All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 155 Servant Race (please vote for me)

Before George went completely berserk, Chu Xin kicked him to the ground without hesitation and stepped on his chest.

The heavy force made it difficult for George to breathe, and he beat his head crazily, trying to expel the radio waves that sounded like demonic sounds.

Chu Xin lowered his body and released a stream of bioelectric waves towards George.

It is unknown which species this basic ability originates from, but it can communicate invisibly with some creatures at close range.

Of course, some of the creatures here have a very small range, and one requirement is that the other party must also be able to receive and understand them.

These behemoths can accept and obey, and George is no exception.

"Where is the place where you are being held?" This is what Chu Xin conveyed.

George's eyes were clear and cloudy for a while, and he struggled to stretch out his arms and point to the northeast.

But its current state is obviously not good, and the impact of bioelectric waves is too great.


Chu Xin slapped it on the face.

George's head tilted and he fainted.

The reason why Chu Xin did not kill George was because he had two considerations.

First, I want to get some information from George, which may make this experience (America tour) more interesting, and George himself is quite interesting. Having a younger brother can also add more to the destruction of the Free State. pleasure.

The second is that if he wants to kill, he will kill, and if he doesn’t want to kill, he will not kill!

It all depends on his will, rather than following the desire to kill created by the system like a machine.

It sounds a little willful and nonsensical, but it is a kind of confrontation that is as tight as a step, and it is also a means of retaining the deepest clarity in the heart.

To be honest, Chu Xinting enjoys the convenience and benefits brought by the card system, experiencing various non-human beings, developing unknown abilities and fusions, and traveling through worlds with different styles. This is the dream of countless teenagers. of reincarnation.

But in the end, Chu Xin didn't completely trust the system.

In his opinion, there is no pie in the sky.

Because that pie is either a blessing or a curse for others.

If you pick up other people's blessings, it's fine if they don't come to ask for it back. But if they come to you, a dispute will inevitably arise.

It goes without saying that if you pick up the misfortune of others abandoning you, you will have to take over the chaos caused by this misfortune, or it may be the bait of uneasy good intentions.

Therefore, out of this unfounded consideration, Chu Xin will always retain a trace of reason that is not eroded by killing and blood.

It was very difficult and even consumed a lot of his soul-level energy.

In other words, it is the binding force on desire.

There is no way, the environment he grew up in made him like this, otherwise he would not have summed up the extremely strict social rules of "friends, passers-by, enemies".

What's more, online novels are just novels, and most of the protagonists in them don't have to look forward and backward.

But when the illusion turned into reality and befell him, besides the initial novelty and surprise, Chu Xin also gradually became wary and worried.


Chu Xin grabbed George and put it on his shoulder with a wave.

He temporarily changed direction, no longer heading eastward into Kansas, but toward Nebraska a little further north.

It is completely possible to switch to other cards and fly over, but Chu Xin cannot.

This is like the training of an ascetic, spending a long time to accumulate the powerful card of Godzilla, to achieve true soul fusion, and pursue a very high degree of compatibility, rather than just looking at the results and pursuing quick results like the lickers. .

After all, the upper limit of the latter is far lower than that of the former, so there is no need to spend too much energy on cultivating it.

It's like playing a card-based development game. Some characters are worthy of a lot of money, some characters only need to be maxed out, and some are simply used as specific auxiliaries in certain aspects.

Card text appears:

“Beautiful monster funeral scene!

Use surging heat rays and raging fire to forge your throne as the King of Monsters, and use carnage and corpses to achieve your ferocious reputation as Godzilla;

The extremely rational madness makes the battle as full of unseen charm as mathematics. It is evenly matched with the boiling animal instinct and grasps the true self;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 71%;

Unlock travel permission;

Earn rewards:

In this battle with the monster tide, although he won with overwhelming force, he was still at a numerical disadvantage with one enemy outnumbered.

Affected by the host's subjective subconscious, the cells in the body made corresponding adaptive countermeasures and evolved the ability to divide and reproduce, thus forming a group headed by Godzilla to make up for the lack of numbers.

