
Part of the metal remains of Tokyo Tower separated from the skin and flesh. The wound was sticky a second ago, and was instantly covered by layers of rubber-like muscles.

The tail of the intercepting earth-penetrating bomb was blown to pieces, but it healed quickly in a very short period of time.

Chu Xin suppressed the endless rolling power, tried his best to control the hot blood rushing in his blood vessels, and became familiar with and controlled the sudden surge of nuclear energy.


He stepped out of the diffuse steam and landed in Tokyo in his complete form.

Only at this moment can he truly be called Godzilla!

The black skin on the whole body is like a product of criss-crossing collagen fiber bundles, like a pair of armor made of rock and metal, reflecting the dim light against the city lights.

The energy generated by the biological atomic furnace in the heart causes the recesses of each part of the body to emit a continuous deep red light, just like the lighting special effects installed inside the body of the figure.

Instantly becomes the only focus between heaven and earth!

Even the bright night view of Tokyo that was gradually revealed was like a tiny firefly in front of him.


A head that is calm and self-defeating has completely shed the image of great intelligence in its previous states. His eyes are filled with a chilling calmness, and there is a sense of humility that he has been inadvertently despised.

But the size of the head is slightly larger than in the movie, perhaps because the arms have become thicker. From certain angles, there are two mountain-like trapezius muscles on the back of the head and neck, which are more symmetrical compared to the burly torso below. .

The teeth in the mouth are also different. Most of them are still fine fangs, but there are about ten huge fangs above and below protruding from the lips. They shrink from front to back, making them look even more violent and ferocious.

Although the opening and closing of the upper and lower jaws is greatly reduced, 100° of facial joints can still be achieved.

The intricate flesh is full of scar-like ravines, layered and intertwined, but has a tougher defense than mountains.

The dorsal fins are even more lush, sharp, ferocious, and messy than before, especially the middle row is extremely huge, standing high from the back of the neck and spreading straight to the base of the tail.

The change of the tail is very simple and direct, no different from a red and black python.

The tail occupies more than half of the total length of more than three hundred meters from head to tail, swinging and swinging higher than the head.

The end of the tail is bunched up and bulging like a bud waiting to bloom, with four outward-facing arc-shaped dorsal fin blades extending around it.

The legs are extremely thick, and the muscles are like engines made of flesh and blood, which can easily drive the whole body to achieve running, jumping and other actions.

The current Chu Xin is 70% like Zhenjiang and 30% like Legend Brother Pang.

Overall, Chu Xin's evolutionary direction takes into account close combat.

In particular, the movement speed and body flexibility are completely different from the real ones in the movie. The main details of the internal skeleton have been changed a lot.

As for the weight, it has increased to a terrifying 100,000 tons!

Wherever the Eight Sutras passed by, everything was shaken.


Stimulated by the surging blood, Chu Xin instinctively raised his head and roared, announcing the birth of Godzilla to the world.

This roar sounded like a dragon, an ox, and a tiger, roaring as the card text quietly emerged:

“Decades of accumulation are finally released at this moment, officially becoming the apex predator Godzilla;

The species genes in the body are successively dominant, acting on all aspects, and gradually perfecting into an indestructible and invincible life form;

Depending on the evolved form, you will receive the following rewards:

[Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles with flames] (Consume the energy of the atomic furnace, eject high-temperature radioactive smoke with adjustable intensity from the mouth, convert from mist to flame-like particles with smoke, spread in all directions at high speed, and carry out large-scale incineration);

[Radiation Flow] (also known as heat ray) is divided into three different attack methods: mouth radiation flow, back radiation flow, and tail radiation flow. It is fueled by the nuclear energy generated by the atomic furnace in the body and can melt and evaporate almost any substance. Disadvantages Due to excessive mana consumption and rapid rise in body temperature);

[Biological Atomic Furnace] (can create new elements by itself, perform extremely efficient nuclear fusion based on new elements, achieve nuclear reactions at the cellular level, and quickly provide energy; new elements only have a half-life of 20 days, so they are extremely radioactive );

[Cell division and proliferation] (based on this permanent ability, characteristics such as regeneration, self-healing, and gradual evolution are derived);

[Echolocation] (resident capability, detection range is 10~50 kilometers);

[Bone-crushing bite] (When using this ability, the bite force of the mouth is increased by 3 times, and the cooling time is ten minutes);

[Heart Engine] (In addition to the main heart in the chest, a total of five small hearts grow on the arms, legs, and abdomen to enhance the efficiency of hematopoiesis and blood supply, providing a steady stream of physical strength for close combat);

[Dark Smoke Screen] (A large amount of irritating hot black smoke is ejected from the pores on the back, which can turn the surrounding into a dark environment where you can't see your fingers, which is convenient for escape and attack)"

Looking at the large amount of text displayed in his mind, Chu Xin browsed through it in an orderly manner.

