All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 129 A kind-hearted person who cannot bear to see the suffering in the world

Tokyo held an emergency meeting early in the morning, and the commander of the Free Base was present in person.

When middle-aged men with closed-minded and pedantic ideas saw Chu Xin on the big screen, they were all shocked, and their worldview that had been maintained for forty or fifty years collapsed.

Especially when he witnessed the extremely ferocious monster destroying all the steel ships with his own eyes, the Prime Minister, who was like a star, couldn't help but confirm again and again, "This is really not a movie clip?"

They were not surprised by Chu Xin, a mysterious unknown species, but they couldn't imagine that he could crush modern weapons with his flesh and blood.

"If it were just these, I wouldn't make a special trip," the commander of the Free Nation at the Ryukyu base fast-forwarded the video, "You will understand after watching it."

This video is a replay of the death of one of the Apaches.

A blurry black shadow at least fifty meters long was seen floating under the sea. The video ended abruptly as the shadows resembling two arms collided with each other.

"This?" The Prime Minister felt a hand pinching his throat.

"What is that? Has that monster changed?" the Foreign Minister asked in shock.

"When this giant shadow moved, it should have released extremely violent and advanced electromagnetic pulse waves, instantly destroying the electronic components of the Apache helicopter." The commander answered.

"Electromagnetic pulse? If it is some kind of creature mutated by chemical substances, it may really be able to release biological pulses. After all, according to existing information, it can also emit radiation and high concentrations of formaldehyde gas." said the Minister of Defense.

"In addition, my three outstanding soldiers died from modern thermal weapons. The aircraft wreckage clearly showed signs of damage from metal and high heat." The commander whispered methodically, but the neon officials present did not dare to say anything. A sound.

The Prime Minister rubbed his temples and said with a headache, "So, this matter is not innocent?"

They spent the next ten minutes discussing a bunch of pointless nonsense.

As we chatted, we began to shirk responsibility, set up various imaginary enemies without any basis, and gradually deviated from the topic.

"I need an explanation," the commander said without giving any face to the officials of the country present, with sharp eyes, "It was your wrong intelligence that caused our heavy losses. I have reported this matter truthfully. The rest, My lieutenant will communicate with you."

After saying that, he didn't bother to argue with a group of indecisive old men and strode out of the Prime Minister's Office.

However, the peanut stew side has entrusted him with full responsibility. He will inevitably see the beast alive and the corpse when he dies, so he returned to the Ryukyu base to make a plan.

In response, the Prime Minister and others could only look at each other and smile bitterly.

Whether they should say it or not, it is indeed their fault, and they can only bear the blame if they are scolded.

What's more, the resentment and anger are not accumulated in a day or two.

"Recently, a scientific research team is investigating this monster in the Western Pacific Ocean. Do we need to invite them to help?" a young official asked.

"It's not necessary at all. Don't we have experts ourselves?" The Minister of Justice snorted dissatisfiedly, "I can arrange for a biology professor from Tokyo University right away."

The young official was quite sincere and continued to insist, "They have had close contact with monsters, maybe..."

The Minister of Justice narrowed his eyelids slightly and waved his hands in annoyance, "Young man, don't interrupt our talks casually. Will you be responsible for delaying state affairs?"

The young official had no choice but to shut up silently under the look of his colleagues.

"By the way, how is the Dongfushan City mentioned earlier? Have the criminals been caught?" The Prime Minister turned to look at the assistant.

"Sir, the situation in Dongfushan City is also very serious and seems to be out of the normal range." The assistant said respectfully.

The Prime Minister was shocked, "You mean, the perverted murderer in Higashi Fukuyama City is also a supernatural monster?"

"I'm not sure about this. It's just some unfounded speculation. It has been mainly handled by the local people in Higashi Fukuyama City. However, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has sent a commissioner to negotiate," the assistant added. "According to statistics, although there have been fewer homicides recently, , but the number of missing people has increased sharply.”

When the Prime Minister heard this, he immediately felt that his head was as big as two.

The Minister of Finance immediately comforted him, "Don't worry too much. Luck rises and falls like stocks. Our big neon will definitely bottom out and rebound in the future!"

"Yes, we can survive no matter how big the storm is. No one can stop our rise. A mere beast is nothing!"

"The ministers are right. I don't believe that our national destiny can continue to fall again and again!" the Minister of General Affairs said cheeringly.

The Prime Minister nodded and said happily, "Fortunately, I have your help."

