Inside the city hall.


Chu Xin clawed a parasitic beast, and his arrogant strength could easily tear their tough limbs into pieces.

The parasitic beast crushes unarmed humans, and the flesh and blood that can be transformed into blades are like rubber limbs that can be swung freely.

But once faced with an enemy with thermal weapons, ordinary parasitic beasts have no ability to resist, and their weak points cannot resist the power of firearms.

Not to mention the monster Chu Xin.

"Call for backup!"

After the last parasitic beast finished speaking, Chu Xinyi's tongue broke his neck.


Chu Xin stopped staying and ran straight up the stairwell.

Parasitic beasts attacked and killed them all along the way, and all of them were slapped into the wall by Chu Xin.

Bang bang bang!

The parasitic beasts also learned to be smart, their heads were flying, and they were holding double guns. A dozen of them stood in the corridor and shot down.

Facing the concentrated fire offensive, Chu Xin shook his shoulders and fired the miniature iron-blooded shoulder cannons continuously, instantly hitting the heads of several who were about to throw grenades.

Then he jumped up, crashed down the wall with him, and rolled into a spacious administrative area.

It's only three or four floors away from the top floor.


There were many humans in the office area. When they saw their bosses or colleagues turning into monsters with blooming heads, they were frightened to death. With Chu Xin's intrusion, they could only huddle in the corner and tremble.

Someone wanted to take a photo and send it to the online platform, but was shocked to find that there was no signal at all. It seemed that someone had activated the signal jammer.

Even the indoor surveillance is quietly turned off, and everything that happens inside is not known to the outside world.

More and more parasitic beasts gathered, blocking the aisles in all directions. It seemed that the entire building was concentrated here.


Card switching.

Golden light and thunder overflowed, revealing the shock in a pair of pupils.


"What's happening here?"

"What's going on with this guy?"

"It's actually a bit tricky to be able to completely transform."

The parasitic beasts were talking a lot, and they all stared at Chu Xin solemnly.


Chu Xin clenched his hands into fists and circulated the power of thunder in his body.

Electric currents like golden snakes emerged and jumped on the skin.



The left and right hands were thrown out suddenly, and two beams of lightning more than ten meters long hit the parasitic beasts clustered together at the speed of light.

Lightning strike!

Flash strike!

Both of these are attribute damage, and are basic attacks with lightning elements.

It is considered a skill in the game, but not a skill to Chu Xin. The difference between the two lies in the slight difference in damage and physical energy consumption.


No one could have imagined that there could be rolling thunder inside the room.

The parasitic beast was just flesh and blood, and several people were blown to pieces in an instant. Even if they were not dead, they were almost cooked.

This is just Rey with 0% proficiency. To put it another way, it is the infancy. As proficiency increases, he will definitely show his prowess.


Chu Xin is Rey, and Rey is the embodiment of thunder.

He flashed away and used the "Wind Speed" that relied entirely on his body, crushing human bodies at a brutal speed.

Dozens of currents spread and sputtered around him, causing electrical appliances to burn out one after another. The light bulbs above his head exploded one after another, and the walls were dark and pitted.

Whether it was a human or a parasitic beast, the skin was suddenly burnt black and the internal organs were damaged.


Chu Xin raised his right arm high and pressed it down brazenly.

An electric current as thick as a water tank overflowed, quickly condensed into a golden beam of light and shot out.


In an instant, flesh and blood were flying everywhere, and thick smoke was billowing.

I don’t know how many died and how many were injured.

This is the gold content of Rey. Even in his childhood, he is by no means a rare thing. How can a character who can be called the "civilian god of war" in the game be ordinary?


But Chu Xin stopped lingering and headed straight for the top floor.

Because he had already heard the sound of the helicopter propeller turning.


In the flash of electric light, Chu Xin appeared on the rooftop.

"What's that?"

In the helicopter that was five or six meters in the air, Hirokawa Tsuyoshi was extremely surprised.


The secretary had quick eyesight and quick hands, and stood up to protect Takeshi Hirokawa.


The next second, Chu Xin, who was leaping into the air, struck a thunderbolt that exploded into brilliant sparks on the propeller.

The helicopter fell out of control and fell back to the rooftop under the tug of Chu Xin.

The lucky pilot flew out of the shattered windshield and fell off the building.

The secretary picked up Takeshi Hirokawa and rolled him ten meters away, landing on the tarmac unharmed.


The helicopter teetered on the edge of the building, and eventually lost its balance and fell to the ground, causing the people below to scream.

"You stand back."

The secretary helped Hiroyuki Takeshi up and stepped forward.

He twisted his neck and simply tore off his tattered shirt, revealing his muscular upper body.