According to human genes, it awakens——[Servant Race·Godzilla Demon]

(The end of the tail has mutated evolution and changed its shape. In addition to emitting radiation, it also has a breeding function, giving birth to twelve hatching nests;

Godzilla Demon Man is a slave race that is completely loyal to its own body. It does not have independent thinking and can only obey orders and follow animal instincts;

Demons vary in size, ranging from the smallest to human-sized to the largest up to ten meters tall. There is a simple version of a small atomic furnace in their body, which can convert energy and release heat rays. They also have certain evolutionary potential;

And every demon can be regarded as part of the original body. When the original body dies completely, any demon can be reshaped into the original body, which greatly improves the survivability.) "

"Huh? Is this the final direction of evolution in the movie?"

Chu Xin stopped moving and moved his long tail in front of his eyes.

At this time, I could only feel waves of heat under the skin of my tail, rising up one after another, and a numbing sensation reaching directly to my crotch.


The sound of skin and flesh being torn was heard.

I saw hot blood spurting out from the gaps in the skin, and the cracks became more twisted and expanded.

The bones open and close out of position and change shape.

The end of the radiation stream that was originally released, between the skin and flesh, seemed to look like a skull.

It looked like a human head with an open mouth, and the teeth on the upper and lower jaws were clearly visible, but it was just too deformed and terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, humanoid arms and heads punctured the disgusting, sticky flesh membrane.

One after another, similar figures struggled, roared, and groaned and struggled to get their upper bodies out.

Their heads are shaped like Ultraman's skull, and the back of their heads is as big as an oval coconut.

The cheeks were extremely terrifying, and the eyes in the deep sockets were dark, exuding an aura of evil and sin.

The big mouth is full of sharp teeth, and the deeper parts are equally dark, as if there is an endless abyss in the body.

Their fingers are slender and slender, like evil spirits.

The arms and even the upper body are roughly human-shaped, but have a somewhat alien feel.

But there are sharp exoskeletons on the elbows, shoulders, and back. The spine pierces the skin and forms a dorsal fin similar to Chu Xin along the shrimp line.

They look like that from the outside, but their sternums and rib structures are completely different from humans, like high-precision machines made of bone.

The lower body was submerged into the end of Chu Xin's tail, connected by bones and flesh. It was obvious that it was not yet time to give birth. From the outline, it could be seen that there was a pair of slender and strong legs, and a long tail with a tail fin.

The evil divinity of flesh and blood creatures spurts out!

Servant race: Godzilla Majin.

The demons hissed in pain and excitement. They leaned back and hugged the world, holding their heads in their hands and crying, and stretched out their arms with ferocious looks.

There is no doubt that this is a genetic mating feast, using the ultimate life to breed a dirty and violent killer.

It goes against physiology, science, nature, and morality!

It’s a carnival of mutations, an aberration of evolution!

However, the current demons are not enough to escape the "womb" and need to continue to be shaped.


As Chu Xin thought, the end of his blooming tail gradually shrank and closed.

The demons were also wrapped in layers of hatching nests inside, continuing to absorb the energy provided by Chu Xin.

For the rest of the journey, there was almost no one to disturb them, and not a single nuclear bomb was seen.

Chu Xin never chose the route deliberately. No matter whether it was a crowded town or dangerous mountains ahead, he would always step on it.

The Free State seems to be at its wits end and can only focus on transferring people and property.

If you can't control others, then you should reduce your losses and preserve the overall situation.

Besides, I can only pray that Chu Xin can leave as soon as possible and return to the sea.

However, the parasitic beast officials headed by Tamiya Ryoko somewhat indulged Chu Xin. They called it taking advantage, but in fact they were powerless.

During this period, George woke up several times, always in a semi-conscious and semi-violent state. Every time he lost control, he would get a big mouth from Chu Xin, and then he would fall to the ground and sleep.

In the beginning, the bio-waves were almost non-stop, but recently they were probably broken, so they were simply turned off.

Whether it's because it costs too much money or it's intentional by a parasitic beast, we don't know.

Therefore, George can already follow Chu Xin, destroying high-rise buildings and blasting free soldiers.

When Davis and the others saw these two monsters destroying a city on the news, Jonas couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother You is doing well and has found a reliable big brother."

Behemoth Factory No. 1.

"We are underground in the mountains, do we need to evacuate?" the major general retorted.

"I don't think it's necessary. Godzilla doesn't know where we are. He probably just happened to pass by."

"You are too confident. What if that gorilla communicated with Godzilla?"

"This place must not be abandoned. Miss Tamiya Ryoko's hard work is related to the fate of mankind. Once it is destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous."

Everyone was talking and quarreling.

"Wait, where is Tamiya Ryoko?" the major general asked.

