Chapter 741 A bright moon is born on the sea! (2 in 1 5000+)

In the desert, the sky is full of yellow sand, and people who don’t know may think that a terrifying black sandstorm has suddenly occurred in this area.

On the ground, countless black sand monitor lizards roared, controlling the yellow sand raging in the sky.

At the center of the yellow sand, Wang Teng’s expression was extremely calm, and even a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, he didn’t see any movement, several cold rays rose from behind him and rushed into the yellow sand.

The piercing sound of the wind was immersed in the roar of the yellow sand, but then the roar of the black sand monitor lizard changed, becoming extremely frightened and screaming sternly.


The two lord-level black sand monitor lizards were frightened and roared at Wang Teng.

“You let me stop and stop, then I am not very shameless.” Wang Teng said lightly.

In the yellow sand, the cold light of the flying knife continued to flick, and under the urging of mental power, it seemed to be woven into a big net, like a meat grinder, strangling the black sand monitor lizard in it.

The yellow sand filled the sky filled with a strong smell of blood, and then the screams became weaker and weaker, and gradually no sound was heard.

The sandstorm then ceased, revealing what it looked like.

The ground was full of chaos, and the corpses of the black sand monitor lizard were everywhere, and the blood stained the yellow sand on the ground.

Originally, the huge number of black sand monitor lizards was left with only two lord-level black sand monitor lizards at the moment, which can be described as the commander of the polished rod.

Wang Teng looked at the two lord-level black sand monitor lizards, and the corners of his mouth curled up: “You just said you want to kill me?”

The two lord-level black sand monitor lizards were suddenly full of spirits, feeling that Wang Teng’s smile was extremely evil and extremely infiltrating. They couldn’t help but step back, suppressing the fear in their hearts, and said: “I, we haven’t said it!”

“Really? You mean I heard it wrong?” Wang Teng said.

“No, no, no, we…” The two Lords were scared, and they didn’t know how they could get such a evil star.

The entire ethnic group was completely killed, and it seemed that it didn’t take much effort. This human being is too terrifying.

It’s not human!

“Forget it, you don’t even know what to say. Living in this world is a waste of air. Let’s go to death.” Wang Teng sighed, as if he felt deep sadness for them, with a sincere tone, and wanted to send them to the West.

“…” The two lord-level black sand monitor lizards are all bad.

God’s words can’t be said clearly!

Can they be blamed?

Why do they do this, don’t you have a B number in your heart?

In any case, the two lord-level black sand monitor lizards will not stay where they are and wait to die. They look at each other.


Without any hesitation, just run.

It’s very straightforward!

The sand on the ground churned and raised mid-air, blocking Wang Teng’s line of sight, and the two lord-level black sand monitor lizards dived directly under the ground.

“Humph!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, turned on the [Essence Pupils], looking through layers of sand, and directly found the traces of the two lord-level black sand monitor lizards.

These two black sand monitor lizards are extremely clever, knowing to run separately, one going east and the other going west. As for who can escape, it depends on God’s will.

But they totally underestimated Wang Teng’s methods.

At this moment, a sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and he stretched out his hands and shook it under the ground…

Heart of Heavy Rock!

He impressively opened the power of the Heart of Heavy Rock.


Under the ground, there was a loud noise, and the ground shook.

Countless sand gathered together, turned into two big hands, and grabbed the two black sand monitor lizards.

Where did the two black sand monitor lizards want Wang Teng to have such a method, they were shocked, but they would not be able to catch them, they quickly used their sand control talents to manipulate the surrounding sand against those two big hands.

Under Wang Teng’s grip, he immediately felt a trace of resistance, but his expression did not change at all, but his hand suddenly increased his strength.


The sand controlled by the black sand monitor was instantly defeated, two big hands firmly grasped the black sand monitor and broke out of the ground.


The sand was rising, and a very shocking scene appeared not far in front of the place where Wang Teng was standing.

Two big hands condensed by sand came out from the ground, and two lord-level star beasts were grasping on the big hands.

