Chapter 740 This human looks abnormal Yazi!

In the vast desert.

A figure walked alone, lonely and lonely, behind him was a long footprint that stretched out of sight.

This person is Wang Teng. He is walking in the desert, looking for the figure of the star beast, and hunting for attribute bubbles.

Regardless of the fact that there seems to be no life in the desert, there are actually quite a few star beasts hidden under the sand.

Before that, Wang Teng had hunted down three waves of desert star beasts that had raided him.

In the sky, the scorching sun shines, you must know that the direct sunlight in the desert will kill people, but Wang Teng wandered in the desert, his lips did not see the slightest chapped lips, and there was no trace of sweat on his forehead, just like a People just go for a walk after eating.

Everything is normal, if you don’t consider the weird calls that are constantly made by a certain population.

“Little boy, come out!”

“Don’t hide, let’s play the game where you kill me and I kill you~”

“It’s fun, I promise you don’t want to play again after playing, come out and come out soon…”

Wang Teng screamed softly, half-singing and half-talking, his voice was like a strange scorpion bewitching little Lori to see a goldfish.

This way, it’s weird to be able to call out the star beast.

Only Wang Teng can think of such a wonderful brain circuit.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden rolling under the sand on his left, and then with a “bang”, a black shadow rushed out.

This is a star beast resembling a black monitor lizard, very similar to the sand iron black lizard caught by Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, as if he had found some treasure.

As soon as the black monitor lizard threw out, Wang Teng punched it out.


A huge black lizard flew far away suddenly, the bones of the whole body were broken, and it fell softly on the sand, and the dead could no longer die.

Kill +1!

Several attribute bubbles fell out, and Wang Teng picked them up directly.

[Sand control talent*10]

【Earth Force *380】

【Blank attribute*325】

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed. On this black monitor lizard, he actually got the [sand control talent], although this talent was somewhat overlapped with the [Heavy Rock Heart] and [Magnetic Sand Body] he had obtained before, and it was even worse. These two talents.

But this is a real talent!

Moreover, the information he had obtained from the sand iron black lizard showed that its ethnic group existed in this desert.

Now that he saw this black monitor lizard, he had reason to believe that this was the tribe to which the sand iron black lizard belonged.

Sure enough, just as his thoughts dissipated, the surrounding sand rolled violently, and heads of black monitor lizards crawled out from under the sand and roared at Wang Teng.




Obviously, Wang Teng’s killing of the black giant lizard just now angered the entire group.

They are entrenched in this area, and they have always been the only ones who hunted and killed other lives. How could invaders be allowed to be presumptuous here.


Two larger black lizards appeared in Wang Teng’s field of vision. Judging from the strength of the force light group in his body, their strength was at least a 12-star lord-level existence.

This group of black monitor lizards actually has two 12-star lord level, which is extremely rare!

At this time, the black monitor lizards all around gave way for the two Lord-level star beasts to come. They stopped in front of Wang Teng and said: “Human, you dare to break into our black sand monitor.”

“What about it?” Wang Teng interrupted it.


One of the lord-level black sand monitor lizards was about to say something. When Wang Teng interrupted it again, he showed a horrified look and said, “What do you want? Do you want to eat me? You are too cruel and afraid. !”

Black Sand Monitor: “…”

This human looks abnormal Yazi!

“Don’t eat me wow, my meat is sour and not delicious at all. Really, I didn’t lie to you, please trust me.” Wang Teng said quickly.

“We have eaten human meat, it’s delicious.” The lord-level black sand monitor said quietly.

“No, no, I’m different from other human beings. My meat is not delicious at all, really.” Wang Teng shook his head again and again, with a look of extreme fear, and kept backing away.

The black sand monitor lizards all around came around automatically, densely packed, blocking the surrounding area.

The ghost knows how many black sand monitor lizards are there in this area?

What do they rely on to feed this entire ethnic group?

“We have very little food here, even if it is sour, I can barely eat it.” Another Lord-level black sand monitor said.

The black sand monitor lizards all around suddenly became excited. Although there was only one human, it was not enough for them to stuff their teeth, but they hadn’t eaten humans for a long time, and finally one appeared. It’s not bad to divide a small piece of meat to beat the teeth.

A row of black sand monitor lizards grinned and gave Wang Teng a penetrating smile.

“Wait, I am actually your friend. I brought back one of your people.” Wang Teng said suddenly.

“Clan member?” The lord-level black sand monitor said suspiciously.

“Yes, you see, that’s it. I rescued it after all the hard work. You should thank me.” Wang Teng took the magnetic sand black lizard out of the space ring and said.

Then as soon as the magnetic sand black lizard appeared, the black sand monitor lizards around became agitated, and one after another roared at the magnetic sand black lizard in the cage.

The magnetic sand black lizard didn’t know what was going on, opened his eyes, a little dazed, and suddenly found himself back in the familiar desert, and surrounded by familiar annoying guys.

It hung down and roared at the black sand monitor lizards around it.


“??” Wang Teng was a little dazed.

what’s the situation?

How did this magnetic sand black lizard meet the enemy of this group of black sand monitor lizards, it looked really jealous.

“Here!” At this moment, the cold voices of the two Lord-level black sand monitor lizards suddenly heard.

“Here?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and he probably understood the reason for the scene before him. It seemed that this magnetic sand black lizard was really a mutant, and it was not recognized by its ethnic group.

“Hey, I didn’t expect this kind of prejudice between the star beasts, it’s interesting.” Wang Teng looked around with interest, his eyes jokingly.

“Human, give it to me.” Lord-level black sand monitor lizard said.

“What if I don’t give it?” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Then you can go to death with it.” The lord-level black sand monitor roared and ordered: “Kill them!”


The black sand monitor lizards around suddenly roared.

They didn’t rush directly to Wang Teng, but in that roar, the ground suddenly flew sand and rocks, and yellow sand covered most of the sky.

An entire ethnic group used their talents for sand control at the same time, resulting in extremely terrifying scenes.

There seemed to be a sandstorm in this area, and the sand formed a wall of sand, with almost zero visibility, coming towards Wang Teng overwhelmingly.

“This trick looks good!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, and he felt that there was one more combat skill in his combat skill library.

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