
The energy column extinguished its brilliance, bursting out sparks one after another and being scrapped.

They have been drained of value.


Cybertron is surrounded and guarded by countless Decepticon warships, like an aircraft carrier fortress of a space fleet.

ten minutes later.

Mechanical palace.

"The Creator is unparalleled in his wisdom!"

Six ten-meter-tall bull-headed armored knights guarded the surrounding area, never forgetting to flatter him at the right time.

Swish, swish, swish!

In the main hall, the Giant Dire Team and a group of Decepticons who were barely considered managers knelt down on one knee to show their submission.

If you don't want to accept it, the boss Megatron is dead, his lieutenant Starscream is dead, and people with both civil and military skills like Shockwave and Soundwave are also dead.

The boss's master, the Fallen King Kong, died earlier, and Chong Yunxiao, who was at the peak of his combat power, only had full combat power and no leadership skills.

Countless Decepticons who had just arrived in the solar system had mixed feelings. A mere dinosaur from Earth had actually accomplished something that the Autobots had not accomplished in millions of years. They took over their headquarters in less than a year.

They can only place their hope on the legendary Creator.


Quintessa was hanging in the air, waving out brilliant currents with her right hand, seemingly conveying messages to the outside world.

After hearing the flattery and flattery of her subordinates and looking at the well-behaved Decepticons, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.

The Battle of New York was just a cover she set up, and the core members of the Decepticons such as Megatron, Enemy, and Shockwave were also abandoned by her. Although it is a pity, only in this way can we make peace. Chu Xin and others will not be suspicious.

Of course, she did have great expectations for Megatron, thinking that he would kill Chu Xin and others, otherwise she would not give him such precious reinforced armor.

However, the result was not satisfactory. She admitted that she overestimated Megatron and underestimated Chu Xin.

But the above losses were all within her expectations, so when the Battle of New York was in full swing, she quietly arranged for a second team that even Megatron didn't know about to go to Earth's Antarctica and bring the real space bridge that she had modified The device is deployed.

As for the installation in New York, it was nothing more than a "luminous lamppost" that had been replaced.

In Quintessa's eyes, whether it is Megatron, the Enemy, or the past and present Mechanical Knights, they are just created tools.

Use what is needed, and as long as there is enough fire energy, mass production can continue.

What's more, without their worship, how can I express my sense of superiority as the Creator?

"I have sent a signal to my former friends. When they meet up, it will be the day to revive Cybertron," Quintessa said arrogantly and sternly, "They are also creators, and they created the great Cybertron with me. Star Botan, and countless mechanical beings including you."

"Long live Quintessa!"

All the Decepticons shouted in unison, their faces filled with endless ecstasy.

Quintessa looked up at her head as she shouted "Long live", her metallic face was filled with interest, and her eyes showed full assurance.

Strategize and control the overall situation, and it is only a matter of time before you take over the earth!

Even a mere steel cable cannot withstand the torrent of the times driven by fate!

Even though he can kill hundreds of thousands of people, in front of the mechanical craze that measures tens of thousands, he is just a lone boat about to be submerged in the ocean!

Great Britain.


The waves are rough and the waves are endless.

Chu Xin was suspended in front of the Hell's Corner, touching the hard mechanical surface with his hands and carefully looking at the extremely complicated and complicated structure.

Although this is only a small part of the exposed body of the Unicron, one can still feel that this is a ferocious beast that is about to awaken.

Chu Xin couldn't help but his thoughts surged.

In the movie, the Earth, as the sleeping Unicron, sensed signs of waking up from the approach of Cybertron. However, the progress was slow and it took several years to rise several hundred meters. It should only be as high as Cybertron. It has something to do with having his head blown back.

But now, with the sudden and sudden rise of a thousand meters, and such a violent reaction, does it mean that the complete Cybertron star is approaching the solar system? !

Countless years ago, it was the Creator who led several Supremes and the first and subsequent generations of Transformers to fight against the Emperor of the Universe. After a brutal and long war, he won and exiled him to this wild solar system.

Even if he fell into a deep sleep, Unicron's hatred for Cybertron and the Creator could not be suppressed. It was normal to react after sensing the aura of his enemy.

Moreover, Unicron also has a long-cherished wish to devour Cybertron that has not yet been fulfilled.

Awakening is inevitable.

