Chapter 742 Promotion and Predicament! (2 in 1 4000+)

Inside the spaceship, Wang Teng stood up, his black hair and clothes on his body were all windless at this moment.

The burst of light on his body quickly converged and disappeared almost in a flash.

In Wang Teng’s body, five stars slowly revolved over the void of the sea.

These five stars are so beautiful that all the words in the world are indescribable. The surface is exuding a faint halo, and the inside is made up of light spots, like crystals, but even more peculiar.

That is the aggregate of the force of the stars, and this single star contains extremely terrifying and peculiar energy.

A wave of seemingly non-existent waves continuously spread from this light ball.

Wang Teng originally thought that this was the completion of the planetary star promotion, but suddenly, an abnormality occurred.

Within the five stars, the core condensed by the force of the stars suddenly revolved, and soon turned into a whirlpool, like a deep black hole, from which a powerful suction force came out.


Wang Teng’s Sea of ​​Consciousness shook suddenly, and the mental power entrenched in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly recovered from its deep sleep at this moment.

After reaching the imperial realm, his mental power was already in liquid form, condensing together like a giant dragon.

At this time, a suction force came, and the spirit dragon couldn’t help but roar, and five small streams were suddenly separated from its huge body, and it rushed towards the void below the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Wang Teng felt the connection between the two.

The sea of ​​consciousness is above, and the sea of ​​nothingness is below, and the two seem to be connected in the dark.

An invisible thread connects them together.

The torrent of spirit power that the Five Paths split from the spirit dragon continued to sink below, and finally reached the sea of ​​nothingness.


Under that huge suction force, the five torrents of spiritual power instantly submerged into the five stars, fell into the black hole at the core, and gathered in a frantic spiral, blending into the core of the stars.


Five stars trembled violently!

All the rushing spiritual power gathered in it, and there was not much left, and the sea of ​​nothingness returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Five stars are floating quietly on the endless sea of ​​nothingness, with a faint halo on the surface.



At this time, an invisible and peculiar force radiated from the five stars, and overflowed towards Wang Teng’s limbs.

The transformation begins!

As the invisible force containing the rich vitality spread throughout his body, Wang Teng’s body began to undergo drastic changes, with unimaginable changes in his muscles, bones, and internal organs.

Even the more microscopic cellular level is undergoing an unknown transformation.

People who haven’t experienced this kind of change can’t even imagine it.

This is a transition in the level of life, a kind of transformation in nature.

This process seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was incredibly fast. After a while, Wang Teng’s whole person was transformed from the inside out.

A strong breath that seemed to be non-existent radiated from his body.

At this time, his physical body can be called the physical body of a star power!

As the five stars in Wang Teng’s body fell silent, the stars in the night sky also returned to calm.

However, above the earth and stars, many people have noticed this strange scene.

The bald eagle country on the other side of the ocean has already occupied its capital by an alien spacecraft. This spacecraft is different from the one over Xiadu, but it is the same huge and terrifying.

At this moment, on the top of the spaceship, a blond youth suddenly appeared there.

He stood with his hands in his hands, his long golden hair wafting in the night breeze, looking dusty and refined. A pair of narrow and square eyes looked towards the night sky, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Interestingly, there is someone on this backward star. My own power has reached a planetary star, and it is not an ordinary planetary star!”

“Otherwise, how can the stars of this planet be moved!”

“It’s been a long time since such a thing happened!”

In Inga, a young man with brown hair was also standing on top of a spaceship, looking at the night sky, his eyes were deep, and his mouth exclaimed: “It’s amazing. It seems that this trip is getting more and more interesting. ~”

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

Northern Europe, the top of the sacred mountain.

A woman with long green hair is standing on the eaves of the temple, and the hem of a white dress is waving in the wind.

Alais stood behind her silently, but when she looked up and saw the stars flashing in the sky, a strange color flashed in her eyes.

“You seem to be very happy?” the long-haired green woman in front suddenly asked.

Alaisi was shocked, her eyes immediately calmed down, and she said, “I’m not happy, what’s the matter with you?”

