All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 163: There is a tiger in my heart, and I smell the rose carefully

Although their size shocks them, the gastrovirus causes unprovoked rage and instinctive spread, much like zombies.

The gastroenterovirus is not spread through the air, but through body fluids similar to zombies.

As for the specific method, it depends on individual differences. Most of them bite with mouthparts or inject with limbs.

But as long as you avoid contact with the wound, you won't get infected.

However, even if the city behind the stone monument is strictly guarded, infection incidents cannot be avoided 100%, otherwise there would be no more than 700,000 regular starters and police officers.


Hundreds of gasterozoans rush out.

They vary in size, ranging from tens of meters high to as small as a truck.

They are found in heaven and on earth, and in terms of appearance, they are all hybrids of all things in nature.

Chu Xin closed his right hand and wrapped the black-skinned girl in his hollow palm to prevent her from disappearing after the fight.


Facing the murderous beast tide, he twisted his body brazenly, like the long and slender tail of a blue dragon rippling out.

Skill, wave tail cannon!


Longtail took the lead in sweeping through a hotel building covered with vines.

Amidst the collapsing rubble and the diffuse smoke, the tail shadow left a blurry image, completely knocking out the first lucky person.

How far is the distance between birth and death?

It's just from right to left, from bottom to top, in a daze.


Wherever the long tail passed, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Level 1, 2, and 3 have no room to struggle under his blow.

The arrogant explosive power instantly disintegrates the body and shatters the cell structure, making their entry-level regeneration and self-healing a joke.

A Level 4 creature mixed in among them only lasted for a short while, and involuntarily followed the crowd, blooming together into fireworks of blood and bones.

To make up for the qualitative gap, this quantity is far from enough.

In Chu Xin's view, this wasn't even a warm-up.


In an instant, all the gasterozoans living in Jiaoye City fell silent.

The low-level ones looked timid, not daring to make the first move, while the middle- and high-level ones had dark eyes flickering, obviously weighing the pros and cons instinctively.

However, the gastroenterovirus that has taken root in its genes will not give up. Following the underlying rule of "non-human species must assimilate" stimulates the nerves, and the violent wildness and ferocity glow.

Another point is that the protozoa feel a fundamental threat.

They all agreed that the exaggerated creature in front of them would affect the current ecology of the original gut, just like having a powerful counterpart in the store next door.

Boom, boom, boom!

The earth trembled, and all the beasts came out of their cages.

There is no exaggeration at all. To say ten thousand is an understatement.

But among them, level 1 and 2 insects accounted for more than half. Regardless of whether they had wings or not, there were densely packed giant insects flying towards Chu Xin.

Spiders the size of cars, centipedes as big as trucks, shiny fifteen-meter cockroaches, dark ant colonies that overturned houses, earthworms and earthworms that shuttled back and forth above and below the ground...

The number of insects alone has reached a shocking level.

Although the combat effectiveness is low, who wouldn't be frightened by the terrifying scale of the tsunami?

Let's just say Chu Xin, he almost developed trypophobia.

After the insects, there are various grotesque animal bodies, with different limbs scrawled together in a ghostly style. Unfortunately, most of them are level 3 and above.


In Chu Xin's palm, Riho Aragaki slowly opened her eyes.

She pushed herself up without knowing why and peered out through the tiny gaps between her fingers.

"Where am I?"

"That is!"

She saw half of Chu Xin's face, and her skin turned white with fear.

Through the violent shaking of the space, it was not difficult to guess that he was actually caught in the palm of this level 5 gastrea animal.

Riho Aragaki! ! !

She patted her baby version of Xiao Zhouling's face, trying to calm down.

But it didn't help. It was the first time I encountered such a ridiculous thing, and my ten-year-old mind was not strong enough to calm down.


More roars filled her ears and she looked back.

Although the tiny gaps are like looking at the sky from a well, there are endless gastrula.


Without thinking, Riho Aragaki felt like the world was spinning and she was shaking so much that she retched.


Chu Xin also started sprinting in the opposite direction, running enthusiastically in both directions with the gastrea animals.

From this moment on, the whole city is surrounded by him!

He takes Godzilla Taijutsu to its extreme without using his right hand.

Don't ask, just ask what you just named it.

The secret of this physical technique is only one word.


With a weight of more than 100,000 tons, is it possible to whip them five times in a row?

With one kick, it doesn't matter whether you are an ant or a centipede, everything will break through the armor and explode, and the viscous body fluid containing the virus will splash everywhere, adding a strong vitality to the withered city.


A Level 4 tiger-headed bug-body was hit by Chu Xin with its tail, and the back half of its torso was blown off.

This terrible injury failed to kill him immediately. It quickly retreated to avoid it, and the bleeding section suddenly stopped flowing.