Real Sandy Bound!

Wang Teng himself gave this trick a good name, and then nodded secretly.

My Wang is indeed a named genius!

“Do not kill me!”


The eyes of the two black sand monitor lizards showed horror, and their bodies twisted and struggled in their big hands.

Wang Teng did not have the slightest kindness, his big hands contracted inward, and the two black sand monitor lizards gradually opened their huge mouths. They wanted to make a painful roar, but the sound seemed to be pressed into the chest cavity.


Suddenly, the bodies of the two black sand monitor lizards burst open suddenly, turning into a rain of blood, mixed in the sand, and fell on the ground.

“Huh…it’s a bit disgusting. This trick is too cruel. It hurts the heavens and the heavens.” Wang Teng couldn’t help but shook his head, his expression unbearable.

After all, he is a soft-hearted and kind person.

After silently reflecting for three seconds, Wang Teng’s eyes swept around, and countless attribute bubbles floated on the ground, making his eyes bright.

Pick it up!

【Sand Control Talent*20】

【Blank attribute*350】

【Earth Force *420】

【Earth Force *280】

【Blank attribute*610】

【Sand Control Talent*15】

【Earth Force *350】

Wang Teng has gained a large wave of attributes, including 2580 points for sand control talent, 18,300 points for blank attributes, and 16,500 points for soil force.

For Wang Teng, the blank attributes are the key. Now these blank attributes are enough for him to elevate the final [Xingshui Jue] to completion.

Then came the Earth Elemental Force, and now his Earth Elemental Force attribute has reached the level of consummation at the 13-star high-ranking warlord level. It should have been a breakthrough if it was increased.

However, the force attribute of more than 10,000 points did not make his earth element force break through the planetary star, and the attribute panel did not change at all.

Wang Teng knew that he had to transform his ordinary force into the star force in order to complete the promotion from the warlord level to the planetary level.

Finally, the talent for controlling sand…

When this talent was integrated into Wang Teng’s body, Wang Teng immediately felt his own changes. He seemed to have a natural ability to control the sand under his feet, and he could control the sand with his hands.

He stretched out his hand, and the sand on the ground rose like a stream of water, encircling his arm, and then changed its shape according to his ideas, sometimes becoming a long sword, sometimes a war knife, and sometimes a flower, bird, and insect. The fish shape really changes with your heart.

“This sand-controlling talent seems to be more flexible than the Heart of Zhongyan!” Wang Teng meditated.

Obviously, there are still differences between the two.

Although the Heart of Heavy Rock can also control sand and gravel, it is more rough and focuses on strength.

And the talent of sand control is more flexible, changeable, and more delicate.

At this time, he thought of the talent of [Magnetic Sand Body]. This talent and the sand control talent actually have the same talent. Both can control sand, but [Magnetic Sand Body] can also control objects with magnetism to form a magnetic field. Has a very unique function, even more powerful…

“It would be great if the three talents can be integrated!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but think of this absurd idea.

Originally this was just his wishful thinking, and at best it was a kind of extravagant hope, but he did not expect that the property panel actually gave a response.

The property panel directly shows a process of integration…

[Sand Control Talent] + [Magnetic Sand Body] + [Heavy Rock Heart] = [Magnetic Heart]! ! !

Ahem… The way of expression is not important. What’s important is that after the integration of the three talents, Wang Teng got a brand new talent——

The Heart of Magnetism! ! !

A more advanced physical talent!

The related memory description of [Essence of Magnetism] quickly merged into Wang Teng’s mind, and he instantly understood the ability of this talent.

In general, this talent is a collection of all the advantages of the three talents [Sand Control Talent], [Magnetic Sand Body], and [Heavy Rock Heart], and the upper limit of growth is higher, and the power it possesses is more powerful. A kind of physical talent.

[The Heart of Yuan Magnetic]: 1000100000

Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel and was shocked.

