
As a central region, agriculture is developed here as much as in the neighboring states.

It is difficult to see human habitation in the endless plain, and a straight road is spread out like silk in the vast grassland.

Stretching along the deserted road, a mountain range straddling the end of the world lies quietly.

Sentry towers, electrified iron grids, radars, automatic cannons, armored vehicles, and soldiers wearing goggles appeared at the foot of the mountain and on the hillside at the same time.

Instead of an advertisement, a large iron sign had the words "Military Restricted Area" written in large characters.

Tu tu tu tu~

A helicopter moves from far to near.

After landing smoothly, the parasitized king jumped off with Tamiya Ryoko and Goto.

The three of them entered a tunnel under the leadership of a major general and took a jeep deep into the cave, which was guarded at all levels.

It was obvious that the mountain had been hollowed out.

Finally, we reached the end, but it was an extremely wide internal base.

Dozens of huge corridors extend in all directions, and numerous giant mechanical equipment form walls, which display dense and complicated data, as well as dazzling monitoring screens.

In the middle, large elevators lead to the mysterious and unknown underground.

Goto and Tamiya Ryoko looked at each other with a look of surprise in their hearts.

According to their understanding, undisclosed facilities such as the Free State are measured in thousands, and they are only within the territory, not the whole world.

They have the functions of scientific research, military, biochemistry, animal husbandry, nuclear weapons, espionage, etc., and they are stirring up the world structure all the time, plotting monetary interests and hegemonic status.

Thinking of this, Tamiya Ryoko felt that what she did was extremely correct.

Free countries are indeed the biggest cancer on mankind!

But this cancer has its lifeline strangled by them, and it can fall apart at any time.

However, she is not a fool. Now that she has the power of a country and the capital to destroy humanity, she has more room for maneuver instead of simply creating chaos.

"This is the No. 1 Behemoth Factory, and it is also the largest base in the country. 417 mature experimental subjects have been cultivated, and 220 are under transformation." the major general explained.

"Take us to see No. 1." The stiffness in the king's demeanor gradually dissipated, and his true nature could not be detected just from the appearance.

So, the four of them took the elevator and went deeper into the beast factory.

Once you enter here, it's like entering a kingdom prison where monsters are imprisoned.

The white-gray walls and dim lights complement each other, and heavy breathing comes and goes. Multiple factors enhance the atmosphere to the extreme.

Goto and the king frowned unconsciously. The strong sense of crisis made their bodies tense, and they could enter a fighting state in the blink of an eye.

Only Tamiya Ryoko remained calm and looked around expressionlessly.

It's a pity that the surrounding giant cages are all made of special privacy-proof glass, and the scene inside can only be seen when it is activated.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, they stopped at the very back.

"No. 1 is the original experimental subject. It has received the most chemical modifications and has the most significant effects."

"Currently, it has grown to a height of 70 meters and weighs 41,000 tons. It contains genes from 14 species of creatures, including Siberian tigers, African lions, polar bears, hippos, rhinos, crocodiles, cheetahs, kangaroos, etc."

"Because it is a primate with a very high IQ, its combat effectiveness is at the top of the pyramid."

"Most experimental subjects can only tolerate 5 to 8 different genes. Any more will cause the gene chain to collapse. A case like this with 18 different genes is unique."

"Gentlemen, please appreciate the cross-era manifestation of human biotechnology!"

The Major General introduced while inserting a magnetic card into the device on the wall.



The glass about a hundred meters high in front of me suddenly changed from frosted to transparent.

The white-haired giant beast sitting cross-legged with its legs crossed immediately caught the eyes of several people.

The light fell from above, and the giant beast that was half light and half shadow looked like a ferocious demonic Buddha statue.

It lowered its head slightly, looking down at the tiny human with a pair of blood-red eyes.

The whole body is made of silver-white hard hair, but symmetrical black hair grows on the forehead, arms, chest, and both sides of the abdomen, connecting and overlapping each other, like evil flowing talismans.

The elbows, knees, and backs of the hands all protrude with pieces of armor-like hard layers, like superimposed and compressed crocodile skin.

The legs and feet are also very strange and conflict with the overall appearance of a silverback gorilla. Especially the bone structure of the lower legs is more like a cheetah or antelope that is good at running.