"Are you the mysterious man? Or his eagle dog?"

As the secretary spoke, he observed calmly, and his arms also changed.

The right arm turned into an ax made of flesh and blood, and the left arm turned into a three-meter-long thorn whip.

The head bloomed, forming a giant python-like appearance, staring eagerly at Chu Xin, who was suspended in mid-air.

There are three parasitic beasts on his body, all sharing the same body, but the one occupying the head is obviously the dominant one.

Like Goto, both have undergone Tamiya Ryoko's experimental transformation, and their combat effectiveness has been enhanced by more than a little.


Chu Xin ignored it and threw out clusters of basic attack current with his backhand.

The secretary is completely different from other parasitic beasts. The personality he displays is that of an experienced killer, who is very good at close combat.

He used the ax on his right arm to block, and the whip on his left arm swung simultaneously.

The speed was so fast that only a blurry afterimage could be seen.

Chu Xin did not retreat but advanced, immersed in everything.

I am Thunder!

Even though he was still a little unskilled, Chu Xin burst out with extreme speed in an instant.

He was like a golden light wrapped around a long whip, changing its trajectory at the critical moment, and stabbed the secretary in the chest with one claw.

With the advantages of being able to fly and having a small size, Chu Xin's sensitivity can be said to be maxed out.

"whispering sound!"

The secretary sneered with palpitations and jumped into the air to escape.


After landing, he was shocked to notice a fist-sized hole in his chest.

There was no blood flowing, and everything inside looked like it had been scorched by thunder.

The ax on the right arm has been penetrated through a transparent hole from front to back. If it had not been blocked in time, it would have been completely penetrated through the chest.

"It hurts, it hurts!" The parasitic beast on its right hand kept shouting, unable to maintain its attack form.

The secretary realized the difficulty, and after a brief thought, he hugged Princess Hirokawa Takeshi behind him, and then made a striding posture.


He jumped high, aiming for the rooftop of the building opposite.

Perhaps because he has followed Hirokawa Takeshi for a long time, he has learned how to consider the pros and cons of human beings, and also understood the principle of leaving green hills without worrying about having no firewood.

Suddenly, both of them noticed that the sound of lightning and thunder disappeared for no reason.

Just as he was wondering, Chu Xin, who had switched to the licker, swung out his tongue, strangled the secretary's neck from behind, and then used his strength to swing him.

Just like that, the two of them spun around in a circle and were pulled back by Chu Xin.


The fishy wind is coming.

The secretary who was caught off guard could only push out Takeshi Hirokawa and had no time to react.


Chu Xin's claw blade was extended by half a meter and directly chopped off his head.

Then he violently tore his left and right arms into pieces, killing all three parasitic beasts.


The secretary did not forget to yell at Hiroyuki Takeshi before he died.

"Where else could I run?"

Hiroyuki Tsuyoshi looked at the door blocked by Chu Xin and wanted to cry without tears.

There was not much fear in his eyes, but more of obsession and unwillingness. "Although I don't know what is going on, my intuition tells me that you are the mysterious person!"

"Since you are not a human being, why should you go against us?" He tried to persuade Chu Xin, speaking sincerely, "Together we create an earth that belongs to all species. Such a beautiful and harmonious ecology is the hope of earth's creatures."

Chu Xin was unmoved.

He wanted to kill Tsuyoshi Hirokawa and Parasite mainly for proficiency and to cultivate new cards.

It's more or less a "carnage caused by a cat."

So it has nothing to do with the earth's environment or the ecology of species. It's basically just Hirokawa Tsuyoshi's passionate and affectionate performance.

He rushed towards Hirokawa Takeshi.

Halfway through, he switched to Rey, used Wind and Lightning, grabbed his neck, and flew him off the rooftop.

"Let's work together to eradicate humanity and restore beauty to the earth!"

I have to admit that Hirokawa Tsuyoshi's willpower is admirable. Even in this situation, he can still firmly export his distorted ideas and spit on Chu Xin's face.

Tired of hearing this, Chu Xin simply let go of his hand.

Hirokawa Tsuyoshi did not reach out to grab Chu Xin like the poisonous woman did before, but opened his arms with a calm expression and fell freely.

There is no doubt that at this moment he was immersed in the future world he imagined in his mind.

He was already prepared to sacrifice and had no fear in his heart.

A few seconds later.


Hirokawa Tsuyoshi and his long-cherished wish to abandon humanity were torn apart and fell into dust.

This person is complex and difficult to judge.

Tu tu tu tu~

Several armed helicopters flew in.

Chu Xin's golden light flashed, piercing three helicopters with machine gun bullets, and then disappeared above the clouds and mist.

