A bounty hunter incarcerated, a former Autobot spy who now works for both sides.

He became a disciple of Ji Butian of the Autobot sect, but because of being humiliated, he killed his master and stole his equipment. He officially entered the road of bounty employment and gradually became famous in the universe.

He is only profit-seeking, ruthless and cunning, but he is straightforward in his work and conducts himself without any sloppiness.

He can be called a cosmic collector, and he likes to collect unique mechanical beings as giant figures, such as antiques from certain eras, famous leaders like Optimus Prime and Megatron, or rare beast forms like Chu Xin. Kong, imprisoning them on his battleship.

The fact that Quintessa was able to find him and entrust him with such an important task is enough to illustrate his ability.


The sniper cannon structure on the head shrank rapidly, turning back into a serious head layer by layer.

This is a round head, with a cheek like a silver metal skull, deep eyes with no ripples, and cold-blooded domineering exuding from his whole body.

Regardless of his face, he is still handsome.

"Confinement, what are you doing here on Earth!" Optimus Prime popped out his wrist sword and shouted sternly.

"The war between your two factions has been going on for too long, and the universe has become uneasy because of it. You and Megatron are like two children playing house. It's time for this farce to end in my hands." The confinement voice was slightly lower, His speech was not slow but his articulation was clear, as if every trace of teeth was oozing with fierceness.

As he spoke, he jumped off the rock leisurely and looked at the opposite side from a distance.

"As the shame of Cybertron, you are not qualified to judge," Optimus Prime retorted without mercy, "Who are you hiring this time? You want to seize the scepter!"

"You are smarter than I thought. Hand over the scepter and I won't kill them." Confinement looked at the two humans who came out of the diving cabin.


At this moment, eleven Knights of the Round Table rushed out in unison.

"Take the scepter and leave, let's cut off the queen!" the knight captain said without looking back.

The eleven people quickly gathered together from being scattered, leaped into the air in unison, and collided with each other.



I saw the original metal armor opening and closing, the internal mechanical structure disintegrating and reorganizing, interlocking and blending, magically deforming and extending.


The mechanical wings vibrated heavily, fanning the wind.

The gravel is flying and the sea water is splashing.

A mechanical Western dragon rises from the ground!

This is the combined King Kong of the Knights of the Round Table, mimicking the flaming dragon with three heads in the Middle Ages.

The body surface is covered with metal spikes that are arranged horizontally and vertically. At first glance, it looks like a handicraft made of countless branches, especially the wings are full of a scrawled beauty.

But the overall atmosphere is quite violent and murderous, and there is no trace of the Knights of the Round Table who protect justice at all.


The giant dragon swooped down, with three mouths open, and three beams of blazing fire spurted out.

Quanzhou responded calmly, leaned forward, stepped forward, rolled out of the coverage area very quickly, and arrived at the approximate location where the dragon landed in advance.


The five fingers of the right hand shrank and deformed, turning into a ferocious sharp hook, like an eagle's claw, more terrifying than the tools used to hang pigs in the slaughterhouse.

He saw the right moment and stretched out his right arm.


The hook pierced the dragon's lower abdomen, and the tip penetrated from the inside to the outside, hooking it tightly.


But the dragon's weight and dive acceleration were there, and after being confined for a long time, it was dragged and rubbed on the beach.

Bang bang!

He took out a firearm with his left hand and fired continuously at the belly of the dragon.

In a burst of fire, the confinement released the hook and rolled out, looking up at Optimus Prime who turned into the head of a truck and drove away.

The giant dragon was in pain, rushed into the air, stared at the confinement fiercely, and dived again the next second.

However, the primary target of the confinement is not the Knights of the Round Table, but the scepter on Optimus Prime.

Of course, after getting the scepter, he didn't mind storing all the Knights of the Round Table, Optimus Prime, and mechanical dinosaurs into his own action cabinet.


So he decisively gave up the entanglement and immediately transformed into a dark silver Lamborghini supercar, the engine roaring away.

The giant dragon was chasing after him from above, burning the earth into darkness with his mouthfuls of fire.

Tianhuo, on the other hand, dragged an old body behind and stared. The only thing he could do was to send a distress signal.

Although he has the ability to jump in space, he had already used it once yesterday when he was entangled with the Decepticons, and his body was hollowed out.


In this way, a tug-of-war began.

On the endless coastline, a large-scale magical drama is being staged, coupled with the slightly gloomy sky and sea curtain, it has the heavy texture of an epic blockbuster.

Optimus Prime deliberately misses the road to the city, but still enters a seaside town.