As he expected, his complete evolution direction was not a 100% replica of Zhenjiang. It was affected by a lot of close combat, so he became a bit like the distant cousin of the legendary brother from another world.

Most of the latter skills are related to the genes of the species that have been collected. Some of the unique abilities of those creatures are integrated into their own gene chains and are more or less reflected.

But what excites him the most is Godzilla’s signature move.

Heat Ray (Atomic Breath)!


Therefore, Chu Xin adjusted his direction and moved towards the intersection of Minato District, Chiyoda District and Chuo District.

Multiple fighter planes passed by at high altitude, closely following Chu Xin's steps, waiting for further instructions from the command headquarters.

The whole process of Chu Xin's rebirth was also witnessed by the world.

Because some reporters very cleverly placed their live cameras on high ground outside and took refuge underground.

It not only increased the popularity of the TV station to unprecedented levels, but also increased his salary and saved his life.

Soon, the Internet was as noisy as a roiling hot pot.

"It evolved again?!"

"Fake, I feel a little panicked."

"I'm afraid, there are no creatures on earth that can withstand nuclear bombs."

"At worst, I'll throw dozens of them at the neon sign. It's not the first time~"

"I don't know about anything else, but Neon is definitely doomed."

"Neon, it's over."

"Neon, it's over."

"Neon, it's over..."

The following is a retelling of hell by music lovers from all over the world.

Operations Center.

Panic began to spread rapidly, and seeds of uneasiness sprouted in everyone's hearts, quickly igniting the flames of chaos.

All the experts and professors fell silent, Godzilla or Chu Xin, tearing apart the worldview and cognitive barriers they had built for many years time and time again.

No one here expected Chu Xin's complete form, and the simulated prediction pictures were full of sarcastic jokes, mocking them for not even daring to let go of their imagination.

But there are still some people who have not given up and continue to analyze the data sweating profusely, trying to grasp the slim hope.

"Prime Minister, we are also on Godzilla's predicted path. That monster has evolved again. Neither the Self-Defense Forces nor the Freedom Army can defeat it. We should leave immediately." A minister advised.

"Do you want me to abandon Tokyo? Do you want me to abandon the people?" the Prime Minister asked, putting his hands on the table.

The accompanying reporters on the opposite side quickly focused their cameras, and the prime minister's painful face immediately appeared on the neon TV.

"You also need to protect people outside Tokyo. This country still needs you, so sir, please put the overall situation first," the young official said.

"We are just moving, not admitting defeat, let alone running away!" Another minister said anxiously, how long has it been, and the Prime Minister is still playing hard to get.

He motioned with his eyes to the reporter to turn off the camera.

Seeing everyone giving up the steps, the Prime Minister said smoothly, "Okay, I will listen to you."

But there is only one helicopter that can be freed now, and it can only carry the Prime Minister and ministers. Therefore, several young officials knew the current affairs and said, "Prime Minister, we will take the car to meet you."

The Prime Minister looked troubled and looked at several young officials with respect, "Okay, I am very happy to have you in this country."

In fact, he is really unwilling to give up, and he does not want Tokyo's many years of foundation to be destroyed in his own hands.

drop! drop!

"An evacuation order has been issued and all personnel must evacuate immediately~"

Urgent alarms rang through the Prime Minister's residence (combat center), and all the staff and officials were like cats with fried hair, trembling and gathering important information, and retreated out of the city.

But Minato, Chuo, and Chiyoda are extremely prosperous areas in Tokyo, with large and dense populations, so the worst traffic jam in decades has occurred.

In desperation, people had to give up escaping and rushed into the nearest underground facilities.


Chu Xin looked up and saw fighter jets circling above his head recklessly.

He ignored them and trampled on the buildings one after another, leaving large ruins at his feet.

Power poles fell one after another, followed by widespread power outages.

Therefore, he is like a natural disaster that brings darkness. The light is extinguished wherever he passes, leaving only a few emergency lights dotting the last afterglow of Tokyo.

It was already evening. Not far away was the main road that separated Minato and Chiyoda wards, and on the right was Chuo ward where Ginza is located.

Suddenly, Chu Xin seemed to feel something.



The B-2 bomber attacked again, aiming at the back of Chu Xin's neck and dropping two bombs.

