All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 130 Let’s eat first~ (please vote)

"Ho ho ho~"

Seeing the two people in front of him chatting animatedly, George paced back and forth in the cage uneasily.

It was very hungry, and this hunger was unbearable and constantly irritating its tense nerves.

Cells in the body are dividing and growing all the time, and the rapid physiological changes cause discomfort all over the body, like countless ants gnawing and biting, and nameless fire can't help but surge out of the chest.

It suddenly went berserk, pulled up a stone chair inside and threw it against the fence.


In the face of the surge of brute force, the reinforced concrete was vulnerable and soon fell down.


With another sound, George crashed through the wall, screamed through the office area, and jumped out.

Everyone who had been watching the real-time news attentively just now was forced to shift their attention.

What was broadcast on TV was the attack on the Neon Dongfushan Nuclear Power Plant, and various countries immediately held a global meeting.


George let out a deep roar and burst into the crowded tourist area.

The crowd was stunned and stunned at first. After all, they had never seen a white gorilla over three meters tall, but George's rampage immediately spread chaos and panic.

Davis and the female scientist chased after him, trying to keep George from doing stupid things, otherwise he would be treated as a dangerous animal and treated humanely.

Fortunately, George's mind has not yet been engulfed by the potion. His good nature and the fact that he just wanted to find food prevented him from violently attacking tourists and simply overturned a few tables or umbrellas.


A tourist attraction like the San Diego Zoo naturally has police officers on duty, and several police cars blocked George's path within three minutes.

In the end, George was knocked unconscious by several anesthetic shots.

"Where are you taking it?" Davis stood in front of a group of special police officers. The burly man seemed more oppressive than the heavily armed police officers.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked like a western cowboy walked out from behind.

He has a smile full of mature charm on his face, with a hint of scorn in the corner of his mouth. Even a straight black suit and black-rimmed glasses cannot suppress his temperament.

"Former Marine Davis Okoye," the man raised his eyebrows, "I'm from the CIA. You can call me Agent Russell. I'm responsible for investigating the secret experiments of the Wyden Group and responding to possible threats. There is a crisis of behemoths, and this big guy is the best evidence.”

He stated his intention concisely and concisely, his tone was lazy, his voice was magnetic, but his tone left no room for doubt.

"Hey, listen to me, George is a good boy. I can communicate with him. No matter where you want to take him, please let me accompany you." Davis also knew very well that even the CIA was alarmed. He wanted to rely on his own Trying to keep George is tantamount to wishful thinking, so it would be better to settle for the next best thing.

"I'm a genetics expert, please take me with you," the female scientist said hurriedly.

Agent Russell looked at the two people with firm eyes and nodded unexpectedly, "Okay, but don't mess around. I'm not easy to talk to."

In fact, he had planned to take away the two insiders, Davis and the female scientist.

at the same time.


A helicopter flew over the coast, over the hewn cliffs, and a lush forest came into view.

The group of men riding above were all wearing combat uniforms and tactical vests, with fully equipped rifles at their feet and in their arms.

"I have never hunted a wolf. Do you think I should carry a heavy machine gun?" A man joked while chewing gum.

"Hahaha, stop joking!"

"It's just a wolf made of flesh and blood, so what if it's bigger? A heavy machine gun can't beat it to pieces?"

Everyone laughed immediately, as relaxed as if they were on vacation.

Obviously, their thinking has not changed, and they still stay in the setting of the normal world.

Their hands were covered with calluses, and even though they were smiling, there was a murderous look in the corners of their eyes that never faded.

They are the elite mercenaries of the Wyden Group. They were all regular armies of various countries. After retiring, they took on missions all over the world, with their hands stained with blood.

"Found it." The mercenary leader tilted his chin downwards.

I saw a huge creature galloping in the forest, and only a black afterimage could be seen with the naked eye.

"Isn't it too fast? Is that the giant wolf Fenrir?" A mercenary asked in shock.

"It can't run for long." The leader said calmly, and then raised his rifle.


After a gunshot, the running giant wolf howled and fell to the ground.

"Call the command center, hit the Furious One, and prepare to enter the ground to arrest." The leader said Leng Ao.

To be able to become the leader of a group of thugs who lick blood at the tip of a knife, he has some real abilities.

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter landed on a river beach, and five mercenaries went deep into the forest.