Among the crowded people on the ground, an ordinary man in a suit dialed the phone.

"Hirokawa Tsuyoshi is dead. We were attacked by two unknown creatures and almost wiped out the whole group."

"You know what to do, don't leave any traces." Tamiya Ryoko's voice came from the other side.

The man in the suit hung up the phone, looked at the special forces team that had just rushed into the lobby on the first floor, and pressed the remote control in his pocket neatly.


Explosives installed in elevator shafts and storage rooms were triggered.


Violent explosions occurred on every floor of the city hall, and the shock wave carried flying debris and caused a rain of glass.

Destroy the corpses and eliminate traces!

The melon-eating crowd immediately ran away, and the man in the suit also left among them.


Over the Pacific Ocean.

"Is this really not your conspiracy?" Goto asked.

"Except for the explosives deployed three months ago, I know nothing about the rest," Tamiya Ryoko said calmly, "Hiroyokawa Tsuyoshi is too arrogant. After all, he is a human being and cannot change his bad nature."

"Neon has become obsolete and is no longer suitable for our development. Besides, I don't trust humans anyway." Goto said.

"I have ordered everyone to move," Tamiya Ryoko said, "The next stronghold is Peanut Village."

"Oh~ What about our Prime Minister?" Goto asked with a smile.

"You also know that he is the Prime Minister now? Of course he will continue to stay at Neon." Tamiya Ryoko replied.

Neon waves rise again and again.

Higashi Fukuyama City, which has been on the hot search for a long time, has once again attracted global attention due to the explosion of the city hall and the battle with supernatural creatures.

When people look at the illusory Rey and the ferocious licker in the photo, they can't help but sigh with emotion: That neon is indeed a geomantic treasure land, where all kinds of weird things are produced~

Many people directly cursed Neon to simply sink it so as not to cause trouble to all mankind.

Neighboring countries have stepped up defense efforts and tightened entry and exit standards, advising citizens not to travel abroad during the Spring Festival.

The Free State did not say anything about this. At most, it issued an announcement to remind everyone to pay attention to safety.

All in all, the current cumbersome and complicated situation has made all countries miserable, and even the number one bastard Free State feels trapped in the quagmire.

However, the appearance of Godzilla has raised the upper limit of everyone's shock. The two unknown creatures, which are not large in size, have not caused much trouble.

But what would be the expression on their faces if they learned one thing, that these monsters were all the same.

The next day.

Abandoned nuclear power plant in Higashifuyama City.

Chu Xin, who was holding the Rey card, appeared here.


He practiced the power of thunder and lightning over and over again, controlling them to strike accurately at distant objects.

The elemental power in the body can be restored by itself or replenished through absorption, so the Thunderstorm Genius is the most suitable combat environment for him, with a steady stream of backup energy.

A little tired, Chu Xin stopped.

Card text appears:

"Card [Licker]

Routine operations and battles are not that outstanding for you who have experienced hundreds of battles and are highly proficient lickers, but the important thing is that when the number of cards gradually increases, you can also remember the different characteristics of each card. Combat style, you can use your advantages anytime and anywhere;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 85%;


The first time I used it officially, with the help of extensive training, I quickly realized the concept of 'I am thunder', which greatly improved the fit between the soul and the new body. Some of the skills that needed to be acquired were learned by myself without a teacher. self-awareness;

Proficiency +10%, reaching 10%;

Harvest records and rewards:

[Thunder Strike, Flash Strike] (Both are basic attack abilities, but they need to consume the power of thunder and lightning stored in the body);

[Wind and Lightning] (a movement technique that instantly increases speed and can also be used as an offensive method, only consuming physical energy);

[Electric Shock Beam] (releases a concentrated beam of lightning from the arm, with limited range and damage, but has a certain concept of causing paralysis to the target);

[Charge] (After using this skill, the next attack will cause double damage);

[Stare] (After using this skill, there is a certain probability that the defense of a single target will be weakened). "

"Shock beam?"

Chu Xin recalled the move he used in the city hall office area, and it seemed that it should be this skill.

He turned on a computer at the nuclear power plant, connected it to the Internet, and browsed the real-time news on it.

Looking around, the only word to describe it is "chaos".

Suddenly, a report titled "The Nuclear Submarine of the Suspicious Bear Country Was Attacked by Godzilla" caught his attention.

The key point is the picture. A huge nuclear submarine was salvaged ashore. It looked like it had been destroyed by a giant monster.


I'm right here, and I haven't been in the water at all in the past two days. Are you going to throw a blame on us?

In this case, let's go and see who is pretending!

Chu Xin flew out of the room and jumped into the sea.


The huge black shadow plunged into the abyss and headed towards the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

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