All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 139 Cremation of the entire city (please vote for me)

Boom boom!

The fierce flames kiss Tokyo wantonly, driving away the cold night with the hottest embrace.

This is just the beginning.

As Chu Xin continued to increase his output, the crimson fire quickly turned into a pink-purple torrent.

The rows of dorsal fins are extremely bright, and in the ultimate brilliance, they are like crystal clear coral bushes, full of death-like beauty.

Chu Xin's whole body was also bursting with purple light, and there was a loud rumbling sound under his ravaged skin, like countless sports cars slamming on the accelerator, or like hundreds of giant beasts howling inside his body.

Buzz~hoo~hiss! ! !

The purple flames converged sharply, and the inside of the mouth, which was divided into three parts, formed a layer-by-layer structure like a turbine.

The stream of fire suddenly shrank into a thin white-purple beam, and the majestic energy generated by the fusion of the atomic furnace surged up crazily and sprayed out a few meters from the front of the mouth.

In an instant, the whistle produced by the compression of the rays and the friction with the air resounded throughout Tokyo, making music for this scene with a sound that pierced the eardrums.

Skill: Oral Radiation Flow!

The real terror has just begun.

The radiation flow blasted straight into the distance in an extremely straight line, passing through the houses as easily as tofu.


Chu Xin quickly raised his head and raised his neck.

The radiation stream rose from the ground and rushed straight into the dark night, instantly cutting the darkness and dividing the world into two.

Bang bang bang!

Several fighter planes were hit by the sudden ray, and immediately showed the texture of cracked magma, and then exploded one after another.

When the Free State Command learned about it, everyone showed surprise.

"How could it be possible? Impossible!"

"Godzilla is simply the incarnation of God."

"In the end what happened?"

"The target fired an unknown weapon from the ground!"

Listening to the discussion of his men, the commander said in a deep voice with bulging veins, "Lift the restrictions, regardless of the cost."

Once the restrictions are lifted, it means that all non-nuclear weapons are allowed to be used, carpet strikes are carried out when necessary, and most importantly, civilians in the city are no longer considered, and the ultimate mission is to eliminate the target.

After the order was issued, the major bases of the Free State showed their true ferocity. Dozens of fighter planes came out and threw the mounted artillery shells at once.

Several warships sailing into Tokyo Bay also launched multiple missiles, all flying towards the same target.

Sensing the thousands of troops gathered together, Chu Xin felt calm.

He calmly closed his mouth and stopped squirting.

Then he arched his back, his dorsal fin bloomed with brilliant light, a roar like a waterfall surged through his chest, and energy was transferred.


Back radial flow!

Twenty-eight purple heat rays are released from the dorsal fin!

The beam soared into the sky and connected with the dark sky, immediately igniting the incoming artillery shells and the flying fighter planes.

The sky is full of stars.

Chu Xin shook his body, and the beam group completely illuminated the night, clearly exposing the vulnerability of the Free State Air Force.

Boom boom~

In just ten seconds, none of the flying units survived, and they all turned into exploding starlight.

Different from the excitement here, there was a dead silence in the headquarters and the white palace, but the aircraft carrier fleet heading for Tokyo quietly turned around and went to Xinjiapo next door.

And there was a warrior who uploaded the video he shot to the Internet one second before he was turned into ashes by the radiation stream.

In fact, he had never expected that the rays would be so far away.

Although it only captured the two or three seconds when Chu Xin first released the heat ray, it was still shocking enough.

As the only live record, it undoubtedly became the number one on the hot list, and the blogger also got his wish and became a super Internet celebrity, with unprecedented attention and views.

"This is the fire of endless karma, the hand of Satan that runs through hell, and the retribution that humans inflict on themselves. It is the confrontation between ecology and nature. Godzilla cannot represent the earth, but he is part of the earth's will. Human use Nuclear, use nuclear as a weapon, and today, Godzilla gives nuclear back to us in the most enthusiastic way."

This is the comment with the highest number of likes under the video, located in Higashifushan City.

It was only then that netizens realized the seriousness of the matter. People who were having fun and repeating reading were all as quiet as dogs.


The flies flying around were cleaned up, and Chu Xin stopped the super mana-consuming back radiation flow.

Stop here?

Just kidding, I can’t stop!

Both body and spirit were in a state of excitement at this moment.

It has already been charged up. Forcibly interrupting it would be too harmful to the body. To be more specific, it would cause the body temperature to rise and prevent cooling.

To put it more simply, it has been held in for too long and needs to be released.