It's none other than Davis' old buddy, George!

Unfortunately, its memory has now been wiped away by drugs, turning it into a complete biological weapon.


George silently watched Tamiya Ryoko and others, his arms slowly crossed his chest, his brows filled with violent pride.

"According to the plan, the behemoth legion to be dispatched will be headed by No. 1," the major general said.

The king nodded, "Tell me in detail."

"Nine monster factories, the first five including Factory No. 1, will all come out, with a total of more than a thousand. To put it simply, they are ambushing in Denver in advance and using the complex environment to launch a group attack on Godzilla. The largest To avoid large-scale damage caused by heat rays." the major general replied.

"Is this how it works to exhaust Godzilla's physical strength and energy and then launch a nuclear bomb strike?" Tamiya Ryoko speculated.

The major general looked at her and said, "This lady is right. Our current strategy is to consume Godzilla in a relatively environmentally friendly way and force it into idle mode. There is currently no other method, mainly nuclear bombs." The damage to ourselves is too great, and Godzilla is immune to most thermal weapons."

The king took the opportunity to change the subject and introduced to the major general, "This is Professor Tamiya Ryoko. She has unique insights in biology. She will serve as the chief scientist of Factory No. 1 in the future. This is Mr. Goto, Professor Tamiya Ryoko." assistant."

The major general did not doubt his presence and greeted him warmly.

In fact, today's Tamiya Ryoko is not only the pinnacle of the fields of biology and chemistry, but also has considerable attainments in physics, mathematics, language, and literature. This is all due to her talent and potential that are very terrifying among the tribe.

Her fellow tribesmen are hunting, and she is learning. Her fellow tribesmen are eating people, and she is learning. Her fellow tribesmen are enjoying themselves, and she is learning.

Being able to become the soul hub of the parasitic beast, she has some ability.


Half an hour later.

On the other side of the mountain range, hundreds of giant beasts rushed out of the cave.

Lizards measuring 40 to 50 meters tall, giant elephants with tusks weighing tens of thousands of tons, black wild boars like hills, eagles with wingspan of 80 meters...

But there is also a drawback. Except for the relatively stable George, the lifespan of these giant beasts is very short, and they will die suddenly in two or three years at most.

Even George would not live more than ten years.

Because after all, they are the product of technology and hard work, just like ripening fruits and vegetables.

Sooner or later, the continuously growing cells will exceed the limits of the body, and various unpredictable malignant mutations will occur along the way, leading to problems such as cartilage and cardiac arrest.


Finally, George rushed out carrying a giant beast's thigh bone that looked like a mallet.

It jumped up to the top of the mountain, beat its chest with its fists, raised its head and roared, venting its inexplicable irritability.


Devices deployed across the country were activated, and bio-radio waves quickly covered the entire territory.

George's empty consciousness suddenly took control, driving it toward Colorado.

An important meeting was held urgently.

The theme of the meeting is the uncontrolled zombie crisis!

Just half a day ago, Neon said that he could not defeat the zombies by himself.

After long discussions and negotiations, an agreement was finally reached with great difficulty.

First, let the disaster-stricken areas relocate people, implement isolation and protection, and do their best to ensure the survivors.

When all parties are ready, long-range nuclear strikes will be launched against the most severely infected cities to effectively cleanse the zombie swarm over a large area.

Yes, you heard that right.

Just throw the nuclear bomb over.

The key point is that they still have to lick their faces to apologize, and when they are deeply in love, they have to say "big brother, well done!"

One is because the Free State is not authentic, and the other is because the scale of Neon’s zombies is indeed beyond everyone’s imagination.

In line with the principles of being prepared for danger in times of peace, being sad when a rabbit dies, and a fox is sad when a rabbit dies, a gentleman will not stand under a dangerous wall, and a dead Taoist friend will not... ahem, we prepare to implement the nuclear strike plan.

Therefore, it is decent for Neon to take the initiative, but after a while it will no longer be able to handle it.


Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya and other international cities that were once developed and prosperous are now in dire straits.

It is said that the evacuation work has been completed. In fact, there are at least hundreds of thousands of survivors in every city.