"She left this morning and took many experimental subjects with her. She said she was going to Factory No. 2 to participate in research." the assistant replied.

Just as the major general was struggling, a soldier shouted in surprise, "Godzilla has stopped advancing!"

A few seconds later, she said in a trembling voice, "Severe energy fluctuations were detected, Godzilla is accumulating power!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone froze and looked nervously at the overhead map fed back by the reconnaissance plane.

"We're quite far away from it and there's no reason for it to detect us."

"Then why did it attack."

"It must have been the drone that caught its attention."

"It fired!"

Ever since, everyone discovered to their horror that the purple line was getting closer and closer.


Chu Xin directly uprooted the entire mountain from the bottom, and the radiation flow slanted into the ground for more than ten kilometers.

The expensive underground base exploded and collapsed, and no one survived.

Chu Xin shut his mouth neatly and squirted lightly.

"My proficiency level is already 70%. This world has brought me little improvement. Is it time to leave?"

Looking at the lonely world, Chu Xin felt a sense of loneliness.

"Forget it, we haven't even arrived in New York yet, how can we give up halfway?"

"People's potential is extremely huge. If you push them, they might even be able to surprise me."

"As for the parasitic beasts, I don't care about them, as long as they don't come to touch me."

Chu Xin made the decision to break through the Free Country and run away. It was a bit boring to stay here. He felt that the system's comments were almost speechless.

But should I say it, since he came to this world, he has been very relaxed, even particularly comfortable.

Being invincible is boring, but it’s also really fun!

Chu Xin determined the fastest route to New York on the map inside his head, and then accelerated his pace.

Two days later.

Europe, Paris.

An important meeting involving all countries is taking place.

It was brought up by the leader of the Free Country on his own initiative, and the topic was "How to kill Godzilla."

In fact, it was Tamiya Ryoko who realized that the efficiency of human destruction would be too slow if this continued, so he ordered the king to drag other countries into this muddy water.

"At this time, humans are still trying to work on their own. It's really hopeless!" Tamiya Ryoko mocked.

After several days of difficult discussions, the "Human Defense Force" joint combat organization was finally established, and the community of a shared future for mankind began to truly operate.

"Even if we can't kill Godzilla, we still have to make the worm like humans extinct." Goto said.

"As you said, we may have to coexist with Godzilla for a long time," Tamiya Ryoko said, "but in the future, I will definitely find a way to destroy him."

"Since we already have it, why would Godzilla be born?" Goto sighed.

In the following days, Chu Xin and George were in a desperate situation, as if they were in a deserted place.

It went south from Nebraska to Kansas City at the border of Kansas and Missouri, and then went straight east and north, passing through Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

Along the way, they encountered fierce counterattacks from the local army. Without exception, they all enjoyed Chu Xin's fire therapy and George's massage.

Finally, they pushed into Pennsylvania.

As long as we walk another 500 kilometers, we will reach Niuyue, the city of freedom that everyone longs for!

If you look at the real-time satellite image, you can easily see a clear ravine dividing the Free State into two parts from west to east.

In terms of tragedy, the neon of the already subjugated country cannot compare.

The most important thing is that this is when the Human Defense Force joins the war!

Unfortunately, the Jian-20, Su-57, and F-22 teamed up and failed to stop Chu Xin at all. Instead, he was beaten without the ability to fight back.

The world's top scientists have joined forces to study, but they have not been able to develop an implementable countermeasure.

The first time all mankind joined forces, they lost so completely and ugly. They could only watch helplessly as the goddess America was ravaged and played with by Chu Xin.

In desperation, the Free State asked for help for the first time, asking other countries to help transfer some of the eastern people and provide material assistance.

People were all filled with emotion. This bald eagle, which had dominated the sky for many years, actually broke its wings and fell from its lofty and arrogant position.

One sunny morning.

Niu Yue, the western suburbs.


Boom boom!

There was constant artillery fire and it was so lively.


George jumped up high and exploded a missile falling from the sky with his bare hands.

The troops on the other side of the river retreated one after another, and were constantly forced to reduce their front lines.

Bang bang bang!

A purple beam of light pierced the sky, evaporated the river water, and blew up everything in its path.


Chu Xin finished releasing the radiation stream and raised his tail.

The end tore and bloomed, and he flicked it hard.


Twelve Godzilla demons escaped, and the goddess scattered flowers into the western downtown area of ​​​​New York.

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