All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 141 Preparing for a nuclear strike! (Happy New Year)

Chu Xin walked along the way he came, but the surrounding scenery was no longer what it used to be.

Burnt ruins are everywhere, and several thousand-meter-long ground depressions form a blooming flower of death.

Buildings with only their frames growing out of the ruins, like tombstones erected by Chu Xin for millions of dead, elongate the dark shadows in the sunlight.

The ravines are thousands of meters deep, and the cut surface is smooth and round, as if it were an animal cream cake after being scratched by a hot iron rod.

As far as the eye can see, there is almost no corpse in sight, only the piles of bones of rock and metal. The high-heat particles and flames turn Tokyo into a crematorium, and the indistinguishable flesh and blood evaporates instantly.

Dusk has arrived.

The huge sun gradually set behind the monster, and the orange light covered him with a bright battle robe.


Chu Xin exhaled a breath of nuclear energy from the corner of his mouth.

After this battle, he had a more thorough understanding of his body.

There are obviously many differences from the real one in the movie. In addition to the body structure that is more suitable for melee combat, higher density and defense, the biggest change is the heat dissipation!

The reason why Zhenjiang suffered a big loss in front of humans was precisely because of its poor heat dissipation.

In the movie, after it is outputted in a big way, the whole body is like a little sun that is about to burn itself to death, so it needs to rely on blood circulation in the body to lower the body temperature.

But humans took advantage of its energy depletion and slow movement to inject a large amount of coagulant, directly causing the blood to be unable to flow.

Because this main means of heat dissipation failed, Zhenjiang had to forcefully shut down the biological atomic furnace and freeze himself instantly.

But the disadvantages of this are also obvious, that is, losing consciousness and mobility, giving humans more opportunities to take advantage of.

This was the plan discussed by Zhang Suyin's team and Neon scientists. Unfortunately, Chu Xin did not give them time to prepare and implement it.

However, Chu Xin's heat dissipation ability is not only blood circulation, but also organs in the body that specifically promote heat dissipation, as well as hard-core jet heat dissipation at the dorsal fin.

Therefore, even if Chu Xin stayed still and repeated Zhenjiang's plot, it would be difficult for Zhang Suyin and the others to succeed.

If you take another 10,000 steps back, you'll have to switch cards~

7 p.m.

Temporary headquarters, VIP room.

"Dear Mr. Morlay, please convey our wishes to Mr. President! Please consider it carefully!" The interim prime minister bowed at 90° and begged from the bottom of his heart.

All the temporary ministers behind him all followed, bowing deeply together, with expressions on their faces that they dared not speak in anger.

At this moment, they vaguely understood the essence of the old cabinet.

The great achievement of Ninja is in this moment!

"I'm sorry, your country has already signed an agreement. I'm sorry that there is nothing I can do." Free State diplomat Morlay was sitting on the sofa. He seemed sincere, but he couldn't feel his apology at all.

This situation is somewhat similar to that of the surrender decades ago.


The phone rang and the diplomat answered.

Everyone in Neon looked nervous, like prisoners waiting for sentencing.

A few minutes later.

The diplomat hung up the phone and smiled indifferently, "For humanitarian reasons, we will give you all night to allow the people to evacuate underground. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, if Godzilla is still advancing, we will launch strategic nuclear weapons in accordance with the agreement. Godzilla will be responsible for all damage caused by the missile, but we are willing to lend a helping hand to your country and provide funding for later reconstruction."

Seeing the ashen face of the interim prime minister, he sighed, "If a nuclear bomb is detonated near Tokyo Bay, the shock wave will probably not spread too far and cause too many casualties. As for the economy, you have nothing to lose now. ”

After saying that, he immediately picked up the briefcase that he had already packed and left with his assistant without looking back, leaving behind a group of messy ministers.

"Oh, issue an asylum order immediately." The interim prime minister said helplessly.

"Do you need to hold a press conference?" the assistant asked.

"Don't waste time at this time!" Several ministers took the assistants to work.

There's still quite a while until eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's notify our relatives and friends first. It's still not too late to escape by helicopter.

The interim Prime Minister walked to the window alone, dialed Hirokawa Takeshi's phone, and informed him of the situation in detail.

"A bunch of the biggest worms on earth!" Takeshi Hirokawa scolded the Free State without any politeness.

"Is there any way?" the interim prime minister asked.

"Hurry up and get out of the explosion range. If Godzilla is really dead, you, the Prime Minister, will also be alive, but our plan will be slower." What can Hirokawa Takeshi do? It's not that he is incompetent and furious.

Facing the state machine, unless it encounters a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the little parasitic beast is nothing more than a chicken and a dog.

ten minutes later.

