All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 143 The guaranteed tenth draw, the card is out!

nine in the morning.

The sky was completely bright, but the neon lights were shrouded in thick dark clouds, and no light could be seen.

"To deal with Godzilla, it is necessary to use extremely polluting three-phase bombs!" Neon Energy Minister said angrily.

Not only him, but all the neon officials around him had angry faces, frowning and staring at the Free State diplomats and garrison commander opposite.

"Considering that Godzilla would have some extraordinary way of escaping, in order to win with one strike, we used a five-megaton nuclear warhead. This is not a very prominent thing in our inventory. After all, we have to take Tokyo into consideration. people, we gave up our 10-million-ton nuclear weapons." This was the reply given by the diplomat.

Unapologetically, without sincerity, just serious explanations, as if they were the word "right" itself.

"You are pushing us into another lineup!" a young official shouted unbearably.

"So what?" The commander smiled, "Tokyo no longer exists, and the neon lights are just fish and meat that can be slaughtered by others. Besides, you are in great need of our assistance now."

"I hope you won't get carried away. If necessary, we will declare to the public that Godzilla is not dead and that nuclear strikes need to continue." The diplomat seemed to have expected it and threatened with confidence.

As expected of a diplomat, his words are more technical than those of a soldier.

Neon's face twitched, and he clenched his fists as he hesitated to speak.

They all wondered whether Godzilla was a biological weapon manufactured by a free country, specifically to harm other countries openly like this, and Chicago was their victim to clear up the suspicion.

How else to explain the nuclear bomb appearing out of thin air?

After all, in today's world, who dares to attack free countries casually?

How did Godzilla disappear out of thin air? It could have been a secret operation by the Free State!

After all, we are in Chicago, an inland city of the Free State, and all the people have been evacuated. What happened is not dependent on the Free State's mouth!

As expected of a political person, his ability to make associations and deductions is very strong, even though he was wrong from the beginning.

The conversation between the two parties was full of gunpowder, and there was no need to continue negotiations.

"Everyone, I hope you can calm down and think carefully. We will only cooperate with smart people." The diplomat patted the interim prime minister on the shoulder. "The president has told us that the cooperation between our two countries can be deepened again. In order to ensure your safety, Homeland Security will increase the military strength of the Chongshan Base to protect your citizens until you return to your former prosperity."

"In order to maintain public security in Tokyo, I have dispatched an army of 3,000 people to assist you in resettling refugees and dealing with nuclear-contaminated areas," the commander said.

Every word I say is for your own good, but both inside and outside the words are used and monitored.

After saying that, the two people left the temporary settlement house in the suburbs of Tokyo under the escort of bodyguards.

"What should we do? How should we explain it to the people?"

"I'd better resign. I don't want to live under verbal abuse for the rest of my life."

This time, no one tried to persuade him because everyone wanted to quit.

The interim prime minister didn't say much. As a parasitic beast, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

The more miserable and chaotic mankind becomes, it is naturally a good thing.

But the nuclear pollution caused by the nuclear bomb and the massive damage to the ecology and environment made him extremely angry. After all, this is the home of all species. It is really arrogant and ignorant for humans to use it without authorization based on their own opinions.

He called Hirokawa Takeshi's phone number and said, "Three ministers have been dismissed. I can promote you to Tokyo."

"No need," Hirokawa Takeshi said, "I'd better stay behind the scenes. Higashi Fukuyama City is our home base."

In the current complicated situation, he would not rush to the front like a fool. The wisest choice would be to remain unnoticed.

"The information about us has been completely destroyed by Godzilla and nuclear bombs. I have also ordered my subordinates to deal with the surviving insiders." The interim Prime Minister said indifferently.

"Except for that guy hiding in the dark, no one should know about our existence." Hiroyuki Tsuyoshi muttered, recalling Chu Xin's death threat.

"I feel that the free countries are the cancer of mankind. Only by destroying them can the earth's ecology be balanced," the interim prime minister said. "Those arrogant humans are so hateful that I almost couldn't help but take action just now."

"Regarding them, Tamiya Ryoko and I are already considering a parasitic invasion plan." Hirokawa Takeshi replied.

"Oh?" The interim prime minister snorted in confusion.

"Tamiya Ryoko collected many of your compatriot larvae in the sea for the next action." Hirokawa Takeshi said with a smile.

