All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 121 Gene Reaper (please vote for me)

Chapter 121 Gene Reaper (please vote~)

Card text appears:

“Initially familiar with the new body, having a clear understanding of the situation, and experiencing a brief fitness-style battle;

Using nuclear power, he achieved his first mutational evolution and strengthened himself;

Proficiency +3%, reaching 3%;

Earn rewards:

When the skill [Wave Tail Cannon] is released, the power of the tail is strengthened three times, causing heavy impact damage to the target through swinging strikes;

The skill [Super Nuclear Sensing]’s ability to perceive nuclear energy has been strengthened tenfold, and it can clearly judge the different levels of nuclear energy concentration in a certain direction;

The skill [Intracranial Map] forms a world map in your mind and locks your location in real time;

Supplement: Clues suggest [Amphibian monsters in the Han River in the cold country], and you can get certain rewards after killing them;

Note: The host can speed up evolution by absorbing nuclear energy and improving proficiency. "

Chu Xin has a unique self-perception of evolution.

Just like the feeling of hunger and satiety, he can confirm how much nuclear energy or energy he needs, but there is no clear data on this amount, and he can only compare it through repeated body feedback.

Perhaps in the early stages of mutation, more nuclear energy is in the accumulation stage and cannot be burned like human fat (subjective use). In short, relevant organs have not yet evolved.

Therefore, Chu Xin needs to continue to be "stable" and wait for explosive evolution like in the movie.

By then, the entire human race will be enveloped by the terrifying coercion he exudes.


Chu Xin swam out of the coral jungle and carefully felt the nuclear energy elements mixed into the seawater.

This area is still polluted, but the content has become constant for Chu Xin. Living here can help him develop slowly.

It's just that this time is unpredictable, and you can't tell whether it will be ten or eight years. It doesn't matter to Zhenjiang. If you sleep for one year, you are sleeping, and if you sleep for ten years, you are sleeping.

But Chu Xin not only needs to evolve, but also needs to improve his proficiency, reaching two key nodes of 30% and 70%.

If you want to accumulate a lot in a short period of time, you must go to an area with higher concentration.

At the same time, you need to look for beasts in the ocean and fight them to meet your early proficiency requirements.

Speaking of beasts, the clues given by the system are very clear. You can guess at a glance that it is the classic monster movie "The Monster of the Han River".

It is obvious that this world does integrate a variety of elements to form a unique monster universe.

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant suffered a serious leak due to the tsunami and earthquake in 2011.

Since that time, the area has been deserted, and it is difficult to see a few people in the towns or the sea.

However, there are still a small number of troops stationed in coastal nuclear power plants, and there are still staff inside the power plants performing long-term monitoring and maintenance. Of course, they all wear heavy protective clothing and receive high salaries.

The night is high and the moon and stars are scarce.


Chu Xin poked half of his head out of the sea and stared at the shore with a pair of eyes full of wisdom.

He expanded his gills greedily, sucking in the radioactive substances contained in the sea water and air, condensing them and storing them in his body, soaking every inch of flesh and blood along the blood circulation.

In this way, the genes are changed over and over again. When mutations occur, they are integrated into the gene chains of various organisms in the ocean to reconstruct a brand new body.

This is the sublimation of species and the prototype of deformed gods created by humans and nature together.


The skin and flesh are changing in ways that cannot be observed with the naked eye. Layers of sticky flesh membranes as thin as cicada wings fall off, and countless old body fluids are discharged.

If you observe it under a microscope, you will find that his cells are dividing and proliferating at a rapid rate all the time, dying and regenerating in large numbers, and then distorting and mutating bizarrely, developing in unpredictable ways.

Chu Xin was about to explode with excitement. This kind of crazy pleasure that was all over his body was more intense than the first rush in his previous life.

This place is simply heaven!

Chu Xin couldn't help but walked a few hundred meters closer. There were very few fish around, but they were not completely extinct. After all, no matter how much these creatures seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, they cannot escape the scope of nuclear pollution.

What's more, animals and plants are not very resistant to radiation. Besides, what can they do?

Animals cannot be generalized, and not everyone has the qualifications to break free from the shackles of species.


Suddenly, a dense shoal of fish swam out from a cliff on the seabed not far away.

They are about the size of a palm, very fast and menacing, and their eyes are completely bloodshot, their scales are abnormally raised, and blue-red coagulated blood overflows from the gaps.

Apparently ill.

Although the mouth is not big, the sharp and fine teeth make people shudder.

Under the contamination of radioactive materials, anything is possible. After all, Chu Xin himself has already stretched the upper limit to an outrageous level. It is understandable that other species have a small genetic mutation.

Click, click, click!

The fish swarmed toward Chu Xin angrily, their teeth gnashing loudly.

The bloodthirsty and rotten smell mixed with the sea water and surrounded Chu Xin.


Chu Xin dived and sneaked, swung his long tail, and set off whirlpools of water.

