"Twelve hours have passed since Godzilla attacked the three nuclear power plants in the Great Cold. What is disturbing is that all countries around the world have lost traces of him."

"According to reliable information, before disappearing, Godzilla destroyed one of our country's aircraft carrier fleets, causing immeasurable huge losses. The official has not made any official statement on this matter."

"At present, the five major countries have held an emergency meeting and established the Ministry of Human Defense. At this moment, the community of human destiny is once again reflected!"

"With the combined power of the world, I think Godzilla will definitely be doomed, and the earth will always belong to us humans."

"But these obviously cannot appease the fear of the people. A large number of protesters have gathered on the streets of New York, London, Sydney and other cities. They want the official to give a factual answer!"

In the white palace of Peanut Village, the king and several ministers were watching TV with stern expressions.

The content reported by reporters can be condensed into negative words such as riots, doubts, demonstrations, extremes, etc.

The king stood up, lifted a corner of the curtain, and peered into the street outside the manor.

As he expected, the demonstrators holding banners and signs continued to demonstrate, and they formed an explosive confrontation with the heavily armed police officers holding shields.

The signs read "We need the truth," "We can't defeat Godzilla," "Please keep us safe," and "Apologise for nuking Tokyo."

Of course, there are also some people wearing Godzilla pain suits with a simple drawing of Godzilla on their face, waving Godzilla-shaped support sticks, and barking: "Long live Godzilla! Please protect Godzilla!" It just wants a home of its own! It was our human pollution that led to the birth of Godzilla. Please shut down all factories and abandon the nuclear industry!"


The king closed the curtains and cursed, "A bunch of idiots wasting air."

"Godzilla disappeared in the Neon Sea, but we have investigated and found no clues." The Minister of Defense said solemnly.

"It's this ability to disappear out of thin air again, evade the locking and detection of all equipment, shrink into the water and disappear." A senior official of the military's technical department frowned.

"Can Kraken really defeat Godzilla? Godzilla's heat rays are too terrifying. I really can't imagine his defeat." Some people don't hold out hope.

"Is it, or is it Him?" Someone followed suit and said, "One thing is true, Godzilla is indeed like a god."

The king snorted coldly, "God? No matter how powerful Godzilla is, he is still mutated from ordinary creatures. The nuclear waste he eats is still produced by us!"

The Secretary of Defense also said, "Yes, if we really want to be serious, Godzilla was created by our country."

The king looked at the world map posted on the wall, "The Behemoth Project can be launched at any time. By then, it can be used to deal with Godzilla or the entire world. And aren't we also creating creatures that are comparable to gods?"

He was referring to Kraken.

As a leader, he knows far more information than anyone else and is therefore confident.

"Kraken was originally a prehistoric creature, far older than Godzilla. After decades of mutation experiments, it has been able to withstand and adapt to various drugs. In addition, it has recently been integrated with more than a dozen genes. The veterinary medicine makes it larger than Godzilla, and it has countless amazing special abilities. Its weight has also reached a terrifying 70,000 tons. It is an invincible God of War in the sea!" Project responsible for planning The leader said firmly.

"The most important thing is," the king added, "the Kraken, a monster comparable to a god, is completely under our control."

"You can't understand it just by talking about it," the project leader said proudly. "One day when you see it with your own eyes, you will understand the horror of Kraken."

"Just today, let me open your eyes." The king proposed.

"Where is it?" one officer asked.

on the equator.

The deep waters of the Pacific Ocean west of South America.

An island that does not exist on the map is desolate and barren.

There are no trees or vegetation, and the bare rocks have traces of erosion from the sea.

Tu tu tu tu~

A large helicopter flew from the north and landed on the island's flat ground.

The project leader jumped out of the helicopter together with four or five high-ranking officials from the free country.

Before anyone could ask, the ground with a large number of rocks standing not far away suddenly split into two, and a passage leading below emerged.

Everyone went down.

The surrounding environment immediately turned into a cold-toned laboratory style.

It can be seen that this place has been here for a long time, and the steel walls are written with traces of the passage of time.

It's a bit old, but the hardware facilities are absolutely first-class.

As they went deeper, they had reached the space under the island, and many scientific researchers in uniforms appeared in the corridor. They all had fair skin and blue lips, like vampires.

