Fire star.

Imperial capital.

Today is a grand day, and there is a solemn and slightly sad atmosphere lingering in the city.

Because the emperor, beloved by everyone, announced that he was leaving to explore the limits of species and life in a broader universe.

They stopped all activities, returned from all over the universe, and waited silently in the city.

The traffic commanders and roadblocks worked conscientiously to ensure smooth flow despite the huge crowds of people.

The interior of the mountain range where the palace is located is an extremely important breeding center.

As the name suggests, this is the hope and future of the empire.

The ambulance is in charge, leading many careful female Transformers to take care of it.

Translucent membrane balls hang from the white ceiling, with countless mechanical fetuses of various shapes curled up inside, like artificial wombs.

In the deepest room, there are several figures standing.

"This child is your great bloodline." Ratchet pointed to a huge metal cultivation chamber.

Soaked in the energy nutrient solution, there is a curled up mechanical tyrannosaurus!

The body is only more than one meter long, and it is obviously in the stage of birth.

Part of Chu Xin's fire energy and transformation gear were taken and bred through Cybertron's artificial cultivation technology.

Mechanical life forms are growing and growing like this, so they can't really move like flesh-and-blood creatures~

Of course, this method of genetic creation is only one of them. From the emergence of Cybertron to its destruction, there were many methods of reproduction.

For example, a male Transformer and a female Transformer output an "electronic command" to each other, and they fuse like human sperm and eggs. With the assistance of a series of technologies, a new life is born.

However, there are very few such cases, after all, it is too troublesome.

Another example is to prepare a mechanical body in advance and give it vitality and self-awareness from the source of fire. This is also the most widely used one at present.

Therefore, the Transformers group rarely has so-called kinship relationships. Most of them are independent individuals.

"Give him a name." Optimus Prime said.

Chu Xin stared at it, "Shengtian Chu."

He spoke Cybertronian, and these three words in Chinese were naturally translated.

"Are you really going to leave?" Optimus Prime said hesitantly, trying to persuade him to stay.

Chu Xin nodded calmly, "If you don't advance, you will retreat. I must keep moving forward to touch the truth."

Optimus Prime said no more, "Don't worry, I will teach Sheng Tianchu to grow up and help him become an emperor like you."

This moment feels quite like Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, but with the help of the right time, place and people, Sheng Tianchu will never be a mechanical version of Liu Adou.

After all, Steel Suo's genes are destined not to be a mediocre person who is greedy for pleasure. In addition, Chu Xin's long-term self-training has eliminated Steel Suo's bad qualities. In the future, Sheng Tianchu will be regarded as buried unless he is a wise and courageous person.

After one hour.

Countless mechanical subjects were kneeling and worshiping under the tower, and dozens of city defense guards were suspended on both sides of the sky.

Chu Xinduan was sitting in a mechanical throne made of black steel, overlooking the solemn and silent city.


The farewell salute exploded, cannonballs jumped into the sky one after another, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of explosions.


The metal horns resounded throughout the city, directly touching people's hearts.

Amid such commotion, Chu Xin stood up proudly and glanced at his country with some emotion.

Behind him, six people, Iron Slag, Contempt, Dart, Slash, Silt, and Howl, fixed their gazes on the back of Chu Xin's head.

"Boss, do we still have a chance to meet again?"

"Not just goodbye, we also have a lot of opportunities to fight side by side." Chu Xin whispered.


The wind howled and the artillery fire stopped.

Every citizen of the Mechanical Dynasty looked up at the tall and upright figure with sincere eyes.

Break the past and shape the future emperor!

They admired the great emperor for choosing to leave calmly when he should enjoy it the most, as if he was personally telling everyone not to cling to meaningless disputes and desires.

"Everyone, I will embark on a more dangerous road and explore a wider universe." Chu Xin thought about it and said a few words, "I believe that you can develop the Fire Source Planet to prosper and truly find what you are looking for. things instead of going back to the old ways.”

After saying this, Chu Xin fluttered his wings and took off into the sky.

He muttered silently in his eyes, "Transmigration."


In an instant, Chu Xin turned into a beam of light.

After everyone subconsciously blinked, the sky was empty, and there was no trace of Chu Xin.

But looking around, everywhere you look are the traces left by Chu Xin.

For him or them, it is a new beginning.

Chu Xin didn't use the [Random World Travel Card] because he felt it wasn't time yet.