The tourists subconsciously turned their attention to the roaring Lamborghini and secretly gossiped about why the rich man inside was chasing the head of a truck with a cool color scheme.

Soon, they got the answer they wanted, but it was slightly different from their respective fantasies.


The Lamborghini rich boy deformed under the horrified gazes of many people, and the confinement once again expanded into an exaggerated head sniper cannon.


The clouds dispersed at the same time, and the dragon rushed out in time, causing complete chaos among the crowd.

But there was no fear in the confinement, and he still had his back to the menacing dragon, as if he had a huge reliance on him.


Brain cannon fired.


Along the way, a pair of dazed lovers evaporated, and then hit Optimus Prime in the back.

"Hoo~ Lock up you bastard!"

Optimus Prime was forced to turn into a human form, and even though the pain was excruciating, he had to protect the two people and the scepter in his arms.


At this time, the giant dragon howled furiously and fell into a row of small villas unexpectedly, razing several houses to the ground.

He failed to successfully attack the confinement, but when he was only a few hundred meters away, he was violently intercepted by several Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway.

They were four Decepticons with extraordinary momentum, surrounding the dragon from four directions.

The hand-held mechanical sword directly in front is bright gold and orange, with mostly black joints, and a metal lion head on the chest.

On the right side is a dark red figure, exuding a violent and fishy aura, with a blood-red tiger head on its chest.

The Decepticon on the left has a pair of conspicuous black horns. Although its structure is simple, its body is filled with steaming heat full of anger.

The guy at the back is also very strong, with a rhinoceros head pointing straight up on the back of his neck, which is obviously a characteristic of his second form.


A giant mechanical eagle flew out of the sky.

It transformed into a humanoid with wings during the dive, suspended two hundred meters above the dragon.

When Optimus Prime saw these five "Cheng Yaojin" clearly, his pupils shrank sharply, and unconcealable fear appeared on his cheeks, "Huge and ferocious~"


As soon as he put the two of them down, the attack from the confinement came close to his face.

The two of them started a fierce and deadly fight without any foreplay. Both sides were first-class warriors with extremely rich combat experience.


On the other side, the giant dragon stood up angrily and roared at the giant beasts.

The Giant is not the name of a single person, but the beast team composed of these five Decepticons.

Leader Core: Lion - Claws.

Aerial view: Eagle - Roc.

Ground Attack: Rhino - Ironhead.

Fire output: Tiger - Tiger.

Fuel Supply: Bulls - Bison.

Although their individual combat power cannot be underestimated, they are not as good as Megatron, and each member has obvious flaws.

The reason why Optimus Prime is so frightened is because all the giant beasts can be combined into almost the strongest combined King Kong among the Decepticons.

The five people make up for each other's shortcomings and become almost perfect and terrifying beings.

That is the Decepticon's super killing machine - Soaring into the Sky!


Talon looked at the mechanical dragon in front of him, not carelessly, but pursuing the most efficient result.

The five people ran quickly, dodging the flames spouted by the three dragon heads, approaching quickly and then jumped.


This process is much more powerful than Hercules.

The deformed gears rotate at high speed, splitting, overlapping, and biting... until they merge into a tall giant.

The head is red, and the shape is not exactly the same as Gundam. I can only say that there is no difference.

There is still a golden lion head with a wide open mouth on the chest, four long-barreled cannons on the shoulders and back, and a pair of wings of a roc on the back, with two jet canisters on the inside.

The knees of its legs are in the shape of an iron head and a bison respectively, and its feet are in the shape of a jet device.

Even the Decepticon insiders are very afraid of Chong Yunxiao, making his first appearance on Earth!

Chong Yunxiao never thinks, only the overclocking reaction in an instant.

This means that as long as the enemy comes into view, he can respond with almost zero delay, whether it is offensive or defensive.


Before the dragon could attack, he took the lead in drawing out the sonic sword and slashed it out diagonally without thinking.

It may seem reckless, but in fact the five people cooperated very well, were decisive and ruthless.

Buzz buzz~

The sword edge produced a strong concussive sound wave, which spread rapidly when it touched one of the dragon's necks, causing the mechanical parts to tremble.


Pieces of metal at the dragon's neck exploded and shattered into crystalline structures.

The body is no less than that of a giant dragon, soaring into the sky very fast, twisting its waist, and swinging its right arm in a perfect semicircle.


A mechanical faucet flew out and was grabbed by Chong Yunxiao's left hand, then crushed to pieces.

"Oops, the situation is getting serious." Optimus Prime glanced back from the corner of his eye, his heart suddenly filled with worries.

