All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 108 Cybertron descends and Hellhorn breaks ground!

Great Britain.


A tourist town with pleasant scenery was reduced to ruins due to the destruction of several piles of iron.

The waves of fire swept over the panicked tourists, perhaps hoping to cause Optimus Prime to be in chaos. Confinement always took two humans away intentionally or unintentionally.

"Confinement, you are looking for death!"

Optimus Prime's anger level was filled up by the confinement. His next attacks were all explosive and extremely explosive, but they consumed a lot of fire energy.

The confinement is very skillful in dealing with it, that is, it does not confront him head-on, but sometimes dodges and sometimes blocks.

He will drag Optimus Prime until he is exhausted, seize the scepter first, and then capture Optimus Prime alive and store it in his battleship.

It's a pity that Megatron was eaten by the mechanical tyrannosaurus, and not even the bones and dregs were left, otherwise he could be paired with Optimus Prime.

For Chu Xin's bounty gang, the confinement is really greedy. He is always planning how to capture this group of colleagues who are even darker than himself.

Asking the Autobots for a price was a source of fire. Even in confinement, he would not dare to do such an operation. The key is that Optimus Prime actually agreed to it, which was simply outrageous.

The confinement was a bit incomprehensible, so I planned to catch Chu Xinhaosheng and interrogate him.

Compared to the "peaceful" battle between these two people, the other side was full of bloody violence.


"Destroy first, ask questions later" is Chong Yunxiao's motto, and he is living it now.

From the beginning to the end, he never said a word of nonsense. He kept swinging the sonic sword towards the giant dragon, leaving blurry golden afterimages in the air.

The giant dragon was already covered in wounds, and the metal structure of its body was split into ravines.

Even so, he continued to fight tirelessly.

As an ancient mechanical knight, the attack method is too simple. The thermal weapon is the same as the original Chu Xin, only fire breathing.

Looking back at Chong Yunxiao, the rockets spurted out from the rocket launchers on his feet directly opened a big hole in the dragon's belly, and then a shot from the X-ray cannon exploded the dragon's head on the left side.


It turned out that Chong Yunxiao tore off one of the dragon's wings, and then kicked it to the ground.


The remaining head spit out a few sparks, the flame device in the chest and abdomen was damaged, and the dragon had lost its only "magic damage".

Immediately afterwards, Chong Yunxiao struck while the iron was hot and landed heavily with a Leo flying kick.


The dragon was stepped on to the beach, denting a huge sand pit.

"Meet death!"

Chong Yunxiao raised the sonic sword with both hands and stabbed it down suddenly, piercing the back and chest, nailing it to the beach.

And there was not only no trace on his body, but also full of endless momentum, and it seemed that he could fight for another three hundred rounds.

Needless to say, this was a complete crush!

Looking at the current Autobots, no one can compete with them!


The giant dragon was unable to maintain its combined state and fell apart in an instant.


The Knights of the Round Table scattered and collapsed on the ground in confusion.

But there are only four people left alive.

The rest were all lying there motionless, with their fires broken or their limbs broken.


Chong Yunxiao did not hesitate at all and continued to kill the four knights.

With a sword hoeing the ground, the two knights were helplessly shattered into flying parts.

"Knight Commander, go and protect the scepter!" Another knight held a giant ax and took the initiative to cut off the rear.

"Glory be with you!" The knight captain slid down the hillside with great tragedy and ran towards the town.

A few seconds later.


The knight commander saw his last comrade flying into the sky.

To be more precise, it's the upper body.

Ordinary mechanical life forms are like chickens and dogs in front of Chong Yunxiao. As a being at the peak of Decepticon combat power, he is synonymous with destruction.

Just when Chong Yunxiao was about to pursue the victory, Quintasha's voice sounded in his mind.

"You evacuate to the battleship first and act according to the situation, immediately."

Chong Yunxiao didn't know why, "What should I do with the scepter?"

"All connections of the space bridge device have been completed, and the galaxy wormhole has been stably constructed. Cybertron and I are about to arrive in the solar system, so there is no rush at this moment," Quintessa said in a tone that could not be refused, "Besides, there is still confinement there, so you don't have to worry! "

Chong Yunxiao glanced at the confinement that suppressed Optimus Prime, affirmed his strength, and then soared into the sky.

