Dongfushan City.

Hirokawa Tsuyoshi put down his phone and tapped his fingertips on the table.

His insider in Tokyo is the Minister of Agriculture who has just become the interim prime minister. Although most of the neon parasites are concentrated in Higashi Fukuyama City, there are still a lot of them scattered in major cities, not just in the neon country. , other countries may not have it.

"Use Godzilla to end human hegemony on earth, and let Godzilla reshape the earth's ecology. Tokyo is just the beginning." He said calmly.

Tamiya Ryoko, who was doing experiments not far away, stopped what she was doing. She frowned slightly, "Godzilla is a great threat to us."

The city's senior officials present all cast their gazes, waiting for an explanation.

"Nuclear radiation," Tamiya Ryoko said, "according to my latest research, we are very sensitive to this type of radiation, which can cause our parasitic state to fall into disorder and then cause death. In short, it is highly toxic."

"So, Godzilla is a double-edged sword, it depends on how we wield it." The taciturn Goto murmured.

"We only need to control it remotely and watch the fire from afar. It is not a threat." Hirokawa Takeshi said.

Tamiya Ryoko stared at Hirokawa Takeshi and solemnly stated, "It is impossible for Godzilla to create an ecology suitable for all species. It is like a huge source of pollution and will inevitably transform the earth into its back garden. At that time, there is no way to create an ecology suitable for all species." There is no such thing as a balanced ecology, and Godzilla must be eradicated if necessary!”

There was a sinister flash in Hirokawa Takeshi's eyes, but he still smiled, "What you said makes sense. Such a creature is indeed beyond control. It is best to kill it."

Tamiya Ryoko looked at him and warned meaningfully, "In the current chaotic situation, we should be more cautious and don't forget the two compatriots who died at the nuclear power plant and the death threat from the mysterious man."

The two people's philosophies gradually differed over time. One was very extreme and unscrupulous, while the other was relatively tolerant and steady.

But Takeshi Hirokawa is obviously better at scheming, and almost all the other parasitic beasts present obey his orders.

After a few words, Tamiya Ryoko was too lazy to say any more, so she opened the door and left.

A parasitic beast looked at Takeshi Hirokawa, "Are you going to kill her?"

Parasitic beasts are like babies with blank cognition at first. What kind of personality they will turn into is closely related to the acquired environment.

It can be seen from this that Hiroyuki Takeshi's livestock husbandry skills are superb.

In other words, sincerity is the ultimate weapon, and his hatred for humans resonates with the parasitic beasts.

Hiroyuki Takeshi stood in front of the window, looking down at the thin figure retreating, "Not yet, she is still of great use to us."

"Where's Godzilla?" Goto asked.

"Let it develop, it can be a weapon for us." Takeshi Hirokawa said with a smile.

He straightened his tie and left with his assistant.

As the mayor, there are still a lot of things to deal with, especially since Tokyo has been paralyzed and the local people have also fallen into an atmosphere of anxiety.

Shortly after he left, two attendants rolled in an upright iron bed.

A pair of naked young men and women were tied up on it, their mouths were covered, and they were struggling in fear.

Everyone present saw this and tore their heads off unceremoniously.

Tokyo, afternoon.

Temporary headquarters.

A warehouse was vacated and used directly as a crude combat center.

"Based on the data you gave, and based on our judgment, the half-life of the new elements in Godzilla's body is extremely short. Although it is extremely destructive, it also exposes a weakness, that is, the consumption is very huge!" Zhang Suyin said methodically.

"Does it mean it doesn't have enough energy storage?" an officer asked.

"No, it's just the opposite," Zhang Suyin continued, "Godzilla is beyond imagination in every aspect. He has a lot of energy in his body, but the heat rays used as an attack method are very depleted of reserves. If they are released continuously, there is a high probability that he will collapse. Expect."

"Isn't that right now? It's motionless!" an official said in surprise.

"According to the predicted data, it has not reached its limit. It should just be asleep now." Zhang Suyin shrugged.

Don't ask how a marine biologist can be so knowledgeable. Her team has gathered talents from various industries from all over the world, not to mention the participation of survivors of Neon's disaster team.

"If Godzilla wants to return to 100% state before acting again, he will probably need to sleep for more than 200 hours, but this does not mean that he cannot move during this time." Zhang Suyin continued.