The whole of Tokyo was shrouded in huge panic.

Ironically, it is not Godzilla that millions of people fear, but the one they once considered their most reliable ally.

Although the cabinet has repeatedly stated that the explosion range will only cover the areas destroyed by Godzilla and will not directly affect adjacent areas, but who believes this?

Even if they are not killed, the nuclear radiation that spreads is enough for everyone to drink a pot!

The radioactive half-life of a nuclear bomb is not as short as that of a nuclear bomb. Once detonated, Tokyo is destined to become a desolate wasteland for many years to come, and reconstruction and recovery will become a joke.

"I'm really sorry, we really can't spare any extra helicopters to evacuate you. Please follow us to the farthest underground shelter!" An official bowed to Davis and others.

"But I just saw four helicopters without passengers flying past the window." Davis would not be vague with the Neon Man, he said straightforwardly.

The official was stunned, "Those are~ Anyway, I'm sorry!"

He really couldn't say it, because those helicopters were going to pick up the ministers' families.

Jonas and Davis looked at each other and curled their lips knowingly.

"Let's go, my dad sent a helicopter over," Zhang Suyin poked Jonas with her elbow, and smiled at the official, "Considering your country's difficulties, our reward can be paid in installments."

She was quite vindictive, and the official's attitude had never been good, either in a dry tone or in a shady manner.

The team of more than a dozen people packed up all the information neatly and headed to the rooftop with the officials looking sneered at them. At the same time, two large helicopters with Chinese characters printed on them slowly landed.


"I didn't expect to escape in such an embarrassing manner again. I'm really unwilling to accept it." Zhang Suyin leaned against the window, overlooking the half-light and half-dark city, and said with emotion.

"Isn't there an old saying in your Chinese country? If you leave green hills without worrying about having firewood, as long as you are still alive, all your efforts are not wasted." Jonas comforted.

Zhang Suyin rolled her eyes at him ambiguously, "A blind metaphor~"

Davis looked at the two people flirting back and forth and felt helpless, so he looked at the night sky boredly and missed his good brother George.


The sudden sound breaking through the air startled him.

I saw fighter planes passing by at high speed, passing them in the opposite direction, and resolutely plunged into the darkness like the mouth of the abyss.

"That direction is where Godzilla is." Zhang Suyin looked back.

"They should be trying to make a last-ditch effort," Jonas analyzed, "by attacking to make Godzilla change its course, or to delay it."

"It's quite ridiculous. Neon went through all the trouble to retain Godzilla, but the purpose was to prevent the Free State from having a nuclear explosion." Davis shook his head.

Ginza is known as the most expensive place in Asia.

It symbolizes the prosperity of neon and is home to luxury stores from all over the world, offering everything from jewelry to Eastern and Western delicacies. It is also a shopping paradise for countless wealthy people.

There are countless Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, and Maseratis. It is common on TV to see celebrities with bright smiles accompanying elegant old men to and from high-end restaurants. There are often Tokyo rich second generations driving their own Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bugattis and other supercars. They gathered on the street, causing passers-by to turn around frequently.

In neon, Mount Fuji, Kyoto, and Ginza symbolize nature, history, and modernity respectively. Ginza is one of the three most prosperous centers in the world, along with the Champs Elysees in Paris and Fifth Avenue in New York.

Just a few words of title are enough to show how much Chu Xin destroyed Neon overnight.

At this time, Chu Xin came to Ginza in person.

Today's Ginza is different from usual. The gorgeous clothes and dazzling aura have faded away. It is quiet, simple and frugal and extremely approachable.

Chu Xin stepped on a wall with the Uniqlo Ginza store logo printed on it, recovering while walking.


He ignored the enemy attacks from behind.

In an instant, mounted missiles leaped out one after another and hit Chu Xin's back with the most violent momentum.

Bang bang bang!

Not to mention penetration, at most a little bit of debris will be removed from the surface.

The fighter jets all rose into the sky to make room for a long-range salvo that followed.

The artillery fire fired by the missile vehicles launched an indiscriminate bombing-style carpet offensive, with a rather do-or-die attitude.

In this regard, Chu Xin didn't need to fight back at all. He let them spray firelight on his body, and the slight pain that didn't break his skin was just a massage.

His physical strength is not even a bit stronger than that of Shin-chan. In the movie, after the burning of Tokyo, his defense was significantly reduced. The continuous explosions caught Shin-chan off guard and he was embarrassed, and he was frozen in front of human strategy and unity.

