All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 144 Little Pickle: Aren’t you dead? !

The thunder and lightning in the background automatically moved around and quickly shrank to the character in the middle.

Golden light swirled and gathered into a humanoid creature.

It has a Saiyan-like hedgehog head, wings-like arms, a small and slender torso, powerful beast-shaped legs, and sharp triangle-like feet.

Except for the white down on the face, chest, abdomen and thighs, the rest of the body is covered with golden hard hair.

A trace of fine current visible to the naked eye flows in it, like wisps of liquid thunder, sputtering out from time to time.

I can’t tell what kind of animal it is. It’s not a product of the earth at all.

But Chu Xin was extremely familiar with this.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a blockbuster childhood memory.

One look at it will make your whole body tremble.

Chu Xin’s computer web game enlightener—Seer Hao!

And this card is one of the boss spirits named Rey.

It is the legendary God of Thunder in the world of Seer, the second patron saint of Helka in the Pano system, and the king of the electric elves.

To this day, Chu Xin clearly remembers the great fun of swimming in the Purcell universe when he was in the fifth or sixth grade of elementary school.

Since I have been living in an orphanage, although the institution is affiliated to a large local company, it does not have all the facilities, so I have no chance to touch computers since I was a child.

The first time I met Purcell was in the microcomputer class of the fifth grade of elementary school.

He was shocked when he saw his classmates log in to their Taomi accounts and enter the wonderful world where many elves can be captured.

Different elements, such as fire, water, electricity, machinery, etc., rare elves that appear at special times, endless combat skills, different planets, different suits, and different landscapes directly impacted the lack of salary in the young Chu. worldview.

After just one lesson of watching others play, Chu Xin completely fell in love with the Purcell number.

So, in the following days, he and several friends from the orphanage sneaked into the black Internet cafe for an hour after school every day.

Unfortunately, since he had no time to live on campus in junior high school, and the price of krypton money on the Seer number became more and more serious, and the game system became complicated and cumbersome, Chu Xin gradually gave up on it.

But it is undeniable that this is indeed Chu Xin's favorite game in elementary school.

And the Rey on this card is a planet boss that gives countless children a headache.

A powerful incarnation of thunder, with a mysterious background that comes and goes without a trace. Every time it appears, there will always be storms, lightning and thunder.


Card switching.

Godzilla, who was more than 100 meters tall, instantly transformed into a yellow man with a height of 1.3 meters.

A little handsome, a little cute.


The electric current on his body immediately reacted with the sea water, and electric arcs scattered in all directions.

The explosive Chu Xin was more domineering and sharp than when he was submissive, like the son of thunder and lightning descending into the deep sea.


Chu Xin waved his claws, and sharp claws protruded from the hair.

Three ferocious traces were immediately left on the rock, but these were just pure physical attacks, without the addition of thunder and lightning elements.

If you guessed correctly, this is the "catch" move that most elves will use, which is a regular basic attack.


After continuing to play for a while, he cut back to Godzilla.

Having just been reborn, although there is no shortage of energy, he is in a state of hunger.

This is because the upper limit of its own reserves has been raised, as well as the increase in consumption caused by the increase in strength, and the fusion efficiency of the atomic furnace has also increased.

Therefore, Chu Xin thought for a while and swam towards the north.

Big cold.

Metropolitan City, Busan.

The Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant on the coast is among the largest in the world, far surpassing the Higashi-Fukuyama Nuclear Power Plant in Neon.

Since Godzilla appeared, countries have increased their efforts to guard nuclear power plants, and the Great Cold is no exception.

Although the Free Nation has declared Godzilla dead and more than a month has passed, no one dares to take it lightly.

In the staff dormitory of the nuclear power plant, several grassroots employees in work clothes were chatting over instant noodles.

"Neon really collapsed this time, the radiation left over from the nuclear explosion in Tokyo, tsk tsk~"

"This is the retribution they deserve. The two nuclear bombs can only be said to be history repeating itself hahaha!"

"It's better to die more and contribute to the depopulation of the earth."

"It's a pity that Godzilla died too quickly. We should plow through all the neon signs first, and then go to the other side to burn them. Then who can fight against us?"

"The Spring Festival will be in two days. It just so happens that we are on vacation. Why don't we go have a drink?"

"Who celebrates the Spring Festival? It's boring."

"Our traditional festivals must be passed down and don't let others steal them."

"Come on, don't be as crazy as a lunatic. Anyway, we can't do that. Christmas is still interesting."


Suddenly, a rapid siren sounded throughout the park.

Everyone hurried out of the room and came to the open outside to look around.