He didn't understand why Quintessa issued this order, but since the other party was the Creator and Megatron's new master, he had no choice but to obey.

In fact, just now, Roadblock sent a message to Quintasha, that is, Chu Xin suddenly shrank in size, made a space jump in a spaceship that appeared out of thin air, and disappeared without a trace from Los Angeles.

When the situation was unclear, Quintasha didn't want her top combat force to be beaten to death by Chu Xin and others. Anyway, the scepter was on the earth. It didn't matter if it was a day earlier or a day later. When the all-out war she initiated started, You can catch them all immediately, and no one can escape.

It can be inferred from this that her attitude towards Chu Xin changed from being indifferent at the beginning to being extremely fearful.

Chong Yun Xiao is undoubtedly an extremely precious super weapon and the backbone of a full-scale invasion. It would rather the scepter remain in the enemy's hands temporarily than allow him to make any mistakes.

If he did not get the scepter and also lost the general Chong Yunxiao, then he would lose both his men and his wealth, and Quintasha would have no place to cry.

All current actions are to cover one of the most important goals - the space bridge project!

It is not difficult to see that Quintessa's IQ and pattern are far higher and broader than those in the movie, and she is also more patient and capable, which is consistent with her status as a life god and countless years of life experience.

"Optimus Prime, get out of here!"

The knight chief roared and threw the sword in his hand with all his strength.

Without saying a word, Optimus Prime transformed into a truck, crashed through an empty house, and headed across a pasture towards the opposite road.

The red and blue spray paint all looked like they had been burned by high temperatures, one tire was missing half of it, and there were tragic potholes everywhere.

It's obvious that Optimus Prime can no longer fight against confinement.


Zhuge Liang turned around to block the flying sword, and was knocked back more than ten meters. He transformed into a Lamborghini in mid-air and landed on the ground at full speed.

He was very confused about why Chong Yunxiao left suddenly, but he couldn't care so much at this time, because Optimus Prime was exhausted and the scepter was within reach!

Quintessa's reward for hiring him is extremely generous: one percent of New Cybertron's territory is allowed to establish his own kingdom and army, provided that he bows to Quintessa.

The chase started again, but the knight commander could only stretch his legs as hard as he could. When he woke up, he encountered a powerful enemy. After the fight, he was extremely low on energy and the transformation gear almost stopped working.

After running for a while, he stopped and gave up.

It’s really impossible to catch up with the four-wheeled one!


The confinement arbitrarily knocked away cars one after another, and the roar resounded through the highway, directly ramming a large truck loaded with goods through the middle.

He was only five hundred meters away from Optimus Prime, who was getting slower and slower.

Boom boom!

At this moment, five shooting stars flashed across the sky.

They plummeted toward the highway, crashing into the pasture plains on one side with a loud bang.

For a moment, Optimus Prime and Confinement were guessing who was coming.

Bang bang!

Due to frequent accidents, countless cars traveling at a speed of 100 miles per hour braked suddenly, resulting in extremely tragic serial car accidents, with more casualties than those killed in confinement.

Not wanting the disaster to affect innocent people, Optimus Prime jumped off the road, rolled into a pasture, and randomly crushed a few cows.

"The reason why you lost so completely in my hands is because you cared too much about those bugs."

Confinement is sure to win and rushes towards Optimus Prime. It seems that he has no intention of leaving alive, so let him die. It can also be used as a figurine.

Optimus Prime half-knelt on the ground without saying a word, holding up his cracked wrist sword and looking firmly at the murderous confinement.

He didn't even have the strength to stand up.


Confinement jumped up high, pulled out a wrist knife from his waist, and slashed at Optimus Prime's head.


Two shells were fired from the crater thousands of meters away, blasting towards the confinement.

Optimus Prime suddenly felt happy, it was an ally!

Confinement was forced to change the target of shooting, and the firearm in the other hand opened fire to intercept.

"Ho ho ho~"

Several figures jumped out from the other side of the crater and let out different beast roars.

