San Francisco under the sunset reveals a bit of West Coast romance.

Beautiful apocalyptic scenes such as ruined walls, ravines on the ground, burning cities, etc. all appear in the real world.

Dusk weaves the last afterglow into a gauze, drapes it on Chu Xin's majestic arms, pulls its mountainous back into a shadow area of ​​human psychology, and distributes it to billions of people around the world through the lens of the media.

Chu Xin headed toward the east of the city, gradually away from the ocean, not fast but with a firm pace.

In downtown San Francisco, a devoured monster skull was randomly discarded on the ground.

Yes, before Chu Xin left, he chewed Kraken's head clean in front of everyone.

Tasting is one thing, but it can also replenish your physical strength and improve your genetic chain.

The scene, full of primitive blood and violence, sent chills down the spine and fear into the heart. Humanity, which prides itself on being the soul of all things, was hit hard at this moment.

In the eyes of many people, Chu Xin's actions today undoubtedly brought mankind down from the altar.

If Tokyo was a disaster, then what happened to San Francisco was a crushing one!

Because this directly illustrates a fact: Godzilla can do whatever he wants, and no one can stop him, not even the domineering free country can do anything!

Suddenly, people finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

After all, most people were just watching the fun at first, treating the neon tragedy as fun, and looking down on it from an indifferent standpoint.

Moreover, people feel that Godzilla can only cause trouble along the coast and will not rush deep into the interior. The world is so big that it is not his turn.

The last and most important factor is that people never imagined that the end would come.

But at this time, people looked at Godzilla on the TV and actually crossed the old city of San Francisco, heading towards the hinterland of the Free State, and they felt inexplicably unreal.

This is not a movie that ends just because one of the monsters dies, but the movie can be shot anywhere.

Of course, there is also a contrast at work. After all, in people's minds, the Free State is the overlord of the earth, which is in sharp contrast to its current vulnerability.

Five-legged building.

"Godzilla has left San Francisco and is about to enter Nevada."

"If it continues in a straight line, it will eventually reach Peanutton, or New York."

"Of course we can't sit back and wait for death. We must deviate from its course. It's better to sacrifice one state than to suffer the whole country!"

“But what else can we do besides evacuating citizens along the route?”

One sentence silenced everyone.


The minister answered the phone.

It's a call from the Kraken Research Institute.

"Hello, sir, I am John, the temporary person in charge."

"Just tell me the result." The minister said resolutely.

"We conducted a summary deduction on the preliminary collected data and implemented dozens of physical and chemical simulations..." John said.

"Omit the process, I only listen to the results!" the minister reiterated.

"Godzilla can be killed, he is not invincible, and he is not a god." John answered.

"Go on." The minister's eyes widened a bit.

"It is a mutation that breaks the rules, a deformity that tears apart the bonds of biology. It breaks free from the genetic cage and makes itself its own master." John spoke very quickly and very excitedly.

The minister suppressed his irritation and had to be tolerant of this group of scientists with abnormal brains.

"But it is a creature born on the earth after all. It is also afraid of fire, ice, and storms. Explosion is the most direct way to destroy everything." John said.

"So?" The minister was extremely tired.

"Nuclear bombs, nuclear bombs with a larger yield! If one is not enough, then three. If three are not enough, then ten, until it is blown to pieces!" John said firmly.

The minister was speechless for a moment, wanting to blurt out ten thousand "faq"s in his mind.

Can’t we get straight to the point!

"What if it's not dead?" The minister took a deep breath.

John paused and said with relief, "Then, we should find a way to coexist with it. Anyway, the ocean is so big, maybe if it gets in and sleeps, you will die of old age."

The minister hung up the phone decisively, took out his antihypertensive pills and took two pills.

After working on it for a long time, the research institute was at a loss. Faced with the hexagonal Godzilla data map, human science is almost powerless.

So we can only go back to our basics and use the most hardcore guys to form continuous fire suppression and fight for a glimmer of hope.

In the final analysis, it is still the countermeasure proposed by Zhang Suyin originally, but it has been upgraded from the beggar's version to the Krypton Emperor's top version.

"It is expected that in twelve hours, Godzilla will enter the uninhabited wasteland, which is the most suitable place to launch a nuclear explosion attack."

"To be on the safe side, organize the surrounding people to evacuate immediately!"

The current situation did not allow for long-term planning. After discussing with the generals, the minister quickly formulated a battle plan.

at the same time.

Los Angeles.

In the corner of a coffee shop, CIA agent Russell sat down.

Opposite him were two bald men.

Davis and Jonas.