At the same time, the card text appears:

“The battle is so smooth that it can be called a splash painting, and you can flexibly use the various abilities of multiple cards to give full play to your own advantages;

Using the new weapon for the first time, Behemoth exerts the momentum as its name suggests, blasting the mechanical object pointed by the sword's edge;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 83%;

The number of draws from the gashapon machine is +1;

Reward obtained: Mechanical Sword Skill [Roar of Behemoth] (Only the heavy sword Behemoth can release it. After rapid brewing, it slashes forward to create a tsunami-like mechanical storm, destroying everything in its path. cut and obliterated by mechanical fragments);

Obtain [Coordinates (3/3)]. "

"Someone will pick you up soon. I'll be waiting for you with Tie Zha and the others at the Fire Base." Chu Xin returned to the shore and said to Optimus Prime and others.

"Hey, I don't need them to pick me up, I can jump in space, but~" Tianhuo said with a hesitant smile.

Chu Xin understood what he meant, and immediately took out the fire source and clicked on it a few times.

A beam of pure fire energy overflowed, covering not only the sky fire, but also the knight commander standing behind.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were resurrected with full health, and the lack of energy that had bottomed out was replenished.

Optimus Prime had no objection to Chu Xin's arbitrary use of the fire source.

Because he deeply understood that without Chu Xin, the source of fire would have fallen into the hands of the Decepticons, and the Autobots would have been wiped out.

"If this were the Knights in their heyday, they might not lose to that guy!" the Knight Commander clenched his fist unwillingly.

Chu Xin didn't want to attack him. Even if the fused dragon was in 100% condition, it would probably be difficult to last long in Chong Yunxiao's hands.

"I kept my promise, and you don't want to let me down." Chu Xin looked at Tianhuo.

"Don't worry," Tianhuo said with emotion, "My first half of life has been full of sins, and my soul has already fallen into the abyss. It was you who gave me the chance to atone for my sins. You gave me the rest of my life. I, Tianhuo, will be loyal to you. Great dinosaur leader.”

"I have something to do, you guys go back first." Chu Xin didn't stop and headed towards the dotted coordinate line.

While flying, he turned on the gashapon machine.


A gashapon rolls out.

Automatically turned on.

"Acquire a new ability: [Mechanical Frenzy] (With the transformation ability of the fire source, the host can release deformation ripples with a radius of 500 meters. The electronic machines covered within the range will become mechanical life and become your loyal subordinates. The cooldown time of this skill is 12 hours)."

"Guaranteed cumulative number of times: 6"

"Mechanical craze?!"

Chu Xin muttered to himself, a ray of light gradually bursting out of his eyes.

This skill is a bit fun~

If there is a shortage of manpower in the future, we can directly create a group of loyal subordinates.


Chu Xin flew all the way from Great Britain to the east, passing through Europe and West Asia.

Finally came to the land of Sichuan and Sichuan.

He certainly wasn't here to eat hot pot or dance salsa.

In a deep mountain and old forest, Chu Xin dug a big pit while the villagers looked on in shock, and dragged out a mechanical dinosaur with a back covered with bone fragments.

In Grimlock's memory, this guy is Howl of the Stegosaurus, and he is also an out-and-out super talkative.

The kind that you can't stop once you open your mouth~

Therefore, before Chu Xin howled with a confused look on his face but was about to speak, he grabbed his upper and lower jaws and took him flying into the sky.

During the flight, Chu Xin unilaterally told Howling the whole story.

As for the village brigade below, it will be renamed from "Yaoergou" to "Feilongzhuang" from now on.

Tinder base.

Many soldiers were still cleaning up the messy battlefield. Although nothing happened to the Autobots, more than twenty of their men were killed in the battle, all of them died in surprise bombings.

In a scene of mourning, Chu Xin was having phone conversations with senior officials from the Free State.

"Confinement, do you know each other?"

He plunged a dozen people into deathly silence with just one sentence.

Although the Free Nemesis was not activated, every high-ranking official had their vests soaked through, and their heartbeats reached the peak of their lives.

"Oh? Confinement? You mean confinement?" The minister swallowed carefully, knowing that if he said the wrong word at this moment, he would be in catastrophe.

"Why do you ask this? Is there anything we need to pay attention to?" the king followed.

"The corpse you just recovered is called Confinement. He is a bounty hunter like me," Chu Xin said calmly, "I'm just a little curious as to who he wants to cooperate with when he comes to Earth."

These words were like a heavy hammer, causing the hearts of these high-ranking bosses to stop, as if they were sitting on a jumping machine.

While trembling with fear, he railed against confinement.

You obviously have no ability, but you dare to talk nonsense, and you still want to catch the tightrope to dream. In the surveillance video, you didn't even survive a single move.

They were also glad that they didn't do anything stupid. In other words, they were lucky that they hadn't had time to launch a targeted action against Chu Xin.


