All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 106 Freedom Nemesis Spiritual Ancestor

Chapter 106 Freedom Nemesis·Spiritual Ancestor

"The fishermen benefit?" Someone immediately retorted, "It's hard enough for us to survive among these aliens."

"So what if the Tombwind troops are rebuilt? Unless we use nuclear bombs to kill them all."

"What if nuclear bombs are used, but what about the Fire Force? If the evacuation action is too large, the cunning Mechanical Tyrannosaurus will definitely find out."

"There are only a few thousand people. It doesn't take much to throw a nuclear bomb directly. The meaning of soldiers' existence is to sacrifice. The people will be grateful for their huge contribution."

"When the time comes, just pass the responsibility on to the aliens. As long as everyone here keeps it secret, no one will know the truth!"

The more the group chatted, the more shaken and excited they became. From firm opposition at the beginning, they gradually developed into discussing how to destroy Chu Xin and others.

The minister looked at the group of senior officials silently, and his fingertips that tapped the table suddenly stopped.

Everyone seemed to be aware of it, so they closed their mouths in unison and focused their gazes.

"All our equipment is monitored by steel cables. He has forcibly tampered with our nuclear bomb launch authority a long time ago. He knows exactly how many nuclear bombs there are in the nuclear bomb arsenal, including military satellites, etc. Some people want to say that aircraft launch is right, but That would be too risky, and if we fail we will be in a desperate situation," the minister said slowly.

Everyone was speechless. Why didn't you tell me earlier? You still watched us waste a lot of saliva here. Didn't you want us to lose our sense of participation in the meeting?

"We must ensure that we can effectively inflict severe damage to Steel Cable and others, but also maintain a way out," the minister continued, "Magic fights magic, aliens fight aliens, bounty hunters fight bounty hunters, we don't need Show up."

"Bounty hunter? Which bounty hunter dares to take our job?" someone asked in shock.

"The day after Tightrope destroyed the Pacific Fleet, we were approached by an alien named Confinement, a bounty hunter who roamed the universe and was not a Decepticon or an Autobot," the Secretary said, "He He is willing to help us solve the problem of mechanical life on earth. The reward is a fire source and some metal minerals, and we only need to cooperate in secret."

Without waiting for others to raise questions, the minister continued, "I know you are worried, and I feel uneasy too, but now that the situation has come to this, the situation will only continue to get worse. If we don't act now, then we humans will be the ones boiling frogs in warm water. "

Everyone was silent.

One of them nodded and said, "You are right, the earth has become an alien battlefield, but our country is the first to suffer."

Someone else pounded the table and said, "If the Free Country sinks in this storm, then there will be no need for the earth to exist. By then, everyone who cares will be turned into powder together with the surface of the earth."

This group of people all knew that the minister was just relaying this matter, and even the most powerful ministers did not necessarily have absolute decision-making power.

Therefore, it would be meaningless for them to have a quarrel at the moment. Instead, they might receive a "gas explosion gift package" as soon as they return home.

They can only place their hopes on the bounty hunter named Confinement. It would be great if both Chu Xin and the Decepticons can be killed. After the dust settles, they can use the remaining Cybertron civilization to develop rapidly, and then realize It has been a dream for many years to officially become the master of one ball.

After thinking about it, they began to look forward to a bright future.

"These matters are top secrets. Everyone here is my confidant and the core of the Free State," the minister said calmly. "Don't reveal a word after leaving. There are some things that I cannot control."

Los Angeles.

Tinder base.

Once upon a time, no one cared about this place, and passers-by who happened to pass by would avoid it when they saw the heavily armed soldiers.

But now, demonstrators and media reporters are swarming in, surrounding the place from all directions.

"The earth belongs to humans!"

"Oppose mechanical invasion!"

"Oppose mechanical colonization!"

"Oppose mechanical tyranny!"

"Humanity does not need mechanism!"

There was no need for anyone to deliberately confuse it, many people organized themselves spontaneously and roared and roared from the bottom of their hearts.

Maybe they should add "Humans never thank you".

In their opinion, it was the appearance of Chu Xin and Optimus Prime that caused the Decepticons to come to the earth. They only vented their anger blindly, regardless of the facts, and did not analyze the causes and consequences.

It seems that as long as Chu Xin and others leave, the Decepticons will also leave, completely unaware that their fate has already been determined. Whether it is the Fallen King Kong, the Natural Enemy, or Quintessa, they are looking for either the sun or the earth itself.

They seem to be free and unrestrained, but they are trapped in a larger information cocoon, imprisoned in a twisted birdcage of human nature. They only have the willfulness to press on the "honest people" step by step, but do not have the courage to attack the culprits.

