All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 148 The first experience of super-large tentacles

Dongfushan City.

"According to the latest reports, Beicheng District has completely lost control. The police are urgently evacuating people and establishing isolation zones. All residents are asked not to go out at will in the near future!"

"After preliminary judgment by experts, this is a disaster caused by an unknown virus."

"Because Tokyo is destroyed and management is in disarray, the national health department has not yet given a reply!"

"International health organizations have paid attention!"

In the comprehensive shopping mall, every TV in the home appliances area is playing the news.

Bang bang bang bang~

The sound of panicked footsteps came closer and closer.

I saw a man using a shovel, getting into a pile of goods and curling up.

He was hiding something, his expression was tense, and his hands couldn't stop shaking.

Soon, more footsteps sounded.

Messy, heavy, and rapid, accompanied by violent panting like a cow and howling like a hungry wolf.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen ragged humans ran over, attracted by the sound coming from the TV, and kept tapping the screen.

Bang Bang~

The piled goods were knocked over, and the man covering his mouth was exposed to the air.

The next second.

A group of corpses gnawed.


The shrill screams restored the mall to its former liveliness.

Through the window, fires were burning outside.

It was impossible to tell what was running on the street.

In just two days, the northern part of Dongfushan City was in complete chaos.

The so-called zombies that appeared out of nowhere confused the city hall officials who had just taken office. They felt helpless and painful when the interim cabinet was promoted.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

It would be smooth to let them raise a glass and talk, but dealing with zombies, a thing that only exists in games and movies, can only be like a headless fly.

With no choice but to seal off Beicheng District, special forces were sent in for search and rescue.

However, rumors of the existence of zombies also spread in other places, making the already tortured people of Dongfushan City even more uneasy.

The surrounding cities are strictly guarding for fear of spreading the infection to their own territory. People in Dongfushan City are not allowed to cross the border and must undergo strict inspection before being placed in a quarantine facility.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to describe Neon’s current situation as adding insult to injury.

The interim cabinet is powerless because its power is emptied out by the free countries, making it difficult to make a rational and clear policy direction.

A lot of information was also deliberately blocked by the Free State. The outside world was unable to learn the specific details at the first time. Some people thought that Neon was undergoing reconstruction work in full swing.

Various declining trends have directly led to the voluntary resignation of a large number of officials, and many wealthy people have taken their families and families abroad to temporarily escape the limelight.

The people are no longer as involved in involution as usual. They are in this doomsday atmosphere. They should eat and drink when they should, and don't still work when they are about to die.

These days, I don’t expect to get rich or get promoted. Living well has become my only goal.

It can be clearly seen that a violent and ferocious beast that once dominated East Asia is gradually dying until no bones remain.

This may be destined retribution.

Due to the recent turmoil in the world, the endless emergence of monsters has made people panic.

Now that the Spring Festival has arrived, although people still return to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year as usual, there is still something different from the past.

That is, coastal cities have issued restriction orders, especially warm tourism-developed areas like Sanya. Since the number of tourists has reduced by half, they have suffered huge economic losses.

The reason is simple: to prevent Godzilla and other monsters from landing from the sea.

If Godzilla really comes to a crowded beach, evacuating people will be a huge trouble.

What's more, given the current tense situation, if a few tourists are willing to go to the beach to play, maybe the rumored zombies will come across the ocean.

In contrast, Shu is the most popular tourist province, and the number of people has steadily increased to the first place.

The eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

Get off the door.

Close to Huandao South Road of Xiamen University, you can see the clear sky from the coast and have an unobstructed view.

Several cruise ships were sailing not far away, and a coast guard ship could be vaguely seen in the distance.

In the past two months, sea patrols have been intensified a lot.

They were probably worried that Godzilla, who has always been fond of neon lights and big cold, would make a grand visit.

In fact, this situation is almost impossible to occur.

Although Chu Xin is no longer a human being, and countless humans have died at his feet, he was still a descendant of Yan and Huang in his previous life, and he still has the most basic bottom line.

Of course, he still insists on the division of "friendly troops, passers-by, and enemies" first, but there are some things he will not do subjectively.


The waves and the sea breeze caress each other, and seagulls soar between them.

On Gulangyu Island in the distance, as well as in the fishing villages on the coast, various activities with a strong New Year flavor are going on.

Everything is beautiful, as if we are in two completely different worlds from other countries.

But accidents always break in during calm moments.


A cruise ship suddenly shook violently, causing screams.

Then, a huge flexible limb protruded from the water and wrapped around the hull from left to right.