In this regard, Chu Xin remained calm and calm.

He shook his tail with all his strength, and a dozen smaller tail fins on the edge turned into darts, flying upward against the sky, forming a close-defense interception.

Bang bang bang!

A few seconds later, the expensive earth-penetrating bomb was drilled into a lonely place, performing explosive fireworks in mid-air for the refugees in the city.

When people saw it, they shouted with joy and rushed to the overcrowded subway station with all their strength.

On the rooftop of the Prime Minister's official residence.

The assistant obtains frontline intelligence through mobile phone communication.

"Damn! This beast is so smart." the Prime Minister angrily yelled.

"Prime Minister, the helicopter has arrived, shall we go?" a minister said, and a large helicopter behind him happened to be parked on the parking platform.

"Wait a minute, we are far away here, so nothing will happen." The Prime Minister stared into the distance reluctantly, and could vaguely see the brilliant firelight.

Although he couldn't see Chu Xin's appearance, he still had some illusions and hoped that the Free State would successfully kill him.


More advanced fighters arrived quickly.

All come from major military bases in the Pacific, and the superiority of global presence is instantly reflected.

At this time, it is already a contest between Chu Xin and the Free State. Neon can at best provide the venue, and the spectators are all human beings.

Don't ask why there are real-time broadcasts on the Internet. If you look behind the glass lattice of those high-rise buildings, there will be more or less a few stupid young people who don't know the heights of the world broadcasting live.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to increase their followers. Although they were scared and nervous, they were betting on luck that Chu Xin would not turn around.

On the rooftop, there were also lunatics shouting "Long Live Godzilla". They burst into tears like possessed believers, telling all the reasons why human beings should be destroyed.

"The evil of human nature cannot be eradicated. Humanity needs your baptism!"

The next second.

Puff puff!

The fragments exploded by the earth-penetrating bomb turned into scattered metal meteor showers, killing these people in the blink of an eye.

A few seconds later, the mother of several bombs was dropped neatly.

Chu Xin couldn't help but sigh at the cruelty of the Free State, because there were still a large number of people running for their lives on several streets not far from him.

Keng Keng~

Covered by spines and armor.


The mother of several bombs exploded together.

The sweeping fire wave swallowed up those people in an instant, leaving the surrounding buildings uncovered and wearing war-damaged clothing.

The entrance to the nearest subway station was also completely sold out.

Dozens or hundreds of people who were blocked outside and unable to get in were instantly reduced to ashes.

The airbursts incinerated the oxygen, causing hundreds of people below to suffocate.

They have been squeezing on the subway all their lives, but they did not expect that they would greet death in the same posture at the last moment of their lives.


Then, more than a dozen mounted missiles attacked, exploding into bright colors on Chu Xin's body.

When Chu Xin saw this, he stopped moving forward and immediately stood where he was.

He lowered his head slightly and arched his broad back covered with dorsal fins.


Atomic furnaces mobilized energy for the first time.

Nuclear fusion in the body!

Body temperature rises rapidly.

The dorsal fin flashes with a dazzling light, first dark red, then gradually transitioning from pink to deep purple, and finally into a bright white-purple light, spreading straight to the end of the tail.

Chu Xin slowly opened his mouth, and his lower jaw split to the left and right, making the opening and closing of his mouth reach a terrifying level.

Not only that, purple light also bloomed from the depths of his throat.

He lowered his head, pointed his mouth towards the ground, and ran the atomic furnace with all his strength, activating all his organs to the extreme.

At this moment, the light released by Chu Xin lit up Tokyo.

Quiet and dead.

This ominous sign immediately frightened the Prime Minister and others, and they climbed onto the plane without saying a word.

Buzz! ! !

Chu Xin's mouth spurted billowing black smoke.

The smoke was like a surging wave, covering several broad blocks along the streets.

Fireproof film eyelids are closed to prevent self-destruction of the eyeballs.


Black smoke turned into masses of unstable flames.

Flames replaced the black smoke, completely enveloping everything in all directions.

Atomic furnaces ramp up operations.

Energy output skyrockets.

Skill: Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles with flames!

Boom boom——

The flames soared hundreds of meters, crowding and pushing each other, chasing each other to form high walls of scorching flames.

Bang bang bang!

The shock wave carried a wave of flames, burning the streets, and many buildings were reduced to charred skeletons in an instant.

The particle belt flames melted directly through part of the earth's surface, forming two lava belts over a thousand meters long!

This scene is like the fire from hell descending on the world!

Master Chu’s Tokyo BBQ is officially open for business~

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