That night.

Chu Xin went out and returned.

However, there are two more big pockets in his hands, which are filled with food, clothes and daily necessities, all of which are brand new and high quality.

It doesn't matter where it comes from.

The girls were mostly asleep, curled up around each other.

Chu Xin looked at them through the mask, recalling the plot in the anime, which was also the most out-of-the-box scene in this series.

It can be called a hellish critical attack on Luo Zong.

A room full of corpses covered with white cloth!

Yes, one day in the future, everyone in this room will die except Matsuzaki and Riho Aragaki.

Died at the hands of the mob on the other side.

Chu Xin does not consider himself a good person in the traditional sense. After all, what he did in the previous worlds is an undeniable fact.

Of course, he would not deliberately conceal it, let alone defend it.

However, you must not be fooled by his violent and murderous side. Based on the principle of "friendly troops, passersby, and enemies", the judgment of good and bad needs to be examined from different angles.

At least, Chu Xin was sincere, kind and tolerant to those partners who had fought side by side and experienced life and death together, and was willing to fight for them.

Although there are only a few of them, to them, is Chu Xin considered a bad person?

Taking a step back, for all mankind in the first world, Chu Xin is an unquestionable hero and a friendly and civilized messenger from aliens.

Although Chu Xin fought against the Kaiju beast and the Pioneer clan mainly for his own proficiency, it could not change the fact that he did save the earth.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not care about his actions. Sometimes his starting point and what he thinks are not important. People care more about what he has done.

Therefore, black and white does not apply to a complex world, let alone a person who travels through many more complex worlds.

Sometimes, Chu Xin felt that he was trapped in the torrent of "human nature, animal nature, and divinity" and could not extricate himself.

At this time, all he can do is complete the task and be a little more attentive.

In his previous life, he was still in high school. After watching "Dark Bullets", he actually didn't have much trouble in his heart.

If I really want to say something, those children are quite pitiful.

At this moment, Chu Xin also admitted that their fate was tragic. They were both orphans, so they could more or less resonate with each other.

Since we have to complete the task, we must correct our attitude, do our best, and provide them with maximum safety and protection.

However, he does not run a kindergarten, so he will not devote all his energy to this aspect and cannot delay a series of business matters.

"Thank you," the sleepy Matsuzaki took the bag, "I haven't asked what my name is, sir?"

"Chu Xin."

When I pronounced this name, it felt a bit unfamiliar. It had been a long time since anyone had called me this name.

"Chu Xin? With this name, sir, are you from Chi country?" Matsuzaki, who has some knowledge in his body, asked in surprise.

Chu Xin didn't answer his question and turned back to the ground.

In the middle of the night, the lights on the other side were still bright, and men and women were running to the battlefield talking and laughing, but there was no hint of the wasteland period style.

"You will definitely defend this place with your lives." Chu Xin said calmly.


On the streets in all directions, hundreds of vehicles of all kinds appeared, including motorcycles, sports cars, and engineering vehicles.

As the metal expanded and contracted, they collectively deformed and turned into mechanical beings of different heights, appearances, and sizes.

Chu Xin went out just now, and this was his main purpose.

The Tightrope card has the [Mechanical Frenzy] skill. Although it is limited in scope and cooling time, it is still much better than nothing.

"I will obey the emperor's order."

The Transformers all fell to their knees, being born to be 100% loyal warriors.

"Anyone with evil intentions will be killed directly." Chu Xin warned.

He didn't want to declare failure on the first mission before it officially started.

Mission 1 is to provide safe haven for the majority of the Cursed Sons. This "majority" covers a very wide area and is not known to other countries. Currently, the five major areas known to be Neon are included.

Therefore, what Chu Xin wants to change is not just Tokyo.

Of course, he rushed to Tokyo in the first place for one of the Zodiac signs who might appear recently.

In the final analysis, if we want to complete the task, we must fundamentally resolve social contradictions.

This has to form a confrontation with the rulers of neon.

After all, Neon's biggest and most superficial social contradiction is that, fueled by those in power, people's hatred and fear of gastrea are unreasonably implicated in the Cursed Son, and are deeply ingrained and indelible.

It is very difficult to properly deal with this issue. It is difficult to grasp the human heart and human nature, and it is extremely difficult.

Moreover, those in power would not agree. The Cursed Son was an extremely cheap weapon, so how could they allow Chu Xin to do whatever he wanted.