Although the Decepticons have lost Megatron, it does not mean that they have no strong enemies. According to Senior Steel Cable, the Decepticons are now taken over by the so-called creator Quintessa. Zhentian's determination to take revenge launched a more violent offensive.

The earth is in danger!

"You dare to fight with me half-heartedly?"

The taunt of confinement came together with the attack. His ferocious hook penetrated Optimus Prime's shoulder fiercely, and with an over-the-shoulder throw, he lifted it high and hit it on a house.


"If you want the scepter, you have to kill me! The mission entrusted to me by my senior must not fail!"

In the confusion, Optimus Prime threw a needle-like scepter into his mouth, and it entered his abdominal cavity as soon as he swallowed it.

With a will to die, he burst out with great potential, cut off the hook with his wrist sword, and once again fell into an inextricable battle with the confinement.

Los Angeles.

Tinder base.

Skyfire's distress signal has been received.

"They said that it was not within the jurisdiction, no troops had been deployed, and considering that there were many civilians, they could not provide fire support." The ambulance said to Chu Xin.

They refer to free countries.

Chu Xin nodded, "Let's set off immediately."

Something is definitely not right in the Free Country recently, not to mention deliberately guiding the direction of public opinion. The current refusal to provide help seems reasonable, but it is worth pondering.

Who doesn’t know that the free country’s missiles are delivered all over the world, and it is not a trivial matter for Da Ying to wear a pair of pants and drop a few fighter planes and bombs into the country.

As for the common people~

When did they care?

Chu Xin and others and the fire troops assembled as quickly as possible. All the doors of the transport plane were opened wide, and they could all take off within five minutes.


Chu Xin seemed to have heard something.

He turned his head and looked at the sky in the distance. Since his vision and hearing were enhanced during the First World War in New York, he could not hide any disturbance from him.

Something is speeding towards here tens of thousands of meters away!

"Enemy attack!"

Chu Xin shouted and quickly flew up.

The rest of the people stood ready and entered a fighting state.

Especially the group of dinosaur subordinates immediately started the strengthening chain, and everyone received 80% of their overall improvement.

Without looking carefully, you can find that the expressions of Chu Xin and the six people are completely different from those of the Autobots.

The excitement and anticipation are not concealed at all!

Three seconds later.


Ten fighter planes of different types moved from far to near, dropping a large number of artillery shells to the rhythm of sonic booms.

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the fire, the fighter plane transformed into a Decepticon, and upon landing, it launched a bombardment on the automatic cannon deployed there.


The white clouds overhead were replaced by a silver spacecraft hundreds of meters long.

More than a dozen Decepticons jumped out and launched a fierce offensive without any explanation.

The Fire Base was caught off guard, and the soldiers responded in a panic and were forced to retreat to the underground fortress.

On the mountains in the distance, a police car was parked under the shade of the trees.

Barricade hid in the shadows, silently directing the Decepticons involved in the delaying action.

He admitted that he didn't have much ability, but he could still do this little thing.

As long as this side is held back and unable to rush for help, he will be able to escape unscathed when the other side of the confinement successfully seizes the scepter.

"Should it be delayed for half an hour?" Roadblock couldn't help but think.

However ~


His dark car lights reflected a gorgeous picture of a high-altitude explosion.

It was Chu Xin who stood up from the ground, holding a vaguely familiar fifteen-meter epee, and slashed the entire spacecraft from front to back!

"How, how is it possible?"

Roadblock was dumbfounded and immediately commanded all the flying Decepticons to focus their fire on Chu Xin.

A few seconds later, he witnessed the exaggerated scene of Chu Xin cutting off five heads with one sword.

Don't blame him for his naivety. After all, he was not able to arrive in time for several battles that Chu Xin participated in. He had never seen it with his own eyes, so he was naturally lucky.

"No wonder Lord Megatron fell into his hands."


The dead leaves made a crisp sound, and the self-aware roadblock quietly disappeared.

Bang bang!

Chu Xin killed all the remaining flying Decepticons in two or three strokes.

Harvest your lives with a sword made of the bones of your boss. This is the most gentle and kind gift I can give you!

at the same time.

The icy Antarctic underground.


A series of very obscure unconventional light beams penetrated the frozen land, pointing directly at the distant extraterrestrial universe.

It's different from the energy beam in the movie, it's more like an imperceptible particle of dust.

Although less efficient, it is less detectable.


Icebergs collapsed one after another, and there were more than a dozen energy pillars 10,000 meters deep underground that were releasing extremely strong energy.

If the natural enemy is still alive and sees it, he will be shocked to find that this is his own space bridge device, and it has been modified and given more advanced technology.

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