All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 128 What exactly are we facing (please vote)

Neon sea.

The setting sun slowly sank, gradually overlapping with the sea level.

The afterglow of dusk poured in freely, igniting the sparkling sea surface, just like the flames of a dream being wrapped up in the waves and blending into one.

Looking at the people on the helicopter, they all seemed to be shocked by the scenery in front of them, and all of them stared with pale faces.

They followed the shadows under the sea closely, their cannons firing continuously.


"We have arrived at the combat location and captured the target heat source."

"Destroy the target."


Under such beautiful scenery, three famous Raptor fighter jets dropped six GBU-39 bombs from far to near, destroying the atmosphere.

Since there were no friendly units on the sea surface, their offensive was unbridled.

What's more, the three pilots are still two white and one black, so they don't have so many worries.

Whoosh whoosh~

The bombs fell evenly distributed.


Countless fish carcasses flew into the air together with the broken waves, and were instantly steamed by the high temperature.

Money-burning hard-core fish fry!

Tu tu tu tu~

Under the command of the command, the Apache driven by the Neon Soldier lowered its altitude to check whether Chu Xin was dead. If not, he used himself as bait to lure him out, and then annihilated him by the Raptor fighter plane.

Even now, they still think that Chu Xin is just a very smart unknown monster, that is, a giant uncivilized beast.

From this move, it can be seen that they did not face Chu Xin's intelligence at all, thinking that Chu Xin would step into such a trap to lure the snake out of its hole.

In fact, he really knows how to step on it.


Chu Xin took advantage of the situation and made a gorgeous sprint and leap, with his long tail curling upward.


The tough tail inserted into the high-speed rotating propeller and snapped it off.


The long tail was pulled down, and the dorsal fin blade cut hard, easily splitting the Apache into two.

He fell in a wave of explosive fire.

At this time, the three Raptor fighter jets that had been waiting for a long time flew in together, drawing a thrilling arc in mid-air, with the momentum of risking their lives and falling into the sea.

Keng Keng~

On the right shoulder of the fighter plane, a sound came from the dark hole.

Deep in the depths is a 20mm M61A2 Vulcan cannon composed of six barrels.

It has 480 rounds of ammunition and a firing speed of 4,000 rounds per minute. Considering Chu Xin's defense, it is equipped with armor-piercing rounds.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, an overwhelming amount of terrifying sounds and barrages pressed towards Chu Xin.

In four seconds of shooting, nearly seven hundred armor-piercing bullets poured out, and the air was filled with the romantic atmosphere of hot weapons.


Six more GBU-39 bombs were fired in anticipation of Chu Xin's possible landing point.

Both the pilots, the command center and the Okinawa Free Base believe that no flesh-and-blood individual in the world can withstand such a battle!


The sound of wind in my ears was replaced by the roar of artillery fire.

The current situation cannot make waves in Chu Xin's heart at all.

He did not switch cards, but neatly contracted his long tail and used it to wrap his torso and head into a ball. The core energy in his body surged and filled his bones and muscles.

The next second.


The explosion swept across and became the most dazzling star in the night.

"Yes! Hit the target!"

"He should be dead. If he is still alive, I will never have sex in my life!"

"Forget it, you just found a neon woman the day before yesterday, and you didn't pay her, right?"

"She doesn't want any money. She even invited me to drink. I can't refuse the lady's request."

The three Raptor pilots let go of their worries and began to hurt each other.

After all, the dozen or so people in the sky were still staring at the flames.

A creature that can single-handedly destroy an Aegis destroyer, leaving human weapons with no chance to fight back, is outrageous.

Even though they believed in metal and gunpowder, there was still a little bit of speculation and hesitation in their hearts.

Human beings are such contradictions.


The fishy sea breeze blew by, dispersing the billowing smoke.

"The target disappears, no body remains." said the black pilot.

"But it shouldn't be so clean, right?"

"No body of the target was found on the sea surface."

The other two people frowned, and their fingers unconsciously touched the cannon firing button.

"Ultra-high fluctuations were detected. There is something down there. It's not dead!"

The technicians in the Apache helicopter looked at the graphic band on the computer that climbed to the top, and their expressions changed greatly.

"Retreat!" the commander of the Free State gave a wise order without delay.

As soon as he said those words, three dragon flame tracking missiles with simple shapes that looked like spears flew out of the sea here.

Bang bang!