Since leaving Tokyo in time last time, Zhang Suyin has returned to China with her team.

Under the persuasion of her father and Jonas, she rationally gave up the Godzilla project, donated all the materials to the Huaguo Research Institute, and gave the employees a paid holiday.

As the saying goes, "If you listen to others' advice, you will have enough to eat; if you don't listen to others' advice, others will have enough to eat." In this special period, Zhang Suyin no longer travels around the world, and she also declined today's San Francisco Marine Science Research Exchange Conference.

So when she learned that the exchange meeting site had been completely corroded by the strong acid of the giant octopus, she secretly rejoiced at her luck.

"We're fine. Godzilla probably won't suddenly turn around and run to Los Angeles." Jonas hung up the greeting call from Zhang Suyin.

He turned his phone to silent and looked at Russell.

"What are your orders for a busy man?" Davis asked.

"I need your help." Russell said frankly.

The two strong men looked at each other doubtfully.

The other party is the mainstay of the CIA. His status is no less than that of an ordinary major general. He knows countless national secrets and can recruit hundreds of subordinates with just a wave of his hand.

Why would such a big shot need the help of two retired special forces soldiers?

Do you want to ask them the secret of their baldness?

"My instinct tells me that I should refuse." Davis said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's definitely up to no good." Jonas also echoed.

Russell had expected it, and he took out a document rolled up like a pancake from the lining of his suit.

"I know you have been looking for George, and I can reveal a little about this matter." Russell pushed out the document.

Davis took it in confusion and began to browse.

Above are some vague address coordinates, experimental projects, animal numbers, personnel names, etc., as well as a few blurry photos.

"Sorry, they didn't abide by the agreement. I don't know what is going on with George now. That research department is directly under the leadership of the country, and the CIA has no authority to know about it." Russell said helplessly.

"They are experimenting on George?!" Davis said angrily.

"Wait, wait," Jonas said calmly, staring at Russell in disbelief, "This kind of information is going to make you lose your head, right? What on earth is worth taking such a risk for you? We are not Goths. La, how can I help?"

Russell looked around, his eyes and brows showing that he was exhausted, "Special times require special treatment. I need people who are trustworthy."

The statement that it is trustworthy is very confusing.

"What happened?" Davis asked in a low voice.

"Our country, no, probably the entire human world, is being replaced by them." Russell finished his coffee with a wry smile.

Jonas said suspiciously, "Don't tell me that there are aliens lurking among us."

"The end of America has probably come." Under the gradually darkening night, Russell looked like a depressed old cowboy.


Chu Xin stood tall on the vast farmland, with helicopters buzzing overhead in pursuit.

There is the military, but most of it is the media that does not know how to live or die.

He didn't bother to take action against them, he didn't have the interest.

It was obviously night time, but there was not a single chirp of birds or insects around him. All living beings were silent because of him, and the birds, animals, and fish all huddled in the darkness and shivered.

What's even more amazing is that billions of people are paying attention to him with great enthusiasm, even staying up late to watch him through the screen.

Because of him, countless people decided to skip work tomorrow. Why should they go to school at this time?

Card text appears:

"Completed the first monster vs monster in my life, showing absolute oppression;

Use the tank and mage settings freely, grasp the battle situation calmly, and move freely;

More species genes are harvested and stored in the body, which can be triggered when necessary;

Lacking the passionate killing and blood, this huge and terrifying body needs to be watered with mountains of corpses and seas of blood;

Proficiency +6%, reaching 66%;

Earn rewards:

The weight increases by 5,000 tons to 110,000 tons, the muscle density increases, and the physical defense is enhanced;

The efficiency of cell division and proliferation is improved, and the ability to regenerate and self-heal is enhanced. "


Chu Xin continued to move forward.

Regardless of whether there was a town or a wilderness, whether there were cows or humans, they all trampled over them without even lowering their heads.

This is not contempt for life, but disregard.

Unknowingly, Chu Xin's soul broke away from the category of human beings and naturally took on various card roles, evolving towards a true non-human being.

This is a long transformation, and it cannot be said to be good or bad. After all, it involves a stance issue.

Only by breaking free from the shackles can one transcend nature.

But no matter how he fluctuated, Chu Xin always retained a bottom line and conscience. This was what kept him from being swallowed up by the desire to kill, and was the source of his sanity.

To this day, he still doesn't dare to determine the nature of the card system.

He is not a fool. The system has guided him into crazy and violent fighting states over and over again. Even the major factors for improving proficiency express this meaning without concealment.

Therefore, Chu Xin had kept an eye on him a long time ago, so it was extremely difficult to maintain a clear mirror in every battle.