The green long-haired woman smiled softly without getting angry, and muttered to herself: “Things are starting to become interesting, I really want to see who has been promoted to planet star!”

This situation is not limited to these three places. The alien invaders who have occupied other countries have also walked out of their respective ‘territories’, either surprised, curious, or disdainful…

No matter what kind of thoughts they hold, these alien invaders are paying attention to this matter.


The blue-haired youth stood on top of the spaceship, looking up at the starry sky, looking gloomy.


Planet stars appear on this planet, this is a big change!

It’s remote and backward. Planet stars shouldn’t appear here, but they still appear.

And he had a hunch that the person who reached the planetary star was very likely to be the person of Xia Guo, or even the guy who was killed by him.

These days, he ordered people to conduct investigations and screened out the most likely person from all the suspicious.

There is no doubt that Wang Teng, who has recently gained fame and is strong enough, has become his first object of suspicion.

What’s more, Wang Teng still doesn’t know the end, which makes him feel that Wang Teng is the person hiding in the dark.

“Want to play hide-and-seek with me?” The blue-haired young man’s face was slightly cold, and a cold light appeared in his eyes: “It depends on whether you are playing or not.”


The voice fell, and several figures suddenly flew out of the spacecraft, fell behind him, and knelt on the ground.

“Little Lord!”

“Go and bring back all the people related to Wang Teng.” The blue-haired youth said lightly.


The few people behind immediately took their orders, and they turned into long rainbows and disappeared directly into the night.

The Sahara Desert.

Wang Teng stepped out of the spaceship and experienced his own changes in detail.

He looked at the stars in the sky, his eyes flickering slightly.

At the moment when his body was undergoing transformation, he seemed to feel the echo of thousands of stars in the universe.

Very wonderful!

It was an incredible experience.

As if his physical body is a small universe, five stars belonging to the five elements float on the sea of ​​nothingness, slowly rotating.

His body is homologous to the universe.

Wang Teng felt as if he could travel through the void physically, possessing the ability to survive in the void.

This feeling was so strong that Wang Teng wanted to try it immediately.

From ancient times to the present, human beings have always been looking up at the stars. For thousands of years, no one has been able to get out of the shackles of gravity.

Even in modern times, humans have the flying tools to fly through the sky, and even have spacecraft to go out of outer space, but no one can set foot in the void with their own power.

Even a general-level powerhouse can’t travel in the void.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and with a light tap under his feet, his body slowly rose into the sky.

The speed at the beginning was not very fast, but as he lifted into the air, his speed became faster and faster, until it turned into an arrow from the string and rushed into the atmosphere.

call out……

The piercing sound pierced Wang Teng’s eardrum.

As the surroundings of the body rubbed against the air, a piece of fireworks ignited, which eventually turned into a fire, enclosing Wang Teng’s entire body.

However, neither the harsh sound nor the surrounding flames could hurt Wang Teng the slightest, and he did not even ignite his clothes.

A layer of star force is attached to his body surface, which separates his body from the flame and the sound.


Wang Teng still felt that it was not enough, his speed surged again, as if it turned into a cannonball, disappearing into the original force in the blink of an eye, leaving only a long flame tail that was particularly conspicuous in the night sky.

But this scene appeared in the vast desert, but no one could see it.

After his strength reached the planetary star, the speed Wang Teng could achieve was extremely terrifying, directly surpassing the speed of sound, as fast as lightning, unpredictable.

I do not know how long it has been.

At a certain moment, Wang Teng felt a resistance coming from above his head, which seemed to stop him from leaving the planet.

“Break it to me!”

Wang Teng furrowed his brows, his eyes flashed, and he punched out.


His fist rushed straight into the sky, the invisible resistance disappeared, and Wang Teng rushed straight out.

In an instant, there was nothingness, clouds, air currents… everything disappeared, only the unchanging, cold and lonely void.


Up and down the Quartet is called the universe, from ancient times to the present is called the universe!

This is the universe! ! !

Wang Teng stood in the void, with an azure planet under his feet, and an invisible void in front of him. There were dots of light in the distance, scattered everywhere, beautiful and exceptionally magnificent.