The Wyden siblings, who are far away in Chicago, are also watching the killing operation from a first-hand perspective.

Soon, the five people arrived at the spot where the giant wolf was hit, but there were only three or four basketball-sized footprints on the ground, and their owner was nowhere to be found.

"I didn't expect it to be so big. I should have brought the heavy machine gun." The person who was joking before said bitterly.

"We were hasty." The leader muttered, thinking that we should not come to the ground so rashly.

Unconsciously, the tense atmosphere lingered.

The five people stood back to back, breathing rapidly.


A gust of wind blew by, causing the branches and leaves to sway.

The experienced leader inhaled deeply through his nose, "There is a fishy smell in the air."

They quickly lined up, pointing their guns in the direction of the mountain wind.


Suddenly, everyone felt a chill behind them.

The next second, the ground trembled, and the fishy smell hit your nose.

The giant wolf pounced from behind, bit a mercenary, and disappeared into the forest in a flash.

Bang bang bang!

The other four men took cover while firing.

"What the hell?" The leader looked hundreds of meters away and was stunned.

Because the giant wolf actually leaped into the air, gliding and flying with its limbs spread out, with bat-like membrane wings between its forelimbs and hind limbs!

Then, a brutal killing began.

The giant wolf is very smart. Even though bullets are difficult to damage its hard fur, it still attacks with extreme caution.

With the screams one after another, the forest that was filled with gunshots returned to calm.

The trembling head huddled under a bush, staring in horror at the corpses scattered on the ground in the open space in front of him.

"It's coming towards you!" the helicopter pilot's voice came from the headset.

"Xie Te!" The leader ran for his life without looking back.

The giant wolf chased him a hundred meters behind, and was about to bite the leader to death. The helicopter that had been in mid-air provided fire support.

Bang bang bang!

A mercenary pointed his heavy machine gun at the giant wolf, and bullets poured down on its back.

But at most it felt painful, and it didn't cause any harm at all. Even the hair on the body was intact.

Suddenly, the giant wolf changed its attack target.

It jumped up from the edge of the cliff, its hind legs exploded with terrifying jumping power, and it pounced straight towards the helicopter that was avoiding it.

The giant wolf smashed the propeller with one claw, smashed the driver's glass with one head, and finally jumped out of the helicopter with a kick of its hind legs.


The helicopter lost control and crashed.

The leader climbed up from the ground tremblingly. Just as he was about to run away, he felt a smelly heat envelope his head.

A big, bloody mouth slowly approached his left shoulder, exhaling hot breath toward him affectionately, but it still hesitated to move its mouth.

The leader understood that the giant wolf was playing with its prey.

He turned around suddenly with a ferocious expression, but before he even raised his arms and upper body, he was sucked into his mouth and swallowed into his stomach in a few strokes.


The giant wolf raised its head and roared, facing the slowly setting sun and went away.

The Wyden siblings were naturally aware of everything that happened here, and even watched the entire process of the giant wolf killing from a helicopter perspective.

"This?" The younger brother was dumbfounded.

"I knew this was the terrifying thing about the pathogen we developed." Claire said calmly.

"Send another team and increase the firepower!" The younger brother pursed his lips.

"Compared with these, there is one thing I care about." Claire opened a web page on the computer. "It is said that even the Neon Army failed to kill the deep-sea monster that killed the thirty-meter-long Megalodon. If we get If its genes are added to our experimental gene pool, what kind of monster will be created?”

Her eyes showed the light of ambition. She didn't expect that the giant beast she cultivated was so powerful. Just making some money couldn't satisfy her appetite. If she formed an army of giant beasts with both sea, land and air~

The younger brother said angrily, "What time of day is it now, and you still have the time to pay attention to those unimportant things."

"Can you calm down?" Claire stared at him with hatred.

"This is about our wealth and life. I don't even care if the nuclear power plant explodes at noon, but I still care about that bullshit deep-sea beast?" The younger brother perfectly explained what it means to be an unteachable child.

"Don't be anxious," Claire said. "According to the action process of the medicine, the three giant beasts are not fully developed and will take more than a day. It is better to take this opportunity to observe the various reactions of the pathogen."

Seeing that she was so calm and composed, no matter how stupid the younger brother was, he understood that the elder sister still had a trump card, so he stopped chirping.