Countless suckers expanded, revealing layers of mouthparts filled with barbed teeth, easily piercing the steel barrier.

Even if the coast guard ship has noticed it and accelerated its approach, it will be of no avail.


An entire cruise ship was pulled straight down.

Hundreds of people were immediately unknown whether they were alive or dead.

The splashing water was mixed with the last scream, and the turbulent water spread out, leaving pedestrians on the shore stunned.

"There's something under the water!"

"Report immediately!"

The coast guard ship did not dare to approach rashly and could only watch its surroundings.


Suddenly, the tentacles reappeared and smashed the ship into pieces.

But this appears to be just the beginning.

Because turbulent waves rose from the sea and headed towards a seaside park on the shore.

The police officers stationed nearby quickly arrived and prioritized the evacuation of the crowd who were still watching. They then deployed observation points and defense lines and implemented them in an orderly manner according to steps that have been practiced countless times.


"Godzilla is coming!"

People who didn't know what was going on ran and yelled, and they didn't forget to turn around and take some photos to post on WeChat.

In their minds, who could cause such a big movement besides the famous Godzilla?

Tu tu tu tu~

Several armed helicopters flew in.


Several small missiles were fired and hit the target accurately.

But it didn't achieve the slightest effect. Instead, it angered the other party, and devil-like roars came out from under the water.

Half a minute later, the target landed on the beach.

Air support has arrived, and fighter planes are flying over at high speeds, delivering continuous artillery fire.

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the explosion of flames, it gradually revealed its ferocious true appearance.

In the center of the smooth tentacles waving all over the sky, a terrifying and ugly head opened its bloody mouth, with the cruise ship just now stuck between its teeth.

"Not Godzilla, not Godzilla."

"It's a brand new giant creature, similar to an octopus, and as big as Godzilla."

"Our attack did not cause effective damage to it, please use stronger firepower."

Local Operations Center.

After hearing the report from the front line, a major general clenched his fists and murmured seriously, "Is it finally our turn?"

"Based on recent data comparisons, many incidents that occurred in Pacific countries may be related to it, not Godzilla." A technical operator reported.

"This is a tough battle, formulate a combat strategy immediately!" the major general said calmly.

"Report! The giant monster suddenly retreated into the ocean!" A battle report came from the front line.

The big screen turned on, and the giant "octopus" in the screen slipped away like a receding tide. It looked as if its mother was calling it home for dinner.

"What do you mean?" the major general asked in shock, "its house is on fire?"

Free State, West Coast.

San Francisco, California.


The world-famous Golden Gate Bridge collapsed, sending flying debris and cars into the icy water.

The initiator was a tyrannical tail.

Chu Xin rises from the water and breaks into people's field of vision as if entering an uninhabited land.

He walked around the Pacific Ocean and found no one pretending to be him.

In this case, why not pay a visit to the Free Country.

After all, for now, only they have the strength to continue to improve their proficiency.

To be honest, it has become too powerful and very helpless. Now I don't even have the authority to travel to the next world.

The last time I visited the Free Country, I left somewhat embarrassed.

But this time it is destined to turn this free land upside down.

The Free State sent no troops.

Unexpected, yet expected.

They know very well that conventional strikes are just scrapes and can only waste their own resources in a meaningless manner.

Instead of wasting it like a fool, it's better to do something else.

Therefore, the entire San Francisco immediately entered the highest alert state.

People sought refuge nearby and fled in panic into subways and parking lots.



Chu Xin officially entered San Francisco.

Every step he takes will cause the ground to shake violently, which is tantamount to stepping heavily on everyone's heart.

The invisible sense of oppression is like a flood escaping the embankment, permeating the entire city wantonly.

Chu Xin didn't go crazy and wreak havoc. There was no hatred between him and the steel and concrete, let alone any entanglement of interests.

He has no interest in trampling on ant-like humans.

He just followed the path forward, silently going deep into the free country, silently allowing himself to advance all the way, criss-crossing in and out.

San Francisco is not a destination, it is just a starting point.

This trek is not far away, that is, across North America, and the end point is either Peanutton or New York until the proficiency reaches 70%.

Of course, despite Chu Xin's thought of being calm and calm, in fact, it was like a mountain falling apart as he walked, with high-rise buildings reduced to ruins, and a ravine running from west to east drawn on the territory of San Francisco.

Five-legged building.

"We must not let it go any further!"

"Even if we give up San Francisco, we must stop Godzilla!"

"If this continues, we will follow in Neon's footsteps, and I can't accept it!"

