The news of Godzilla's visit to the Free Country spread across the world like a storm.

Just before the media and the public recovered, another brand-new super beast made its debut, shocking everyone's world view.

Especially when they learned that the two monsters did not feel like old friends at first sight and cherished each other, but were engaging in physical communication with fists and flesh, they frantically searched for relevant videos on the Internet to satisfy their curiosity and desire to explore.

Major media outlets lived up to expectations and sent helicopters and brave war reporters to conduct live broadcasts over long distances.

Soon, aerial photography from all angles appeared on people’s mobile TVs.


In the collapsed steel forest, two behemoths were entangled like glue.

Bone-crushing bite!

Chu Xinman's fangs pierced through the smooth skin, and with the help of the brutal bite force, he tore out a large piece of flesh and blood.

He was also unambiguous and put it into his mouth to chew without saying a word.

The taste is delicious and bright, and the texture is like beef tendon, full of the style from the deep sea~

Kraken had a strong and sensitive nervous system, so that the tentacle was still twitching in his mouth. Chu Xin took two symbolic bites and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

The best ingredients often use the simplest cooking techniques, and Chu Xin decided to eat them raw.

This preserves the original taste of the food to a great extent!

No need to think about it, he did it on purpose.


Being eaten in front of him was such a shame and humiliation. How could Kraken, whose IQ was comparable to that of a human, tolerate it.

As a supernatural monster that has been studied in the Free Country for many years, it is not a simple tentacle girl, but a deformed product born from the mixing, mutation, and distortion of various genes.

In terms of the amount of DNA present in the body, Kraken is no less than Chu Xin.

The only difference is that one is created by human intervention and the other is self-mutation evolution.


The suckers that were firmly attached to Chu Xin's body suddenly bloomed, with sharp teeth protruding outward.

Cylindrical soft bodies protruded from the moist interior, spurting out a large amount of viscous liquid.

Suddenly, a strong fishy smell gradually filled the whole city.

The liquid splashed onto the surrounding concrete, immediately corroding large and shocking potholes.

It's obviously some kind of strong acidic substance!


In almost two or three seconds, Chu Xin was completely wrapped in the disgusting mucous membrane formed by mucus, as if he and Kraken were fused in the same ovary.

Moreover, Chu Xin discovered that Kraken's tentacle, which he had bitten off just now, was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon healed as before.




The strong acid mucus stirred up the surface of Chu Xin's skin, making bursts of harsh burning sounds.

But that's all.

At most, it made Chu Xin feel like he was applying wind oil essence, but it really didn't cause any harm.

at the same time.

Pacific Ocean.

Kraken Research Institute.

Hundreds of scientific researchers gathered in the observation room on the ground floor, staring intently at the monster battle live on the big screen.

They are like parents waiting for their children to get results. Excitement, nervousness, and anticipation appear undisguisedly on their faces.

Dozens of devices are beeping non-stop, monitoring Kraken's status and other data, and the computer is intensively analyzing every second of the picture frame by frame.

If you observe carefully, you will find that they also recorded all Chu Xin's movements and characteristics, sparing no detail, such as the relaxation and changes of the skin, the movement trajectory of the muscle outline, and the forward and backward shaking of each attack.

Expecting Kraken to kill Godzilla outright is too harsh.

So we settled for the next best thing, not to get it right in one step, but to get more real feedback from Godzilla.


At the front of the crowd, the person in charge was sitting in a sci-fi cabin, wearing a mechanical helmet full of tubes.

Invisible biological waves connected him and Kraken, and the two parties could achieve a very metaphysical realm of soul communication through this method.

Because they don't know who exactly depends on the success of this technology.

The person in charge speculated that they were able to achieve this because Kraken was willing to communicate subjectively, so the initiative did not lie with humans.

In the entire institute, only a few people are qualified to communicate with his brain waves.

This is probably the fundamental reason why those people are the most neurotic.

"Godzilla has super corrosion resistance. The data shows that it has no effect. Change the strategy." The person in charge said to himself.

As soon as he spoke, everyone behind him immediately became busy.

San Francisco.


Chu Xin’s dorsal fin lit up.

The long tail ripples, releasing a stream of radiation from the end.

The terrifying high heat instantly evaporated the attached mucus and attacked Kraken unceremoniously.

This scene is like using a flamethrower to grill plump and delicious octopus tentacles.


The purple compression ray burned through the tentacle's skin in an instant, and a stream of meaty aroma came out.

But the deep muscle tissue is not dregs, and can actually withstand the heat rays for several seconds.