But there is a very simple way.

"Since we can't solve the conflict," Chu Xin looked up at the night sky and muttered to himself, "then solve society."

The society here includes fools, mobs and superior instigators, the latter being the most critical.

As long as all one side of the spear is dead, the shield will be at peace, and there will naturally be no more disputes between the two sides!

In short: If you can’t solve the problem, then solve the person who caused the problem~

What clear and practical logic!

Combined with the content of mission 2, Chu Xin suddenly realized.

Good guy, the system requires him to fight against both humans and monsters, and then create a brand new and beautiful world.

After clarifying his thoughts, Chu Xin suddenly had a goal.

The next day.

On the streets of Shibuya, pedestrians gave way in shock.

They stared at the same person and talked quietly.

"What it is?"

"Is he a human?"

"It's not nonsense. Could it be that it's still a gastrea?"

"He is so tall, almost three meters tall!"

"Hey~hey~ Then he must be forty centimeters?"

"What are you thinking, stinky girl? Someone will die."

"Don't tell me you don't want to try~"

"Just try and die!"

"Could the armor he is wearing be made of holmium metal? Then he is probably a super powerful policeman!"

"This armor is definitely not cheap. It feels like it can be exchanged for a villa in Chiyoda District."

"This is an exaggeration. If you want to be neighbors with the Holy Emperor, you can't do it with money alone!"

Chu Xin ignored countless miscellaneous conversations.

Although wearing the Terminator armor, he would stand out among a group of policemen, but this incongruous style of painting fits people's stereotype of a "powerful policeman."

No joke, in today's era, there are many weirdos carrying big swords on their backs and carrying giant cannons on their shoulders.

After a while, Chu Xin arrived at the Shibuya intersection.

Even though it suffered from the apocalypse, this crossroad, known as the most crowded and lively intersection in the world, still showed its prosperity.

It's just that in addition to fatigue, the faces of the people coming and going also have hysterical melancholy hidden deep inside.

After all, no one ever thought that in the last days, he would have to be a diligent worker day after day.

They want to break free and enjoy life to the fullest, just in case the stone monument is broken one day.

But they cannot abandon the foresight and foresight in their bones, and they also worry about the secular world. If the situation continues like this, what will they do for the rest of their lives if they resign rashly.

Many worries turned into nameless will-o'-the-wisps and poured onto the cursed children, attributing all faults to them.

The news was playing on the largest billboard:

"His Royal Highness the Holy Emperor's "New Gastrea Law" is entering the final stage of approval. This bill will strive for more humane treatment for the cursed children and alleviate society's bad perception of them..."

People stopped to watch, some praised the Holy Emperor for being kind and kind, while others secretly cursed and looked down upon him.

Chu Xin knew about the Holy Emperor.

She was a young woman in her twenties who lived in the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda Ward.

On the surface, he is the head of the Tokyo region, but in fact he is just a puppet. The real ruler is the patriarch of the Tendo family, and his family is the overlord of Tokyo's conglomerates.

Chu Xin wandered aimlessly while acquiring information from the environment.

It is certain that Scorpio, one of the zodiac signs, has not yet appeared, but it does not rule out that the anime plot has not started.

So, under the horrified gazes of the boss and passers-by, he entered an Internet cafe.

A few minutes passed and he got the information he wanted.

Sure enough, I searched for yesterday's news on the Internet: "Danger! An emergency occurred, many special police officers died, and a witness photographed a spider-shaped gastrula."

Pictures are attached below.

The viewing angle is from the second or third floor.

The content is about a huge yellow spider fighting fiercely with a boy and a little girl.

"Satomi Rentaro, Aihara Enju." Chu Xin recognized the identities of the two people.

From this point of view, I arrived not too late, but just right.

He walked out of the Internet cafe and walked down a commercial street with a common neon look.

Suddenly, the two little girls were locked in Chu Xin's peripheral vision.

What caught his attention were their dark red pupils and their abrupt shabby clothes.

Cursed child!

The two of them timidly rummaged through the trash can outside a convenience store. Inside, there was a large bag of discarded bread.

The two of them looked surprised as if they had discovered a treasure, and quickly grabbed the bag and left.

With these, the sisters will not go hungry these days.


At this time, three police officers who came on patrol surrounded the two people.

The leading veteran police officer pushed up his glasses and said forcefully, "Dirty bugs dare to steal openly in broad daylight!"