On the sea surface, waves are clustered together, forming a dense flow of flowers.

The huge shadow sneaked under the water at high speed, and it was the initiator of the waves.

One warship first issued a verbal warning, but then opened fire after seeing no results.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet hit the water without stopping it in the slightest.

"What's that? A submarine or a whale?"

"It doesn't look like it to be honest."

"It has been reported to the city hall and the emergency response team has been dispatched."

"I have a bad feeling."

"Shut your crow mouth, I know what you want to say!"

The employees climbed up the tower to have a distant view and talked a lot.

Gradually, their eyes became sharp.

It’s not like a cat with its pupils constricting and concentrating, but the little white rabbit going out and meeting the gray wolf around the corner.

One of them couldn't stop his fingers trembling and his lips trembling up and down.

This symptom seemed to be contagious, and the companions around him began to tremble one after another.

On the endless turbulent sea surface, clusters of black and red dorsal fins tear through the water, moving at high speed like coral bushes sticking out of the head.


The dorsal fin cut the ship from the bottom and sank to the bottom of the sea in the explosion.

"Brother, Godzilla? That's Godzilla, right?"

"Run, run!"

Everyone was so frightened that they ran away without looking back.

For contemporary people's horror stories, only the word Godzilla is enough, because Sadako and Kayako can only scare you for one night, but Godzilla can burn all the houses and cars you bought with a loan, and give you soul and body. A double whammy.



Chu Xin entered the shallow sea area, holding up a heavy body of 100,000 tons with his feet.

With a height of more than 100 meters, it immediately became the focus of attention. People on the streets in the distance stood sluggishly and mechanically took out their mobile phones.

"You little beast, it's all your fault. You were right, Godzilla is still alive!"

"It's none of my business! I didn't know those bastards in the Free Country could lie to people!"

"We were deceived! This is a huge, world-class scam!"

The employees ran for their lives, taking out their mobile phones to send messages to their superiors or relatives and friends, telling them to leave Busan quickly.

At the same time, a large number of videos and photos were uploaded to the Internet.

If Tokyo was a physical nuclear bomb, then at this moment, an Internet super bomb was detonated, directly frying netizens around the world.

There is no doubt that this is also a loud slap, which makes the face of the free country turn red.

As soon as Chu Xin climbed onto the shore, demonstrations began in several countries, saying that they needed to know the truth.

In response, the free ruler was equally furious and fired a dozen officials, large and small, with a slap on the table.

But to say who is most afraid, it must be the host Dahan.

Although they don't want to admit it, what senior officials in Seoul are most worried about is not Godzilla itself, but whether Busan will follow in Tokyo's footsteps and also eat a nuclear bomb or two.

Therefore, Dahan contacted the Free State immediately and firmly put forward his idea.


Chu Xin walked into the nuclear power plant unscrupulously and kicked a house away. The flying gravel scattered flowers and knocked out a large group of evacuating employees.


His long tail swung, and the end of his tail fin was filled with purple light.


A radiation stream suddenly appeared in the Great Cold Underworld.

Bang bang bang~

A series of explosions occurred.

The operating nuclear reactor was destroyed, and the metal and concrete were shattered and cracked.

The entire nuclear power plant was engulfed in flames in the blink of an eye.

It can be foreseen that Busan City is approaching a "radiation" trend and will soon usher in a "nuclear" harmonious life.


Chu Xin raised his head and roared.

The roar was like rolling thunder, quickly reaching the distant city, causing many pedestrians to stop in astonishment.


The air raid siren sounded, and the big screen in the commercial pedestrian street showed a disaster emergency notice.

When the screen switched to the scene of Chu Xinhuo burning the nuclear power plant, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

The little Xiba people all had the same thought: Aren't you dead? !


Chu Xin let out a deafening burp.

The skin on the back undulates and stretches like life, the pores continue to shrink and expand, and a large amount of steam gushes out, alternately sucking the radiation in the air into the body.

"We still have to catch the next one."

He pondered, turned around and submerged into the sea.


Six fighter planes flew past, accompanying each other above.

Behind him, four warships followed closely, locking and tracking Chu Xin.

Chu Xin didn't care at all about this.

Just follow them, they can only do nothing.

The reason why the military has not attacked is because the environment is limited. After all, humans have very little control over the ocean. If you are not careful, you will lose the target.

Dahan's territory is not large, and Chu Xin quickly swam to the coast of North Gyeongsang Province.

The second target is the second largest nuclear power plant in Dahan, Xinhanwei!

As for number one?