Of course, I'm just talking about this group of ferocious-looking people.

However, this is also inseparable from public opinion in free countries.

Regarding the Battle of New York, their official media only reported on the widespread suffering and heavy losses. There was no report on Chu Xin and others who made every effort to suppress the Decepticons and break the conspiracy to destroy the earth. Some of the articles even contained private information and vague accusations. , meaning to shirk.

Obviously, this battle really hurt the roots of the Free State, and several top officials wanted to contact Chu Xin by the end of the day.

Although they didn't dare to scold and reprimand, their tone of voice was low and full of resentment, as if the employees were aggrieved by being named and criticized by their boss named Wang while wearing a cuckold.

It seems that Chu Xin slept with their wives and daughters.

"A bunch of bugs are too noisy. Boss, let me go out and trample them all to death!" Tie Zha said irritably.

Thunder Dragon Silt held Tie Zha's shoulders, humming and telling him not to act impulsively and listen to what the boss said.

"It's so annoying. Do they know that without us, the Decepticons would have occupied the earth long ago?!" Jazz complained.

"Because the most threatening Megatron is dead and the leaderless Decepticons are severely weakened, not only are we no longer important, but we have also become the most annoying and disobedient new Decepticons." Chu Xin explained simply and clearly He said, looking calm as if he could not hear the deafening noise outside.

"They treated us like crutches and threw them away after they regained their sight. They also thought they would take up space at home. They wanted to throw them away or use them as firewood." Tiepi said sternly, giving a vivid example.

The Autobots, who advocate peace and friendship, have once again been pushed to the bottom by the behavior of some humans.

Even the most optimistic Bumblebee shook his head when he looked outside, groaning a little aggrievedly.

In fact, Chu Xin's heart was really calm.

If you don't pay the slightest attention to a thing or a person, completely ignore it and draw a clear line, then you won't be negatively affected by those things.

Whether they are dignitaries or civilians, they are all "passers-by" to him.

But it got a bit noisy, so Chu Xin got up and walked out.

He wanted to try out a certain skill.


Under the sun, he had an icy color, and the howling wind was mixed with a biting chill, which kept digging into people's hearts.


Wherever he looked, everyone was visibly shaking violently, and they could only stand by leaning on each other.

Because the terrifying scene of machines and flesh intertwined inexplicably appeared before our eyes, constantly impacting our mental consciousness!

"Leave or die."

Chu Xin was not polite at all and simply gave multiple choice questions.

As his voice entered the ears of the demonstrators, thousands of people could no longer hold their nerve.

The disgusting hiss of the blade piercing the body and the shrill cries of beasts and humans suddenly burst out in his ears, sometimes like the whispers of demons, sometimes like the speed of a train, washing over his brain over and over again.


One after another, people's legs became weak, and they unconsciously collapsed to the ground when their knees bent. They quickly lowered their heads and looked at the land with trembling lips, not even daring to glance at Chu Xin from the corner of their eyes.

In just a moment, 90% of the people knelt down and worshiped Chu Xin.

The remaining people, including the soldiers of the Fire Force, were also affected within ten seconds.

They were breathing heavily to keep themselves from falling, and their pupils shrank rapidly like cats, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying.

Compared with those people, this group's willpower is much stronger, but they just insist on not falling, and they don't even have the strength to pull the trigger... No, it should be that they don't dare to have such an idea at all!

Not only the Tinder base, but also the free people who watched the live broadcast on TVs and computers had the same situation.

Each one of them slumped in confusion but was horrified and frightened. They closed the screen with trembling hands, sweating profusely.

This strange collective behavior confused the people from other countries present.

That mechanical giant does look murderous and makes people shudder, but it won't make him kneel down directly, right?

Skill [Free Buster]!

The effect is to create mental oppression for people with nationality from free countries. As long as they look at Chu Xin's face or listen to Chu Xin's voice, they will be put into a terrifying fantasy. The stronger the willpower, the less affected they will be.


Chu Xin turned around and went back indoors.


Suddenly, everyone felt relieved.

But no one said a word, they all looked at each other in horror.

In just ten seconds, their clothes were soaked with sweat, as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

No one needed to organize them. They hurriedly threw away the banners and flags in their hands, turned around and ran away, scattering like birds and beasts.

The whole process was silent, for fear of irritating that evil creature again.

In the blink of an eye, all that was left was a mess on the floor, and it looked like more than one person was incontinent.