The crisp whistle sounded again.

Chu Xin tore his mouth open again and scored twice with radiation from the mouth.

He moved his upper body, and the heat rays destroyed several surrounding buildings in an instant. The scorching energy penetrated the ground and melted the rocks, leaving thousands of ravines on the earth like a red-hot blade.

Everything that was hit was directly turned into lava, and the steel forest exploded and collapsed one after another, as if a hot melt knife cut them all ruthlessly.


The violent desire to kill was constantly impacting Chu Xin's soul.

The energy output does not decrease but increases.

With constant support, the power and range of the heat rays skyrocketed.




Ginza, which is soaked in luxury and vanity, the Imperial Palace where the vase royal family lives, and Akihabara, which is regarded as a holy place by otakus, were all swept by the rays.

In a helicopter that had just taken off, the Prime Minister by the window twitched his eyelids and asked, "What is that?"

The remaining seven ministers all looked back, and a white-purple beam of light suddenly appeared in their field of vision.

As they watched in horror, the heat ray hit the helicopter directly.


The cabinet was dismissed at the speed of light and resigned en masse.


Chu Xin did not stand still and output like in the movie. He turned his neck while walking, not only focusing on the front, but also taking into account the sides and rear, so as to achieve even coverage of rain and dew.


The radiation flow is like a giant scythe wielded by the god of death, cutting wheat with a "bang bang bang" sound. Wherever it passes, there are no bones left, and the land is filled with miserable scorched earth.

The billowing flames poured in along the subway entrance, instantly forming an airtight steamer.

The temperature rose, the oxygen burned out, and the screams and noises were gradually replaced by deathly silence, and most of the young officials who were separated from the prime minister and ministers were among them.

At this point, the cabinet exists in name only.

Neon is plunged into a more desperate situation than the movie.


Collapsed buildings filled the streets and blocked access to many underground facilities.

Dust and flames intertwined and swirled, and the former prosperity was annihilated into nothing. Only explosion was the theme of the night.

With Chu Xin as the center of the circle, the range covered the entire Chuo District and Chiyoda District, destroyed most of the Port District, and affected Shibuya District, Shinjuku District, Bunkyo District, Taito District, Sumida District, and Koto District.

It can be said that not one of the core political and economic areas of this international metropolis escaped, and the people living in Meguro and Shinagawa Wards were not in danger.

Cremation in Tokyo!


The rays in the mouth began to weaken and disperse, and then returned from purple to red.

The flow of heat rays turns back into ultra-high-heat radioactive particles with flames, and the raging fire continues to spew out, carrying out the final step of collecting juice from the fire.

Chu Xin stood in the ocean of flames, and the purple light on his dorsal fin was a strange color in the endless dark red.

Rather than being a god, he is more like a huge demon crawling out of the Infinite Purgatory.


Spraying ends.

Chu Xin closed his deadly mouth and looked down at the world-burning hell.


The atomic furnace stopped working overload, but various organs and bodies were still in a terrifying state of high heat.



The dorsal fin no longer glows, and a large amount of hot air is emitted from the gap at the base.

The hot blood flows rapidly in the tough blood vessels. Under the promotion of specialized cooling organs, the blood circulates at several times the efficiency to achieve the effect of heat dissipation and cooling.

Chu Xin felt a little tired, and a little empty like a sage's time.

So he stopped and took a nap on the ruins of the Imperial Palace, like a petrified statue.

At this time, the card text appeared:

“Finally evolved into a complete form, showing Godzilla’s power and violence on his first appearance, and did not disgrace Godzilla’s reputation for evil;

With rich combat experience, proficient use of ultimate moves, and reasonable arrangement of energy output and attack methods, it can give humans great spiritual shock;

Proficiency +5% +5% (task), reaching 55%;

Earn rewards:

[Barbeque God] achievement title, Godzilla cards have their own spiritual coercion on neon nationality humans. Whether they see or hear your face and voice, they can make them fearful and close to surrender. Negative emotions cannot be resisted by individuals no matter how strong their willpower is. "

The next day.

This night is destined to be sleepless.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning penetrated the dark clouds and illuminated the devastated ruins, many people crawling out of the ground were stunned, as if they were in another world.

In just a few hours, everything familiar vanished, replaced by endless despair.

They all had a sense of unreality. Many of them held their heads and muttered to themselves, "This is a dream."

But when people stood on the high ground, what caught their eyes was the terrifying figure of Chu Xin.

