All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 153 The storm is surging, and all parties are gathering strength (please vote for me)


Before Chu Xin could even step into the city of Denver, most of it was overturned by the tide of beasts coming from all directions.

The smallest of them are the size of the giant crocodile in Chicago, and they have more characteristics of other creatures. They have obviously been injected with an increased amount of giant beast potion.

Trade longevity for variation.

Strictly speaking, these things are beyond the category of animals.

It is actually more appropriate to call it a monster or a warcraft. Putting it together can produce a brand new version of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" in the 21st century.

Even in fantasy novels, it can make many early protagonists feel troublesome.

Lakes, ridges, and buildings emerge one after another.

The shaking of the earth continues, causing some fragile buildings to collapse.

Obviously there are more giant beasts running towards this place further away.

After all, five behemoth factories came out in full force, and the number of a thousand beasts was no child's play. They could easily level an international metropolis.

Chu Xin was not in a hurry to take action.

He looked around and focused on the four most eye-catching beasts among the dazzling beasts.

Giant python, giant tiger, giant elephant, giant rhinoceros.

These four have the largest body size and the most perfect overall body structure.

The key is that the other giant beasts don't dare to approach casually, so four relatively wide blank areas are formed.

To be honest, the feeling they gave Chu Xin was no less than those titan creatures in the legendary monster universe.

Gradually, Chu Xin became the center of the circle, and the surrounding area was blocked with water.

Those who saw it without knowing it would probably think it was a large-scale worship site.


"It's biowaves again."

Chu Xin captured the invisible wave band that filled the world again, but of course it was nothing more than that and had no effect on him.

The radio waves became more and more violent, like a horn blowing an attack command.

In an instant, the beasts galloped!


The giant eagle that covered the sky and sun swooped down.

Claws like blades bloomed, aiming at Chu Xin's eyes.


Chu Xin didn't even raise his head, and slapped upward with his backhand.

With a muffled sound, the giant eagle shattered its wings and fell into the city.

Boom, boom, boom!

A dozen tall bison covered in black armor rushed out of the mountain stream behind them.

They were like a team of battering rams, burying their heads deep and aiming the iron halberd-like horns on their heads at Chu Xin's lower back.

Behind him, a group of giant wolves galloped in unison, then spread out and circled around Chu Xin's legs from both sides.

In response, Chu Xin's towering long tail swung boldly.

From top to bottom, left to right.

Wave Tail Cannon!


A loud bang, not unlike the explosion of a thermal weapon, echoed.

The tail turned into a death scythe and covered the giant wolf and bison. Only an afterimage was seen sweeping across, and the next second there was rain of blood and broken corpses scattered everywhere.

Under five times the heavy brute force, even giant beasts as hard as iron are crispy and delicious, just like pieces of wafer biscuits.


There is a giant ball leaping down from the ridge on the side.

And it hit Chu Xin's right arm accurately. The spikes attached to it rubbed fiercely with Chu Xin's skin, and dense sparks flew into the air.


Chu Xin grabbed it with his left hand and held it in his palm.

When I looked down, I saw that it was a porcupine curled up into a ball, but judging from its appearance, it looked more like a cross between a porcupine and a hedgehog.

The fingertips were closed together, and a hand immediately burst into pulp.

"What are the free countries doing?"

Chu Xin glanced at them and saw that they were all twisted and deformed. Their eyes were full of violence and pain.

When the bioelectric waves give instructions, they will fiercely stimulate their nerves.

This then causes the whole body to be forced into a state of tension, and the organs are forced to operate at high load, causing unbearable severe pain.

The pain was unbearable, the mind was confused, and then he fell into a rage, raising his combat power to its peak.

What a qualified weapon!

Throw it away if it is scrapped, and recycle it when it is gone.

Anyway, there are countless animals on the earth, and the cost is much lower than that of a missile carrier.

As for life itself, it is meaningless.

"Perhaps this is the reason why Godzilla and Parasite were born."

Chu Xin wanted to think about it, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

The death he was feeling at this moment was called liberation and redemption.

I saw the giant beasts forming a wave, piling up around me as if layers of concrete had solidified.


Chu Xin no longer hesitated, and closed his metallic eyelids to protect his eyeballs.

The next second, crimson flames burst out of his mouth.

Boom boom!

Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles are flaming.

The next scene is exactly the same as the burning of Tokyo.

The biggest difference is the rich and tangy aroma of barbecue.

