentum instantly cleared his mind.

But it's too late.

Because Chu Xin had already thrust out the iron rod with his backhand and pierced the Yin Ying young man's chest.

Whether intentionally or accidentally, the iron rod did not damage the internal organs or important blood vessels. It only penetrated the skin, flesh and bones, causing the blood to flow.

But there will be a long countdown to death before complete death.

"Oh~save me, save me~"

The shadowy boy collapsed to the ground and looked at his four companions with difficulty breathing.

The four of them ran away, running towards the speedboat to their death.

We are all tacit friends. If we don't go our separate ways in times of crisis, how can we help each other?


But how could they outrun Chu Xin's plasma shoulder cannon.

One shot blew the speedboat into pieces.

Four infrared rays shot out, ending at the center of their eyebrows.

For a moment, they didn't dare to move.

One of them couldn't stand the tension and jumped into the water screaming.


Shoulder cannon shot.

It was still intact before falling into the water.

It fell apart after falling into the water.

The blood flowed with the tide, and his life fell into place in one step.

Of the other three, two were so frightened that they urinated on the spot, and one even fainted instantly.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

cried the peeing red-haired boss.

Chu Xin didn't answer, but quickly rushed out and lovingly wiped the necks of the three of them with his wrist knife.

Finally, in order not to affect the appearance of the city, he threw all the corpses into the river, including the gloomy young man who refused to die.

Get rid of harm for the people~

ten minutes later.

Chu Xin led the three little girls and knocked on an ordinary manhole cover.

After a while, the manhole cover was lifted from the inside.

A cute little melon sprouted from her head, and she was a cute little girl with long hair.

"Who? What happened?"

It was too dark, and the first thing she saw was Chu Xin's mask.

"Ah! Ghost!"

She was so frightened that she quickly closed the lid.

"Little Flying Bird, it's us." The girl with the ponytail shouted quickly.

"Eh? Minami?" Xiao Asuka asked softly through the manhole cover, "Were you kidnapped by him?"

"Oh no, let us in quickly." The ponytail girl's name is Saito Minami.

Chu Xin seriously doubted Xiao Feiniao's surname, Binbian, and dared to ask who knew how to name it.

"Okay." Xiao Feiniao opened the manhole cover again.

She ran in first and shouted, "Elder, we have guests!"

Chu Xin and his party got in.

This is not a sewage sewer, it should be an underground pipeline facility.

Turning a corner, warm lights lit up the small space.

There were about a dozen girls of different ages inside. The clothes they wore were decent. Although they were cheap goods, they were clean and intact.

Between them, there was an elderly man.

He is the elder that Little Flying Bird calls, and he is also the citizen across the street who takes care of these children.

"What happened!"

When he saw the blood on the little girl in the white dress, he immediately looked worried.

The girls also gathered around.

Afraid of causing misunderstanding, Saito Minami, who has a cheerful personality, quickly explained and told the whole story.

Just replace the ending of those five gangsters with "defeated" euphemistically.

"So it's like this, it's those uneducated guys again. Alas," the old man looked at Chu Xin, his initial fear gradually faded away, "Thank you sir for your help. I really appreciate it. Just call me Matsuzaki."


Chu Xin responded calmly and looked around.

Most of them are seven or eight years old, many are ten years old, and the rest are five or six years old.

It may be due to the gastroenterovirus, but their hair is all colorful, and they are all very good-looking, and no one looks mediocre at first glance.

From a certain point of view, gastroenterovirus is a kind of forced biological evolution, but the human body cannot bear it and cannot adapt.

The little girls all looked at him curiously, as well as Riho Aragaki standing behind him.

In order not to scare them, Chu Xin restrained his evil spirit at this time.

Matsuzaki continued, "I am taking care of these poor children in order to teach them how to control their emotions so that they can hide their red pupils and better integrate into human society. Unfortunately, this society does not accept them. People like me are really Too little."

He looked at Riho Aragaki and asked, "Are you a policeman, sir?"

"No, can this child live here?" Chu Xin said.

Matsuzaki nodded without hesitation, "Okay, but this little girl should be the Initiator, right? She has very stable control over her emotions."

"Yes." Chu Xin didn't hide anything.

Matsuzaki didn't ask much, it didn't matter even if he was a starter, they were all poor abandoned children.

If he could, he would take in all the cursed children in the world so that they would not be bullied.

Chu Xin touched Aragaki Riho's head.

She raised her head and looked at him.

"Maybe you will feel that this place is not what you expected," Chu Xin paused, "but from today on, this is your safest shelter."

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