Even though he was so well-behaved and motionless at the moment, the violent image last night was deeply rooted in people's hearts.


When the wind blew, a heat wave carrying radiation hit them and hit their noses, instantly waking them up.

It didn't take long for people around the world to finally see the true face of Tokyo's God of Destruction, Godzilla.

"The radiation dose is expected to be very high. Citizens, please do not go out for 49 hours and wait for instructions!" This warning was constantly replayed in urban areas not affected by Chu Xin.

Although there was no direct attack, people in many districts still had to evacuate to avoid being harmed by nuclear radiation.

In response to this, people in other urban areas were already in an uproar.

"How much radiation did Godzilla release in Tokyo? How many people died?"

"Please don't hide it! Tell us the truth!"

"Don't count on the country, now we can only rely on ourselves!"

Rumors and chaos spread faster and more violently than news. The displaced people had nowhere to vent their anger and could only vent their anger on grassroots cadres.

"There are radiation sources over there. Don't enter the blockade and turn off your live broadcast!"

"Sir, please calm down and cooperate with us."

"There are too many people who need to be checked, and it will be too busy unless the isolation standards are lowered."

"Rescue teams without protective clothing should not enter the disaster scene, as secondary disasters may occur!"

There are endless situations such as taking advantage of the situation to rob, live broadcast by Internet celebrities, causing trouble to vent, collapse and fainting, etc.

One after another, fools didn't know how to stay away early, and instead rushed to the radiation area, trying to see Chu Xin with their own eyes.

There are also some lucky gangsters who, seeing the ruins of Tokyo, not only do not feel palpitations and worries, but instead shout and make sarcastic remarks like in Japanese dramas.

In short, Neon has fallen into the biggest quagmire in history and cannot extricate itself.

Temporary headquarters located in Meguro District.

In the conference hall, several middle-aged officials looked extremely sad, especially the news broadcast on the TV, which became more and more distressing.

"The life and death of the Prime Minister and several other temporary agents are unknown. Fortunately, the Metropolitan Police Department and the Ministry of Transport were not directly attacked and are organizing an orderly evacuation."

"The fire service is confirming casualties and there has been a huge hit to logistics and the economy."

"The Free State fleet stationed in our country has all evacuated. Many countries have sent condolences, but no international rescue team has arrived yet."

"Currently Godzilla is still in Chiyoda District, in a dormant state..."

One of them shut it off and put his hands on his hips in annoyance.

"Where's Yaguchi?" someone asked.

"Can't get in touch, I guess~" Someone shook his head.

Yaguchi is a leader of the younger generation and a member of the cabinet, and Zhang Suyin's team was also invited by him.

Although he often makes rash suggestions, this does not prevent him from showing excellent abilities.

"If Yaguchi dies," someone else sighed, "then the team that has been studying Godzilla is also in danger. They left together last night."

"We are now extremely short of manpower and may have to ask for help from free countries."

"You mean they are solely responsible? Come on, I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped two nuclear bombs on Tokyo."

"Hey, even if they weren't fully responsible, they wouldn't have hesitated to drop the nuclear bomb."

At this time, a soldier at the door hesitated and said, "Sirs~"


The soldier continued, "Mr. Yaguchi had previously invited a foreign research team to study Godzilla, but they left before last night. I wonder if they will have some ideas."

"This matter is left to you. You must ask them to come back to assist. The reward will be calculated in US dollars." An official said.

"Yes!" the soldier replied.

Half an hour later.

Since the core of the cabinet was destroyed and the group was leaderless, according to regulations, the position of interim prime minister fell on the head of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

No one with any brain would be happy being the Prime Minister at this time.

If the mess is not handled well, it will be infamy for thousands of years. Instead, those who have died will be recorded in the annals of history and become the heroes who fought against the monsters until the last moment.

Therefore, the interim prime minister has always had a bitter look on his face in front of everyone.

"Brother, don't be too worried. Aren't we here?" An old friend comforted him, "Call us if you need anything."

After saying that, he opened the door and left.

When there was no one else in the office, the interim prime minister stood up, looked out the window, and made a phone call.

"You got it," he said.

"Sure enough, things are unpredictable. I didn't expect you to become the Prime Minister because of this!" A man's surprised voice came from the other side.

"So, what are your plans?" the interim prime minister asked.

"We are still discussing, so you should proceed step by step." The other person smiled.

call ended.

The interim Prime Minister sat back on the sofa, two cracks appeared unnaturally on his face, but he returned to normal when someone knocked on the door.

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