"It's at the bottom," the person in charge turned around and said, "Please don't show fear when you see her. Kraken is a very sensitive and smart child. She will be sad."

After saying that, everyone entered the elevator.

Unconsciously, a fishy smell filled the air.

It's not the fishy smell of sea water, but the smell of some kind of ferocious beast.


Bang Bang~


Bang Bang~

The elevator goes straight down, seemingly without end.

"Down, all the way down into the abyss of the sea, Kraken is sleeping, ancient, dreamless, and unintruded. Without sunlight, it lies sideways in the hazy darkness." The person in charge slowly recited the poem, and the magnetic voice attracted everyone. Several officials were horrified.

"This is a sonnet, 'The Kraken', published by the English poet Tennyson in 1830," the person in charge continued, "and in Scandinavian, a Kraken refers to an unhealthy, deformed animal or Those twisted, tangled creatures.”

"I don't hate deformed creatures. Those tentacles that can be soft or hard are just like the warm palms of mothers," the person in charge said to himself, regardless of the looks of several middle-aged and elderly people. "Everyone who works here People are full of love for Kraken, it is..."

"Stop, sir, please stop your Amway." The Minister of Defense finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted the person in charge's praise with a twisted eyebrow.


The elevator door opens.

Everyone walked out and came to a large square research room.

It is surrounded by transparent glass, and outside the glass it looks like an ocean, with all kinds of dazzling underwater creatures.

Hundreds of searchlights make the surroundings extra clear and bright.

In fact, there is a huge layer of glass outside, forming a space with a huge capacity to simulate marine ecology.

Such an environment is generally used for breeding or observation.

For example, humans built a large fish tank in the sea. In order to carry out their work better, they built an observation station in the center of the fish tank, directly connected to the island on the sea.

"Many years ago, in the waters of southern China, a luxury cruise ship named Yago mysteriously crashed. It seemed that a tragic explosion had occurred, but the truth was not simple. When the search and rescue team arrived, they discovered that the ship was occupying the sea The steel remains, as well as a large number of weird and terrifying flesh and bones.”

The person in charge began to speak in detail, informing several officials in more detail.

"The flesh and blood is not human, but some kind of giant creature, with sections of burned tentacles, like an octopus or a squid."

"This incident attracted the attention of our country's special department, so an investigation team was dispatched. Sure enough, it was a prehistoric creature that had never appeared in the human world, a prehistoric Otwa living in the extremely deep sea."

The Minister of Defense asked, "If you say that Otwa is dead, what do you think?"

The person in charge nodded, "Certainly Kraken is not the corpse. In the six months since then, we have continued to search deeply in that sea area. The hard work paid off and we successfully found another juvenile prehistoric Ottwa. Although She’s hundreds of years old.”

"Wait a minute, shouldn't Otwa be a kind of marine worm that sucks blood? It's only a dozen centimeters at most. How can it destroy a cruise ship like this?" an official asked doubtfully.

"Pay attention to the wording. It's prehistoric Ottwa. They are similar to the megalodon sharks in the Mariana Trench. They have always lived in the deep sea and occasionally hunted ships passing by. They have left legends around the world." The person in charge replied .

As several officials listened, they suddenly found that the light in front of them had dimmed, and an invisible pressure caused their breathing to become stagnant.

They turned their heads in unison and their pupils trembled at the same time.


I saw several thick tentacles clinging to the glass, and the suction cups full of sharp teeth rubbed against each other, making a "sizzling" sound.

In the middle of the tentacles, which are as wide as an old-fashioned residential building, a terrifying oversized cheek slowly approaches, and a round eyeball stares at the strangers inside.

Although it has tentacles, its face is far more hideous and sinister than that of octopuses and squids.

There are whale bones remaining in the open mouth, and the structure of the head is more like a ferocious worm.

On the whole, it is a combination of crown jellyfish, vampire squid and giant sea anemone.

"Isn't this too big?"

"I feel like it could haunt Godzilla to death!"

"A tentacle is at least over a hundred meters long, worthy of that famous name."