The interim Prime Minister also smiled and said, "You are one of the few good people among mankind, a savior who is willing to consider the entire ecology, and you are also the link between us. Our cooperation will always be maintained."

"In order to rejuvenate the world, I am willing to give up myself personally. This is also my goal in this life." Hirokawa Takeshi said resolutely.

The two nuclear bombs this morning not only detonated Tokyo, but also set off a storm of public opinion around the world.

It's like opening Pandora's box. All nuclear powers are therefore on alert, fearing that someone will be dishonest and take advantage of troubled waters.

However, the happy news that Godzilla was dead still caused countless people to celebrate.

In order to commemorate Godzilla's short life, some toy manufacturers have launched related figures and models, put it on the screen and added comic characters.

Teenagers are rushing to buy limited edition Godzilla badges and albums, and buy Godzilla skins in the game. Some rare treasures are even sold at sky-high prices.

The reason for raising the price is very hard-core, "10% of what you spend on purchasing goods will be donated to the victims of the disaster and contribute your love."

I don’t know whether it was given to Neon specifically, but a wave of displaying purchase vouchers and donation screenshots began online. People all attributed the Tokyo incident to a disaster caused by Godzilla, and gradually ignored the fact that the Free State dropped a nuclear bomb.

The media in countries such as Maple Leaf, Sunset, Kangaroo, and Big Chill also published many articles praising the Free Country, praising them as human leaders, which is very reliable at such critical times.

With the help of the Free State, Neon was able to minimize its losses.

By the way, they didn't mention anything about Godzilla's imminent departure from Tokyo and into the Pacific Ocean, and of course, the media probably didn't know either.

Topics such as the number of casualties and the impact of radiation have become unpopular, and they are vaguely pointed to Chu Xin.

Three days later.

A biochemical force emblazoned with the Stars and Stripes entered the radiation zone.

The scorched earth shows no trace of the existence of the city, but it is somewhat similar to the hell in Western movies.

"We are about to enter the center of the nuclear explosion. No abnormalities have been found yet."

"Come and look at this."

Several soldiers lifted up a few stone slabs that shattered at the touch and looked at the semi-collapsed space below in astonishment, their eyes flashing with fear behind their masks.

If you guessed it correctly, there is a subway station below.

"Merciful God, please let these poor people go to heaven." Someone said with trembling hands.

Through the cracks under the feet, one can clearly see intertwined black objects. Judging from the structure, they must be human beings.

But their skin completely disappeared, as if they were thrown into a steam oven and melted alive. Not a drop of blood and other liquid components were left in their bodies, and their mummy-like remains were roasted by high-temperature fire into pitch-black charcoal.

It's quite a distance here, so I'm lucky to have left the whole body behind.

If we go further, the dust flying in the wind will be the ashes.

"They escaped Godzilla's rays, but failed to wait for the rescue team. They were trapped below and eventually died from the nuclear explosion." Someone accurately analyzed.

As soon as these words came out, a sad mist spread.

"Why are you standing here? This is entirely Godzilla's fault!" the captain yelled.

Several young soldiers did not dare to resist and had to return to the team to continue the search.

The captain looked back at the pit filled with corpses, and calmly touched the cross between his neck through the protective suit.

Soon, they arrived at the expected location.

A huge depression in the ground is shocking, and the radiation surrounding it is like a scourge, hitting the fragile protective clothing wantonly.

Everyone dispersed and began to conduct reconnaissance and inspection of the surrounding environment.

"No suspected Godzilla remains were found."

"How can there be any residue at a temperature of tens of millions or billions?"

"Flesh and blood is not steel, even steel should be melted away."

"If you don't want to die, hurry up. According to the rules, we shouldn't enter at this time. It's too risky."

In the end, this team gave the five-legged building a sixty-point answer.

The passing score is because Godzilla is certain to be dead, and the lack of perfect score is because precious body tissue was not collected.

After receiving multiple affirmations from various units, the leader of the Free State held a press conference to announce to the world that they had killed Godzilla!

He also stated that he would closely investigate the truth behind the Chicago nuclear explosion and at the same time provide Neon with maximum financial and human support.

However, the Free State did not give up and sent troops to isolate the entire Tokyo radiation zone. No one, including Neon himself, could enter. Ministers had to go through layers of approvals if they wanted to go.

The reason for this is also very simple. The Free State simply wants to conduct a blanket search to find the remnants of Chu Xin that may have been splashed out.

In this way, a month passed quietly.