"So, what is your plan?" The senior official interrupted the conversation and got straight to the point.

Zhang Suyin and the neon expert looked at each other, and then said, "Freezing plan!"

She paused, "Through active attacks, Godzilla consumes a large amount of its own energy reserves, and its body temperature drops sharply. At the same time, it is continuously monitored. When the value meets the conditions, it uses the opportunity to cool itself down and injects it through the mouth. The coagulant disrupts Godzilla's cooling system, forcing him to freeze."

Another member of the team said, "Although it cannot be killed directly, it can theoretically be imprisoned for a period of time, creating enough time for subsequent actions."

"Theoretically?" the officer sighed helplessly.

"Who can guarantee absolute success in the face of that god-like creature?" Zhang Suyin smiled bitterly. At first, she was just curious about the deformed sea monster, but unexpectedly she witnessed Chu Xin's terrifying evolution along the way.

The senior official rubbed his temples and paced back and forth and said, "Everyone, please do your best. This matter concerns all mankind. I am here to plead with you!"

As he spoke, he stood at the door and bowed deeply.

Headquarters rooftop.

Two sturdy figures leaned against the railing, looking into the distance with astonishment.

There are tall buildings behind you, and everything in front of you is in ruins.

"Russell revealed information to me and advised us to leave quickly," Davis whispered. "Once Godzilla wakes up, the Free State military will take major measures."

"Nuclear bomb?" Jonas guessed right.

"Yes, this big guy scares the free country. According to forecast estimates, there is a 14% chance that Godzilla will land on the West Coast and visit America's territory again." Davis replied.

"If the situation is not good, let's leave quickly. Godzilla should be left to the army to deal with. I have to spend the rest of my life on the sunny beach." Jonas smiled.

Davis changed the subject, "I don't know how George is doing."

"Huh? Don't they give you regular reports?" Jonas asked.

"You haven't contacted me for a week. We were all sharp knives of the Free State. You also know how vicious they are. I'm afraid they will do something bad to George." Davis frowned.

Jonas raised his eyebrows and patted Davis on the shoulder, "In the worst case, we can rescue George. If you want to take action, remember to inform me, otherwise you will never ask me for help in this life."

Davis spread his hands and said seriously, "I am a law-abiding citizen."

"Is it normal for law-abiding citizens to have several fully automatic rifles and grenades at home?" Jonas continued.

The two looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, as if they were back in the days when they were wearing military uniforms many years ago.

Temporary Prime Minister's Residence.

"What? What do you think they want to do in Tokyo?"

"Are you crazy! Are those guys really so lawless?"

"It's not your first day on the job. They've always been tough."

"But they want to drop a nuclear bomb on Tokyo! They only gave one week to evacuate. How can one week be enough for millions of people?"

"And I've seen the explosion range map. It's hard for me not to suspect that the Free State wants to take this opportunity to destroy us!"

"We are almost there now. Tokyo has been completely paralyzed. The Internet is clamoring for free countries to take over directly. They are a group of spineless guys."

There was a lot of noise in the office, and many ministers who had taken up their posts on temporary basis were red-faced and angrily criticized.

Compared with the old cabinet, which was calm and hard-working, the new cabinet is obviously not mature enough and has not learned enough about dad's scoundrels.

The interim prime minister said, "We have already calculated the week. They also said that if Godzilla wakes up and has a tendency to return to the sea, strategic nuclear missiles will be launched directly until Godzilla is eliminated."

"What they mean is that we have to be caught by Godzilla? Otherwise, Tokyo will be blown up together?" A minister expressed the meaning accurately.

The newly appointed Assistant to the Prime Minister said, "The current international situation is not clear. Several countries, led by the Bear Country, have stated that they will send troops to let us hand over Godzilla and let the whole world handle it together. However, the Free States want us and They have Godzilla all to themselves and must not allow other countries to interfere.”

Everyone took a closer look and their expressions became even more ugly.

Damn it, I am a son today and will be a son forever, but can anyone be such a father!

The Free State's plan to launch a nuclear bomb turns out to have two meanings. One is to eradicate Godzilla, and the other is to prevent it from leaving the Neon Kingdom.

After all, on the high seas of the Pacific, warships from no less than ten countries are waiting, trying to get a piece of the pie.

Although Chu Xin is an out-and-out monster, he is also a priceless treasure.