They are like characters in doomsday novels hiding here and there, either in closed supermarkets, traveling back and forth between home and next door, or taking desperate risks with their families.

Even if a nuclear explosion was announced via radio, most people would be unable to do anything.

The city that I have long been accustomed to is actually so huge that there is no way to avoid countless zombies leaving the city.

In this regard, they can only seek refuge in underground facilities.

But places like subway stations are often places where zombies gather, so one tragedy after another continues to happen.

Before death or despair, they all resentfully cursed the evildoers who deliberately released zombies.

No one could have imagined that the initiator was their trusted Prime Minister.

The parasitic beasts remaining in Neon chose to bury Neon, warning all mankind with the tragedy of a powerful island nation.

In the eyes of the parasitic beasts, the ugly human beings kill each other and eat each other. This is the earth's punishment for human beings.

Don’t you consider yourself to be the spirit of all things, don’t you consider yourself to be a higher animal, but what is the difference between you and the crazy and bloodthirsty beasts at this moment?

Just in line with Goto's "demon", isn't neon now like a hole in hell, with demons dancing wildly?

Two days later.

As zombies form a wave of nearly a million and head towards a safe haven.

Nuclear strike ahead of schedule.


Nuclear bombs rose from the launch bases of the two countries.

Half of them are the descendants of a certain lady. With their grandmother's lofty will, they cross mountains and seas and travel long distances to fulfill their long-cherished wish that was once out of reach.

All of them are handsome young men, all of them are strong and handsome.


They walked against the wind, falling straight down with the determination to perish together.



Nuclear fission!

Nuclear fusion!




In an instant, seven mushroom clouds rose over the neon land.

At the same time, it also sublimates the poignancy of the doomsday to an extreme state that cannot be expressed in words.

It is also in line with the localized sentiments and scenes: Mono Ai and Wabi Sabi~

The shock wave swept across with the heat wave, and all zombies and buildings were destroyed.

At this point, the attack is complete.

In just six months, Neon has endured too much.

Ninety percent of the economically developed areas have been destroyed, most of the population has dropped sharply, and all aspects have collapsed, making it impossible to maintain.

Coupled with the current spread of radioactive materials, neon seems no longer suitable for survival. It is foreseeable that there will be a wave of immigrants in the future, and even rare illegal immigrants.

In fact, everyone understands that in this situation, the country can be declared subjugated.

The most troublesome thing is that the zombie crisis has not really been resolved.

The nuclear explosion only caused a large number of zombies. The total number of zombies in the corners of the country was at least hundreds of thousands!

Since then, the apocalyptic atmosphere has spread across the world with thunderous force.

Unprecedented chaos broke out in an instant, and the evil of human nature burst out.

And this is also the scene that the parasitic beasts most want to see.

Everything is progressing according to their plan, except for the "tumor" weighing 120,000 tons.

free country.


The capital, Denver.

Chu Xin arrived later than Tamiya Ryoko and the others predicted.

Because he had to digest a large amount of nuclear energy accumulated in his body at the same time, his pace slowed down.

He stood on the grassy hillside with remaining snow, overlooking the city not far away.

Along the way, we trampled on most towns, which were about the same size as counties, and finally encountered a serious city.

"Have all the people evacuated? The efficiency is high because of the large area and sparse population."

Denver has a permanent population of over 700,000 people. Compared to millions of people, it is really easy to move there.


Chu Xin walked frankly to downtown Denver.


Suddenly, his eyes froze.

In the tallest building, an exaggeratedly large python entangled itself.

A snake head stood tall, and a pair of snake eyes stared directly at Chu Xin.

Between the python's eyebrows, there is a pattern of blood-colored flowers, and the edges of the scales all over the body also show vein-like flow patterns.

"Blood Orchid? Catastrophe of Python?"

Chu Xin didn't recognize them directly. After all, pythons all looked like that. No matter how strong his memory was, he couldn't remember who was who.


The three-hundred-meter-long giant python moved.

As it marched, chaotic black and blue spikes protruded from its back in an orderly manner, and the tips reflected the luster of the liquid.

Most likely venom.

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly the earth shook.

Chu Xin looked around and saw huge monsters crawling out of the mountains.

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