I saw a mechanical gorilla, mechanical mouse, mechanical yellow leopard, mechanical white tiger, and mechanical rhinoceros all running towards Optimus Prime, glaring at the confinement.

"Belated report from the Big Mac team!" the gorilla said angrily.

"Claws, activate the metal devourer." Confinement muttered, facing many enemies, he was really unsure.


A huge battleship slowly sank, exposed to the world.

The hatch in the middle of the abdomen swings open, and light of energy blooms from inside. A strong magnetic attraction is released, pulling all the metal objects below upwards.

This is a mobile fortress of a closed universe, and of course it is now driven by giant ferocious claws.


A large number of cars and other metal objects flew up uncontrollably and were forcibly sucked into the battleship.

Optimus Prime and the Big Mac team were no exception. They seemed to be struggling to resist the incoming tornado, running in vain, and were eventually swept up in the air.

The confinement also floated and rose together, but he looked much more calm, with his arms folded and the corners of his mouth raised.

"You can't escape my grasp. Come back to me obediently... huh?!"

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously turned his head to look back.


A small black dot in the distance turned into a majestic mechanical tyrannosaurus in the blink of an eye.

Chu Xin's mouth was brewing with fierce flames.

The fire compressed sharply, forming dozens of five-meter-long muskets, which blasted toward the battleship's swallowing mouth.

It's like a burning sword blade, with a feeling of sword control.

Bang bang bang!

All the fire spears hit, causing an explosion inside the battleship.


The magnetic attraction disappeared immediately, and the metal object in mid-air fell down again.


The confinement was really furious now. Just when he was about to harvest the grains, an unprepared downpour came.

Before he even hit the ground, he fired a series of bullets out of the gun.

Chu Xin burst out with a burst of fire, blocking every single one of them in front of him.


The next second, the huge battleship disappeared out of thin air, leaving traces of distortion in the space above its head.

Talon followed Quintessa's orders and strategically left the confinement behind.

The confinement person was dumbfounded on the spot, his eyelids twitching, "Quintasha, you old witch, you are going to die badly!!!"

Because just now, Quintasha sent him a message: the transaction was terminated.

"Huh? Am I so scary?" Chu Xin was also surprised. He really wanted to meet the legendary Chong Yunxiao for a while and have a fierce battle with him in simple terms.

It’s a pity that we have to wait until next time.

He first used the space jump of the iron-blooded spaceship to teleport from Los Angeles to London, where he had previously marked the anchor point. Then he transformed back into a steel cable and flew all the way here.

Chu Xin's speed was already fast enough. Even though Optimus Prime and the others fought vigorously, it actually didn't take much time. After all, the dragon only lasted less than two minutes in Chong Yunxiao's hands.

Bang bang bang!

The roads and plains were in a mess, like a scene after a typhoon.

"It doesn't feel good to be betrayed and abandoned," Optimus Prime said sarcastically, "just like when you betrayed your master."

"You have no right to judge me! You are a disgrace to Cybertron!"

As he said this, he transformed into a Lamborghini, but the front of the car that had just started hit the explosive bomb fired by Chu Xin, and he was "turned upside down" on the spot.

His equipment and ammunition were exhausted, so he could only go all out with his scimitar.


Chu Xin descended from the sky, pulled out the heavy Behemoth from the windy void, held it with both hands, and raised it above his head.

"go to hell!"

The confinement roared, and its head instantly transformed into a sniper cannon, pointing straight towards the sky.


A cannon shot into the sky.

Chu Xin came forward fiercely and domineeringly, waving his arms at the same time.

Behemoth slashed down, and one side of the sword blade hit the energy cannon.


The blade of the sword split the energy into two, cutting it into two beams of violent running light, which exploded and extinguished in all directions, like the Behemoth beast piercing through God's angel army.


A low dragon roar came from Chu Xin's throat.

The jet intensifies and low-altitude sonic booms occur!

The blade of the sword touched the tip of the imprisoned brain cannon.

The slender barrel cracked and exploded upon contact, and was shattered into thin strips by the crushing impact.


The next moment, Behemoth kissed the earth passionately, and a crack quickly spread.

A hundred meters away on both sides, two headless prisoners fell to the ground peacefully, their heads disappearing after that sound.