The arrogant power exploded and scattered like tops spinning at high speed, disrupting the approaching fish schools. More than a dozen fish that came into contact with Chu Xin's tail fell into coma and died on the spot.

The upper part of the tail has clusters of dorsal fins extending from the head, which are as sharp as bone spurs and as hard as steel.

The few fish that unfortunately came into contact with their tail fins were instantly cut into pieces, and a large amount of viscous blue-red blood smeared the seawater.

The tragic death of his companion did not make the fish retreat.

Click, click, click!

The constant pain causes them to be extremely bloodthirsty, like a mental patient about to die suddenly launching his final madness.

Facing the swarm of fish, Chu Xin responded calmly and scored twice after a detour.


A heavy tail strike set off waves on the sea surface, mixed with a lot of dead fish, and the sound was like a firecracker exploding in the water.

Chu Xin's tail is no joke. The tail accounts for half of the ten-meter body length. After long-term swimming and exercise, the muscles under the hard skin are as tough as rock.

Not to mention a fish as big as a palm, Tyson would suffer fractures all over his body from a single tail blow. For the rest of his life, he would either spend the rest of his life in the ICU acting as a vegetative state, or he would be reincarnated early in a luxury single room.

Because it was so close to the shore, it caused a lot of noise, like thunder, and because it was extremely quiet tonight with no wind or waves, it soon attracted the attention of a team of patrolling security guards.

"what happened?"

"Go over and have a look."

"Be careful, in case it's an enemy weapon."

"Are you suffering from paranoia again? If it weren't for the high salary, I wouldn't be willing to work here."

"There shouldn't be any enemies sneaking in here, there's no need."

"You two should leave as soon as possible. If you don't have lofty ideals, it's not worth risking your life for this little money."

The three spoke Japanese, wore white protective clothing and gas masks, and held firearms.

They walked along the offshore platform they built and walked into the shallow sea area. There was a dark sea on three sides, but under the moonlight, there were pale sparkling waves.

As far as the eye can see, clusters of waves fly energetically into the air.

The three of them looked at each other, and one of them turned on a bright flashlight.


Immediately transparent and bright.

A flat long tail leaping three to four meters out of the sea caught my eye, and the seawater showed a strange color.

"With fish, right?"

"should be?"

"You are too lax, this is probably the enemy's plan!"

The man said, loaded the gun and continued to move forward.

The eyes behind the mask were firm and blazing, staring intently at the rolling sea.

Suddenly, there was no movement.

But there were densely packed fish carcasses floating on the sea. They were dead in a miserable state. The smashed fish heads were mixed with the disemboweled fish bodies, and the internal organs squeezed by deformed sarcoma were floating with the current.


The guard swallowed unconsciously, and his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

He raised his gun and turned back, "Something's wrong. Let the captain come and take a look."

However, through the transparent masks, he saw horror on the faces of his two companions.

Bang bang bang!

The vigilance that bordered on mental illness made him immediately pull the trigger.

But it was still a step too late.

Because the swaying shadow has swallowed up his shadow.


A long dark tail that towered three meters above the sea swept down, tightly wrapped around his upper body, and then pulled him under the water.

"Save...Gululu~" These were his last words.

"Don't shoot, to avoid accidental injury!" A companion pressed the barrel of another's gun and hurriedly pressed the communicator to report the situation.

By the time more than a dozen guards arrived, the sea was calm and dead silent without a single sound.

If it weren't for one missing person, they almost thought it was a false illusion.

"Octopus, or some kind of hairtail?" someone speculated in confusion.

"That may be an octopus that mutated due to nuclear contamination. We are not in a monster movie in the United States!" The captain's words were obviously ridicule and rebuke, signaling his subordinates to stop talking nonsense.

"So, such a suspected creature with a clear goal could really be a conspiracy of the enemy?" someone else said.

"But didn't you see the corpses of those fish? The enemy went all the way deep into the radiation zone to catch fish, right?" Someone immediately retorted.

The captain looked at the ocean that merged with the radiation and remained silent.

Search and rescue?

Who would go down in this kind of environment?

Even their camp is located outside a remote industrial zone. Unless they are on duty, they will never enter the nuclear power plant, let alone go into the sea.

"I will report this matter, and everyone will be on duty tonight." The captain left without looking back, making no secret of the fact that he didn't want to stay any longer.

At this moment, on the seabed.


The guard who was dragged into the water by Chu Xin was still alive. The remaining oxygen in the protective suit kept him alive.

He stared at the terrifying monster in front of him in horror. Although he could only see a vague black outline, it also brought him unspeakable fear.

He wanted to shoot, but the gun was missing.


The mask shattered.

The influx of seawater impacted his features, and his bloodshot eyes suddenly met with a pair of intelligent dead fish eyes.

"Monster~" He shivered and felt cold all over his body.

Chu Xin also shuddered, and his internal organs were squeezed through the skin and burst.

But suffocation took his life first.

