
The once beautiful mountain and forest city is now in devastation.

Nuclear radiation drifted away with the wind, and the fire was blazing and could not be extinguished. Rocks, metals and flesh merged together, and the giant beasts that survived the disaster squirmed up from it.

A few minutes ago, there was an army of thousands of beasts, so majestic and majestic.

At present, there are only a hundred or so left with fighting strength, and the remaining soldiers will be in an extremely embarrassing situation after being defeated.

The giant python, giant tiger and giant rhinoceros are intact and are lucky to have saved their lives for the time being.

The giant elephant is very unlucky, perhaps because its huge size is so eye-catching and unavoidable.

It was taken care of by Chu Xin in every possible way, and it took two or three seconds to blast it with heat rays before breaking through the defense, and then it was split into two.


Biowaves change.

It is no longer violent and disorderly, but more complex, layered, and nuanced.

The remaining giant beasts immediately dispersed and hid in bunkers to avoid being taken away by another wave.

Looking at Chu Xin standing in the middle of the sea of ​​​​fire, their instinctive panic rose one after another, but they could never resist the influence of the giant beast potion.

Especially those three heads, their eyes are shining with the light of wisdom, and their violence reveals the unique gloom of ferocious beasts.


The giant tiger raised its head and roared.


With a command, the giant beast takes action.

Chu Xin finished the spray and the atomic furnace in his body began to cool down.

He glanced calmly, his eyes moving calmly.

There is something more to the movements of these giant beasts.

Instead of being chaotic and violent, they actually wandered around in a coordinated manner, as if they were ready to attack.


Chu Xin's dorsal fin extinguished the purple light, and his whole body returned to red lines.

At this moment, a group of giant beasts attacked from four directions at the same time.

The giant rhinoceros was mixed in with the front wave, its terrifying horn stood straight up, and the skin of the whole body seeped out viscous liquid, which quickly solidified into an armor that covered the whole body.

It contains to some extent the genetic characteristics of the beetle.


The horn, which was more than ten meters long, suddenly doubled in length and had a metallic texture.

At first glance, he looks like an ancient armored general!

Dong Dong~

Several extremely fast cheetahs rushed out first and interfered with Chu Xin's attack.

Juxi took the opportunity to speed up and hit Chu Xin's abdomen with a headbutt from the cover!

This is not a fight. This is to sterilize Chu Xin~


There was a loud bang.

Chu Xin raised his right leg high and stepped down hard at the critical moment.

Under the weight of hundreds of thousands of tons, the horn of the giant rhinoceros cracked and exploded on the spot like a broken bamboo pole.

Then, it sank deeply into the hard earth and was embedded in it.

The giant rhinoceros is proud of its defense power and extremely high body density, so Chu Xin's kick did not directly crush it.


Just when Chu Xin was about to exert his strength, a giant tiger that looked like a saber-toothed tiger jumped up from the cliff on the side.

It rolled nimbly in mid-air, just as Chu Xin's punch was about to hit.


The giant tiger's latissimus dorsi shook, and its skin and flesh tore apart.

A pair of foldable wings spread out, and he skillfully dodged Chu Xin's right claw with a vigorous flap.

Immediately, the giant tiger climbed upwards, and at the moment of sudden stop halfway, he used the Imman spin move, unexpectedly reaching Chu Xin's other arm.


While folding its wings and landing on Chu Xin's shoulders, the sharp tiger claws crossed and waved.

But instead of bleeding out as it expected, sparks burst out that were blinding!

Chu Xin's skin is like a combination of metal and rock, with intertwined muscles arching to form a highly layered biological armor.

The giant tiger did not give up, clinging to Chu Xin's arm like a dog-skin plaster, and very cleverly not to touch the dorsal fin area.

The radio waves transmitted by humans contain many precautions about Chu Xin, but how much these giant beasts can understand depends on their respective comprehension abilities.


In an instant, dozens of giant beasts came one after another and pounced on Chu Xin with their teeth and claws.

They launched an offensive with their claws, teeth, tails, horns, and venom, trying their best to leave a wound on Chu Xin.


The most cautious Blood Orchid Python finally made some move.

It spiraled up smoothly, wrapping around Chu Xin's burly waist.


The giant python's scales suddenly flashed with electricity.

Immediately afterwards, bursting high-voltage electricity spread all over the body, immediately turning into a cable that exploded at the touch of a touch.

Electric eel genes!

But Chu Xin was like an insulator, unable to move despite electric shock.

This level of electric shock is giving him electrotherapy for health~

Suddenly, a hint of fear flashed across the eyes of the giant tiger and the giant python, and they moved away from Chu Xin without saying a word.