The dozens of giant beasts closest to them were rolling and struggling in the flames with great suffering, their skin and flesh were charred bit by bit, and their internal organs were cooked.

This method of death is extremely torturous. It will not be as pleasant as the radiation flow, but will be burned from the outside to the inside without any dead ends.

The flames gathered into flowing flame ribbons, spreading across the entire city of Denver like a rushing river!

Although the city is not small, it is far inferior to Tokyo.

So this time the city was literally burned to the ground.

Except for flying ones, all behemoths on the ground are included in the scope.

However, the upper limit of the power of the particle flame was not high, so only the surrounding giant beasts were burned to death, and the ones further away could only jump up and down without any serious harm.


Chu Xin was in the sea of ​​fire, and the image reflected in his eyes was comparable to that of a devil.

But they are still evil spirits, weapons of war that only know how to destroy without thinking!


Biowave enhancement.

The instinctive fear and fear of the giant beasts were suppressed, and they rushed into the hottest ring-shaped flame area with more violence.

"Boom... groan!"

Chu Xin decisively stopped the flaming spurt and compressed the spurted energy into a point in front of his mouth.

Red alternates with violet light.

Radiation flow!


A long, whistle-like whine sounded.

Chu Xin bent over slightly, moved his body, split his big mouth into three parts, and increased the output power to the highest level.

The next scene is similar to a mini game called Fruit Ninja, where giant beasts are cut into pieces of meat with neat slices.

Clear the place instantly!

Bang rumbling~

Countless high-rise buildings were cut off, and Denver was completely razed to the ground.


The ray penetrated a mountain, and the giant beast hiding behind did not escape.

Then, Chu Xin swept across without mercy.

This is an extremely shocking scene.

The purple beam turned into a melting knife, cutting the hard mountain from the waist.

Real landslide!

Due to the tilted arc, the upper half of the rock quickly slid down with an earth-shaking sound.

The terrifying weight pressed hundreds of giant beasts to the bottom, and a large number died instantly.

This is not a landslide, but a continuous mountain range with immeasurable weight. No matter how fierce the beast is, it is impossible to break free from the bottom.

Not only that, the heat ray traveled a huge distance and hit a small city in its path.

Several buildings were demolished and many people were killed.

The people were like frightened birds, running around in panic and saying: "Godzilla is coming, Godzilla is coming!"

A highway outside Los Angeles.

An RV was parked at a nearly deserted gas station.

"Fake, where did these big guys come from?"

"Their target should be Godzilla. I didn't expect that group of beasts to obtain the giant beast technology of the genetic company."

"What do we do now? The situation is too serious."

Davis, Jonas and Russell are watching the video uploaded by netizens.

In the picture, a large number of violent beasts were galloping in the wild, all moving away in one direction.

"Wait, pull back." Davis tilted his head.

Russell did so.

"Stop!" Davis clicked the space.

The video stopped at a scene on a road where a huge brown bear crushed a small villa.

"Zoom in here," Davis said.

Soon, they spotted a standing figure in the woods in the distance.

"Is this George?" Davis frowned, "Standing like he's having a hemorrhoid attack, it must be George!"

"Brother, even if it's George, what can we do? This is not our mission." Russell smiled bitterly.

The anxious Davis was about to say something, but Jonas followed suit, "He's right, the giant beasts are heading towards Denver. According to the news, Godzilla has been there in the past two days."

Davis took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

He looked at Russell, "So, what do we do?"

Russell licked his lips, "I know you don't really believe the monster I told you, so in order to let you do my best to help~"

As he spoke, he took out a USB flash drive and inserted it into the computer.

"The reason why I was so cautious was because I witnessed my still-charming female director blowing her brains out in the office." Russell recalled with a chill.

"If I had just pushed the door open, I would have been thrown into the sea to feed the fishes. The moment I entered, she, no, she closed her head and talked to me in a director's tone." Russell Then, fearing the truth, I opened the folder.

There are more than a dozen videos in it, ranging in length.

"See for yourselves." Russell turned around and made himself a cup of coffee.

Davis and Jonas clicked on one at random.

In the dark room, a man's head was bloody and torn into strips, and he used the saw teeth on the inside to tear into pieces another woman.

In a poorly lit alley, two "people" covered in blood were squatting on the ground, feasting on a torn-up little boy.

On the streets full of zombies, "people" with tentacles are safely among them, competing with the zombies for survivors who are being chased.

Without exception, these videos all originate from neon.

"The decline of neon to its current state, I think, has something to do with these monsters in human skin." Russell said.