Night falls.


Dongfushan City.


Chu Xin, who was sucking the core, sneezed inexplicably. Who is talking about me?

No matter what happened above, he remained motionless.

What's more, it's only been eight or nine hours, and the entire nuclear power plant has been completely destroyed, and everything that can be leaked is gone. There is no chance or meaning of repair.

Therefore, no one is willing to risk certain death and go deep into it.

Go for what?

Save people?

I'm afraid he won't be buried with him!

Therefore, Neon mainly focused on evacuating residents, and a blockade was set up in a large area with the nuclear power plant as the center, which was exactly what Chu Xin wanted.

Chu Xin turned over and continued to suck the radiation comfortably and enjoyably.

Don't be anxious about anything, just cook first~


The press conference was held impromptu, with the Prime Minister facing dozens of cameras a little awkwardly.

"The rumors that the nuclear power plant was attacked by enemy countries or terrorist organizations are not true. Please stay rational," the Prime Minister read the manuscript. "According to the preliminary investigation, it was a simple accident, suspected to be caused by an operational failure of the employees. The specific details are We will report to you truthfully in the future.”

In order not to cause greater panic among the people, the ministers unanimously decided to tell a white lie.

After hastily ending the reception, the Prime Minister went to the conference room again.

The ministers from the morning were sitting in the room, and the screen on the wall showed the commander of the Free Base.

"The last video sent back from the nuclear power plant has been restored," the assistant whispered to the Prime Minister.

"What's the content?" The Prime Minister found that the commander's face looked ugly.

"According to video comparison, the thermal weapon that attacked the nuclear power plant was exactly the same as the one that destroyed the Raptor fighter jet," the assistant replied.

The Prime Minister was shocked, "This?!"

"I seriously doubt that that monster is a biological and chemical weapon equipped with modern combat equipment!" the Minister of Defense said categorically.

"I think so too, otherwise how could there be such a thing in the world?"

"But if that's the case, who could it be?"

"Will it?"

"This speculation cannot be ruled out."

The Prime Minister interrupted the increasingly heated discussion and looked at the Commander, "General Sweeney, what do you think?"

Every time the commander's last name was mentioned, the ministers here felt a stomach ache, no matter how bad they sounded.

"No matter what you do, within a week, I need the remains of the shells to be tested. This is related to the safety of the world." The commander said indifferently.

The next morning.


Wyden Building.

"I found the gorilla, but it was taken away by a group of soldiers last night to see here." The younger brother handed the tablet to Claire.

"I just said that excessive exercise will cause hair loss." Claire looked at Davis in the picture.

"It's not him, it's her." The younger brother stretched out his finger.

"It turns out it's her." Claire looked at the black female scientist, her eyes suddenly serious.

This photo came from a surveillance site and was the result of a night of hard work by more than a dozen hackers from the Wyden Group.

The content is that Davis, Agent Russell and others boarded a military transport plane carrying George.

"Why is she there?" The younger brother asked worriedly.

"She relied on us to send her to jail and killed her brother. She probably wanted to bring us down. She should have been killed two years ago," Claire said.

In fact, gene editing technology originated from a black female scientist. She mainly used it to treat her brother's disease, but her boss Claire secretly used her technology in improper ways.

Therefore, the female scientists, adhering to noble ideas, wanted to delete the technical reserves.

As one can imagine, Claire sent him to prison for theft, and his brother died because no one took care of him.

"Claire, sister, my dear sister," the younger brother panicked, "If you have any way, don't hide it. I really don't want to go to jail!"

"Look at your potential, I never fight an unprepared battle." After Claire said that, she led her brother to the rooftop of the building.

"R19 is a super sedative specially prepared for giant beasts. One injection can stop the growth and violence of infected organisms," Claire gradually explained her long-deployed plan. "Pathogens cause genetic changes, one of which is to treat low-frequency Radio waves induce induction, which is a huge attraction for giant beasts, and I installed the world’s strongest radio antenna on the roof of the building in advance.”

The younger brother was shocked when he heard this. His sister must have thought too carefully!

"Low-frequency radio will send the beast into an unprecedented frenzy and jump into our pockets." Claire opened the device console and started it up. "The fun begins."

As for who will kill the giant beast, she has already made arrangements.

Aren’t the armies of free countries just ready-made cheap butchers?

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