Didn’t you just leave from there~


After Chu Xin completely stepped onto the land, the Han Fang Air Force launched a full output offensive.

Not only that, the Free Air Force stationed in the cold came to help in the battle soon. More than a dozen Apache helicopters formed a circle around them, and Raptors and other fighter jets bombarded them without restriction, increasing their firepower in all directions.


Chu Xin's dorsal fin glowed.

The pilots noticed it and immediately retreated.

But the efficiency of Chu Xin's atomic furnace increased, and the stream of light spread rapidly, releasing more than a dozen back radiation streams in the next second.

The day was instantly divided by purple light, like bunches of pillars of death rising from the ground.


Dozens of fighter planes exploded one after another, and only a few single figures managed to escape.

During the day, fireworks horrified countless little pickles.

The blazing fighter plane crashed into the nuclear power plant, destroying it into a mess without Chu Xin's actions.

Chu Xin started to smoke again without any politeness.

Thank you for the gift of nature~

Dahan Combat Command.

"Godzilla's target is the nuclear power plant. According to path estimation and probability assessment, the next one should be the Hankwang Nuclear Power Plant in Jeollanam-do. Immediately mobilize all nearby military forces to deploy defenses! Stop it from entering the inland!"

As the commander's order was issued, Dahan officially announced that it had entered the highest alert mode.

All coastal cities organized people to evacuate and take refuge, and violent agencies in various places were dispatched with guns and ammunition to suppress riots that might occur at any time.

After all, with Tokyo as a warning and such painful lessons from other countries before our eyes, we can still learn the most basic copying homework.


Hanguang Nuclear Power Plant is enough to enter the top ten in the world and third in the country.

Before Chu Xin arrived, the staff had already been transferred.

In its place was a Great Cold Army, with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles deployed on the hillside, and missile vehicles lined up.

They knew very well that these weapons would not work on Godzilla, but it was better than nothing. What if Godzilla changed his mind and returned to the sea?

"Where are the reinforcements promised by the Free State?" the Army Colonel asked.

"They said they don't have enough reserves and can't provide assistance for the time being, leaving us to rely on ourselves." The subordinate said helplessly.

"Assi!" the colonel yelled.

What's the matter with insufficient reserves? It's just that they don't want to come, and they don't want to continue making meaningless sacrifices on Godzilla.

"It's better if they don't come. I'm really afraid that they will drop two nuclear bombs like Tokyo." A lieutenant colonel muttered.

It can be seen that the reputation of Free Country has dropped significantly recently, especially in the minds of the younger brothers.

The main reason is that Neon is such a big kid, so he throws it away as soon as possible, like toilet paper thrown away after wiping his butt. The other sons were somewhat chilled and disappointed when they saw it.

"What are these idiots doing!" The colonel said another curse word.

"What's wrong?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"They lost Godzilla." The colonel frowned.

Didi didi!

"An ultra-high heat source was detected 20 kilometers away!"

"Aerial image transmitted back!"

Everyone took a closer look and saw a bright purple heat ray flashing out from under the sea on the screen.

A chill ran down everyone's spine, and their hearts felt cold, and they subconsciously looked outside.



A few seconds later, the distant sky and sea were suddenly filled with intense purple haze.

As the saying goes, purple energy comes from the east~

Bang bang bang!

The radiation flow swept across from left to right, hitting all the war projects deployed on the coast. There was no need to worry about those halfway up the mountain, because the hillside was directly cut off.

In the blink of an eye, the entire army was wiped out.

at the same time.

free country.

Peanut Village, White Palace, Emergency Meeting.

"After testing, the Godzilla that appeared in the Great Cold is the same Godzilla in Tokyo."

Dead silence~

"It was actually able to survive the center of the explosion of a three-phase bomb."

"What else can we do?"

"How about a 10-gigaton nuclear bomb?"

"I don't agree. Not to mention the international impact, there is a bigger question before us. Does Godzilla have some unscientific means of escape?"

"Indeed, the nuclear explosion will affect our observation of Godzilla, and there is no way to know what exactly happened."

"It seems that no residue was found at the scene. It was not evaporated by high heat, but escaped."

The conversation suddenly reached a stalemate, and everyone looked very ugly when they thought of such a difficult monster.


"It is not appropriate to continue nuclear explosions." The leader of the country spoke.

"Where's the Kraken?" someone suggested.

The king thought for a moment and said, "This is an idea. We are now fully supporting this plan. With the current strength of the Kraken, it can indeed be used to touch Godzilla's bottom, allowing us to obtain more useful information. Okay Develop a targeted battle plan.”

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