"The Neon Man is too miserable," Jonas said twitchingly, "Not only do you have to avoid zombies, you also have to be hunted by these monsters."

"What you mean is that our country's top leaders have been...parasitized?" Davis is worthy of being in the animal-related industry, and he spoke the professional terminology accurately in one mouthful.

Russell shook his head, "I don't know, I hope it's not the worst case scenario."

"No wonder you said you don't trust the people around you. Even the director of the CIA was tricked. It's really unsafe here." Jonas complained.

"If this is the case, I am afraid that not only us, other countries may face the same crisis." Davis continued.

"Have you contacted other countries?" Jonas asked.

"How dare I? If other countries are like this, I won't be like a werewolf who blew himself up!" Russell is a cautious and smart man.

Davis covered his face, "It's unimaginable that our country is ruled by such a group of monsters."

"It reminds me of a movie and a TV show," Jonas rubbed his browbones, "The Fifth Wave and Brain-Eating Aliens."

"Hey, you two are already dead before we even get started, right?" Russell said helplessly, "We are working in secret. There is no need for a head-on conflict. We must first collect enough evidence and find their leader."

"The two items you mentioned are no less difficult than catching a nuclear bomb with your bare hands." Jonas complained sharply.

"Ahem!" Russell puffed out his chest, "Don't forget who I am. I had a lot of comrades in arms back then."

As he spoke, he opened the car door.

After a while, cars and commercial vehicles drove off the highway and parked next to them one after another.

One by one, capable and burly men walked out, all in their thirties and above.

All of them are full of the mature charm of middle-aged men, and they are perfect for a great uncle.

They are all active or retired soldiers and agents, and they are also the composition of Russell's super network.

"As for weapons, don't worry." Russell patted the two of them on the shoulders.

He walked to the side of a pickup truck and opened the door.

The scent of roses wafts out.

Ishui submachine guns, pistols, sniper rifles, grenades, light machine guns, communication equipment, body armor, and RPG rocket launchers.

These metal violent instruments were neatly placed, and the densely packed magazines were piled up like game discs.

In the corner, several roses were quietly inserted into a transparent glass jar.

"Not for money and power," Russell looked at everyone seriously, "for humanity."


Behemoth Factory No. 1.

Ta da~ da da~

Tamiya Ryoko stepped on high heels and came to the laboratory alone.

In front of her eyes, there was a pitiful male lion bound by a metal net.

It's seventy meters long from beginning to end.

"You have been harmed by humans, and your life is extremely short," Tamiya Ryoko said pitifully. "For the earth and nature, your sacrifice will be great, and we will always remember it."

After saying that, she took off from where she was.

She wasn't flying at that time, but her feet were stuck to the ground like spider webs, and her legs were stretching and lengthening like rubber, supporting her slender body.

Then, she inserted the instrument connectors as thin as needles into various parts of the giant lion.

Finally, with a sad look on her face, she stroked the giant lion's cheek and sent a parasitic beast larvae into its ear.

At the same time, she started the machine.


The giant lion roared in pain, struggled hard, and threatened to tear the iron net apart.

When Tamiya Ryoko saw this, her right arm suddenly expanded five times in size, and she slapped it calmly.

Bang! ! !

This slap directly caused him to faint.

Goto would be shocked if he witnessed this scene.

Because Tamiya Ryoko, who has never practiced martial arts, is a scientist, most of her peers don't know her fighting skills.

As everyone knows, the brave and careful Tamiya Ryoko is the most ruthless in his own experimental transformation.

The key is that she is 100% action-oriented and extremely efficient.

When she was in Neon before, she wanted to experience what it was like for humans to have children and what it was like to be a mother.

Unfortunately, Godzilla's appearance changed her plans.


The experiment went as smoothly as she hoped.

In order for the parasitic beast to successfully parasitize this huge behemoth, she used drugs and equipment to temporarily suppress the effects of the behemoth's potion and destroy the neurotransmitters in its brain.

But as time goes by, the progress remains mediocre and without ups and downs.

"Failed?" she said to herself.

Just when she was about to give him a pleasure, the terrifying sound of flesh tearing came out.

The head of the giant lion was slowly divided into five, forming five strange spiral tentacles, but the big eyes in the middle were chaotic and not very smart.

"Huh?" Tamiya Ryoko murmured, "It was still affected by the giant beast potion and turned into a puppet parasitic beast that only obeys orders, but that's okay."

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