The flesh and blood squirmed strangely, showing an extremely disgusting boiling state, as if a piece of rotten internal organs had been boiled until soft.

In the next second, a large amount of deformed skin and flesh grew rapidly, reshaping the missing parts.

Chu Xin noticed this scene from above.

What is certain is that the regeneration and self-healing capabilities of these guys are stronger than those of the violent behemoths.

As expected of a virus that nearly destroyed human civilization, it would be more appropriate to call it a gift from the devil.


At the beginning, he was still invincible, but everything was shattered under his fists and feet. Even at level 4, he couldn't sustain a few physical blows.

But as the giant insects swarmed in like crazy, Chu Xin was gradually wrapped up in layers.

Hundreds of giant centipedes burst out of the ground, swarming one after another and climbing up Chu Xin's legs, poking with their sharp limbs.

Swarms of killer bees flew towards Chu Xin at an accelerated speed, shamelessly pointing their big buttocks toward Chu Xin, and extending and retracting their tail needles that glowed with cold light.

The jumping spider jumped tens of meters and used the building to pounce directly on Chu Xin's cheek. Its pair of forelimbs turned out to be the hammer pincers of the sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp.


The cockroaches crawling all over a dilapidated building spread their wings and flew into the sky in a terrifying manner.

Their dark eyes were full of murderous intent, and they wanted to divide and eat Chu's salary.

The swarm of insects covered Chu Xinli three layers outside and three layers outside, forming a mountain of insects that made his hair explode just by looking at it.

"Almost." Chu Xin muttered silently.


The atomic furnace exerts its power.

Pores throughout the body expand and contract, and energy is transported through intricate blood vessels.


Atomic heat shield activated.

In an instant, purple light burst out, like a burst of brilliant rays of light piercing the dark night.

The heat flow condensed into a corrugated shield visible to the naked eye, which sizzled when it came into contact with the gastrea. The next moment, thunder exploded, and Chu Xin's body was completely empty in the blink of an eye.

There were no bones left of thousands of giant insects, and not even a trace of dust was left.

This is a seemingly ordinary heat shield release.

But it only looked ordinary, because there was another person in Chu Xin's palm.

In order for the little girl to be safe and sound, he must control the energy to every capillary and pore to ensure that no trace of energy leaks out of his right palm.

Godzilla is a big old man, so it is indeed difficult for him to do this kind of needlework.


Chu Xin turned from stillness and violently rushed into the urban area of ​​Jiaoye City.

The bustling city of the past has been occupied by primitive intestinal animals, forming a magical picture of doomsday.

Bang bang!

He continued to turn on the atomic heat shield, and every punch he punched was enchanted, and it was like thunder and fire hitting his body.

Real physical and legal double damage.


There was a black spot in the sky that grew rapidly.

It has an eagle head, tiger body, deer legs, and bat wings, with muscles like rock and claws like blades.

It is fifty meters long and weighs tens of thousands of tons.

Let's call it the Eagle-Tiger Beast.

This is a level 4 gastrea, and the aura it exudes far exceeds that of the same level at the scene.

It is the king of gastrea in Jiaoye City. It has conquered many level 4 animals nearby and has become the overlord of this area in one fell swoop.

Even if they are at the same level, the gap is huge. The higher the level, the more so, until there is a huge gap between level 4 and level 5.


The eagle-tiger beast glides at low altitude.

The sharp mouth opened up and down, and a beam of electric current suddenly shot out from the mouth.

Falling from the sky is no different than thunder.

Obviously, the genes of related species in its body mutated, and then it obtained this energy-based remote method.

Not to be outdone, Chu Xin opened his mouth and purple energy came from the east.

The opposition between heaven and earth.


The current beam only lasted less than a second before being swallowed up by the radiation flow.

The beam advanced at an extremely fast speed and instantly touched the face of the hawk-tiger beast as it watched in horror.


With one blow, half of its face, right leg, and right half of its body disappeared.

The eagle-tiger beast lost its balance and fell, but was steadily caught by the enthusiastic Chu Xin and put into his mouth.

Before the regenerating eagle and tiger beast could react, it was bitten into several pieces by the sharp teeth and swallowed whole.

If it were level 5, he might still be able to survive.

But the level 4 self-healing ability was not enough to resist the terrifying heat in Chu Xin's body, especially the super nuclear energy released by the atomic furnace, which shattered the structure of the gastroenterovirus into pieces.

Then, Chu Xin lowered his mouth.

The rays hit the ground straight, evaporating the soil, melting the rocks, and burned through countless rock formations.

Boom boom!

The purple flames were annihilated and replaced by red flames.

Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles burst out in flames, and billowing waves of flames rushed around.

The gastrea animals finally felt fear, and the fury above them was suppressed, and they turned around and ran away one after another.

