Chapter 771 One Mind and Eighteen Uses!


“The two adults were defeated?”

“Just kidding, that’s a strong man from the universe, how could he lose to Wang Teng? It’s not scientific!”

“Fart, this is not martial arts!”

The warriors of the Neon Nation were all dumbfounded, their mouths opened slightly, unable to close for a long time, and it was difficult to accept this result.

In their opinion, no matter how talented Wang Teng was, he was only a genius on the earth and the stars, how could he be comparable to the powerful in the universe.

However, the fact is so unexpected!

Looking at Wang Teng, who fought against two cosmic powers alone and defeated him powerfully, everyone felt extremely dreamy.

This Xia Guo genius is going against the sky!

The complexion of the Lord of the Neon Kingdom changed, and the two adults whom he regarded as the hope of the Neon Kingdom were defeated!

He wanted to use the power of those two adults to bring the neon nation into the universe, truly detaching himself from the backward planet.

Compared with the science and technology civilization and martial arts civilization of the universe, what is everything about Earth and Star?

How can I expect such a thing to happen.

A Wang Teng of the Xia country completely shattered his dreams and made him see the reality clearly.

“This guy has actually reached this level!” Amidst the crowd, Kannai Tongji’s heart trembled violently, a pair of bright eyes fixedly staring at Wang Teng in the sky, and he couldn’t calm down after taking a few deep breaths.

On the other side, the woman who seemed to also know Wang Teng couldn’t help shrinking back, for fear of being seen.

She wanted to run away, but she stayed behind.

I didn’t expect to see such an amazing scene!

That guy is indeed a monster, not a normal person at all.

In the sky, Haddock was stunned when he saw Jin Yuan being bombarded by a blow.

The fat man was not outstanding in other abilities, but his escape was absolutely top-notch, and he was caught up and knocked down directly.

How strong is this young man in front of him?

At this time he didn’t dare to struggle anymore, he found that he could not break free from the restraint on his body, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was nothing but futile.

Even if it angered the other party, wouldn’t it be the same as the dead fat man?


At this time, the collapsed building below shook for a while, and Jin Yuan staggered out of it.

He had a gray head and face, and his clothes were torn, showing a lot of scars, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

“Made, this time I’ve kicked the iron plate. Fatty, I’ve grown up so much, and this is the first time I stumbled.” Jin Yuan spit out a bloody saliva and murmured cursingly.

“Hahaha, dead fat man, why don’t you run away? Run again!” Haddock laughed gleefully.

“Go away, you are happy to see me being arrested, right?” Jin Yuan cursed.

“Blessed and difficult, we are still good brothers.” Haddock said with a smile.

“Keep rolling, I won’t be a brother with you, you tentacle monster.” Jin Yuan said angrily.

Wang Teng looked at the two with interest. The testers he encountered before, all threatened to beg for mercy, knowing that they could not escape, but these two did not take it seriously. Arguing there.

It’s amazing!

He shook his head, his mental power rolled around, picking up the attribute bubbles dropped by the two of them.

【Earth System Star Force*360】

【Water System Star Force*420】

【Imperial Spirit*32】

【Imperial Realm Perception*28】

【Furious Warhammer*10】

【One Heart, Eighteen Uses*20】

As several attribute bubbles merged into his body, Wang Teng couldn’t help but feel dumbfounded. There were countless slots in his heart with nowhere to release.

Furious Warhammer! ?

It is another planetary combat skill.

Combat skills are a good thing~

But the problem is that Wei Mao is this kind of combat technique suitable for macho!

One [Bengshan Tomahawk], one [Raging Warhammer]!

Is this afraid that he is not fierce enough?

Wang Teng’s whole body was stiff in place, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

When I thought of using a warhammer in one hand and a battle axe in one hand, killing all quarters like a muscular man, I suddenly felt that the picture was really not too beautiful.

“No, these combat skills are absolutely not usable. When you have the opportunity, you will sell them and sell them all.” Wang Teng shook his head desperately, thinking fiercely in his heart.

Immediately his attention fell on another attribute bubble-one heart and eighteen uses!

What kind of ghost attribute is this?

After the bubbles were integrated, Wang Teng understood the usefulness of this skill.

The first thing he recovered from was to count the tentacles of the octopus monster.

Very good, eighteen, no more, no less!


It turns out that this is the origin of [One Mind and Eighteen Uses]? Wang Teng is really unable to complain.

It’s still eighteen, why don’t you call eighteen touch!

Wang Teng felt that this skill was useless to him, he didn’t have eighteen tentacles to use…

Wait, it doesn’t seem to have to be used on the tentacles.

Wang Teng suddenly reacted, he was completely superficial, and this skill could still be digging deep.

The biggest use of this skill should be…thinking!

That’s right, just thinking!

Simply put, it can make people think about eighteen things at the same time.

Or when fighting, 18 kinds of attacks are issued at the same time!

Thinking about 18 things at the same time and sending out 18 kinds of attacks at the same time, this is a bit scary!

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he felt that Yazi, who seemed a little witty, suddenly thought of the key point.

That tentacle monster’s eighteen kinds of attacks were very monotonous, even just bombardment with weapons, otherwise it would not be easily resolved by Wang Teng.

But Wang Teng is different. He possesses many Forces, and his combat skills are countless. If this can be performed at the same time, his opponent will probably be desperate.

“I thought it was a tasteless skill, but now I found it turned out to be a rare skill.” Wang Teng couldn’t help but feel happy.

At this moment, I saw Jin Yuan below raised his head and shouted at Wang Teng:

“Dude, what do you want, draw down a path.”

When Wang Teng heard the words, he looked down, and saw the fat man underneath look like I’m not afraid of you, a curve suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth.

He didn’t rush to answer, but with a thought, he controlled the mental power to pull the tentacles in the distance.


Before Haddock could react, he fell from the sky like a meteor and hit not far from Jin Yuan.

Haddock’s eighteen tentacles danced wildly in mid-air, twitching, like an octopus being crushed on the ground.

Jin Yuan glanced to the side and raised his eyebrows. The calm appearance just disappeared immediately, and his heart sighed: “My mother, where is this ruthless man who ran out of here!”

“Now let’s talk about it again.” Wang Teng looked at each other with a smile, and said.

“Ha…Haha, my friend, we have something to say, don’t do it, I’m just making a joke.” Jin Yuan smirked, rubbing his two fat hands, immediately showing an acknowledgment.

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