One jumped to retreat, and the other crouched and sneaked.

The next second.


Atomic heat shield deploys.

The purple light forms a fully enveloping, high-heat, high-explosive energy shield in the blink of an eye.

Almost instantly, the giant beasts that were still clinging to Chu Xin were burnt to the point of being scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, and fell backward like non-sticky toys one by one.

Although the composition principle of the heat shield has nothing to do with the radiation flow, it is essentially the same energy, just in a different form of expression, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

Another move, and the number of behemoths was less than fifty.


Chu Xin's right foot was extremely powerful.

The giant rhinoceros was unable to hold on, and its limbs were all broken and broken.

The entire body also collapsed, and the whole body's skeleton cracked violently. Two seconds later, all the bones were shattered and broken.

Without the "hanger", the skin and body fluids mixed together and exploded.


Chu Xin turned from stillness.

He transformed into a standing mage and spread his legs in an earth-shattering way.

He braked suddenly and turned sideways halfway, throwing out his long tail.


The sharp tail fin pokes out from above.

The three-pronged fin blades on the handle are interlocked and connected to form a large guillotine that can be moved at will.

The blade swept across, killing all the buildings and giant beasts along the way.

The giant python is also within range, and its towering head will definitely be chopped off.


Soon enough, the giant python whipped out its long tail with quick eyes and quick hands.

Naturally, it was not going to confront Chu Xin head-on, but unexpectedly entangled the wings of the giant tiger gliding in mid-air.

Before the giant tiger could react, the giant python pulled it down and blocked it in front of him.


The giant tiger's belly was scratched.

The intestines flowed out loudly, and there were still undigested human forms inside. It probably caused harm to many towns on the way here.


The giant tiger was furious, and its powerful vitality made it shine again.

It turned its head and bit the python's tail, but the python grabbed its throat first.

The venom glands rise and fall, and venom is injected along the teeth, which contains the toxins of all the poisons in the world.


The giant python threw the half-dead giant tiger towards Chu Xin, and it ducked and swam into the ruins of the city.

Chu Xin grabbed the dying giant tiger.

Seeing its pitiful appearance, Chu Xin chose to give it a happy treat.

So, it opened its big mouth and directly chewed off the upper half of the giant tiger's head, swallowing it wholeheartedly.

"None of these guys can compare to that tentacle monster."

Chu Xin refers to the North Sea giant monster Kraken.

You know, Kraken fought fiercely with Chu Xin for a long time, and he was able to resist for a long time in the face of the inexhaustible radiation flow.

Facts have proven that there is a world of difference between artisan-level hand-made customization and factory-level ad hoc mass production.


Strong biological radio waves passed by, and the three or four giant beasts left on the battlefield reluctantly turned around and stared at Chu Xin in fear and violence.

Chu Xin knew that the hidden giant python would soon attack him.

Because they are biological weapons.

The mission of life is war, just like a cannonball, it will either burn your life and die in battle, or it will become moldy and smelly and be eliminated. There is no other choice.

"Whose weapon am I?" Chu Xin thought quietly in his heart, somewhat self-jokingly.

He is not a fool, he just doesn't want to think randomly. After all, no one wants to be a pessimist.


Sure enough, the giant python paradoxically appeared thousands of meters away from Chu Xin.

The order from the Monster Factory is to delay Godzilla with your life, even for a minute.

So, they were cannon fodder from the beginning.

Chu Xin stared at the few remaining giant beasts indifferently and walked towards them.

A few minutes later.


Chu Xin pulled off the giant python's head with his bare hands.

Then he put the broken surface of his neck into his mouth and devoured the enemy's blood and bones without chewing.

The strong smell of blood filled the mouth, and the hot flesh and blood filled the intestines and stomach, replenishing physical energy from a biological level.

Eat its blood, eat its flesh, and gnaw its bones.

Shin-chan Godzilla is incompatible with most Godzillas, while Chu Xin is even more abrupt, especially in his complex performance between animality, humanity and divinity.

This is also the key point that makes Tamiya Ryoko feel uneasy the most, because it means that it is uncontrollable and unpredictable.

"It should be gone."

Chu Xin looked around.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he almost thought he had seen it wrong.

On a high mountain more than 10,000 meters away, an upright figure stood upright on the highest ridge.

The thick limbs, burly torso, and weapon held in his right hand are all similar to King Kong from the legendary monster universe.


Chu Xin looks at each other from a distance. According to the proportion, it should be about seventy meters.

Such a standing height is actually not short. Judging from the appearance alone, he is enough to serve as King Kong's follower.


George calmly looked down at Chu Xin who was on the edge of the city.