The upper limit of [Essence of Magnetism] turned out to be 100,000 points, which was much higher than the physical talent he had obtained in the past, even [Demon Lotus Poison Body] could not match.

Of course, the [Ancient God Body] is not included, it was cultivated.

[Essence of Magnetism] The terrifying growth limit makes Wang Teng extremely pleased. It feels like he is using three not-so-precious pieces of equipment to synthesize a magic outfit.

Earn blood!

“But now the initial value is only 1000 points. If you want to upgrade, you need more attribute points. Forget it, let’s talk about it when there are enough attribute points in the future.” Wang Teng shook his head, lamenting his poverty.

Obviously he just got more than 10,000 blank attributes, but now he still doesn’t spend enough.

Sure enough, he is still a poor ghost!

Wang Teng secretly hurt the spring and the autumn for a while, cleared up his emotions, and headed deeper into the desert. His destination was the next oasis.

Night fell.

Wang Teng reached an oasis pinching time, he didn’t want to spend the night in the desert.

Cultivation belongs to cultivation and rest to rest. You can’t treat yourself badly, so a comfortable place to stay is very important.

After all, he is a person who enjoys life.

Wang Teng set up a bonfire in the oasis, took out the star beast meat and roasted it, and the rich fragrance instantly spread.

After eating and drinking enough, he began to practice.

He had just obtained the blank attribute before, so he added it to the [Xingshui Jue], and now all five exercises have reached the level of completion.

The five exercises are running at the same time, like five small electric motors, whirring frantically in Wang Teng’s body, transforming his ordinary force into the star force.

Time passed, five days passed.

It was the same night, Wang Teng sat in the training room of the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft, slowly opened his eyes, and a brilliant light flashed past.

An extremely powerful and profound aura diffused out of him, that feeling far surpassed the general level!

Wang Teng’s face couldn’t help showing a hint of joy!

At this moment, the Five Elements Force in his body was finally transformed into the Star Force.

It’s not easy. It took so many days of hard work to succeed. It’s really not easy.

Wang Teng was almost moved to cry by himself.

If you let others know that he completed the transformation of the five forces in just a few days, and he is still acting in the end, I am afraid that he will be jealous and directly killed him.

Bah, pretending to be forced to commit a crime is not a good death!

However, this is indeed what Wang Teng thought in his heart, aliens invaded, his mentality has been tense these days, for fear that unexpected changes will occur later.

So even if it was only a few days, he was anxious.

And even though he is in the depths of the desert these days, it’s not that he hasn’t paid attention to the outside world at all.

He asked the avatar to travel around the world to investigate the situation, and found that there seemed to be alien invaders in various major countries, and they almost controlled all major countries in the world.

In the face of absolute strength, all resistance was put out before it even rose.

Through the performance of those alien invaders, Wang Teng also discovered that these alien invaders did not seem to live in harmony, and they each had a competitive relationship.

And what other unknown purpose seems to exist?

As there was too little information, Wang Teng couldn’t analyze it.

In addition, he pays more attention to the situation on Xia Guo. It can be seen that Xia Guo has almost been controlled by the blue-haired young man. He has completely shuffled the cards and replaced the governors of each city with Alien invaders.

Fortunately, there hasn’t been any unexpected situation on the Wang’s side, but just like most people, they have to be under the jurisdiction of the alien invaders.

The surface of the entire Earth Star seemed calm, but undercurrents were surging, and a storm that could overwhelm the entire Earth Star human civilization was brewing.

Wang Teng pulled back his thoughts, his face was calm, his eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself: “Everything is ready, it’s time to be promoted to planetary star!”

“Only travel stars can compete with them!”

He closed his eyes again, and in accordance with the promotion method explained on the five star-level exercises, his mind sank into the depths of his body, feeling a sea of ​​nothingness in the dark.

That piece of nihility Sea King Teng once sensed it, so he had some clues.

His mind was united, and all distracting thoughts were excluded, without thinking, his mind slowly sinking, sinking, sinking…

This feeling was extremely strange, but at this time Wang Teng had no extra thoughts to think about it.

