All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 146 There is no more chaos, only more chaos

at the same time.

Late at night at the Dongfushan Municipal Airport, a private plane bound for the Free State took off.

In name, a certain rich man was traveling, but next to the rich man with dull eyes, Tamiya Ryoko and Goto were sitting.

"Sir, what are those wrapped goods?" the butler whispered to the rich man.

"You don't have to worry about it," the rich man said coldly.

The housekeeper felt that something was wrong with the master today, and he had never heard that the master had these two old friends.

One has a cold temperament like a female professor, and the other has a cold face like a gangster.

What configuration is this?

Could it be that it was hijacked by a high IQ?

What the master said was ironic, reminding me that I must take care of it!

Looking at the butler whose eyes were changing, the rich man's lips slowly tore open, obviously impatient.


Tamiya Ryoko coughed.

The rich man immediately suppressed his gluttonous desire and waved his hand to the butler, "You can go over."

After there were no outsiders, Tamiya Ryoko said seriously, "If we can't control ourselves, we are no different from wild beasts. It will also expose our identity and affect the plans of our tribe!"


The rich man is just a newborn who has just obtained the body of a host, and Tamiya Ryoko is like an adoptive mother who speaks the truth to him.

It can be seen from this that Tamiya Ryoko is not sitting still and waiting for death. She is also cultivating a group of parasitic beasts that are obedient to her to ensure that she will deal with the break with Hirokawa Tsuyoshi in the future.

"If we successfully control the top leaders of the Free State, we can save mankind from most disputes and further promote the ecological stability of the earth." Tamiya Ryoko said calmly.

"Where did Godzilla go?" Goto murmured.

"I don't know, but we still need to use Godzilla and humans to let them continue to kill each other and create more opportunities for us." Tamiya Ryoko looked down at the night view of the city outside the window, with a continuous stream of lights.

Where the light doesn't shine, no one knows what weird things are happening.


The sea breeze blows through the quiet park.


The old police officer calmly opened the safety of his pistol, not knowing who to aim at for a moment.

Is it a monster in the skin of an apprentice, or is it the bloodthirsty beast hiding in the bushes.

But reason told him that he should run away with his legs at this moment and ask for support.


However, as soon as he walked two meters away, one of the serrated tentacles of the parasitic beast swung back.

Bang bang bang!

The old police officer subconsciously resorted to American style Iai.


Unfortunately, after just two clicks, his arm was shattered by the saw teeth, and then half of his neck was torn open.

He fell to the ground in fear and died with his eyes open.

The moment the parasitic beast moved, the bushes made a violent noise.


Chu Xin, who switched to a licker, jumped up, and the huge figure shocked the parasitic beast to retreat.

After all, Chu Xin is not an ordinary licker, but a giant licker covered in muscles, and wearing a hard armor made by the iron-blooded clan, he looks like a formidable and violent beast.

"what are you?!"

In the middle of the three jagged tentacles, a pair of intertwined eyes suddenly popped out, staring in disbelief at Chu Xin, who was eyeing him with covetousness.

Chu Xin ignored it and pounced on him.

Why should we worry about dealing with a mere parasitic beast?

"Not the same kind, but a new supernatural creature."

The parasitic beast did not dare to fight head-on, so it had to dodge continuously, sometimes jumping onto trees, sometimes rolling around in confusion.

Needless to say, after nearly half a year of development, the parasitic beast has integrated with the host body to a high degree, and has also improved in combat. It is not as slow and cerebral as in the movie.

Unfortunately, he was facing Chu Xin.


The mouth opened wide, and a long tongue full of barbs spurted out.

Halfway through the leap, it split into three petals in the middle and wrapped around the parasitic beast's waist in a spiral shape.

The parasitic beast quickly attacked with its tentacles, trying to cut off Chu Xin's tongue, but to no avail.

Chu Xin swung it hard, and the parasitic beast was thrown twenty meters away and smashed straight into the road.


It happened to hit the front of a taxi.

The parasitic beast was like a torn sack filled with mud, rolling on the ground several times before stopping.

There wasn't a lot of traffic on the road, and there were very few pedestrians, but it wasn't empty either.

The taxi driver, in particular, was panicking at this moment. When he came down and saw the police uniform worn by the parasitic beast, he was even more at a loss.

The driver hurriedly rushed to the parasitic beast and vomited before asking. He vomited the night's ramen all over the parasitic beast, including soup and water.

Because of the way the parasitic beast's head exploded, it seemed to the driver that it had been hit by him.

However, the parasitic beast's condition is indeed very poor and it is already on the verge of death.

"The host's life is about to run out and must be replaced. It must be replaced."

