New York.

A gust of wind blew away the residual aroma of Megatron's barbecue, allowing every Decepticon to smell the aroma of their boss's burning life, but it also brought them indescribable great fear.

"Megatron, were you eaten?" The cigar fell from the detective's mouth again, but he didn't pick it up for a long time, and his fingers couldn't stop trembling.

"Quack~" Bumblebee hummed inexplicably, indicating that he was shivering.

"Megatron is completely dead. Brother Zhuzi's wish for many years has finally come true, but his death is too tragic." Jazz muttered.

"I thought the leader was ruthless enough," Quasi-Xian, who had just arrived on Earth, murmured in shock, "I didn't expect that this ruthless man would eat up Megatron to the core."

Chu Xin's ruthless operation of eating meat and bones made everyone onlookers silent.

The only two styles of painting that are completely different from theirs are slashing and iron slag, which are roaring into the buildings, making human scalp numb.


Chu Xin turned into a human form, turned his back to the blazing sun, and slammed the hammer covered with corpses onto the ground.

He glanced at the few Decepticons and said in a thunderous voice, "Leave no one behind."

Bang bang bang!

The stagnant fighting continues.

Without the pillars of combat power headed by Megatron, the remaining Decepticons were at best defeated and were quickly slaughtered.

Several energy pillars were also blasted to pieces by the ambulance.

At this point, it's still daytime.

The tragic Battle of New York ended here. If we really want to elaborate, the only winner was the ruthless Dragon Bounty Gang headed by Chu Xin. After all, they had a great time killing three times and really enjoyed the killing and fierce fighting.

The Decepticons who planned everything were wiped out and all were killed.

Every Autobot was defeated, Ironhide was almost demolished by a Hercules, Bumblebee escaped death several times, Sideswipe and Drift even died in battle.

If Chu Xin hadn't killed seven in and seven out, the Autobots without Optimus Prime would have had no chance of winning. Even if Optimus Prime was present, the winning rate would be less than 20%.

And humans~

Looking at the overall situation, they got a big deal and temporarily saved the earth with the desperate protection of Chu Xin and others.

But from the perspective of a free country, the economic center has been completely destroyed, countless elites have died without their bodies intact, and the prosperous building areas have become war-damaged... In short, the peanut stew group will definitely have two opinions when they see the current situation in New York. With a black eye, he had a heart attack on the spot and sent both of them away without knowing it.


Chu Xin sat on the broken head of Hercules, and a feeling of weakness instantly surged into his limbs.

Even though he was so violent, the injuries on his body were also shocking, and the bruises all over his body were considered subtle.

The armor was riddled with holes, deep enough to the bone. There was lightning flowing between the cracks, and one could see at a glance that the mechanical internal organs were vibrating powerfully.

One-third of the mechanical wing on the right side was torn apart by Megatron's bare hands, and the chest was full of sunken holes, which were also left by Megatron's heavy punches.


Chu Xin unceremoniously took out the fire source and absorbed its energy.

When you are getting high, the card text appears:

"The hearty killing, the bloody massacre, the primitive and brutal judgment, this battle can be called the Chosen God of Khorne from another world!

Play the mechanical wail with your own hands, and the entire battlefield becomes your huge stage. Use the sharp hammer as the authority to judge and give you the gift of death!

He had a close battle with the enhanced version of Megatron, and his control over himself has become extremely perfect;

Have a firm state of mind, not affected by external things, not bound by others, everything in front of you is the cornerstone of becoming stronger, and you can go further and further on the non-human road;

Proficiency +20%, reaching 78%;

The number of card draws in the gashapon machine is +1;

Get multiple rewards:

1. New skill: [Flame Spear] When in the tyrannosaurus form, the dragon's flame spray has a new 'flame spear' mode, which can compress the spreading flames into almost substantial five-meter fire pillars and spray them out, which has extremely strong penetration. Penetrating power, the longest range can reach two thousand meters;

2. Permanent weapon: [Epee Behemoth], this sword is fifteen meters long, black and gray in color, and extremely sharp on both sides. It can kill tyrants such as Megatron, Shockwave, and Starscream who will die in your hands. It is condensed from the atoms of the corpses of tiger members. It does high damage to mechanical objects and has a critical hit on Decepticon members;

3. Vision and hearing are enhanced, allowing you to capture more dynamic details;

4. Obtain information: [Coordinates (2/3)]. "

Chu Xin looked inside the card and saw that there was already a heavy and thick sword on the back of the steel rope painting.