But this is the same disease that burned down Tokyo, and its spread is unstoppable.

Chu Xin burned for five minutes!

When I closed my mouth, I looked at the charred land and the death of all things.

At least tens of thousands of gastrea were reduced to ashes.

If calculated according to the rules of setting fire to the mountain and sitting under the prison, Chu Xin would have implicated the nine clans.


In the palm of her hand, Riho Aragaki widened her eyes and pursed her lips in disbelief.

Is this the true level of level 5 gastrula?

Can humans really deal with creatures of this level?

She was afraid that Chu Xin was plotting against her, so she hurriedly curled up and pretended to be asleep, and fled as soon as she had the chance.

But despite being frightened, she was very confused as to why Chu Xin didn't kill her directly.

"This is the sense of accomplishment of clearing monsters~"

Chu Xin thought to himself that although the previous world was refreshing, it was always a bit boring and lacked some thrilling excitement.

Card text appears:

“The long-awaited joyful slaughter!

There is a tiger in your heart, and you can smell the roses carefully. Even if you are as bloodthirsty and murderous as you, you will still show your gentle and considerate side;

The improvement of proficiency will be extremely slow, and strong stimulation will be needed next;

Proficiency +4%, reaching 82%;

The number of gashapon draws +1. "

Chu Xin thought about it, the number was barely up to standard, and it was indeed a high-intensity fight that was still far from evenly matched.

It seems that Godzilla, a relatively powerful card, needs to have full proficiency mainly by relying on the zodiac.

But don’t rush to use the gashapon yet, it doesn’t have to be used on Godzilla.

Chu Xin continued to move forward, but met very few gastrea animals along the way.

It may be that there is some kind of communication method between them, similar to "Run, the big devil is coming", "Hide and hide, no one can make a sound", "You must inform the mother-in-law that they are running away".

I had killed enough just now, so I just hurried on.


There was a flash of golden light.

Chu Xin switched to the Predator wrapped in the ultimate armor.

There is no trace missing from the whole body, and it is impossible to tell what species is inside.

Fortunately, there is a card like this, otherwise it would be really difficult to operate with a bunch of monsters or steel images.


He stared silently at the dark-skinned girl lying on the grass, scanning her body with his helmet.

This small body, bones and organ structure are all different from humans.

And many internal organs showed a toxic black color, which was the gastroenterovirus that destroyed her.

Seeing Chu Xin staring at her, Riho Aragaki couldn't hold back any longer and could no longer pretend to sleep.


She slid back on all fours, her face filled with shock and confusion.

Anyone would be at a loss. One second it was a huge level 5 gastrula, and in the next moment it shrank to two meters and a half, and it was still in the shape of a human.

"Who are you!" she trembled, obviously pretending to be calm.

"What's your name?" Chu Xin asked, his voice low and magnetic.

"Riho Aragaki, ugh?" She was startled, wondering why she answered subconsciously.

After thinking for a moment, she suddenly felt bitter.

Because when I was training at the base, there was a rule that required me to answer my name. If I violated it, I would be electrocuted.

"Aragaki? Are you from Ryukyu?" Chu Xin muttered secretly.

He stared at Riho Aragaki and asked straight to the point, "Follow me or leave."

Riho Aragaki was obviously confused and was speechless for a moment.

"If you don't answer, you will default to the first option. Follow me from now on."

Chu Xin ignored her astonished look and summoned Tie Shu, his iron-blooded spaceship, with a wave of his right hand.

Riho Aragaki originally wanted to say something, but when she saw a large metal object appear out of thin air, her big eyes were full of surprise.

After all, she is a ten-year-old girl. No matter how numb her heart and mind are, she will still feel novel and surprised when she sees things beyond her cognition.


Seeing that she was still in a daze, Chu Xin lifted her up, put Riho Aragaki on his shoulders, and turned into the spacecraft.


The spacecraft turns on stealth.

Lift off.

Locate Tokyo.

"Don't worry, I will never tell anyone about you." Riho Aragaki huddled in the corner and said in a low voice.

In the past, she had secretly glanced at Scar Man when he was watching TV. According to the logic of the movie and the plot at this moment, she was likely to be killed and silenced.

Chu Xin didn't answer, and was observing the world below through the camera.

No wonder humans were driven into the area of ​​the stone monument in embarrassment. On the road from Osaka to Tokyo alone, he was surprised and delighted by the number of gastrula.

This is just a small neon sign. I don’t know what the scene is like on the Eurasian continent.

"Where are you taking me?" Riho Aragaki asked again.

She has almost finished what she said in the past week today, but she cannot understand the current situation clearly, in case she wants to sell herself!

Chu Xin didn't look back and said calmly, "A safe place."

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