His mind kept sinking, and his surroundings were getting darker and darker, and he could see nothing, feel nothing, only a loneliness and nothingness.

I don’t know how long it took, Wang Teng even lost the concept of time until he heard a voice.

Ding Dong!

A clear and sweet voice.

It was like a drop of water falling into the calm and waveless lake.

Wang Teng opened his “eyes” and he saw a sea…a sea of ​​nothingness!

“It’s here!” he muttered to himself.

It was clear that the sea of ​​nothingness was in front of him, and he should have been overjoyed, but at this time he was calm.

“Build a bridge to connect the sea of ​​nothingness!”

There seemed to be a voice reverberating around.

Suddenly, countless stars emerged from the surrounding nothingness, and condensed in one place, like a galaxy.






In an instant, five galaxies appeared in nothingness.

The rivers of starlight of five colors crisscross the void, rattling, rushing towards the sea of ​​nothingness, as if five bridges have been erected from this shore to the other shore.

This is a qualitative leap!

Boom boom boom…

At this moment, the entire sea of ​​nothingness shook, the calm sea instantly tumbling, and the waves were overwhelming, seeming to want to prevent the five bridges from coming down.

However, these five bridges are extremely solid, they are formed by the force of the stars, and they are the most pure and strong force of the stars, which can be described as indestructible.

Wang Teng didn’t know that many people have a high failure rate when they are promoted to planetary stars. The biggest reason is that their force is not pure and strong enough, and eventually they cannot build bridges and cannot reach the other shore.

Unlike him, his star force is condensed by the perfect-level planetary-star exercises. Although the five exercises he possesses are not the most basic planetary-stars, they are the most basic and perfect planetary-stars. Gongfa.

These five star-level exercises have been spread for an unknown number of years. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many people have practiced them. Its existence is not unreasonable.

It’s just that now many people pursue high-level exercises, but ignore them.

At this time, five galaxies condensed out inch by inch over the sea of ​​nothingness, bearing the obstacles and shocks of the sea of ​​nothingness, and finally surpassed the almost impossible distance to reach the other shore.


There was a huge sound, and the surface of the Sea of ​​Nothingness suddenly exploded.

The force of the five stars actually rushed into the sea of ​​nothingness, like a real dragon entering the sea, turning the river and the sea, stirring up big waves.

The force of the five stars rolled and condensed under the sea surface, seemed to be compressed by an invisible force, undergoing baptism and tempering, and then slowly sinking into the seabed.

This scene shocked Wang Teng!

The Star Force actually sank into the sea of ​​nothingness!

There is no such explanation on the five planetary star exercises.

The above only said that when the bridge is built, the force will reach the sea of ​​nothingness, and then condense into stars, which is considered to be promoted to the planetary star!

But what is going on now?

Wang Teng was uncertain. If it hadn’t been for a strong aura from under the Sea of ​​Nothingness, he even thought that his Five Elements Force had been swallowed by the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

In desperation, Wang Teng could only wait quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, under the pitch-black sea of ​​nothingness, suddenly a ray of light rose up, and under the count, there were five.

It happens to be the five colors of red, gold, blue, green and yellow!

The light rose, and five lotus flowers of different colors bloomed out of thin air on the surface of the sea, and then five huge stars-like spheres slowly rose!

The sea rises and the moon! ! !

This is the Force Star!

Wang Teng has achieved a star rating!

Moreover, the Force of the Five Elements has reached the planetary star level at the same time!

In reality, Wang Teng opened his eyes suddenly, and a dazzling light shot from his eyes. If you look closely, you will find that in his eyes, there are five stars of different colors surrounding each other, slowly rotating.


Suddenly a powerful breath erupted from his body.

A beam of light condensed from five colors rose from his body and rushed straight into the dark night sky.

The starry sky vibrates, countless stars reflect each other, and the bright light bursts out at this moment, as if celebrating the rise of stars in the world, celebrating someone’s promotion…Star! ! !

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