After several young officials looked at each other, they looked out the window helplessly.

They couldn't figure out why these big guys didn't start to solve the problem, but kept wasting time on making chicken soup and complimenting each other.

Moreover, since they do not accept the opinions of the younger generation at all, why do they have to call them here and put these green leaves to set off the red flowers?


Suddenly, a man in a black suit rushed in and whispered anxiously to the Prime Minister's Assistant.

After a word or two, the assistant's expression also changed drastically, and he was about to whisper to the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister coughed and said, "We are all neon cores here, let's put it bluntly."

The assistant swallowed his saliva and glanced at the Minister of General Affairs calmly, "Just now, the nuclear power plant in Higashi Fukuyama City was attacked by fire from an unknown unit!"

Suddenly, the whole audience was shocked and in an uproar.

Dongfushan City.


Drop - drop -

The deafening shrill sirens continued to echo.

In the nuclear power plant park near the sea, raging flames are burning out of old office buildings.

The side near the sea had been blown beyond recognition, and the smell of exploding metal lingered in the air.

"Evacuate quickly!"

One group of guards stationed there organized the staff to leave, and another group drove vehicles to the beach to detect the situation.

"Is it an enemy?" an engineer asked disgraced.

"It's not clear at the moment, please retreat as soon as possible." The guard replied.

"I saw a metal ball flying out from under the sea at a very fast speed." Another guard said.


Suddenly, the sudden sound of waves made everyone turn their heads with eyes tightened.


I saw a rocket-like metal cylinder breaking through the sea.

Bang bang bang!

Without any order, a dozen guards on the shore immediately opened fire.

The bullets flew forward, but none of them could touch it.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted, but they could only watch helplessly as the cylinder that looked like a cannonball fell straight towards a small building.

Because it is located on the seaside, no tall cooling towers were built to cool down. After all, there is ready and large amounts of seawater.

But there is a reason why hundreds of people's Tianling Gai felt cold at the same time, because it was a nuclear reactor protection tower!

Once hit by a powerful thermal weapon, the consequences would be disastrous.

If a nuclear leak occurs, the people present and even the surrounding people will be harmed by radioactive materials, and the rest of their lives will be worse than death.

Obviously their considerations are unnecessary.

Because most of the Decepticons who had eaten Dragon Flame tracking missiles said they felt so good that their bodies and souls ascended to heaven together.

So it's easy to penetrate a concrete building!


The missile, which was made of Cybertron metal, hit hard and penetrated it before triggering the explosion.

Live up to expectations.

The nuclear reactor inside was swept by a wave of fire. The exploded fragments pierced the reactor walls, countless pipes spewed hot steam, and the entire device collapsed completely.

Although the nuclear reactor is not a nuclear bomb and will not produce a massive nuclear explosion, it still produces a series of unstable reactions under the destruction of high heat.

For a time, there were endless explosions, large and small.

The entire building collapsed, and more than a dozen people who had no time to escape were buried inside.


The sky was covered with dust, and the acrid smoke billowed endlessly.

Invisible nuclear radiation is like a devil tearing apart its cage, caressing every flower and tree affectionately.

"We're done." The person in charge said to himself with a tearful voice.

Not only is my career over, but my life is also at an end.


The radiation monitors equipped by some soldiers immediately began to vibrate, and their values ​​soared.

Even if someone wears protective clothing, it will not have much effect. It does not build an isolation wall outside the skin.

Everyone seems to have nothing to do at this moment, and they are still jumping around.

But everyone knew very well that the sickle of death had been placed on the neck, cutting a tiny bloody opening.

In the near future, they will go to the Kingdom of Underworld to meet the great God Izanami, or turn left to report to King Yama, or turn right to work as a licker for Lucifer.

"If you can't hold it, retreat quickly!" the guard captain yelled.

Hundreds of people got into their cars and sped out of the park.

Better to die than live. At least go back and see your family and explain your funeral arrangements.

But after a few seconds, they deeply understood what despair meant.


Because three more Dragon Flame tracking missiles and five or six explosive bombs broke out of the water, covering the evacuation convoy and three other nuclear reactor buildings.


Hundreds of people were shattered into pieces and wiped out in ashes.

But compared to the painful torture in the next few years, dying instantly without pain may be the real relief, and you can also bear the glory of heroic sacrifice.

Chu Xin was indeed a kind-hearted person who could not bear to see the suffering in the world.