"How about using a super nuclear bomb?"

"Are you aware of the consequences? Who bears responsibility?"

"If you hesitate, you will be defeated. Wait until the country is trampled by Godzilla before we talk about the consequences, coward!"

Everyone was roaring, as if giving orders to each other.

But those present here are all high-ranking national defense officials, either deputy ministers or generals, all of whom hold high positions of authority.

No matter how loud they shouted, they couldn't come up with a solution.

To put it bluntly, innocence is incapable of rage.

At this time, the minister who ended the call said sternly, "Mobilize all the forces in the Western Theater Command immediately. We have a chance."

San Francisco.

Bang bang bang!

Sudden fighter planes appear one after another and attack continuously.

Chu Xin didn't understand the strategy of the Free State for a while, but when the soldiers came to block the water and earth, he calmly released the tail radiation stream.


Continuous firing wastes too much energy in the body, so Chu Xin developed a staged attack method.

Through self-regulation and control, the energy is suppressed, and in conjunction with the changes in the movements of the tail, the heat rays are emitted one after another, forming purple beams about tens of meters long.

"They are all old fighter planes and drones. Even the missiles are old stocks. They want me to consume energy." Chu Xin thought about it.

As for the reason, I haven't thought of it yet.

This lasted for an hour, and Chu Xin didn't bother to respond. He simply gave up resisting and allowed the weapons to hit him.

He has arrived at the most prosperous neighborhood in San Francisco. Several landmark buildings are in ruins under his feet, and behind him is the shocking steel canyon.



Chu Xin noticed something.

He subconsciously looked back, focusing on the distant sea.

Something huge is approaching!

Is it a nuclear submarine? Or is he his own counterfeit?

"This seems to be a band with frequency and regularity. It doesn't look like it is released at will. Is it a biological weapon of a free country?"

Chu Xin felt interesting and a little more hopeful.

As expected of America, show me your powerful heritage~


The sea water rose, and when it fell, it collided with a loud sound like a torrent of steel.

Thick and disconcerting tentacles were flying, bit by bit, spreading to the land and clinging to high-rise buildings.

Kraken, the Kraken, meets the nuclear monster Godzilla for the first time!

"Why does this ugly guy look so familiar?"

Chu Xin took a closer look and suddenly realized.

Good guy, if my judgment is correct, this should be the monster in "Extreme Cold", right?

However, the appearance has changed, probably as a result of the Free State.

He immediately thought of the Behemoth Potion.


Kraken opened his mouth and roared, his entire body emerged from the water, and the terrifying weight of 80,000 tons crushed the embankment.

It used its tentacles to prop up its body and was about eighty or ninety meters tall. Each tentacle was raised high like Chu Xin's tail.

Not to mention, just in terms of the flashy posture, it really has the feeling of being able to wrap around Chu Xin.

And Kraken's roar contained a provocative meaning, as if he was saying to Chu Xin, "Come here."

As it wished, Chu Xin turned the gun.

Go both ways!

If the ground of San Francisco were a drumhead, this was the moment to transition from slow rock to heavy metal.

The people underground almost had their eardrums burst. They could not imagine what earth-shattering things happened above.


Tentacles attack.

Chu Xin did not dodge or dodge, he directly stretched out his hands and grabbed it with his fingers.

Puff puff puff~

But there were more than one attack. Kraken turned into a greedy tentacle girl and launched a chaotic tentacle attack on Chu Xin.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Xin's arms and legs were entangled, including his chest, abdomen and waist.

The greasy tentacles squirmed hard, and the rough suckers absorbed hard, trying to pierce Chu Xin's skin and squeeze him dry.

First experience with super-large tentacles!

He has a strong sense of power and is an enemy worthy of being called an opponent!

Chu Xin stopped showing off his salted fish, and his body shook and he fell over on top of Kraken.


The two of them rolled and entangled above San Francisco, making sounds of flesh and blood hitting each other from time to time.

It's like a jujitsu master competing against a boxing master.

This is a hard-core fist-to-flesh confrontation between behemoths!


Another tentacle quickly came out and thrust towards Chu Xin's mouth, trying to penetrate deep into his throat.

Kraken is essentially a creature that likes to suck blood, and Chu Xin is no exception. Since it is difficult to break through the defense from the outside, let's try it from the inside.

Chu Xin took a bite.

The smooth and tough tentacles did not break on the spot.

He raised his heart and used the skill "Bone Crushing Bite".

Three times the bite force explodes!


After taking this sip, my mouth immediately overflowed with delicious flavor.

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