The three Raptors, which had no such considerations, were blown away and turned into balls of fire under the stunned gaze of the neon soldiers.

"Thermal weapons! It's thermal weapons!"

"The enemy's situation is unknown, and we are considering invading other countries!"

"Wait, what is that?"

The people on several Apaches looked down at the same time. Under the light of the helicopter, a huge black shadow loomed under the sea, as if an evil god sealed in the abyss was staring at them across the ocean.

Huge oppression and depression surged up, invisibly impacting everyone's brains.

"Retreat immediately!" Commander Neonfang shouted in the channel.

"It moved." Someone trembled.

The shadow's two arms collided heavily.


Electromagnetic pulse wave!

Several Apaches instantly lost control and fell freely.

Following several explosions, both command centers fell into dead silence.

"Who will tell me, what exactly are we facing?" The commander with short blond hair said darkly in the Okinawa Free Base.

That night.

The San Diego Zoo, located in California, is the largest and highest-rated zoo in the world.

It houses giant pandas, polar bears, koalas, pygmy hippos, vervet monkeys, skylarks and other exquisite collections. It is precisely because of the various rare creatures and complete play facilities that it is welcomed by people all over North America. .

The atmosphere of the zoo at night is excellent. The silence is sometimes broken by the chirping of birds and insects. Suddenly, there are a few unknown cries. The next second, everything is quiet again, and it feels like being in nature.

After all, the 43-hectare area is a lush virgin forest, restoring the most comfortable and enjoyable living environment for many animals.


Suddenly, several shooting stars flashed across the night sky.

The scattered firelight was burned out when it broke through the atmosphere, with only a few remaining and scattered in all directions.


A fireball plummeted straight into the zoo and hit the woods behind an artificial rockery. It immediately frightened several chimpanzees and screamed strangely.

Only an albino gorilla with white hair stared calmly and doubtfully at the falling point.

The extremely smart thing hesitated for a moment and walked over slowly.

I saw a rectangular metal object stuck in a pit.

Even after experiencing high thermal friction from the universe to the surface, only the surface appears charred black.

The albino orangutan frowned at it and tentatively touched it with a finger.

With just one touch, the metal object was sprayed out.

The liquid sample inside is converted into a gaseous state by the device.

whispering sound!

A large amount of dark green gas sprayed into the face of the albino orangutan, and entered the body through the nose, mouth, and eye sockets.


The same sample tube fell from the sky and fell straight into the desert Gobi shrouded in darkness. It hit a wolf in the waist and tore it into two pieces.

Seeing this, the wolves ran away quickly, but the wolf king approached curiously.

As soon as I put my nose to it, I took a big breath of the dark green gas that spread.


The third sample crashed in Everglades National Park and floated on the water.


Before the gas in the metal tube could be ejected, a crocodile opened its mouth and swallowed the entire thing into its belly.

No matter what it is, eat it first and then talk about it.

The next morning.

San Diego Zoo, office building entrance.

A burly, bald man jumped out of the pickup truck. His brown skin and boulder-like muscles gave him a tough-guy charm.

He's not Jonas from Megalodon, but Davis, the zoo's primate expert.

However, apart from being bald, the two of them have one thing in common, that is, they both served in the Marine Corps of the Free State.

Needless to say, the Marine Corps’ buff is a bit lousy.

Davis was very anxious at the moment because his colleagues informed him early in the morning that something had happened to his best friend George!

George is the extremely smart albino orangutan, and the key is that he is currently in a grizzly bear zone!

Davis found it ridiculous. Even if the two-meter-tall George could fight four or five of his own kind and was proficient in sign language, he was essentially just an albino gorilla.

Is the grizzly bear area accessible to an orangutan?

That grumpy grizzly bear who allowed an intruder to stay in his den all night?

With this doubt, he went to the grizzly bear's residence.

But when he saw with his own eyes the corpse of a grizzly bear with its neck broken and blood all over the ground, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Later, he communicated with George hiding in the cave through sign language.

On the way, I discovered a problem that was obvious at a glance. George had actually grown to a height of three meters!

If he is of this size and has George's IQ, which can drive, it is indeed not difficult to kill a grizzly bear.

Later, Davis successfully found the empty metal can in the orangutan park.


He sent it here for examination to find out what happened to George's body.

"Hey, have you paid attention to the recent news?" asked my colleague.

Davis shrugged and shook his head, "If it's the morning news every morning, then I'm paying attention."