The nuclear power plant was destroyed, with flames shooting into the sky and black and gray smoke covering the sky.

Residents of nearby towns took to the streets and came to high places, not knowing why but looking into the distance in horror.

The rising black smoke looked like a demon's long hair flying all over the sky.


Suddenly, a stiff air raid siren rang across the sky.

People finally realized what was happening and immediately ran away to the air-raid tunnels in the nearby mountains.

Neon is still very complete in this regard and organizes a preparatory drill every year.

Even the smallest town has similar survival facilities, which were most likely built decades ago out of fear of a third warm gift from dad.

The seabed near a nuclear power plant.

Chu Xin switched from the tightrope back to Godzilla, and then curled up comfortably in a hidden pit dug out.

He unscrupulously sucked in the gradually spreading radiation, and the tiny pores all over his skin opened and closed rapidly.

This freshly baked hot meal is more enjoyable than the soupy old porridge in Fukushima~


Every cell in the body is in a state of revelry.

They divide and multiply, and the inferior ones die and are excreted to pollute the environment, while the superior ones continue to divide, multiply, and die.

The cycle repeats over and over again, like a biological perpetual motion machine running at full power!

It is precisely because of the existence of Chu Xin that the nuclear leakage of this nuclear power plant did not reach the severity of Chernobyl, but it was still much more serious than Fukushima.

One can imagine what a big eater he is.

Chu Xin did not enter the dormant state this time, but began to ponder the [clues] given by the system.

"Three idiots causing trouble in Chicago?"

In many film and television dramas, this is also a place that is often destroyed.

Chicago, located in the southern part of Lake Michigan, is the third largest city in the Free State and is known as the "Hometown of Skyscrapers".

Analyzing it from Chicago alone is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Then the "Three Idiots" are the key point.

Considering that we are in an informal monster world, the answer is obvious.

Raging behemoth!

"Don't worry, let's suck it until you're satisfied."

When Chu Xin came, he used the electronic intrusion of the cable to surf the Internet, and the media did not report the headlines related to the behemoth.

This means that the timeline has not started yet, or has just begun.

Now you can switch cards and become a Predator at any time. It won't take long for the Predator spaceship to circle the earth. Going to Chicago is easy.

It's not like Godzilla, who spends most of his time on the road.

The explosion at the Higashikata Nuclear Power Plant quickly attracted the attention of Neon and even the whole world. The heat instantly suppressed the recent topic of monsters.

The continuous troubles made the ministers in Tokyo feel numb, and the Prime Minister almost resigned in public.

But now, everyone is trying to persuade him not to run away from the battlefield and to build confidence in the people.

After all, if the current one is gone, there will always be a new one to take over.

But in this situation, if you don't pay attention, you will be an eternal sinner, and no one dares to gamble.


San Diego Zoo.

"This is impossible," Davis said with a frown as he looked at George's test report. "The activity of neuromuscular synapses has increased dramatically, and the concentration of growth hormone in the blood has reached fatal levels, but it is miraculously still alive."

"He was even jumping around in the cage with energy," his colleague looked at George, who was in a separate room. "You don't have to doubt the accuracy, because I have measured it three times, and the data has increased rapidly each time."

At this time, a female colleague knocked on the door and said, "A woman is here to see you. She claims to be an insider."

Later, Davis met with the black woman.

She claimed to be a scientist from the Wyden Group and was here to help him and George.

"It's always hungry. In just half a day, it ate the food of the previous week." Davis comforted the irritable and restless George.

"Because it grows very fast, but that's not surprising." said the female scientist.

"Isn't it strange?" Davis wanted to laugh, "It killed a grizzly bear, which is an extremely powerful terrestrial carnivore!"

The female scientist said frankly, "The Wyden Group is researching a genetic engineering technology, which is an extreme form of gene editing that is illegal and illegal."

Seeing Davis's confused look, she went into more detail, "Sharks can grow indefinitely. Extract its genes and then combine them with the growth rate of the blue whale, the power of the rhinoceros beetle, the running speed of the cheetah, etc." Advantageous genes can be randomly arranged in various combinations to create extremely unstable and unpredictable chemicals!"

"Don't tell me, that's what's in that jar?" Davis said sullenly.

"I'm sorry, yes," the female scientist said helplessly, "Moreover, the medicine will make the infected body become uncontrollably anxious. As the size increases, it will become a completely violent beast!"

(Note: Regarding the description of the Neon Ministers, I am not trying to be clever, but this is how they behave in the movie)

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