All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 119 Times have changed, the emperor provides food and accommodation (dungeon ends)

The vast universe.

A fleet covered with traces of gunfire sailed out from the back of Pluto and headed outside the solar system.

"Boss, Quintasha is not talking nonsense. I actually found three seed bombs!" Howl held a metal cylinder with a sci-fi bomb inside like a revolver magazine.

This thing has extremely high technological content.

Back then, Chu Xin and others were created using seed bombs. However, due to the choice of survival of the fittest, only a few of them stood out and became the ancient strong men who survive to this day.

Once the seed bomb is activated and detonated, it will inevitably turn trees, rocks, flesh and other things within the range into metallic substances!

Not only is it highly lethal to non-mechanical life, it is also the best choice for transforming a suitable environment.

"Let me take a look," Optimus Prime took it and looked at it for a long time, "No wonder Quintessa kept it personally. These three are super enhanced versions. If we take the human territory as an example, one can cover half of the Free Country. "

"This will be one of the pillars of the establishment of New Cybertron. Of course, the most important thing is the leadership of Lord Tightrope." The detective said while smashing his cigar.

At this time, Tiepi turned around and said in surprise, "We are about to arrive at coordinate point 3. According to records, it is a wild planet with a volume 200 times that of the earth. There is no native intelligent race. The air composition is close to that of Cybertron. The environment is Very superior!”

"Let's go there and have a look first." Chu Xin knew that Tiepi was waiting for his order.

Boom boom!

The fleet changed its course, increased its power, and left the solar system.

Interstellar travel is undoubtedly boring and lonely, but if there are a large group of interesting people with different personalities around you, it will be completely different and the journey will be full of joy.

In the main ship where Chu Xin was located, under the leadership of the chatty talkative Howl, everyone became chatty, chatting about all kinds of experiences from all over the world, exchanging fighting and playing Cybertronian board games when they had nothing to do.

Half a year later, we successfully arrived at our destination.

As described in the records, this place has lush vegetation, rivers, rich mineral resources, complex and diverse terrain, ranging from plateaus to basins. The key is that everything is primitive. Except for strange animals and insects, no civilization has ever existed. trace.

The experience of a brand new, unopened planet is naturally very different from that of a second-hand or third-hand planet, and there will be no qualms in my heart.

On the far side, there is also a star similar to the sun that is emitting light and heat, but there is no flame on the surface, but it is covered by a prism-like crystal structure.

Such is the magic and mystery of the universe.

"Launch seed bombs." Chu Xin gave the order.

He did not rush through the next world in a hurry, but temporarily played the role of a mechanical leader. After all, he was not a tool man who blindly pursued proficiency, nor was he working for the system, at least that was Chu Xin's subjective view.

You have been reborn as a non-human being. There is no need to keep squeezing yourself. Who can you show it to? After fighting and killing, take a rest when you need to!

Only by combining work and rest can you go further!

Chu Xin didn't dare to be sure that the next world would be more comfortable than he was today. He would have to enjoy the country and the subjects he finally conquered for two days.

From this, it can be seen that Chu Xin has not been affected by the accumulated murderous aura in his mind or even his soul, just like a leaf among thousands of flowers without touching him, he just sticks to his original intention.

The murderous spirit of the blood evil should be dominated and controlled, rather than being driven and enslaved by it.

Buzz! Whoosh!

A seed bomb was projected from the main ship's gun muzzle.


The bomb deformed in mid-air and suddenly accelerated its fall.


Hitting the top of a 10,000-meter mountain.

In an instant, a fantasy scene emerged.

I saw fragments of bursting energy flying everywhere, and all the rocks, vegetation, and trees that were touched changed their appearance from bottom to top.

First, it was wrapped in magma-like flames, and then it became clusters of mechanical creations.

Whether it was an insect the size of a sesame or a mung bean, or a large beast running wildly, the moment it was enveloped by the mechanical shock wave, it was stiffly petrified on the spot, and then all the flesh and bones of the whole body were transformed into precise but chaotic mechanical structures, and then became Metal ornaments blend in with the earth.

Only a few were reborn, gave birth to fire, reached the point where flesh and blood were weak and mechanically ascended, and became mechanical creatures in one fell swoop.


The seed bombs completely turned into mechanical storms that spread in all directions, the clear water of the lakes was replaced by pure energy liquid, and the lush natural oxygen bars were replaced by metal forests.

Even hundreds of meters deep underground are layers of compressed and compressed metal.

Finally, the bomb's energy ran out.

Although it covers a huge area, it is insignificant compared to this planet.

Chu Xin had no intention of turning it into Cybertron II, so he kept the diverse environment. After all, there were not many mechanical life forms at present.