Most of the cards in your card pack are full of proficiency. The remaining 20% ​​of the Licker shouldn't be too difficult. There is no need to use the Facehugger Egg for the time being. It mainly requires a suitable host.

Therefore, using random cards at this time is somewhat wasteful.

Moreover, Chu Xin believed that he did not need to go to a special world to rest at the moment. After all, the more than a year he had been the emperor was enough to enjoy himself, and if he wasted any more, he would really become a salty fish.

In one word, the soul soaked in blood and corpses was soothed and could continue to fight!


There was a faint sound of water in my ears.

"Where am I?" Chu Xin muttered secretly.

This time the system did not hesitate, and the familiar red text immediately appeared: ""Shin Godzilla" and other monster/sci-fi movies (click to view annotations)"

"Could it be a fusion world similar to the movie variety show?" Chu Xin clicked on the annotation with suspicion.

"In order to increase the sense of travel experience, this world is not only a world of "Shin Godzilla", but also contains other elements and content. Specific prompts will be given later or the host can explore independently." The system replied.

"Is Shin Godzilla real?" Chu Xin recalled this neon special photo film released in 2016.

In the movie, a deep-sea reptile is mutated by nuclear waste pollution released into the sea, and gradually grows from a weak juvenile body into the monster Godzilla that destroys Tokyo.

As for the name Zhenjiang, it was an affectionate nickname given by the original fans.

In addition to showing Godzilla crushing humans, this movie also mocks all aspects of neon politics in overt and covert ways, incorporating a lot of the director's private goods.

"This world is a bit interesting, full of unknown surprises." Chu Xin thought.

So, what did I become after traveling through time?

If it’s real sauce, that’s perfect!


Perception gradually emerges.

This cold and lubricating touch, am I in the water?

It feels like there are no arms, but it seems to have legs and a tail?

It wanders by waving its body and tail.


As you breathe, a large amount of salty and wet water flows into your body, absorbing oxygen and then expelling it.

I should have gills!

The water is very salty and a bit prickly. It is most likely sea water, so it is deep in the ocean.

Gradually, Chu Xin's audio-visual sense came online.

It was almost pitch black, and only vague outlines of objects could be seen in the field of vision, but one could judge whether any creatures were approaching by the slowness of the water flow.


Soon, new cards were outlined.

Is this a... tadpole fish?

Strictly speaking, it's more like a mutated creature that was exposed to nuclear radiation!

First of all, it is indeed similar to the body shape of a carp in general. There are large bright blood-colored markings on the back, the scales are like patches of stone gray, and the gaps and tail are pale white.

A pair of huge black eyes without eyelids, from the lower jaw to the abdomen is a huge and misshapen spherical gill, which opens and closes in arcs from front to back.

At the connection between the body and the tail, there is a pair of flipper-like hind limbs, just like two large chicken legs installed abruptly on both sides.

And finally, there is a beautiful big tail with soft fins all over the top and bottom, as if it is wearing a white gauze flowing cloud skirt.

Chu Xin was a little stunned when he first saw it. When "Shin Godzilla" appeared on the card, he immediately realized that this was Shin's juvenile body!

I really got what I wanted, but I had to start from scratch and had no chance to sit back and enjoy the success.

That's right, if you directly take away the complete body of Shin-chan, it will not be in line with the original intention of the card system.

Based on his perception of the new body, Chu Xin judged that it should be two meters long.

To be honest, this is an extremely rare experience, turning into a mutant fish and roaming freely in the boundless sea~

According to the setting, Godzilla needs to absorb nuclear energy to promote the evolution and further mutation of his body.

But that is Zhenjiang Benjiang. Now Chu Xin can also improve his proficiency through fighting and other means, and his proficiency may also bring about changes in himself.

Of course, you still have to eat nuclear energy, which is a great supplement.


Chu Xin found himself in a huge rock in the strait. There were occasional slight waves around him, and there were obviously small fish and shrimps in the way.

He did not rush out, but looked at the young body.

Although it is a baby, it is still two meters in size.

Although it looks harmless to humans and animals, it is a mutated creature that has been contaminated by nuclear energy, so it is naturally impossible to be fragile.

The bones and flesh all over the body are as tough as rocks and rubber, especially the tail that swims and exerts force is full of power. A swipe of the divine dragon's tail is enough to knock a human unconscious, and it may even lead to death from concussion on the spot.

But it is still very weak. Not to mention human weapons, the sharks, killer whales, giant squid, etc. in the deep sea alone are enough to drink a pot of it.

Therefore, Chu Xin naturally adjusted to "stable mode".