Fortunately, his system is not very smart, it is very template-based, and its style is more simple and fast, which does not affect his thinking and behavior.


The cold wind howled, carrying the breath from San Francisco.

Unknowingly, Chu Xin had arrived in a deserted wasteland with no villages or shops.

Quietly, not a single plane in the sky was visible.

He knew that the Free Nation was about to attack.

Super core induction is always on!

Sun rise.

Nuclear bombs dropped.


A small-yield atomic bomb fell from the sky.

It detonated five hundred meters away from Chu Xin's head.


Chu Xin was indifferent, standing like a pile with an iron gun.

No matter how the heat wave washed away his flesh, he stood majestically.

Bang bang bang!

Explosions continued, earth and rocks melted, and everything was annihilated.

Chu Xin was directly under the mushroom cloud and was unscathed.

His pores shrank, absorbing the radiation in the air with ease, and tempering his muscles and bones like spiritual energy.

Thank you for the gift of nature~



Two minutes later.

Three nuclear bombs flew straight in one after another.

Before Chu Xin could react, three more fluctuations appeared within the sensing range.

Detonate six bombs at once!


There is also a hydrogen bomb of at least five megatons.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the Free Country, Chu Xin was determined and simply refused to leave.


A trace of purple electric current surged out of the body surface, and the ravines all over the body also burst out with dazzling light.

The dorsal fin lights up one after another, especially the end of the long tail becomes like a purple moon, even setting off the gray mushroom cloud to make the sky full of purple clouds.

Skill [Atomic Heat Shield]!

The principle is similar to that of radiation flow, both are powered by biological atomic furnaces, except that the former outputs and the latter defends.


In an instant, the purple light turned from illusory to solid.

Until the texture of purple colored glass.

And this layer of high-heat and high-explosive heat shield wrapped around Chu Xin in all directions, from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, from the crotch to the creaking nest.

The next second, the superimposed nuclear explosion shock waves collided head-on.


The movement inside Chu Xin's body was no less than a nuclear explosion.

It was as if a hundred thousand heavy factories were operating at over capacity.

This is the ultimate weapon against human beings with flesh and blood!

The atomic heat shield continued to crack and disintegrate, and the energy of the nuclear explosion impacted Chu Xin's body along the gaps, but the shocking burn wounds would soon heal as before.

The atomic heat shield was then replenished and maintained.

This cycle repeated, Chu Xin was able to survive the most ferocious stage.


But the Free State was determined this time.

A 10-million-ton hydrogen bomb plummeted.

To use such terrible strategic nuclear weapons on their own land, Yingjiang really reluctantly gave up, based on the idea that long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

Just before the nuclear bomb detonated, which even Chu Xin felt the pressure, the card text appeared:

"Although he has a calm heart and soul by continuously resisting nuclear explosions, the host's madness and stubbornness are amazing!

Get special rewards based on the situation at hand:

[Nuclear Explosion Physique] (The host's ability to withstand nuclear weapons is greatly increased. The special physique can be immune to some damage, and when a nuclear explosion occurs, the nuclear absorption efficiency triples. This permanent ability is only for nuclear weapons). "


This ability is passive and can be regarded as adding a special physical buff to Chu Xin's body.


Tens of millions of tons exploded.

The atomic heat shield shattered instantly, and the spiked armor instantly replaced it.

In the face of hundreds of millions of temperatures, the armor was reduced to ashes.

Even though the skin and flesh were carbonized, the internal skeletal organs performed far better than the last time they were bombed and were still functioning at their limit.

The atomic furnace and the cooling organ work in perfect harmony, and they quickly evolve to become more perfect in the harsh environment.

That's right, Chu Xin's cells began to exert their potential, and coupled with the effects of the nuclear explosion's constitution, they gradually developed adaptive resistance to the explosion of the nuclear bomb.


While resisting, I sucked at the same time.

A lot of the energy was diluted by the absorption before it could explode, which also reduced the damage of the nuclear explosion to a certain extent.


The enhanced regeneration ability never stops, and the densely packed flesh sprouts are reborn and reorganized in the fire.

All in all, Chu Xin has made progress again.

It can be seen from this that a flesh and blood body is no less complicated than a mechanical structure.


The nuclear explosion is over.

A bloody thing more than a hundred meters high was looming.

Like a giant iceberg sundae half melted by the sun.

Bang~bang bang~

The sound of the heartbeat gradually expanded and was transmitted hundreds of thousands of meters away.

A few minutes later.

Chu Xin's remodeling was completed, and the texture of metal and rock was completely natural, like a miraculous craftsmanship.

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