The fleet landed in an endless mechanical plain. The mountains in the distance were endless, but it was enough to imagine that at a certain dividing line, machinery and rocks fit together perfectly.

There is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and a visible road to farming and building a country is right around the corner.

And Chu Xin naturally became a serious leader.

With the source of fire in hand, the rise of a mechanical city is no joke. The content contained in it is the encyclopedia of Cybertron and the inheritance of civilization.

In addition, there are many talents in the team. Whether they are Decepticons or Autobots, they were all practitioners in all walks of life before the war broke out, so they can fully meet the current system needs.

Optimus Prime also sent a new message to the entire galaxy. During this period, many wandering Cybertronian refugees came to join the family and submit to Chu Xin.

one year later.

"I heard that a formal interstellar material exploration team will be formed, with General Qingtian Sheng as the commander. Are you interested in joining?"

"I'm not interested. I was successfully selected into General Optimus Prime's Imperial City Guard Corps yesterday."

"That's an iron rice bowl with unlimited future. I'm so jealous that I only joined the Fire Source Space Corps."

"You are still good. I'm not good at fighting. I can only do chores in the Dragon Song Palace~"

"Go away! If you are the best, that is the palace and hall of glory that belongs to the six dragon kings!"

In a small spaceship, several mechanical beings were discussing emotionally.

The spaceship they were on slowly entered the atmosphere, flew over the mountains and flowing water, and arrived at the mechanical city called the Imperial Capital.

Unlike a year ago, there were steel buildings standing one after another.

Although it is not grand and magnificent, it has begun to take shape. It is commendable that it can develop to such an extent in just 365 days.

Battleships and spacecraft rise and fall one after another, either transporting resources or completing assigned tasks.

There are people coming and going on the streets, various facilities are basically complete, and the development potential is huge.

On top of a mechanical mountain peak stands a group of formidable metal palaces.

Here live a group of core soldiers, as well as the founding emperor who everyone respects and respects - the Mechanical Emperor Steel Cable!

Starting from the square at the entrance, along the straight avenue through the garden, passing through many halls, is the mechanical tower being guarded.

On the top balcony, a tall and tall figure overlooked the city.

Night falls.

The cold city was gradually lit up with warm lights, becoming a beacon of light in the steely land.

"How did I become the emperor?" The person standing there couldn't help but ask himself.

Bang bang~

"Come in." Chu Xin said.

Optimus Prime pushed open the door and bowed respectfully.

"I have completed the statistics of the comprehensive results of the year and sent them to you. We have made great progress. According to the integration and assimilation plan you proposed, the various factions in the past can live in harmony. As long as we continue to maintain it, in the next few years we will truly become A tribe.”

The so-called integration and assimilation is exactly the strategy used to deal with small groups of Autobots, Decepticons, Neutralists, Chu Xin Private Army and other parties. It eliminates barriers through specific methods such as mixed families, splitting up co-workers, and shaping unified concepts and beliefs. , to avoid following the old path of Cybertron.

Chu Xin is not a politician and has no intention of doing so. He can only operate like a game. He builds a hospital today, an army tomorrow, expands the land the day after tomorrow, and issues new policies in the outside world. It is just a simulated operation of being an emperor.

Needless to say, compared to fierce battles and killings, it is a different kind of fun!

"Well done, you have worked hard this year." Chu Xin said, feeling a bit like an emperor comforting his subordinates.

"Before Cybertron was split, I worked in the library, and these matters were very handy to me," Optimus Prime said sincerely, "Actually, I don't like fighting and killing. A peaceful life is what I pursue. Very satisfied with the current situation.”

There is no doubt that he is a person worthy of the heavy responsibility, with a firm belief in his heart and a will that will not betray him. Although he is known as General Optimus Prime after the emperor and the Dragon King, he actually assisted Chu Xin in handling many important matters. He is more like a cabinet minister.

"The original bounty employment is over. Please take the fire source back. I keep my word." Chu Xin said.

He has copied the knowledge that can be used in the fire source. Although most of it is related to mechanical life, it is always good to master more things.

As for the energy in the fire source, he doesn't really need it with the card system.

By leaving it here, Tie Zha and others can go further.

Chu Xin is not a purely self-interested person, but is still very generous to his allies.

"The source of fire was once the source of strife. Forgive me for rejecting this request," Optimus Prime replied in a humble tone. "Leave it to Iron Slag and the others for safekeeping. The six of them have no intention of power, and they are noble and qualified, and their strength is also top-notch." , is the perfect candidate to take charge of the source of fire.”

"It's up to you," Chu Xin said.

