All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

It’s my last time off this month. Come in and give me some advice.

As mentioned, because I don’t have any leave requests this month, and I don’t want to fool you with hard water.

As I was writing and writing, I suddenly didn’t know how to write, so I deleted some of the outline of this world to make the content more concise and concise.

Therefore, there are probably only one or two chapters left in this world, and there is really no need to continue writing. I know everyone is tired of reading it recently.

In the next world, I am going to find one that can be used as an over-level. I will upgrade the Godzilla Rey Licker, which is not full of proficiency, to one liter. It is also suitable for a small show and a big pleasure.

But the details haven’t been determined yet, I’m still struggling.

It doesn’t have to be a non-human being to travel through that world, because Chu Xin has a random world travel card

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