After hearing the officials' praise for it, the person in charge was also very proud. He looked at it with fondness and gazed at it with ardent eyes. "The team at that time named it the Pacific Sea Monster. After I took over, she became the mythical creature." Kraken Kraken!"

Woo buzz~woo buzz~

As if sensing his fiery gaze, the Kraken rubbed his forehead against the glass affectionately.

"According to the information in the report, the means of controlling it is bio-waves," the Defense Minister said.

"No, no, no, I don't think so." The person in charge opened his arms and leaned close to the glass, hugging the ugly monster across the wall.

"It's the love between me and her, the indescribable and subtle emotions generated by being together day and night!" He turned his head, his handsome face full of sincerity.

Everyone frowned and felt a chill in their hearts.

What kind of extreme perversion is this?

The rest of the scientific researchers also cast ardent glances, either out of pride, obsession, or obsession.

"It is their crazy obsession that creates such a giant beast. Don't show disgust on your face," the Defense Minister reminded in a low voice, "I can feel it secretly looking at us. Those eyes are intelligent. , no less than human beings.”

After being reminded by him, several people restrained their emotions.

"It's time to release Kraken," the person in charge said, "What do you think?"

"This is the initial password." The Minister of Defense was prepared and handed over a small password box.

The person in charge excitedly took it and opened it. There was only one document inside, with a password of more than a dozen numbers and letters at the end.

He entered it into the computer, and then looked at the Kraken with hope and reluctance.



After a loud noise, the outermost glass cover fell off instantly.

The two worlds inside and outside came together, and the roommates of Kraken fell in love with each other without saying a word.

But the Kraken did not leave directly, but hovered obediently in place.

"Go and take back your status as a natural disaster in the ocean!" the person in charge shouted, inputting instructions on the console with both hands.

A few seconds later, the North Sea Monster swung its tentacles and disappeared into the dark water.

Dongfushan City.

People around the world are wondering where Godzilla has gone.

Chu Xin naturally came to fulfill the death threat. He did not actually land in Dahan, but only dealt with three unstable "bombs" for them, so that they would not constantly worry about whether the nuclear power plant would malfunction.

Now it's better. As soon as Master Chu took action, he no longer had any worries. The people of Dahan were so happy that they cried with joy.

The trip to Dongfu Mountain was to play with the parasitic beasts, and more importantly, to take the opportunity to practice the Licker with 80% proficiency and the newly obtained Rey.

Different cards require different enemies to grind.

For Licker and the current Rey, human battleship cannons are naturally not suitable, but parasitic beasts with weak combat power are just right.

Night falls.


A leopard-like figure passed through the park.


The gusts of movement in the cold wind just happened to alert the two patrolling police officers passing by.

Due to the continuous brutal murders in the past six months, the entire city has fallen into a never-ending panic.

Under Takeshi Hirokawa's policy, a large number of police officers with guns patrol every night.

Of course, it is unknown whether there are hybrid parasitic beasts among those police officers.

"Who's there?"

"Go and have a look."

The two looked at each other, holding a flashlight in one hand and touching their waist with the other.

A search was carried out, but to no avail.

"Maybe it's the wind?"


"Araguan, you talk very little recently. Did something happen at home?"


"You still said no. You told me a lot before we put it aside a week ago."

"Prefer not to say."

The strange old police officer looked at the young police officer, reached out and tapped him twice on the forehead, "There's something really wrong with you, tell me the truth, are you having trouble?"

The young police officer frowned a little displeasedly and stared at the old police officer coldly, "I told you, no."

The old police officer was also stubborn and continued to ask, "Is there anything else that we, master and apprentice, can't say?"

Suddenly, the old police officer was shocked. He stared dumbly at the young police officer two meters in front of him, and tremblingly reached for his gun.


The young police officer's head split into three jagged strips without any warning.

But what puzzled the old police officer was that his apprentice, no, this unknown creature did not attack him, but looked straight ahead and exuded a dangerous aura.

He stepped back methodically and looked slightly sideways.

Under the dim street lights, in the grass twenty meters away, there was a shadow of a creeping beast looming.


The evening breeze blew, whipping up a fishy gust of wind.

Low fever + diarrhea + hemorrhoids, this chapter was coded out in extreme pain. If it doesn’t get better tomorrow, you have to go to the hospital.

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