So when the driver squatted helplessly on the ground, a large number of squeezed eyeballs bloomed on the skin of the young police officer's neck, and then squeezed out from the flesh pit.

This scene is as disgusting as the mermaid in the sewer.

"Huh? What is this?" The driver couldn't see clearly under the dim street lights.


The parasitic beast jumped up and tried to penetrate the driver's body through the mouth and nose to parasitize.


The driver's legs and feet were so frightened that he moved backwards with his hands on the ground.

Just when he thought he was about to die, a water arrow made of liquid flew out of the forest.

This is one of the skills of the Licker card [Zombie Venom]. It is a liquid poisonous arrow composed entirely of zombie viruses. Although its impact is small, the toxins attached are its killer feature.

However, no matter how small the impact is, it can easily shatter the fragile body of the parasitic beast.


The poisonous arrow directly penetrated a cluster of eyeballs and flesh strips, causing him to die instantly.

Then, the poison arrows also exploded, and venom splashed everywhere.

The driver, who had gone through many twists and turns, did not dare to stay any longer, and immediately rolled and crawled back to the driving seat, regardless of the throttle.

But he didn't notice that several drops of venom splashed on the back of his hand, and penetrated into the skin along the pores and entered the blood circulation.

Other people on the street were so frightened that they ran away, and soon it was empty.

On the second floor of a single-family house facing the street, a young man behind the window closed the curtains in fear.

He took several deep breaths, recovered, and opened the photo album on his phone.

There are five or six photos taken just now in night scene mode. The photos include not only scenes on the road, but also the park facing the sea.

I saw a huge beast with four limbs looming in the center of several photos, under the flickering shadows.

The young man was sure that this was no ordinary creature, because he was usually interested in all kinds of beasts. No matter whether it was a tiger, a lion, a brown bear, it did not match the outline characteristics in the photo.

"It's so exciting!"

"The world is getting crazy!"

"After living for seventeen years, I finally waited for the world to change. I am simply living in an anime!"

The boy murmured excitedly and soon realized that this must be another supernatural incident.

In the spirit of showing off and sharing, he immediately sent it online, describing in detail what he saw.

It is precisely because of the promotion of real events such as Godzilla, Rampant Behemoth, and nuclear explosions that netizens around the world have paid unprecedented attention to such supernatural topics, and people have expressed what they have seen and heard.

But most of what they said were supernatural encounters that seemed outrageous and did not fit the topic.

So netizens began to discuss those clichéd mysterious events, such as the Loch Ness Monster, the Bermuda Triangle, the Shennongjia Savages, the Pyramids, etc., and spread their wild imaginations about them.

However, it is always boring. After all, it lacks something well-founded and has nothing new.

So when the teenager posted the detailed time and address, reasonably viewable photos, and well-written copy, it immediately attracted the attention of netizens in the neon area and became a hot topic in the neon area. A large number of idle teenagers began to leave comments. .

"How do you prove that you are not making it up?" This is a question from a netizen.

"There will be relevant news reports tomorrow, and you will know then." The boy replied very confidently.

Unfortunately, reality is full of drama and unpredictability.

This incident was not reported by any media, and it seemed that it had not attracted anyone's attention.

The young man was also shocked to find that after he woke up one night, the bodies of the police officers on the street disappeared without a trace, and the park opposite suddenly announced that it would be renovated and entry was not allowed.

Dong Dong~

Just as he was puzzled, there was a knock on the door.

ten minutes later.

The original post has been deleted.

Account cancellation.

Then came the news that the blogger was spreading rumors.

The boy is not dead for the time being, he is just used to store food.

In order to ensure the taste that the parasitic beasts like best, all food is kept in captivity for a month before entering the restaurant. Specific food is fed every day. At the end, the large intestine must be emptied to prevent any trace of the original taste from remaining.

After all, living standards have improved, and parasitic beasts have gradually become picky.

Hiroyuki Takeshi is already very proficient in this set of procedures.

It also directly caused the number of missing people in Dongfushan City to continue to increase, and a large number of people had to move out of the city and go to surrounding towns to avoid the limelight.

If there hadn't been an endless stream of major events in the past six months, plus the Tokyo task force was accidentally destroyed by Chu Xin, and Neon was in a period of turmoil, the situation here would have attracted attention long ago.

Today, Higashi Fukuyama City has completely become the home of Hirokawa Tsuyoshi and the parasitic beasts. It can also be said to be the country of China.

In particular, official institutions such as the police station are the most severely infiltrated. People simply cannot imagine that their usual bosses are really greedy for their bodies.

The next day, noon.

town Hall.

Mayor's Office.

"A total of three companions were attacked last night. According to the surveillance comparison, it should be him." The secretary opened the internal file on Hirokawa Takeshi's computer.