In order to seek stability, naturally we cannot take the initiative to die, so we give priority to "eating".

As for what to eat, it’s obvious.


Chu Xin swam out of the cave and walked upwards cautiously.

There is a lot of nuclear energy stored in his body. It is more appropriate to call it nuclear waste. It has accumulated for at least several decades and has soaked into every inch of flesh and bone marrow. It is just waiting for the moment when it accumulates.

It is this external energy that causes the body and even genes to mutate, making it extremely sensitive to nuclear induction.

The further up you go, the more nuclei are present in the seawater.

It can be seen that the nearby sea area has been polluted on a large scale!

I don’t know which country is so negligent and has no moral ethics~

As Chu Xin kept swimming, his vision was no longer dark, and the sun penetrated from the sea, revealing a wonderful underwater world.

But as time passed, there were no dense schools of fish around at all, and even the seawater took on a somewhat unnatural and strange color under the sunlight.

But Chu Xin became more and more cheerful and lively, like a drug addict who was high on drugs.


He was swimming vertically and horizontally in the water, his gills swallowing recklessly, his eye sockets stretched ferociously, and his tail swayed happily.

Because the level of nuclear contamination here is so high that if you roll around in it, you will definitely get cancer, and if you take a few more sips, the next generation will directly mutate.

Others' hell is my paradise!

Suddenly, Chu Xin saw several metal buckets stuck in the sand on the seabed.

He swam over and swept away the surface sand with his tail, revealing the Japanese characters and numbers on it.

Among them, the word "Fukushima" can still be recognized.

Good guy, this is one of the most scenic spots in Neon~

Chu Xin couldn't help but guess that before his soul came, Godzilla probably came to eat because he sensed this rich nuclear energy.


The turbulent water rushed behind him.

Chu Xin immediately turned his head and looked back.

I saw a panicked figure appearing behind the rocks dozens of meters away.

That was a shark that was over three meters tall!

Perhaps it got here by mistake, but it was extremely resistant to the uncomfortable sea water around it, so it kept venting its anger.

With its eyes bloodshot, it paused and stared at Chu Xin.

The next second, the blue shark charged towards Chu Xin with its teeth bared like a hungry wolf attacking a woman.

Even though he was reduced to a cub, Chu Xin didn't panic at all. What kind of person he was, the majestic mecha savior, the ultimate iron-blooded warrior, and the mechanical emperor!

Keeping constant in response to all changes, he calmly calculated the distance between the two sides that continued to shorten.


The blue shark opened its bloody mouth.

Suddenly, Chu Xin twisted his waist with all his strength, brought his tail and spun from behind.

The spine and muscles move fairly smoothly, and the overall coordination is rated as an A.

The main thing is that it is the first time that Chu Xin has such a deformed body, and it is normal to have some shortcomings.


A big mouth actually breathed on the side of the blue shark's head.

His eyeballs, which were bleeding internally, were blown out on the spot, and a muffled "clang" sound came from inside his head.

Despite the slight lag in the process, the result is a solid A+!


It was obvious that this blue shark was a healthy young man. He immediately turned over and fell asleep.

Chu Xin did not feel complacent, but silently familiarized himself with his body and summarized to himself the brief battle just now.

I've been using this machine for a long time, so I'm not used to it.

Although the Predator is still made of flesh and blood, since he wears the Terminator Armor, he will never move his arms or legs if he can be killed with a plasma cannon.

What's more, Godzilla is still a flesh-and-blood creature that has broken away from his humanoid form!


Chu Xin began to nibble on the blue shark, taking every bite of it into his stomach very gracefully.

"Even if I don't do anything, judging from the energy accumulated in my body, I can mutate further." Chu Xin dived into a coral bush and planned to take a nap.

This place can be said to be a restricted area for life, with very few threatening creatures wandering around. Chu Xin was able to fully accept the changes that nuclear energy had brought to him.

Half a year has passed.


Chu Xin got out of the sea bed and stretched his slender figure.


The spine made a slight crisp sound, and a large amount of withered white skin peeled off, revealing a dark, gelatinous outer skin.

The huge drooping gills were also gathered on both sides of the cheeks, like regular scars.

The original pair of flipper-like hind limbs became formal hind legs, resembling those of frogs and lizards.

The tail has become much longer, and at first glance it looks like a deep-sea hairtail fish.

The key is that the body size has also grown from two meters to ten meters.

A new look!

The card graphics also changed accordingly.

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