"You don't know what's best. If you don't want the earth to be unable to fight back, do as I ask immediately..." Chu Xin changed the topic and talked about another topic.

The space agency had monitored the arrival of a planet in the solar system. He had learned about it through electronic intrusion a few minutes ago, so he was sure that these officials had already panicked and would surely grasp at this life-saving straw.

Making a request at this time is the most smooth process, and you don't need to use violence.

A few hours later.

A seaport military base in San Francisco.

The two aircraft carriers were fully loaded with various fighter planes and docked smoothly amidst the escort of many warships.

On the shore, a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, military trucks, missile vehicles, and rescue vehicles are densely placed. Viewed from a high place, they look like small boxes stuck together.

"What on earth is he going to do?" The king came here in person.

"Could they be trying to catch us all in one fell swoop?" the secretary said in horror.

The minister shook his head, "Based on these observations and analysis over time, if he really wanted to kill us, he wouldn't be so circuitous."


As they chatted, their knees unconsciously became weak, and thousands of pairs of trembling eyes looked up.

Chu Xin slowly emerged from the golden clouds, like an ancient statue of a god descending.

In this situation, of course, the Free Buster must be turned on to prevent unscrupulous flies from flying around.

"As you may have guessed, Cybertron has come to the solar system, and its target is the earth beneath its feet." Chu Xin looked down at the earth. "They have tens of thousands of troops, and we must have the power to fight against them."

As he continued to exert pressure, everyone below could no longer hold on and fell to their knees, bowing their heads.

Because only this posture can relieve the pressure on the body and mind.

Chu Xin was suspended in the middle, silently reciting "Mechanical Frenzy" in his heart.


A faint blue halo bloomed from the chest and spread out to a radius of 500 meters in an instant.

Just when the soldiers and officials were confused, dense mechanical roars exploded crazily in their ears.

Clang clang clang!

They cast aside their peripheral vision and opened their mouths in shock.

"Aren't those transformed by the fire source all Decepticons?" the secretary murmured in confusion.

"He doesn't do anything he's not sure about," the minister said.


The fire engine roared.

Each mechanical life with intelligence and personality was born.

There are long-range missile robots with huge cannons on their backs, ambulance robots that are good at healing injuries, and firepower robots with cannons on both arms and shoulders...


The water is rolling.

The two aircraft carriers, which were about 300 meters long, were overturned, their metal deformed, and their machinery twisted.

They have become the most eye-catching steel giants, more than two hundred meters high!

Those carrying fighters jumped into the air one by one, spreading their wings and surrounding Chu Xin.

Chu Xin is like the king of all armies, towering like a mountain.

In a military camp dormitory not far away.


A soldier had his buttocks bare and covered his crotch with his hands in pain.

"Kang is busy with the nose, Fake~mi~"

On the ground, a small cylindrical robot was seen shaking its trembling waist crazily and making a shrill female voice.


"Towards Earth!"

Quintessa waved her hand, and several giant vents poked out of the surface from the back side of the planet.

Boom boom~

Intense firepower spurted out, pushing Cybertron closer to the earth.

"Thank you for the energy block you brought, my dear friend. We will share the glory of the Creator of Cybertron, swallow the Emperor of the Universe, and use that majestic power to unify the universe." Quintessa turned around and smiled ferociously, unloading camouflage.

In the middle of the hall, there were four metallic figures suspended like her!

They are all male figures, with a more rugged and muscular build than Quintessa.

As she said, they are also the so-called creators.

"At first we laughed at you for having expectations for Cybertron," one of them laughed, "I didn't expect your ambition to be so great. I underestimated you."

"With the mechanical army we brought, plus your Decepticons, all civilizations that stand in the way will be reduced to nothingness." Another person said easily.

"Are you sure that guy is missing?" Quintasha asked.

"The Supreme Prince? He has disappeared since he created Cybertron. He may have gone to other universes, or he may have died." The Creator replied.

"It should not appear again. He didn't even show up when he fought against the Emperor of the Universe." A Creator said.

In fact, just as Chu Xin suspected.

Quintessa and her companions are not true creators, they are merely evil scientists with endless lifespan and great power.

The real creator of Cybertron and Unicron is called the Supreme Prince, and Quintessa and the others are the partners of the Supreme Prince. In short, they are his assistants. The five of them named themselves the Creator. It's somewhat suspected that the head was scratched.

My parents are both pregnant, and my throat is a little sore. I have been feeling weak and have a low fever for the past few days, so I guess I am suffering from it. . I have a stuffy and runny nose today, which caused the coding progress to be slow. Sorry for the long wait.

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