In addition to the photos taken by the boy, there are no less than twenty pictures of other scenes.

Several of them were particularly clear, and Chu Xin could be seen clearly under the light, mainly because his car-like body shape was not even remotely concealable.

Hirokawa Tsuyoshi frowned, "This is an action against us. Does it have anything to do with that guy?"

"We don't rule out this possibility. The only person who showed obvious hostility to us is the mysterious man who showed his face." The secretary replied.

"If that's the case, you don't need to do it yourself." Hirokawa Takeshi started thinking. "Immediately dispatch a special force, part of which strengthens the guard here, and part of which is sent out to conduct searches."

Should he say it or not, he really thinks from the perspective of a parasitic beast. He does not regard himself as a human being at all, nor does he regard humans as compatriots.

After he took office as mayor, at least hundreds of people died directly related to him, and the rest were caused by his connivance of parasitic beasts to hunt.

According to human laws and views, even cutting a beast like Hirokawa Tsuyoshi into pieces is not enough to relieve his hatred.

ten minutes later.


A loud noise woke up the worried Hirokawa Tsuyoshi.

He hurriedly came to the window and looked down, "What is that thing?"

The secretary pushed the door open in a hurry and said, "Mayor, it's not good!"

Hirokawa Takeshi raised his hand, "I saw it."

Following his line of sight, the scene at the intersection was unobstructed.

A monster as big as a car was rushing from the other end, and happened to collide with hundreds of special forces members who came to report.

Chu Xin wandered around all night, briefly thought about it, gave up all plots, and chose to attack head-on in broad daylight.

The [Wave] mode is improved, directly [Wild Wave]!

Bang bang bang!

The unprepared special forces team, after a brief period of confusion, immediately defended themselves in front of the city hall and launched a barrage attack.

Not to mention that bullets are useless against armor. They can't even penetrate the muscles under Chu Xin. At least something like a sniper rifle is needed to tear open the rubber-like flesh.



When the crowd has almost fled, grenades and other explosive weapons are deployed.

Chu Xin was fearless and jumped up to the wall of a building. He grabbed the broken glass frame with his limbs and fell down.


With this move, the tiger came down the mountain and crushed several people into meat pies on the spot.

Chu Xin swung out a few more claws, some corpses were separated, and some had their flesh torn apart by the sharp claw tips, and the zombie virus was quietly injected.

It wasn't that Chu Xin did it deliberately, but the sharp claws came with it, and there was no way to avoid it.

He also held an indifferent attitude as to whether it would create a neon zombie disaster.

Neon is already in such a bad situation anyway, so why not make it worse?


Chu Xin broke through the siege and broke into the city hall.

Human beings fled in all directions, filing out of side doors or hiding.

Only the parasitic beasts went upstairs one by one, guarding each aisle, foolishly protecting the human on the top floor.

When Chu Xin came to the lobby on the second floor, there was already a row of men and women standing in front of the only large staircase, about fifteen or six.


They all split their heads open, and the strange parasites immediately stood in sharp contrast to the surrounding environment.

Mayor's Office.

Hirokawa Takeshi stared at the surveillance camera with gloomy eyes. The terrifying-looking parasitic beasts faced the burly Chu Xin like wheat harvested by a scythe.


"Only Tamiya Ryoko and Goto have the strength to deal with this guy." Hirokawa Takeshi muttered.

"Although this matter is very sudden and urgent," the secretary turned on the computer, "but this is not what I want to report to you."

Hirokawa Takeshi glanced at the computer angrily. After a few seconds, a big question mark suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The scene in the picture is obviously the emergency department of a hospital.

From the perspective of analysis, the photographer is most likely a patient or family member.

A man who was carried out of the ambulance was convulsing crazily on the hospital bed, his eyes were as red as a ghost, and his ears and nose were bleeding.

Just when several doctors and nurses thought it was a rabies attack, the man sat up suddenly, pinned down the nearest nurse, and bit off one of her ears in one bite.

The video was instantly filled with screams.

Then, chaos spread quickly.

The man was pulled up by two male doctors, but he broke free with a burst of brute force, bit one male doctor's arm and rushed into the hospital hall.

The video also stopped abruptly.

"What is this?" Hirokawa Tsuyoshi said in shock and uneasiness.

"I have read movies, TV shows and novels about humans. If I had to choose the one that fits the most," the secretary replied, "it would be zombies."

Hirokawa Tsuyoshi pursed his dry lips and said, "Ignore this for now, we have to leave."

I had an infusion this morning. I feel better. I will have an infusion tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It shouldn’t be a second time. After all, there are no other matching symptoms.

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