"Is it so useful?" Chu Xin was also surprised and novel, "This is the scene Azu has dreamed of~"

"Senior Steel Cable," Ratchet trotted over, "Optimus Prime and the others have roughly determined the location of the scepter and are about to launch it into the sea."

"Yeah." Chu Xin nodded.

Optimus Prime and Skyfire were also chased by the Decepticons, which slowed down their progress.

But so far, it's going pretty well.

Half an hour later.

Peanut Village.

emergency meeting!

"I'll show you a video first," the secretary trembled a little weakly, "but please prepare yourself mentally, because there will be some discomfort."

Two minutes passed.

The secretary clicks the mouse.

What was playing on the screen was the shocking scene of citizens kneeling down to worship Chu Xin!

When the camera moved to Chu Xin, the dozen or so people in the conference hall suddenly felt like they were being hammered.

But fortunately, they are all extraordinary people, and their willpower is more than a little stronger than ordinary people, so they will not slip under the table.

But they couldn't hide their surprised expressions, and they were all shocked and shocked.

"How did he do it without fighting?" The king rubbed his temples and motioned to his secretary to close the video immediately.

Although Chu Xin didn't say a word, it was better than any quintessence of Chinese culture.

This situation seems to make a fact known to the public: I am your spiritual ancestor!

For a moment, everyone here felt humiliated, but they could only hide here and sulk secretly.

"I think it is probably a weapon targeting the brain, similar to the form of ultrasound, which can cause hallucinations, confusion and other effects on us, but it is just a guess on my part and requires later research." A doctor based in the White Palace He speculated.

"No matter what, this means that Steel Cable has shown evil thoughts towards the earth. The first step is to break our spirit, then to enslave mankind, and finally to rule the earth with those iron lumps!" Someone gritted his teeth.

"Shh~" The king signaled everyone to stop talking.

The secretary wisely cut off the power to all electronic devices, and then they secretly opened their mouths.

"Is that confinement reliable?"

"It's not clear, but he promised us that he wouldn't sell us."

"Do you believe in an alien's guarantee? You are trying to gain skin from a tiger~"

"What can we do? We can't really launch a nuclear bomb and die together!"

"Those are not important. It doesn't matter if the confinement fails. We will not lose. But what if it succeeds?"

"Yeah, I can't swallow that breath anyway. I've watched the video of the Battle of New York. The guy with the tightrope didn't even care about humans when he fought. Sooner or later, he will drive us all away."

If Chu Xin had listened to their conversation, he would probably have called him "silly" and lamented that these people had maxed out the two attributes of "self-motivated" and "suicide".

Within Great Britain.

Deserted beach with no one around.


The waves are rough and the waves are blooming.

The sea suddenly surged, and then metal figures emerged from below and jumped onto the land.

There is a diving capsule in Optimus Prime's arms, and inside is an old man and a young woman.

The old man is the only remaining member of the Knights, and the woman is a descendant of Merlin.


A group of mechanical knights wearing old armor followed closely behind.

They looked like giants from the medieval era, armed with bucklers, swords and axes.

It was the Twelve Knights of the Round Table who guarded the scepter, who fought with Merlin and King Arthur, and formed the first alliance between mechanical life and humans on Earth.

Of course, they were also the mechanical guards who originally formed a group to betray Quintessa, and they are traitors that Quintessa hates to this day.

Because Optimus Prime brought Merlin's descendants and informed the earth of the current critical situation, these mechanical knights willingly left Merlin's cemetery together, intending to protect the scepter until the last moment.


However, something unexpected happened.

A cannonball shot from a distance and accurately hit a mechanical knight standing in front of Optimus Prime.


With just one blow, his head was bombarded on the spot, and the fragments flew out.

"You lied to us!"

The Knight Commander drew his sword and pointed it at Optimus Prime and Skyfire. The others were also on guard while surrounding Optimus Prime. After all, the scepter was on him.

"It's not me," Optimus Prime quickly convinced these elm-headed people, "it's an enemy attack!"

"Over there!" Tianhuo stretched out his hand and pointed at a huge reef a thousand meters away.

I saw a silver-black figure about ten meters standing there, with a head made of a super sniper cannon extremely dazzling.


Another cannon blasted out, pointing directly at Optimus Prime.

At this moment, the mechanical knights suddenly understood that there was a misunderstanding.

"let me!"

A knight stepped forward and raised his heavy shield.

The next second.


The heavy shield that had not been maintained for hundreds of years shattered, and the knight flew out.

Optimus Prime narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "I recognize him, the scum and scum of Cybertron... Confinement."

Alas, my dad died. The key is that he not only returned home and had contact with me, he also took care of my grandma in the hospital.

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