But the pain was real pain, and the Kraken's ghostly howl resounded throughout San Francisco.

However, before Kraken could take it back, Chu Xin's back arched without any warning, and all his dorsal fins burst into light.

It's almost instantaneous and requires no charge.


Back radial flow!

Explosive power, indiscriminate bombing!

Puff puff puff~

Kraken's tentacles flew all over the sky, and juice-filled pieces splashed in layers.

As if it were underwater, it trembled violently and separated from Chu Xin's body. It clung to the tall building with its tentacles and quickly opened a distance of nearly a kilometer.


A naked eye on the back of Kraken's head squirmed violently, spraying out a large amount of dark matter, which spread into a thick black mist in the air.

The granular mist covered a vast area with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters, as if a demon had descended into the world.

It did not take the opportunity to attack, but instead took some time to heal itself while avoiding Chu Xin's radiation flow.

Chu Xin stopped outputting and the echolocation organ came into play.

Under the high-frequency cycle, it is possible to judge the surrounding disturbances without the naked eye.


Chu Xin's right hand reached out, and his five fingers tightly grasped the tip of the tentacle that quietly came close to the back of his neck.

He pulled hard and opened his mouth wide at the same time.

Vomiting purple clouds at the mouth!

The bright beam of light penetrated the darkness, reaching the end of the tentacle in one go, and soon returned a feeling of obstruction.


Twist your head and increase the intensity.


The atomic furnace surged, and its mouth was torn into three pieces.

A few seconds later, a whole 100-meter-long tentacle was dragged back into Chu Xin's arms, still jumping around vigorously.

There were rustling sounds all around, and Kraken was completely irritated and somewhat lost his bearings.


Chu Xin used the huge broken tentacle as a mallet, raised it high with both hands and then brought it down hard.

The "thud" sound was followed by Kraken's shriveled howl and the sound of a building collapsing.

It looks like it's searching for enemies in the air, but it's actually striking with precision.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Xin changed from passive to active, and rushed towards Kraken entrenched on the skyscraper with the momentum of a tiger descending from the mountain.



They fought from the dark world to the sunny beach and reappeared in the eyes of the world.

Chu Xin showed off his strength in melee combat that he had never shown before. Even a tough monster like Kraken, who preferred software, was beaten to pieces by him and was unable to parry.

At this moment, it feels like a brutal and fierce battle in the legendary monster universe.

That's right, it's that sense of primitive violence that flows from fists to flesh and blood flows into rivers!



The world only echoed with the sound of Chu Xin's fists and feet kissing Kraken's head.

And all of Kraken's fancy abilities seemed weak and helpless in the face of Chu Xin's fierce offensive regardless of his disregard.

Any punch is measured in 10,000 tons, can you bear it?

When humans saw Godzilla holding Kraken's mouth with his left hand and blasting out with his right hand again and again, both the five-legged building and the research institute were dumbfounded.


Suddenly, Kraken exerted force as if planned.

It dragged Chu Xin down, crashed into the coastal embankment like a thunder, and rolled into the sea.

The ocean is its home court. It vowed to kill and maim Chu Xin in the water, and it did regret that it had rushed ashore.

Kraken: Underwater, I am invincible!

Hua Hua Hua~

Huge waves splashed high into the sky.

Kraken instantly felt like a fish in water, and his speed, agility, etc. were all greatly improved, including the burst of power and the smoothness of the entanglement.

Seeing this, everyone in the institute breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right. Prehistoric Ottwa were marine creatures after all. The previous series of mutations and evolutionary directions were mostly in line with the marine environment.

To rashly engage in hand-to-hand combat with a giant dinosaur like Godzilla on land is simply asking for trouble.

Therefore, the entire institute is waiting to see Godzilla's embarrassed appearance.


Chu Xin also discovered that during the period of struggling underwater, almost all the wounds and wounds on Kraken's body healed.

Many horrible tentacles have grown out one after another, or are growing rapidly.

Even he had to be amazed by this efficiency. He felt that Kraken was a qualified enemy and was not weak even if he was put into the Titan lineup, although he lacked powerful attack methods.

From this point of view, regeneration is Kraken's greatest advantage!

What those mad scientists wanted to create was the Kraken, a legendary creature in mythology that is a god to humans.

What does it mean to be a god?


So they continue to enhance Kraken's cell regeneration and division capabilities, giving it an almost unlimited lifespan.

Call it, creating a god!

Use mortal technology to create gods driven by humans!

As soon as he entered the ocean, Chu Xin changed his body posture.

