Chapter 770 Fatty, the wind is screaming!

“Wang Teng is trying to trouble the two adults, right?”

A warrior-level warrior of the Neon Nation hesitated for a moment, and couldn’t help but speak.

“Looking at this posture, it’s obviously like this!”

“This Wang Teng is really bold, how dare he?”

“By the way, isn’t Xia Guo also occupied by strong aliens? How could he appear here?”

Someone finally reacted and asked the most critical question.

Everyone suddenly fell into silence!

The neon monarch’s complexion changed slightly, and an incredible thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

The others also came back to their senses, and seemed to think of something with him.

At this moment, there was another woman with a hot figure and extremely charming appearance in the crowd. At this moment, she stared at the figure in the sky blankly and fell into awe.

“Why is it him!” The woman almost wanted to cover her face and run away, the person she least wanted to face, unexpectedly appeared in front of her again.

What a fate~!

The woman wanted to cry without tears, depressed and wanted to vomit blood, feeling as if she was about to step into the wolf’s den again.

In the sky, Wang Teng did not pay attention to the reactions of the people below. His eyes fell on the two trialers in front of him at the moment, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

This combination of a fat man and an octopus monster really exceeded his guess of the tester.

The few testers he met before were all humanoids, and almost made him forget that there are more than one race of aliens, and there are many other humanoids.

The aliens caught and imprisoned by Xia Guo are humanoids, and the Protas who were also imprisoned by Wang Teng in the space debris are also humanoids.

So this time encountering an octopus monster, it is actually not strange!

After all, the universe is so big, there are no surprises.

You can’t blame him for being a little strange.

“Boy, what are you looking at?” When Haddock saw the ‘tester’ who suddenly appeared in front of him, he looked at him with a weird face, and couldn’t help but glared back.

“Look at you.” Wang Teng replied with a strange arc showing the corner of his mouth.

“Let’s take another look.” Haddock was angry.

“I just looked at you, come and hit me!” Wang Teng stretched out his hand and hooked his finger at the other party.

“Ah… I’m so angry!”

Haddock was furious, and the tentacles under him suddenly soared, as if turning into a long whip and slamming towards Wang Teng.


The air violently screamed and rolled out fierce waves.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed brightly, and Xiao Bai was collected into the space debris. The planetary star’s battle was not something he could participate in, but the tentacles’ cross-strike was enough to suck it into flesh.

But for Wang Teng, there is no fear at all.

He jumped up, and the water-blue war sword appeared in his hand, drew a bright sword light, and the flames raged to the sky, facing the thick and long tentacles.

“Then what to do? Can’t you fight?” Haddock said anxiously.

“Fight, let’s join forces, I still don’t believe I can’t beat him.” Jin Yuan bit his teeth, and suddenly two big hammers appeared in his hands. He shook the wind and shouted: “Go on! Fuck him!”

“Made, go out.” Although Haddock was extremely jealous of Wang Teng, he didn’t hesitate to see that Jin Yuan had already rushed out. Various weapons appeared on dozens of tentacles, and there were even rune guns, waving. Charge to Wang Teng.

“Eat me!”

Jin Yuan double hammers dance, but his fat body is extremely flexible. This is another fat man like the wind. He leaped high, and a huge yellow shadow appeared on the double hammers, thick as a mountain, and smashed at Wang Teng fiercely. fall.

Wang Teng furrowed his brows, his right hand did not move his sword, but his left hand blasted out with a punch.

The profound meaning of power!


There was a terrifying crackling sound, and then it hit the warhammer severely.


A dull metal vibrato reverberated endlessly, and the ears of the people in the neon country below were humming, almost inaudible to other sounds.

“How can it be!?”

Jin Yuan looked terrified, his small eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

How terrifying is the power of a person who blocks its gravitational double hammers with a single fist?


At this time, Haddock killed him, and a dozen tentacles were all holding weapons and greeted Wang Teng.

The rune gun fired force bullets, blocking Wang Teng’s retreat.

“More than hands!”

Wang Teng furrowed his brows, his anger appeared, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, with his thoughts, the mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness surged out, turning into dozens of invisible hands.

Some of these invisible hands controlled the throwing knives and hit the weapons held by the Haddock tentacles, and some of the cohesive force turned into shields, blocking the force bullets.

Others are directly forming a binding force, entwining towards the Hadock body.

“Master of Spiritual Mind!”

Haddock screamed like hell.

“Fatty man, the wind is screaming, this guy is a wicked evildoer, and later, we both have to get a box lunch.”

While shouting, he resisted Wang Teng’s attack and retreated violently.

However, at this moment, an invisible force wrapped around his body like a rope, making him unable to move.

Jin Yuan had already seen the strength of his opponents, which had surpassed their expectations. After a head-to-head blow with Wang Teng, he used the force of recoil to turn somersaults in mid-air, and then ran away.

Haddock turned green when he saw this scene, and shouted: “Fuck you fat guy, save me!”

“Haddock, it’s not that I don’t want to save you. I can’t protect myself. Let’s ask for more blessings.” Jin Yuan ran away in a hurry without looking back. The fat body was like a ball, rolling thiefly, and his voice was far away. Coming from afar.

Haddock wanted to vomit blood in depression. Although he knew the virtue of the fat man, he still wanted to scold his mother when he saw that he left himself and escaped without hesitation.

However, he also understood that he was the only one to rely on at this moment, so he struggled desperately, violently violently all over his body, trying to break free from the invisible shackles.

Wang Teng looked at the fat man who was running away with a weird expression at this time, and the next moment he took a step forward and disappeared in place.


There was a loud noise.

The fat man in front suddenly bounced back like a ball hit by a giant force.

The fat body fell heavily to the ground, destroying a building directly, raising smoke and dust in the sky.

Below, the neon monarch and the warlords around him were wide-eyed, with shocked and incredible faces.

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