That is countless stars!

Wang Teng stood in the universe for the first time, feeling a lot.

Standing in the void with his body, that kind of unparalleled sense of accomplishment, that kind of joy of breaking through the boundaries of one’s life suddenly came into being.

“This feeling is good!”

Wang Teng squeezed his fist, his mouth showing a curve.

Immediately, his eyes were slightly cold, and he looked in the direction of Xia Guo, muttering to himself:

“It’s time to go back!”


The team sent by the blue hair youth escorted everyone from the Wang family, as well as Lin Chuhan, Lin Chuxia, Tantaixuan, and even Hou Pingliang, Baili Qingfeng, and other Wang Teng’s classmates to Xiadu.

Almost all people related to Wang Teng were captured, and under the powerful technological power of the alien civilization, no one escaped their search.

At this time, at the center of Xiadu, under the huge alien spacecraft, a high metal platform was erected.

Everyone in the Wang family, Lin Chuhan, Lin Chuxia and others were all imprisoned in cages.

And those cages are hung in the air for people to admire.

On the high platform, the blue-haired young man set up a table and chairs, sat on the chair for himself, and a few beautiful girls around him thumped his legs to feed him, just like a dude.

At this time, his mouth was slightly mocking, and he said: “If you don’t tell the whereabouts of Wang Teng, don’t blame me for being rude.”

He already regarded Wang Teng as his first chance on Earth and Star.

He is bound to obtain the method of avatar.

If the natives of the Earth and Stars, who are behind the fish lips, don’t cooperate, then he doesn’t mind killing them.

Among the members of the Wang family, Mr. Wang, Wang Shengguo and others were frightened and worried.

They never thought that the alien invader wanted to deal with Wang Teng.

Elder Wang and others didn’t know what the alien invaders were doing with Wang Teng, but they knew very well that it would definitely not be a good thing.

Several juniors, as well as Wang Teng’s eldest mother, the third aunt and others were terrified at this moment, and their eyes turned to the old man Wang.

“What’s the panic? It’s just a big deal!” The old man Wang was not angry, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly.

“Dad, do you know where Wang Teng has gone? He is so strong, he can definitely deal with this alien invader, right? If he doesn’t come, this alien invader will kill us.” Wang Teng’s aunt Zhao Huili said with a trembling voice.

Upon hearing this, Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei’s complexion suddenly became worse.

“Mom!” Wang Yanan’s expression changed, and he called out quickly.

They are blood relatives.

It would be too sad to say this.

“Enough, although Xiao Teng is a genius, how could he be the opponent of these alien invaders, didn’t he come out at this time to let him die?” Uncle Wang Teng Wang Shenghong said angrily.

“But, if Wang Teng can’t come out, we will all die!” Zhao Huili said in horror: “It doesn’t matter if I die, but Yanan and Yalong are still young.”

“You!” Wang Shenghong’s expression was pale, and he reached out to slap him.

“Okay, don’t be embarrassed.” At this time, the old man Wang waved his hand, glanced at Wang Teng’s aunt, and said: “Do you think that if the little room is released, this alien invader will let us go? ”

“Non-my family, its heart must be different!”

“Even if Xiao Teng appears, this alien invader will never let us go.”

“Xiao Teng is our only hope now. If he doesn’t come out, we might still survive. After all, this alien invader wants to keep us and attract him.”

Mr. Wang’s words made Zhao Huili stunned. She was so frightened that she would say such words. At this time, when Mr. Wang was reminded, she felt a basin of cold water splashed down her head and her complexion instantly turned pale.

Wang Teng is their only hope, but she just said something like that…

“Old guy, you are too dry!” The blue-haired youth naturally heard what they were saying. At this time, his face was ugly, and he snorted coldly: “Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, let you experience despair, anyway. I have time to play with you.”

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand, and an electric light suddenly lit up on the cage.


Everyone in the cage was shocked by electric shocks, and the painful whole body was trembling. This electric shock would not kill them, but also make them feel the constant pain. It is an excellent method of torture.

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