A powerful long tail is the best aid for controlling balance, and its flexibility in the water is no less than that of the Kraken.


Suddenly, three tentacles wrapped around Chu Xin's legs and forced him to fall into the deep sea.

Darkness encroached and visibility was almost zero.

However, both sides obviously have extraordinary positioning capabilities. They did not separate from each other, but went deep and bit at the same time.

Gradually, Kraken realized something was wrong.

Why do you have the illusion of being trapped in a cocoon?

Why does Godzilla's speed increase instead of decreasing?

Why is Godzilla's tail blow harder?

Why can Godzilla's body spray ink?

Various doubts stimulate its unstable brain thinking, which in turn leads to errors in brain wave conduction.

Under the dual oppression of rage and fear, Kraken took the initiative to cut off his connection with the institute.

It doesn't want to obey orders from over there and is always ready to take action.

But Chu Xin's violent output didn't stop for a moment, as if he had sharp teeth on his body.


A layer of rock-like hard shell emerged from Kraken's skin, and the pieces were combined into a biological armor covering the outside.

I can't bear it any longer and must adopt a defensive posture.

This is a dominant mutation in the genes of snapping turtles and crocodiles.

In fact, the number of species genes displayed by Kraken has far exceeded that of Chu Xin.

Theoretically speaking, it is an all-rounder, but its advantages are its shortcomings. The overly complex and cumbersome gene chain directly leads to the end of learning but not mastering.

I can click on everything, but nothing stands out.

Chu Xin, on the other hand, is much more pure, taking the mage tank route.

This is like the omniscient and omnipotent God-King being pushed to the ground with a blaster by the God of War with full combat power.

This is not to blame for the research institute. When the Kraken was first studied, no perverted creature like Godzilla appeared.


Chu Xin's punch was like a giant cannon, hitting Kraken directly between the eyebrows.

The "turtle shell" on the surface shattered in an instant, and violent force penetrated into the interior, shaking its brains.

After so many blows, his limbs were riddled with wounds and then recovered again and again, and Kraken finally showed his weakness.

Chu Xin's impression is that he is not too strong, but he is very difficult to deal with. His vitality is as tenacious as a cockroach and he will not die no matter how hard he is beaten.


Chu Xin picked up the 80,000-ton Kraken and pressed it on a rocky mountain on the seabed.

A mishandling of the left and right hands jammed its upper and lower jaws respectively.


No matter how the tentacles slapped and gnawed, Chu Xin remained unmoved and continued to do what he was doing.

He lowered his head and aimed his torn mouth deep into Kraken's mouth.

If you didn’t know this scene, you would have thought it was going to be a romantic, salty and passionate kiss~


Atomic furnaces convert energy.

The sea surface bursts with a dazzling purple halo, which looks like a dream in the sun, immediately attracting the attention of people around the world.


Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles rose into the ocean in flames and spread wildly on the seabed.

Viewed from a high altitude, the blue sea suddenly changes gradually, showing the glass texture of ice and fire.


Charging ends.


A truly powerful stream of radiation shoots out of the mouth.

Mouth-to-mouth is not necessarily a kiss, it may also be a "rainbow" handover.

Bang bang bang!

The terrifying high heat accumulated in the relatively confined space, and in the blink of an eye it exceeded the endurance limit of Kraken's body.


The violent energy collided with each other, and the body exploded continuously.

The extremely important internal organs were evaporated in an instant, and the cells had no time to regenerate.

To deal with this kind of monster, you must destroy it in one go!

ten minutes later.

The sea returned to calm.

Helicopters were suspended in the air, and the reporters were silent.

"Did they die together?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Wait! Something is rising!"

Where the camera was pointed, waves surged.


A ferocious head surfaced.

The long tail follows closely behind, standing tall.

Chu Xin, who was intact, returned to the mainland in San Francisco indifferently.

To the horror of countless people, his right hand held a huge, ugly and tattered head.

It’s the Kraken!


Chu Xin raised his head and roared, as if he was announcing to the world who was the king of monsters.

graduate School.

There was deathly silence, and an atmosphere of despair and sadness filled the air.

"Dead, she's dead."

The person in charge stumbled to his feet.

"With her death, my life has no meaning."

As he spoke, he suddenly pulled out a pistol from one of the guards' waist and pulled the trigger toward his temple without hesitation.

The corpse with splattered brains fell to the ground mercilessly, but the people around him didn't pay much attention. Instead, they immediately analyzed the Godzilla data collected by Kraken to find its weaknesses.

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