It has been watching the battle for a long time, but it has not taken the initiative to join the battle. Even when the other giant beasts were wiped out, it did not make any move.

It's not that it's timid, it's that it has been carrying the interference of bio-waves and silently observing Chu Xin!

In short, it means "know yourself and the enemy" and "make decisions before taking action."

George's IQ is not weaker than that of humans, and is even smarter than some people.

What's more, the genes of many top hunters are now implanted, creating fighting talents that are engraved in the bone marrow.

The excessive amount of behemoth medicine also stimulated its brain potential, so it could temporarily resist radio wave commands.

Of course, the memories of the past are indeed gone.


Chu Xin roared at George.

The next moment, a stream of radiation from the mouth spurted out with almost no forward motion.

The purple beam flew at extremely high speed, like a bullet about to hit the bullseye.

Bang bang!

Rocks flew everywhere and fire exploded.

George jumped up nimbly, and the radiation stream passed over his scalp.

Chu Xin methodically moved his head slightly.

At this moment, it is like a car with the accelerator at the bottom. If you move the steering wheel even slightly, you will lose control or even spin in place.

Therefore, to deal with George who is at a certain distance, you can only control it slightly, never too much.


The ray pursued George closely, cutting the mountain into strange shapes.

The thick smoke and dust that rose up covered the sky and the sun, and also covered George's figure.

Chu Xin decisively stopped spraying and charged away.

Don't tell me, he really wants to star in a copycat version of "Godzilla vs. Kong" himself~


The smoke was torn apart by George.

It moved its slightly deformed legs with fierce eyes, and exploded with a jumping power stronger than Chu Xindu.

In just a few jumps, they were no more than a hundred meters apart.


George temporarily changed his trajectory, jumped up suddenly, and flipped 360° in mid-air to reach Chu Xin's head.

He held the bone hammer tightly with both arms and smashed it down with the sound of fierce wind.

Chu Xin was not a vegetarian either. He bent down and raised his hips without any hesitation, and hit George with a tail hammer.


George gave up the attack, expanded a pair of fleshy wings on his arms and flanks, and skillfully glided to dodge.

Not only that, he also gave Chu Xin a club on the back of his head before landing.

Although it is neither light nor heavy, it is a record worth bragging about for a lifetime.


As soon as George's feet hit the ground, Chu Xin's simple hem fist hit his vest.

However, the bones on George's back bulged strangely, protruding into something like a subcutaneous turtle shell.

It was this extreme operation that saved its internal organs from too much damage.

George's eyes were quietly filled with blood, and a violent consciousness surged up.

He endured the severe pain, tilted his body and galloped back to attack.

Its bone hammer was swung upward, and because Chu Xin was in a stooped position, it was aimed at his chin.

But it wasn't just George up there.

Chu Xin's eyes also turned scarlet, and the desire to kill eroded his soul bit by bit.


The terrifying aura is no longer suppressed and restrained.

At this moment, he is no longer a simple Godzilla, but a combination of the consciousness of the Mecha Killer, the Space Hunter, and the Mechanical Emperor.

George's movements were sluggish, and he instinctively felt that his whole body was stiff, and the oppression of creatures and creatures was vividly reflected.

Click! ! !

Chu Xin did not raise his head to avoid it, but resolutely opened his mouth.

The big mouth divided into three parts bit the bone hammer tightly, and the powerful facial muscles exerted force, forcefully biting George's most convenient weapon to pieces!


Chu Xin clenched his fist and punched George's right hand, which was like a tiger's claw.

George couldn't bear the force, and the entire right arm bones were shattered inch by inch, and then he was painfully smashed to the ground.


Chu Xin stepped on its chest and pressed hard.

The ground was cracked, and dense cracks spread with George as the center.

It was also deeply dented and unable to move.


Purple light brewed in Chu Xin's mouth.

"Ho ho ho..."

George had an unwilling look on his face.

It is not that it is sad that it will be killed by Chu Xin, but that it regrets that it did not personally dismantle the giant beast factory that imprisoned and controlled it.

It also wants to retrieve lost memories. The blank past makes the highly intelligent George intolerable and ignored.


Suddenly, George looked at Chu Xin, whose purple light had faded, in confusion.

Chu Xin thought for two seconds, moved his feet away from George, and looked at him with a majestic look.

George staggered to his feet and stopped attacking Chu Xin.

No communication is needed at this moment, it understands.

So, it bowed its head towards Chu Xin with sincerity, expressing its surrender.


However, research institutes monitoring through satellites are naturally reluctant.

The bioelectric wave turned on to the maximum power struck, instantly giving George a splitting headache, confused thinking, and he immediately fell into a rage again.

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