"Gentlemen, either your action succeeds, or you and Godzilla will be vaporized by a nuclear bomb tomorrow morning, and dedicate your lives to the great neon empire! I will stick to Tokyo with you, and we will live and die with Tokyo!" the new commander roared with righteous indignation. road.

Driven by strong beliefs, the pilots who were determined to die operated to the extreme.

They took the risk to close the distance with Chu Xin, aiming their cannons and missiles at Chu Xin's eyes and mouth, or at the root of his dorsal fin, as if they were performing an exciting large-scale aerial stunt with Chu Xin.

Since they are pushing the envelope, Chu Xin cannot be a coward.

He reacted quickly and waved his arms, and after a series of hits, three fighter planes exploded.


The exaggerated long tail swung at high speed, swinging in a circle around it.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the explosion set the night sky on fire.

But the opponent obviously came out in full force, filling the vacancies with a steady stream of fighter planes and armed helicopters, and literally surrounded Chu Xin from all sides.

Terrifying concentrated firepower output, Neon unleashed all the powerful thermal weapons it possesses.

There is no requirement for Chu Xin to die or be injured, as long as he diverts his attention and stops moving forward or changes direction.

However, the reality is cruel.

Zhenjiang may do what they want, but Chu Xin will not. Once he chooses a goal, it is impossible to change it as long as there are no major factors that interfere with it.

As for why you don't just use other cards, it's because training a card is not just about taking it out in battles, but using it bit by bit to let yourself experience all aspects of the card's character. This way, the increased proficiency has the highest gold content.


Chu Xin's dorsal fin and skin ravines slowly lit up with purple light.

Upon seeing this, the enemy units immediately dispersed and raised their altitude.

Boom boom boom~

The atomic furnace is running at high speed again.

The new elements undergo fusion reactions and act on flesh and blood.

But Chu Xin neither opened his mouth nor arched his back, but raised his tail high.


The surging energy flows down the dorsal fin and is concentrated at the end of the long tail.

Purple light blooms!

The end is like a dazzling white-purple crystal, and a stream of heat rays is instantly emitted.

The tail is extremely flexible and can snipe with high precision. This novel attack method catches the enemy off guard and makes them unable to evade.

Bang bang!

Chu Xin kept shaking his long tail, shooting all the fighters in his field of vision one by one.

The continuous rays were like laser blades cutting through the night. Fires exploded wherever they passed, and the terrifying range swept through some unaffected urban areas, immediately causing panic and panic among the people.

The command headquarters witnessed this scene from the perspective of fighter planes, and all of them were sweating coldly.

The commander growled, "Don't stop the long-range artillery, induce Godzilla to keep attacking until it runs out of energy!"

This is a kind reminder left by Zhang Suyin before leaving. If you really want to fight for it, then empty Godzilla's body and he will probably fall into sleep again.

When the Free State saw this, they also started talking.

"It would be best if they could really hold Godzilla back."

"That way, we can free up more time to evacuate, and we won't be burdened with unwarranted accusations of disregarding human life."

"But what if it fails?"

"Then the plan remains as usual, only a dead Godzilla is a good Godzilla!"

boom! ! !

The tail radiation stream never stops.

Chu Xin's progress did not stop.

He always moved firmly towards the sea to the east, and his movement speed was not slow, and his body and limbs were exceptionally coordinated and balanced.


The heat ray swept forward and penetrated several missiles belonging to the Free State.

The output power increases and the range is quickly extended, running into the dark distance as if there is no end.

On the surface of Tokyo Bay, two Free Nation warships were suspended not far apart, and they were also launching missiles to provide neon fire support.

In fact, the Free State is not very willing to use nuclear bombs. Although the blame must be borne, people in the world are not blind and will always leave people with something to say.

But the Free State is really afraid, worried that Chu Xin will land on the country again, and by then it will be too late.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist. Even if Neon is sacrificed, the threat must be nipped in the cradle.

"It's already five o'clock. Prepare to evacuate Tokyo Bay."

"Are we really going to drop a nuclear bomb? I quite like Tokyo, there are so many beautiful girls."

"what is that?"

"Huh? Falk, Godzilla's heat ray!"

"Retreat quickly!"


The ray travels from far to near in the blink of an eye.

It blasted into the water, and the water rose into the sky and boiled.

It swept out from bottom to top again, passing the two battleships across each other skillfully.

Bang bang!

The bald eagle is furious!

Although they were separated by the Pacific Ocean, they became the victims second only to neon and suffered heavy losses.

Peanut Village, five-legged building.

The Minister of Defense got through the phone call of the king with great anger.

A few minutes later, he coldly ordered, "It seems that Neon doesn't have the strength to stop Godzilla from going into the sea. We are ready for a nuclear strike at any time!"

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