Not far away, the gorillas turned into humanoid forms, and they all looked at Chu Xin with dumbfounded eyes as he pulled Behemoth out of the ground.

"So brave, is he your new subordinate?" The gorilla asked Optimus Prime with a choked sob.

"No," Optimus Prime shook his head convinced, "In a way, I am his subordinate. I will explain to you later."

They looked at each other in disbelief, and when they looked at Chu Xin, they unconsciously showed a little more respect. A person who even Optimus Prime was willing to bow his head must have a great background.

"Huh?" Chu Xin took back Behemoth's card and muttered secretly, "Beast Man?"

Yes, several of the mechanical beings around Optimus Prime were cartoon characters that he had watched when he was a child.

If I remember correctly, the leader of the gorilla is named Qingtiansheng, also known as Shengtianzhu. The others seem to be yellow leopards, elf rats, white tigers, and rhinos, belonging to the Autobots' Big Mac team.

"Why are there only a few of you?" Optimus Prime asked.

Qingtian Sheng's face showed sadness and anger, and he said solemnly, "After we received your assembly signal in the universe, we immediately rushed to the solar system, but we did not expect that the solar system was already surrounded by a large number of Decepticons. There were many warships deployed on the border. We had a fierce exchange of fire with them, but we were outnumbered. In the end, the spacecraft exploded and all the others died. Only five of us took the delivery capsule to the earth. We tracked your location based on your signal positioning. ."

Optimus Prime looked at Chu Xin with a gloomy expression, "Senior, we are probably going to face a war. The Decepticons have assembled their troops. Humans should not continue to act willfully."

Chu Xin looked at the sky and the sea with fleeting eyes, secretly guessing, "Quintasha seems to have seized the scepter, but it looks like a false shot. She must have a more important goal."

Chu Xin had many inferences about what exactly it was, but he was not sure.

Since he intervened in the Bo Kuang controversy as a third party, the original plot has been changed layer by layer, so it is impossible to figure out everyone's true thoughts.

But he didn't panic at all. The troops were coming to cover up the water and the earth. Moreover, he had never shown his true level. He had not even used Storm Crimson, let alone the fusion of cards.

The game between the two sides is about playing the right cards at the right time and pushing the high ground when you are most confident.

Although the tightrope card has unlocked the permission to travel, Chu Xin still plans to practice until he is fully proficient before leaving, and he must place his younger brothers properly.


Suddenly, huge waves rolled up in the distant sea.

The waves surged back at great speed, and a terrifying whirlpool formed in the sea level.


The ground began to tremble, and the earth let out a dull roar.

An invisible sense of oppression was released, making the mechanical beings including Optimus Prime feel oppressed, as if a peerless beast was imprisoned underground.

"What is that?" Qingtian Sheng squeezed out these words from the corner of his mouth in shock.


Between the sky and the sea, a huge horn suddenly rose up. It was completely composed of extremely complex machinery. It rose to a height of a thousand meters before stopping.

"Hell's Corner," Chu Xin suddenly became excited, "Is the Emperor of the Universe about to wake up?"

Not only here, but also in Africa, Jordan, northwest China and other places, the same huge mechanical substance has appeared, and people named it the Horn of Hell.

In addition, the Free State Space Agency was also shocked by the incredible news and was stunned.

After repeated confirmations, they urgently reported to the White Palace and Five-foot Building.

The solar system seems to have a new member.

at the same time.

The boundaries of the solar system.


More than a dozen Decepticon spaceships lined up to form a huge circle.

There is a space bridge device suspended above the spacecraft. Countless fuzzy particle energy is launched from the distant earth, and then charged and expanded through the device here.


The dark void of the universe was torn open by the radiance of energy into an arc, and then steadily expanded.

Each Decepticon member watched this scene expectantly and nervously.

In the rear, the imprisoned warship quietly emerged, and the giant beasts also watched it seriously.

They want to inherit Megatron's last wish and give their home a new lease of life!

Ceng Ceng Ceng ~

This is the excited scream and cheer of metal.

A mechanical planet slowly floated out of the giant wormhole and finally completed its transition.

Become a member of the solar system and merge into the orbit.

Cybertron is coming!

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