"we do not have!"

"This is all unnecessary!"

"If you don't believe me, ask her!"

The two girls argued, and one of them pointed at the convenience store cashier who was watching the show.

Sensing the police officer's gaze, the female cashier in her twenties pretended to be innocent and said, "I put these outside temporarily. I just said why I keep losing things these two days~ But don't embarrass them, maybe They didn't steal it, so it doesn't matter if I deduct some wages, they are all so pitiful."

As soon as I opened my mouth, the whole street was immediately filled with the aroma of tea.

The merchants next door knew she was acting, but they kept silent and watched with excitement.

"let me go!"

"We don't want it anymore, let's go!"

"My sisters still want us to take care of them, please!"

The two girls tried to break free, but they couldn't resist the adult men because they didn't know how to use strength. At most, they hit the three police officers until they were sore.

"Okay," the old police officer said helplessly, "I'll send you back to the border. I won't do this again!"

When the two innocent girls heard this, they had no choice but to get into the police car obediently.

All this was seen by Chu Xin.

He couldn't help but recall a similar plot in the anime, in which a cursed son was taken to an unfinished building by two police officers and shot dead, emptying two entire magazines as if for fun.

Wait, isn’t that old police officer with glasses the same one in the anime?

Turns out he is a repeat offender!


The next second, several passers-by trembled.

Why did the armored man who was in front of me just now disappear in an instant?

The police car was parked in an abandoned underground parking lot.

The dim yellow light flickered on and off, and the two little girls realized the danger.

"Come down."

"Don't worry, we have to do something first and will take you back later."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, the familiar veteran police officer lowered his voice and laughed, "If you don't obey me, I will go to the outer area tonight and have a good talk with your sisters. They will definitely be more sensible."

Being poked in their weak spots, the two of them jumped out of the back row tremblingly.

"Go and watch at the door." The old police officer said to a young police officer.

It's okay to know this kind of thing secretly, but it can't be made public. After all, the "New Gastrea Law" of the Holy Emperor has been in full swing recently.


The old police officer had already drawn his pistol and pointed it at the little girls with a ferocious face.

The corners of his mouth were raised crazily, and his eyes were shining with light, as if he was doing something extremely noble and great.

Every time he killed a gastrea in human skin, he felt that he had atone for his sins, and the guilt he felt towards his wife became less and less.

Ten years ago, in order to survive, he pushed his wife into a gastrea and ran away.

Nightmares day and night caused him a mental breakdown, and he saw a dozen psychiatrists to no avail, until he accidentally killed a Cursed Child.

At that moment he understood his own salvation.


Suddenly, the old police officer felt something touch his heel.


There was a muffled sound of falling to the ground behind him.

An old man and a young man turned around quickly and looked at the headless corpse in horror.

"What, what's going on?"

The old police officer lowered his head, and there was a missing head at his feet.

"Who! Come out!"

The young police officer was terrified and looked around.


He touched his neck.

Why is there red?

is blood!

A thin blood line is outlined.


In the blink of an eye, his neck was neatly divided into two, following in the footsteps of his colleagues.

Bang bang bang!

The old police officer fired continuously out of control, and the only thing he could shoot was air.


Suddenly, Chu Xin appeared in front of his eyes.

Face to face, cheek to cheek.

The metal mask was less than a centimeter from the tip of the veteran policeman's nose.

"Woo! You, you, help, help!"

The old police officer immediately fell to the ground, rolling and crawling on the ground.

Because the moment Chu Xin released his invisibility, the wrist knife cut off his two calves.

"Let me go, I won't dare anymore, please~"

Both arms flew up.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have killed Keiko... Keiko? Keiko, why is it you! No, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Heads fell to the ground.

The empty parking lot became quiet for an instant, with no dogs barking.

Chu Xin shook off the blood, retracted the wrist knife, and walked towards the two little girls.

They hugged each other tremblingly, retreating in fear.

"What district are you from?" Chu Xin asked.

The outer area is very vast, and for the convenience of management, it is divided into dozens of areas. The children under Matsuzaki's care are only one of them.

"15." The two said in unison.

"After you go back, take everyone to District 9 and find an old man named Matsuzaki. There, I will provide shelter to the Cursed Son." Chu Xin said.

at the same time.

convenience store.

The cashier who was humming a little tune heard screams coming from outside and looked at the door in surprise.

Her pupils instantly dilated, filled with fear.

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