Chapter 772: M3 Scrap Star!

In this world, some skills can be taught without a teacher.

For example… recognize counseling!

Fatty is a very frustrating fat man, but he himself doesn’t feel that this is counseling at all. In his opinion, this is a matter of judging the situation and knowing the current affairs.

Nothing wrong!

So when facing Wang Teng at this time, he assumed the most humble appearance, nodded and bowed, making himself look extraordinarily harmless.


Wang Teng had weird eyes, as if he saw a trace of himself in this fat man.

Damn it, this fat guy is following me!

This is Wang Teng’s idea suddenly.

A feeling of sympathy arises spontaneously…


How could he feel sorry for this fat man, it’s hell!

Wang Teng threw his head madly in his heart, and quickly threw this absurd idea out of his mind.

At this time, because Wang Teng had already let go of the shackles of his mental power, Haddock in the ruins finally eased up and crawled out of the waste rock pile.

He looked at Wang Teng’s figure, his eyes trembled, and his face also showed a humble and flattering smile: “I think we can have a good chat. There is no need to fight and kill like this. You don’t have to be enemies, and cooperate. It is a win-win situation.”

“… Here’s another one.”

Wang Teng’s face was speechless, he even saw his own shadow on this tentacle monster, this guy is as weird as the fat guy.

No wonder they can get to one place.

“You two shut up.” Wang Teng couldn’t bear the shamelessness of these two people. He glared at them and asked: “Tell me, what are you two from?”

Jin Yuan and Hadock couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then Jin Yuan first said: “I am the son of the Jin family on the planet Tucker. You know, the Jin family has the right to develop and operate the two life planets, Patriarch, That is, my grandfather, who is a constant star powerhouse, a big boss-level figure.”

Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged, and he gestured to Haddock.

“I am the planet of Rapol, the son of the chief of the Celestial Serpent tribe…Haddock, my dad is the strongest in the tribe and the existence of a constant star.” Haddock said proudly.

Wang Teng touched his chin, he didn’t know why, he always felt that these two guys were…Breaking.

Although what they said was serious and flawless, he just felt the strange aura.

These two are definitely lying!

Wang Teng was determined in his heart, so he said: “You guys didn’t lie to me. Liars will have hemorrhoids on their buttocks, tumors on their heads, and rotten… beep… so don’t lie to others. .”

“…” The corners of Jin Yuan and Haddock’s eyes twitched almost imperceptibly.

How vicious this man is!

“Do you have anything else to say?” Wang Teng asked.

The two shook their heads together.

“I have the ability to tell you the truth obediently. Why don’t you try it.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and said hehe.

“…Big brother, you’re kidding, it’s not very moral to look at other people’s privacy.” Haddock was startled and stammered.

“This idiot!” Jin Yuan yelled badly in his heart, and then he could not help but cursed inwardly.

“You really are not so honest.” Wang Teng was too lazy to talk nonsense, a red light flashed in his eyes, piercing Haddock’s eyes.

This guy doesn’t have enough heads, so it’s definitely easier to get caught.

Sure enough, Haddock almost just struggled for a while, and was completely controlled by [Troubled Heart].

Jin Yuan, who was next to him, saw this scene with a terrified expression, and his whole body was not well.

This guy really has such skills! ! !

Play with birds!

It’s cool!

He wanted to shake Haddock very much, but when Wang Teng was watching him with a smile, he didn’t dare to move.

“Brother, this seems a bit bad, we have something to say.” Jin Yuan said weakly.

“I want to talk about it, but if you don’t cooperate, I’m also very helpless!” Wang Teng said with his hands.

“…MMP blames us!” Jin Yuan was slanderous in his heart, a little surprised by Wang Teng’s shamelessness.

This guy is more shameless than them.

“Come, tell me where you are from and what identities are you?” Wang Teng asked Haddock.

“We are from the Discarded Star M3. We have no identity. We are just the inferior citizens who escaped from the Discarded Star.” Haddock answered honestly.

A look of surprise appeared on Wang Teng’s face.

Scrap M3!

Is there such a place in the universe?

Waste star!

It seems that there is a story in these two people.

However, these two bastards were really fooling around just now, what kind of children of the Jin family, what kind of son of the chief of the Celestial Snake tribe, Quante used it to fool people.

Fortunately, he was more witty, and he could see through their lies at a glance.

Oh, want to lie to me, naive!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but glanced at Jin Yuan, but saw that he had already covered his face with a very depressed look.

“As far as I know, the qualification for this trial is not that easy to get. You shouldn’t have such qualifications, right?” Wang Teng said.

“This is too simple. After the two of us inquired about the trial, we lay in ambush halfway, robbed the two trialists, and naturally obtained the qualification. Anyway, this qualification is not impossible to rob.” Haddock road.

“You are really good!” Wang Teng gave Jin Yuan a thumbs up. He thought that the people who participated in the trial this time were all the children of a large family in the universe, but he didn’t expect that there were such two alternatives. .

“You’re overwhelmed!” Jin Yuan said with a dry smile.

“You really thought I was complimenting you.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

Jin Yuan’s face suddenly showed a jealous look, and he didn’t dare to talk any more, and stood on the side honestly.

After that, Wang Teng questioned again. After learning a lot of news from Haddock, he put away the [Confusion] skill, his eyes flickered slightly, and he fell into contemplation.

Hadock woke up, looking pale at Wang Teng, his eyes filled with horror.

He already knew what Wang Teng did to him.

“Brother, you don’t want to kill us.” Jin Yuan looked at Wang Teng cautiously and saw his indifferent expression. You are very busy. It is more valuable to leave us than to kill us. If we quit this trial, we will naturally not pose a threat to you.”

“Oh, can you still withdraw from the trial?” Wang Teng said.

“It’s okay.” Jin Yuansheng was afraid that Wang Teng would go back, and he didn’t have time to think about why Wang Teng didn’t know these simple messages, so he immediately operated on his personal terminal.

“Look, big brother, I have already abstained!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Teng glanced suspiciously at the fat man, then looked down at the personal terminal, and a line of information appeared on it.

[The 15th Trial gives up the trial! ! ! 】

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