Neon reluctantly cut off its flesh and had to completely abandon the Tokyo reconstruction plan and first relocate millions of people to other big cities.

This is a big project. The population transfer alone costs a lot of money, and the temporary settlements are built with the help of China.

The unknown depths of the Pacific Ocean.

In a huge dark trench, a hundred-meter-long deformed sarcoma beat like a heart.

It's undoubtedly Chu Xin.

At that time, he suddenly enjoyed the most explosive nuclear meal, although it also resulted in almost no bones left of him.

But the cells' tenacious toughness allows them to retain a small piece of concentrated minced meat stuck in a very deep crevice.

High-intensity condensation and covering load regeneration allow it to survive.

Therefore, in one aspect, Chu Xin was indeed dead, but on the other hand, he was still alive.

So he switches to the Predator, enters the ocean, and transforms back into Godzilla, a piece of rotten flesh.

The tumor-like tissue grew into hands and feet like cattail leaf fans, and they swam and swam until they reached their current position.

This is a veritable Nirvana rebirth!

Bang bang~ bang bang~

Even though he made a lot of noise, there was still nothing around him, and no marine life dared to come close to the kilometer range.


The opaque film on the surface of the sarcoma suddenly breaks open.

A thick and powerful long tail came out, and the rough skin looked like it was made of metallic rock.

The gathered tail fin is inexplicably full of the layered beauty of the mechanical structure, and the red texture in the ravine is even deeper.


A series of muffled sounds were heard, and the fleshy membranes of the limbs were torn apart one by one.

A head that was slightly rougher than before opened its bloody mouth.

Chu Xin regained his life.

There is not much growth in terms of volume, but the overall feeling is obviously thicker, and the oppression that is exuded at every move can already compete with the legendary brother Fatty.

But what still occupies more is the horror unique to monsters.

Yes, it's not about how handsome or awesome it is, but a real and pure feeling of terror, just like a bare-handed human being encountering a ferocious tiger in the wilderness.

Different from Legend Brother, the former is a decent and messenger of the earth at first glance, while the latter is a completely flesh and blood God of Destruction, a punisher of the earth who is both good and evil.

Card text appears:

"A nuclear bomb hits your face, and a nuclear explosion hits your head~

He risked his life and came back to life, he was fierce and unyielding, and he brought his realm of waves to the extreme;

After undergoing a body remodeling, like a refined weapon, the density of muscles and bones increases;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 60%;

The number of card draws in the gashapon machine is +1;

Earn rewards:

[Immortal Cell] (Permanently passive, the efficiency of cell division is greatly improved. Even if the host has only one cell left, it can reshape the body from one to ten. When it reaches a certain level, the immortality will be activated, and the remaining cells will be The few cells are difficult to be completely destroyed by conventional damage);

[Atomic Heat Shield] (releases atomic energy from the pores to form a high-heat, high-explosive, full-coverage shield on the body surface, which is enough to withstand small-yield nuclear explosions without any damage at full output). "


Chu Xin stretched his arms in the trench and shook his tail suddenly.

Wave Tail Cannon!

The terrible force impacts the sea water, forming a compressed depression at the front end of the movement trajectory.


The air flow burst and hit the rock with great force that was higher than Chu Xin.

The splashing of gravel can be called a purely physical explosion without flames!

Chu Xin felt happy.

Although the concept of the skill is still 5 times, the intensity of this blow is much higher than before.

Not to mention the penetrating power that penetrates the back of paper, this blasting shock wave can be said to be the icing on the cake, giving the enemy a double blow.

He put away his fun and opened the intracranial map.

At first glance, it turns out that we are in the sea area where Neon and Dahan meet, closer to Dahan.

In this case, let’s go ahead and eat some kimchi-flavored nuclear radiation as originally planned~

But before that, Chu Xin turned on the gashapon machine first.


"The tenth draw guarantee is triggered, and the accumulated number of guarantees is cleared."

A purple-gold gashapon rolled out and burst into glory.


A character card flew out spinning.

Chu Xin watched with excitement and curiosity, secretly guessing.

Beautiful vertical paintings are slowly outlined in the blank card frame~

The background picture is clusters of golden lightning, as if thunder is falling all over the sky.

As the invisible paintbrush moves, a yellow creature appears in the eyes.

Chu Xin was a little stunned, and immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

Good guy!

I went to see The Wandering Earth 2 today. It was great. Highly recommended.

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