The shape is similar to the big swords in many anime, but if you look closely, you will find that they are all made of mechanical compression structure. You can clearly see the mechanical lines and the fine metallic texture.

The word Behemoth comes from the Bible, which is a monster created by God, also known as Behemoth.

Although his two hammers are very explosive and violent to use, they are also very limited and sometimes very awkward.

For example, when killing the Diamond Demon, if you hold Behemoth in your hand, you will definitely enjoy the silky smoothness more than Dove!

"Another subordinate."

Chu Xin followed the dotted line in his field of vision and looked to the south.


The fire source has completely repaired the body.

But he didn't get up in a hurry. Everyone was still cleaning the battlefield or resting to heal their injuries.

Simply open the gashapon machine and use the opportunity.


Gacha get out.

"Current cumulative number of guarantees: 5"

They are six mechanical devices the size of a fingernail.

"Acquire a permanent prop [Enhancement Chain] that is not used by the host,

Effect: Exclusively for the host’s dinosaur subordinates,

After an individual is bound to a strengthening chain, when fighting collectively, for each additional bound person nearby, the overall quality (strength, speed, thinking agility, etc.) will be enhanced by 20% on the basis of the own.

And when someone is fatally injured, the damage can be distributed to other bound people to increase the collective survival rate while ensuring the link.

For example, when Iron Slag fights with Dart, Slash, and Contempt, and the link is successful, his combat power will increase by 60% of his own, and the same applies to the others. "

Chu Xin was very satisfied with this prop.

He still likes a few loyal little brothers with their own characteristics, and pays more attention to them than Optimus Prime and others.

"come over."

Chu Xin waved to Tie Zha and Hacker.

The two of them, who were finishing up the damage on the Decepticons, immediately ran over.

"Boss, what's the good news?" Tie Zha asked expectantly.

Chu Xin took out two strengthening chain devices and threw them to the two of them.

Without waiting for them to ask, the device flew up automatically, got into their bodies, and merged with the fire.

Clang clang clang!

Mechanical chains appeared between the two people, gradually getting closer and interlocking tightly, and then the physical form of the chains disappeared little by little.

But the chains were tightly connected invisibly, and the two of them felt it immediately.

"Huh?!" Killer raised his eyebrows.

Tie Zha also waved his fists and feet in a novel way. This seemingly small 20% still brought a big improvement.

Therefore, Chu Xin informed the two of them about the strengthening chain, and gave several other devices to Tie Zha, asking them to transfer them to Contempt and the two.

"Where are you going, boss?" Tie Zha asked.

"Archaeology." After Chu Xin said this, he flew into the sky.

"What?" Tie Zha was puzzled.

"It's stupid. Archeology is not just about digging, it must be looking for howls or mud." When Hacking was calm, his IQ was still online.

That night.

A barren mountain plain bordering Mexico and the Free State, a rocky valley overgrown with weeds.


A simple bonfire burst out with a few clusters of sparks from time to time.

Several black-haired humans sat together with a Mexican man.

"I heard that it's been very unsafe over there recently. There are aliens fighting everywhere. It seems like millions of people have died." A fat man wearing a Rolex sighed.

"Then what can I do? We've already reached the door. Can we not go in? Anyway, I have no way out. All my life's savings have been spent here, and I've even blown it out with my relatives." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks cursed.

Someone laughed and said, "This proves that our choice is correct. Why don't the aliens go to other places? It means that the aliens agree with that place."

The guy with Yitianyan echoed, "I would rather fight aliens, and not all aliens are bad. I read online that the mechanical tyrannosaurus is the patron saint of the earth and is dedicated to protecting us humans."

"What's the reason for you?" The fat man started talking about another topic.

"I didn't commit any crime, I just wanted to go out and make some big money. If I move trees, I will die and people will live!" said the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, "I don't believe I can't make money!"

"Oh, my son accidentally sent his neighbor away, and the brat didn't know how to save himself." A middle-aged man said angrily, looking at the mother and son hugging each other next to him.

The woman immediately shouted in a high voice, "Why do you blame the child? He is also scared now. He is only eighteen years old and it was not intentional. Besides, the old woman was destined to die. If she died earlier, she would suffer less."

The middle-aged man frowned, "I don't blame the child, but he is an adult and this kind of thing shouldn't happen a second time."

"Don't talk about the past. The child was only ten years old at that time. He was just careless when playing!" The woman's voice became higher.