Whether it is the division and proliferation of cells or the birth of new radioactive elements, they are all rare treasures. When applied to human science, great achievements will be made.

To sum up, in Tokyo, which is in the center of the storm, if you are not careful, you will have to smoke a strong one~


The interim Prime Minister secretly sneered in his heart, full of ridicule.

Humans are such a despicable species. Even though Godzilla is not dead yet, and even though the bones of his kind are still cold under the ruins, they start fighting over the cake.

However, Hirokawa Tsuyoshi told him to "save Godzilla", so he could only grovel to the free countries to plead for mercy, hoping that they would be a little more tolerant to his son and delay the launch of nuclear bombs.

"Has there been any progress on the countermeasures team's plan?" the interim prime minister asked.

"There is progress, but the biggest obstacle right now is not us humans, but Godzilla itself. Once it continues to move, it may attract a nuclear bomb." The assistant replied.

"We have been organizing evacuation since early in the morning, but there are not enough manpower at all," a temporary minister complained, "I am obviously going to retire, and I have already bought my ticket to a free country, so why bother here."

"You can't do it. We brothers and sisters must work together." The others quickly persuaded.

free country.

Peanut Village, White Palace.

There is a depressing atmosphere here similar to that in Tokyo.

Although Neon lost half of the capital area and killed some officials and people, they also lost dozens of expensive fighter planes, including several B-2 bombers.

When the Minister of Defense heard the news, he almost fainted on the spot, so he immediately sent the garrisoned fleet away as a precaution.

To fill the gap, it must be extracted from Godzilla.

Therefore, Godzilla cannot leave Neon. More importantly, he cannot leave Tokyo. He must not let other countries take advantage of him.

Free countries eat meat, Neon drinks soup!

A secret meeting of only seven or eight people is being held.

"If a nuclear bomb is used, Tokyo estimates that one million people will be directly or indirectly affected. Don't we need to consider a better plan? That will definitely cause a wave of public opinion."

"Isn't public opinion in our hands? If Godzilla is not killed there, it will threaten everyone in the world~"

"We have given a lot of time to evacuate, there is no need to argue anymore," the king said, "How is the Kraken plan?"

The two cold men wearing glasses were still sitting in the corner, saying in a doting tone like a parent, "The beast potion has a very good effect when combined with it. The current growth is very significant, and it still obeys the command as always."

The king asked, "How does it compare to Godzilla?"

The two of them thought about it and said one by one:

"Although it doesn't have energy-based attacks, it should be no less than Godzilla in other aspects."

"Kraken can go ashore, but he is better at underwater. If the battlefield is the sea, then I guarantee with my life that Godzilla will definitely lose!"

Others here no longer looked confused because they already knew what the project was.

"The giant beast potion has been officially mass-produced, and 10,000 copies are currently in reserve. At the same time, the scientific research department has also broken through the bottleneck of control technology, and can start the giant beast seeding plan at any time."

Bang bang bang~

The king clapped his hands in joy and said energetically, "Okay! Godzilla must be taken down no matter what, no matter life or death!"

Five o'clock Tokyo time.

In the Chiyoda District that was reduced to ruins, the former imperial palace became Chu Xin's bedroom.

Last night was so intense and crazy that it was so big that he was almost emptied, with less than a third of his energy reserve left.


The flesh and blood body, which is more sophisticated than machinery, is constantly operating, replenishing itself by absorbing air. Although the speed is slower and the amount is smaller, it is valuable in a steady stream.

He opened his eyes and stared at the desolate and ruined land of death.

Driven by his animalistic instincts, Shin-chan stayed where he was during the movie to recover, and then suffered a counterattack from humans.

But Chu Xin is not an unthinking beast, and he knows the plot.

There was no need for him to dwell on this landmark all the time. If he had time to daze, he might as well go out and find some food to replenish his energy.

With the help of super-nuclear induction and intracranial maps, he targeted several nuclear power plants larger than Higashi-Fushan City and listed them as his next targets.


Chu Xin took a step forward, and the ground shook again.

His small step stepped on the heart of mankind.

For a time, the temporary headquarters was like a pot of boiling water, extremely busy.

"Just trampling on ordinary people can't increase proficiency at all." Chu Xin thought in his heart.

So, he no longer went deeper inland, but turned around and headed towards Tokyo Bay.

His small turn caused the neon ministers to lose their minds.

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