After Optimus Prime left, he left the tower and went to the Dragon Song Hall, which was decorated with silver metal scales.

Along the way, the guards who were once Autobots or Decepticons all knelt down to salute and shouted "Emperor" with utmost loyalty.

In the majestic and sacred hall, six figures were confronting each other in an extremely serious manner, filled with murderous intent.

On the table in the middle, there is a huge map.

Each metal chess piece exuded a murderous aura, and several people seemed to be scolding Fang Qiu in their movements.

Looking at this serious atmosphere, it seems that any one person's actions will affect the pattern of the universe and cause waves and turbulence.

Chu Xin looked down and immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

Damn it, Monopoly!

The contrast is incredible~

When he was still on Earth, Feng Sheng, who was deeply involved in strategy, often played chess with several brothers, from Landlord to Texas Hold'em, all in the name of improving the average IQ of everyone.

"Boss, I'm running out of brains. Please help me figure out how much money I have left!" Iron Slag said angrily.

Chu Xin sat down cross-legged and quickly got involved.

The seven people had a sleepless night and all felt the purest happiness.

The next morning.

The imperial capital welcomed a strange face.

He is ten meters tall, has a humanoid body, is made of dark golden metal, and has an extremely complicated mechanical structure.

It has no facial features, only one red gem eye without eyelids on its face, and it carries countless mechanical arms. At first glance, it looks like the arrival of a god.

If you look closely, you will see that the mechanical parts on the surface of the skin are floating like water waves, and looming white light particles are spreading out from the opening and closing gaps.

He was suspended high in the sky, looking down at the residents of the imperial capital.

There was no emotion at all from him, as if he was a machine without thoughts and feelings.

All automatic weapons were aimed at him, but they were instantly interrupted by a certain wave band.


Chu Xin flew to the opposite side of him.

"The destruction of two of my works has more or less something to do with you." He spoke, speaking in standard Cybertronian.

"Are you the Supreme Prince?" Chu Xin asked, more of an affirmative than a question.

"But I'm not angry. Unicron is a complete failure. Cybertron is also used by a group of despicable people and is gradually heading towards self-destruction." The Supreme Prince said to himself.

Chu Xin didn't know what he was going to do, so he was always on guard.

"I heard about the destruction of Cybertron and stopped by to take a look," the Supreme Lord said calmly, "You are very special. Although you are essentially a transformation gear, you contain many things that I cannot understand."

He continued, "Don't worry, the universe is vast and there are many things I don't understand. Don't be nervous. I'm just stopping by to take a look."

He paused and then said, "This can be regarded as a kind of inheritance. As an uninvited guest, this is a gift to you."

As he spoke, the Supreme Lord took out a "goosebump" from his arm.

Keng Keng~

It quickly deformed and expanded into a regular square iron block.

"This thing contains huge energy. You call it a fire source, right? But it is different from a fire source. It is a piece of equipment that can be installed on an individual and can only provide energy." A few words from the Supreme Lord. The words left Chu Xin speechless.

Damn it, the Decepticon Autobots have been fighting for the source of fire for countless years, but to the Supreme Prince, this is just a piece of skin fragment?

No wonder this guy looked calm and indifferent to life and death, but he didn't expect to be serious.


The Supreme Lord jumped upwards, and immediately transformed into a diamond-shaped metal body, turning into a stream of light and traveling through the space.

Chu Xin held the fire source he picked up for free and was confused.

Is the Supreme Lord the NPC who comes to deliver rewards for completing the level?

Two months have passed since the time when the Supreme Lord bubbled up.

An ordinary day.

The edge of the solar system.

"These are the recently salvaged remains of the Unicron, and the rest are still being searched for." Qingtian Sheng reported to Chu Xinhui.


Chu Xin looked at the mechanical fragments floating in the void, and suddenly his eyes froze.

He flew out of the battleship, came to a large piece of it, and split it open with a sword. Dusty black and white marks entered his eyes.

For a moment, everyone around was silent and looked at each other in shock.

"Do you have the immortality buff on you?" Chu Xin was shocked.

In the gap, there was an American police car stuck!

Who could this familiar look be but a roadblock?


The police car deformed with difficulty and lag, the sound was as loud as a cat's claws rubbing against a blackboard.

"Decepticons will never be slaves!" Roadblock said in a hoarse voice. He wanted to draw his gun, but there was nothing in his waist.

At this time, the old Decepticon whom Lu Zhan knew approached and patted him on the shoulder helplessly, "Man, times have changed. The emperor provides food and shelter."

Damn it, the network was suddenly disconnected while I was coding on the computer. The area is undergoing repairs. . . The key is that the computer and mobile phone are not synchronized, so it is a bit late.

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