The boy in the woman's arms stared at his father gloomily and said nothing.

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks didn't want to hear the quarrel between his parents, so he changed the topic and asked the fat man, "What about you?"

"Me? I just taught a few lessons to thousands of old guys. Unfortunately, most of the funds were frozen when I left. It's my fault that I didn't have the experience the first time." The fat man shrugged, "Otherwise, I would still be able to travel through mountains and rivers here. ?”


Suddenly, the Mexican man who was silently loading his AK signaled for everyone to be quiet.

Because he heard the roar of the engine.

"Border patrol?" The fat man whispered in broken English, trying to get close to the guide.

"It's possible." The Mexican man immediately buried the fire, pulled off the Rolex from the fat man's wrist, and then climbed up the hillside neatly, looking around vigilantly.

After a few seconds, he scratched his forehead in confusion.

Looking at a vast area of ​​darkness, where are the car lights?

But why is the roar of the engine getting louder and louder?

He subconsciously looked up and was horrified on the spot.

The rest of the people also looked up one after another, and their expressions changed drastically.

Boom boom!

In the night, a piece of metal with murderous intent was falling straight towards them.

"Holy shit, oh shit, alien!" The fat man rolled and crawled and took the lead in escaping.

Others followed, wishing they had more legs.


Chu Xin fell to the ground, and the shock wave caused a dozen people who were running for their lives to be knocked to the ground, and they were all swallowed up by the smoke and dust in a daze.

"It's down here." He looked down at his feet, and the dotted line extended all the way down.

Bang bang bang!

However, bullets came through the smoke.

Out of a sense of crisis, the Mexican squatted on the ground and emptied the magazine.

As an experienced private guide who charges high prices, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of situation, but the environment he grew up in made him understand one truth: don't worry about him, strike first to gain the upper hand!


The smoke and dust dissipated, and Chu Xin stood there unharmed. The fragile bullet exploded the moment it touched the armor.

For a moment, everyone did not dare to move, staring at Chu Xin blankly, trembling uncontrollably.

"Is it a tyrannosaurus?" The boy with Tianyan ran out excitedly and shouted with his back to Chu Xin, "This guy is protecting us, don't shoot, we are on our own!"

The Mo people stared at Chu Xin and put down their AK with a lot of self-knowledge.

Chu Xin looked down at these humans who were no different from ants. He almost heard the conversation of several people just now.

It’s really an eyesore~

So, Chu Xin raised his left hand without thinking.

Everyone froze immediately and their brains went blank.

"Huh?" the middle-aged man said in shock, "What is it going to do?"

The next second, he was kicked to the ground by his son. When he looked back, he saw that his filial son had run away alone.


An explosive bomb shot out and hit the center of the crowd accurately.


Fire wrapped around the debris and scattered.

Cut first, then cook over high heat.

The screams only lasted for a second, and no one screamed more.

This is quite equal and free.

No matter whether it was the nearest Mexican or the eighteen-year-old boy in the farthest place, no one survived and disappeared in an instant.

Chu Xin then continued to do business with an expressionless face.

ten minutes later.

A huge mechanical dinosaur with a long neck came into view.

According to Grimlock's memory, this should be the taciturn Brontosaurus Sludge.


The mud turned into a human form and gave Chu Xin a heavy hug.

Compared with the irritability and jumping-off of the other people, Yi Ni's character is much calmer, and all his words are expressed in his eyes.

"Welcome back," Chu Xin patted him on the shoulder, "Everyone is waiting for you."

The next day.

The Battle of New York cannot be concealed.

When the media spread the shocking images to the world, they undoubtedly dropped nuclear bombs one after another.

As expected, people in major cities began to protest on the streets, saying that whether they are Decepticons, Autobots, or local mechanical dinosaurs, they should be expelled from the earth!

"Oppose mechanical colonization, the earth belongs to humans!"

This sentence became the slogan of countless people, who continued to demonstrate, almost a national protest.

Peanut stew suburbia.

In a secret house, there were many big bosses sitting.

"Rebuilding Tombwind? Are you crazy!"

"Have you forgotten what Tightrope did before?"

"If New York is destroyed, it will be destroyed. We are still the strongest in the world."

Faced with numerous objections, the newly appointed Minister of Defense said solemnly, "I am just informing you, not asking for your consent. This is not my intention alone. Those big families are putting pressure on us, not to mention that the earth belongs to Human beings, we and they will have a falling out sooner or later, so we might as well take advantage of the fierce fighting between them now."

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