Chu Xin tore up the protective suit with his teeth, leaving bloody wounds on his body. He took a few sips and threw his body into the sea.

One of the main characteristics of Godzilla is to fuse the genes of other species, extract the advantages of many creatures, add his own gene chain, and continuously improve it into an almost perfect god-level species.

Therefore, Chu Xin seized this little life not just to vent his anger, but to absorb human genes.

This was also the reason for eating sharks before, but this ability is considered a passive ability that cannot be controlled subjectively. It does not directly transfer a certain talent of others to oneself, but will be displayed in the later evolution, and only after adaptive mutation. Act on itself, or become a recessive gene to form a complex gene chain to cope with unknown situations. However, not all absorbed genes will succeed. In short, this is mutation and evolution that even Chu Xin cannot control.

He is indeed a gene harvester~

Of course, Chu Xin still belongs to the category of living things, and eating is a necessary means to replenish physical strength.

But these things are currently only accumulated in the body and require subsequent gradual evolution to be revealed. They will not be achieved overnight and immediately like legendary games.

Card text appears:

“After several time travels, the host’s adaptability has been honed to an extremely excellent level. It is able to accept diverse versions of itself in the shortest possible time and take advantage of it accurately and wisely;

The cold and ruthless nature is one of the host's greatest strengths after becoming a non-human being. As long as the goal can be achieved, everything can be a roadmap for progress;

Realizing Godzilla's advantages and quickly seizing the opportunity to expand the advantage, the host's crisp and clear action is also something worthy of praise;

Proficiency +4%, reaching 7%. "

It's still too slow to kill ordinary creatures.

If this continues, it won't be long before normal creatures won't be able to improve their proficiency at all.

After all, some of the early proficiency came from Chu Xin's exploration and understanding of new roles.

For example, the 4% just now, most of the credit comes from Chu Xin's "acquisition of genes" and "first practice" behavior.

It's really not difficult to kill a group of small fish with several fangs, and neither the system nor Chu Xin looks down upon it.


At this time, Chu Xin felt a sting in his tail.

When I looked down, I saw a bloody hole at the end, probably from a random bullet just now.

To his surprise, the wound stopped bleeding quickly and then slowly healed on its own. The bullet was gradually squeezed out by the proliferating flesh and blood until the delicate skin looked like a piece of cloth that had just been patched.

This is also Shin-chan's basic passive. The mutated body has given him gradually stronger self-healing power. It's not obvious yet, but in the movie, as long as there is enough energy, extremely serious injuries can be healed.

Next, Chu Xin stayed in the sea ten kilometers away for some time and absorbed enough nuclear radiation.

He left here and headed next door based on the intracranial imaging map.

Even though the sea was vast, Chu Xin still encountered many top hunters, but few of them could withstand his heavy cannon flick.

The [Wave Tail Cannon] with three times the force hit the eyeball of a blue whale, which directly opened a large hole in the flesh, and quickly hunted it down with the help of flexible walking skills.

I have to admit, the brain is really a good thing.

During this period, he also met dolphins, and Chu Xin also felt their dissoluteness and enthusiasm. Fortunately, he ran away quickly, otherwise he would have been~


Three great white sharks with a body length of five to six meters stood around, staring at this prey they had never seen before.

Chu Xin could naturally dispel the soul's murderous aura by releasing it, but he did not do so.

Because the normal creatures in the ocean, namely the man-eating shark, killer whale, and blue whale, can bring him some improvement.

They must be drained of their value!

The largest great white shark rushed towards Chu Xin first, but was knocked unconscious by Chu Xin's tail before he could react.


Chu Xin's gaze was fleeting, and he flipped underwater, causing the muscles of the long tail to tighten instantly.


The water surged and made bursts of thunderous sounds.

Wave Tail Cannon!


The two great white sharks that attacked from behind were pierced in two on the spot, and their heads were torn apart.

Card text appears:

“I experienced an unusual underwater hunt, and with my calm mind and experienced experience, I completely conquered the top of the ocean’s food chain;

During this period, the genes of each type of different species were not let go, and they were stored in the body, making preparations for the day when they would accumulate more and more resources;

Proficiency +3%, reaching 10%. "

Although they killed a lot, to put it bluntly, they were just ordinary animals, so it was good to get a raise.

Chu Xin looked not far away, where was the mouth of the river.

Han River, also known as Han River.

It originates from Mount Taebaek and the Gangang River, passes through Seoul, and flows into the Yellow Sea.

The lawn along the river has always been a leisure and entertainment resort for locals. Once the weather is clear and the wind is beautiful, there will definitely be countless tourists.

Such as today.

The warm sunshine was shining down, and the lawn was covered with moisture-proof mats and picnic cloths. A family or young men and women happily enjoyed a leisurely weekend.

"Look, what is that?!"

Suddenly, someone pointed to the back of the bridge across the river.

Grandma was discharged from the hospital today, so she was busy during the day. . Also, please give me a monthly pass!

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