"Of course it's not those trivial things," said my colleague, "I'm referring to the monster attacks next door!"

Seeing Davis' confused look, he immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked on some web pages that were not official news reports. There were a large number of real-life videos and pictures, as well as comments from netizens and analysis by experts.

"A deformed amphibian fish monster? A humanoid beast that plagues neon lights? A prehistoric super megalodon? A mysterious creature that wreaks havoc in the deep sea?" Davis read out one by one with a speechless look in his eyes, "I am very suspicious of these pictures. authenticity.”

Seeing this, my colleague quickly pointed to a photo of the Megalodon post, "I recognize these people. They are participants in the world's largest deep-sea research project. The woman in the middle is named Zhang Suyin, and she is a marine biologist. The two He even came to us for academic exchanges a few years ago.”

The photo, apparently taken by beachgoers, shows a group of people pulling the mangled carcass of a megalodon ashore.

"Huh?" Davis suddenly looked shocked.

"What's wrong?" asked the colleague.

"I saw an old friend I haven't seen for a long time," Davis looked at the bald head next to Zhang Suyin, and his thoughts immediately drifted back to the meat-mincing battlefield many years ago, "Jonas."

"I wonder if George has also mutated like these creatures?" A colleague made a wild guess, "Is there someone plotting a conspiracy to create biological weapons for war?"

"What are you thinking about?" Davis retorted, "The modern military is powerful enough to suppress all carbon-based organisms. What monster can withstand machine guns and missiles?"

"What if it mutates? What if there is an unknown change in this world? How else can George explain it?" said a colleague a little excitedly, "Forgive me for my bold conjecture, mainly because I have been reading Chinese spiritual energy recovery novels recently. It’s so fascinating, I admire the imagination of those writers.”

Davis fell into silence. As a muscular intellectual, at a certain moment, he actually had these unrealistic guesses.

After all, much of what he saw at this moment was beyond his cognitive scope.

Compared with those weird things, George, who has only grown bigger and stronger, is simply normal.

If the things on the Internet are true, then nature, or the earth, is changing little by little!

Davis felt uneasy listening to George's low growl in the room.

He took out his phone and dialed the number he had not contacted for two years.

"Didi~didi~boulder?" Jonas's surprised voice came from the other end.

"Hey man, come to my place to hang out?" Davis smiled.

"I'm very busy recently, I'll give it another day." Jonas replied.

Although the Megalodon was killed by Chu Xin and Chu Xin disappeared, Zhang Suyin's team still did not disband.

Instead, the exploration of the deep sea was increased, but the research object became everything related to Chu Xin.

They collected seawater samples that had existed in Chu Xin for a long time, analyzed the wound materials of the megalodon, and constantly reviewed information on prehistoric creatures.

"I may have something you are interested in here, about abnormal biological variation at the genetic level." Davis said.

There was a rustling discussion on the opposite side.

Two minutes later, Jonas said: "When I finish working here, in two or three days at most, I will come over with Professor Zhang."

at the same time.

The tallest building in Chicago is the Wyden Tower.

As a biological company that can fund the construction and launch of space laboratories, they are top capital that cannot be underestimated in the entire free country.

"What a rubbish space station! Go and ride a horse!"

In the office on the top floor, a man in his thirties was wielding a stick and venting his anger on a model of the space station.

"Have you smashed enough?"

Claire Wyden pushed the door open and glanced at her brother with hatred.

"The space station exploded and we lost billions of dollars. Why are you still so calm and calm?!" the man asked in disbelief.

"It's actually tens of billions of dollars, and our stock price fell by 20 percent this morning," Claire said. Not only was she not angry, she also had a smile on her face, "Because the violent plan has come to fruition. Once our drug is developed, That will be the legendary Philosopher’s Stone, and then the richest people in the world will be amiable in our presence.”

The man was confused for a moment, "The space station is gone, so what if there are results?"

Claire shook her head, "Based on the feedback before the space station exploded, Dr. Ateskin brought three samples into the escape capsule. Although the escape capsule also exploded, the sample container was far harder than the space station itself. The key was last night. The bureau has detected meteorites falling in Wyoming and California."

The man's eyes gradually widened, "In other words, we still have hope?!"

Claire's face was full of smiles, "While you were incompetent and furious, I have arranged for the private armed forces hired by the group to bring back the samples for me before the space agency."

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