Chapter 739 Sahara

【Star Force (Water)*120】

【Imperial Spirit*55】

【Imperial Realm Comprehension*46】

There are not too many attribute bubbles, just three, but from these three attribute bubbles alone, Wang Teng can be regarded as getting some information.

The blue-haired youth possesses the water attribute force, of course, it is also possible to have other attributes at the same time.

Spiritual power has also reached the level of the emperor.

The blue-haired youth is very likely to be in the same realm as Sadidi, that is, the planetary star, but the strength of the two is obviously very different.

And his sword, extraordinary!

The war knife used by the clone was a 9-star rune war knife obtained from the truth sect’s lair. As a result, it was directly cut off when confronted with the sword.

Through these details, Wang Teng assessed the strength of the blue-haired youth and compared the gap between himself and the opponent.

In any case, his strength must first be promoted to a planetary star before it is possible to compete with the opponent.

Before that, he must transform all his Five Elements Force into the Star Force.

Various thoughts flashed in Wang Teng’s mind, and finally he made a decision, adding the blank attribute to the five star-level exercises.

The higher the mastery of the exercise method, the faster the practice speed!

Therefore, Wang Teng directly used the blank attributes to promote the mastery of the five star-level exercises.

Introductory, proficient, proficient, small, great, perfect…

The six levels of mastery were improving, and Wang Teng suddenly stopped.

He found that he wanted to upgrade the star-level technique from entry to consummation, and the consumption of blank attributes was huge.

Entry requires 500 points, proficiency requires 1,000 points, proficiency requires 3,000 points, small success requires 5,000 points, great success requires 8,000 points, and consummation requires 10,000 points.

Counting it down, it takes 27,500 points for a planetary-star exercise to reach completion.

However, if the five star-level exercises are upgraded to Consummation at the same time, 137,500 points are required.

Wang Teng’s face was green.

MMP worked hard to accumulate 123780 blank attribute points.

It turned out that it was not enough.


He couldn’t help but explode.

The star power method is amazing. Why do you need so many blank attribute points?

Wang Teng’s mentality was exploded.

This is the same as a countryman who arrived in a second-tier city with 500,000 in his pocket and wanted to buy a house, and finally found out that the country could afford to build a villa. In this second-tier city, he could only borrow to buy a small apartment, and then had to work hard to repay the debt. .

“Plus, continue to add it to me, I don’t believe it anymore. I can still be stumped by your five techniques.” Wang Teng is also a decisive person. Up.

This can be regarded as an investment in advance, as long as the strength is improved, more attribute bubbles will naturally be obtained.

And he also wanted to see what changes would happen to the five planetary-star exercises that seemed to be connected to each other if they were all upgraded to Consummation?

After adding the blank attributes without money, the mastery of the five star-level exercises has increased rapidly.

【Xinghuo Jue】: 1000010000 (consummation)

[Xingshui Jue]: 1000010000 (Consummation

[Star Golden Jue]: 1000010000 (Consummation)

[Xingtu Jue]: 1000010000 (Consummation)

[Xingshui Jue]: 42808000 (Dacheng)

In the end all the blank attributes were consumed, and in addition to the Xingshui Jue of the five star-level exercises, the other four were all upgraded to the degree of completion.

Without time to think about it, Wang Teng went straight to the exercise, and the force in his body immediately boiled like heated water.


The force is flowing like a tide, following the route of the exercise method to circulate the limbs and hundreds of skeletons!

Every time it rotates, a part of the ordinary force is transformed into the star force…

Moreover, the speed of this operation is incredible. If it takes half an hour for other people to practice the exercises to reach the highest level, then he only needs ten minutes.

A full three times the gap.

No wonder the gap between geniuses and ordinary people is so huge.

One day later, the Five Elements Force in Wang Teng’s body was transformed into a small half. At this time, he got up from his practice, took out the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft from the space debris, and then boarded the spacecraft.

In the cab, Wang Teng ordered: “3957, go to the Sahara!”

“Okay, dear master!”

Mick 3957’s voice sounded.

[Minos III] The interstellar spacecraft lifted off, waved in the void, and disappeared in place.

The Sahara, once the largest desert, is still an insurmountable existence for human beings, not only because of the vastness of this desert, but also the mysterious and powerful star beasts in it.

Because humans are scarce here, it has become a paradise for star beasts that already exist in the desert.

The star beasts here are unstable and almost unknown. Only a few warriors who have penetrated into the Sahara know the mystery.

Wang Teng drove the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft and landed in an oasis deep in the Sahara.

Walking off the spaceship, Wang Teng looked around, his eyes a little strange.

These isolated green islands in the middle of the desert can be regarded as a miracle of life.

It is like a pearl on the vast sea of ​​the desert, embedded in the desert, shimmering with magical colors.

Now that the Force has invaded, the trees in the oasis are more lush, and the trees are unusually tall and towering.

Wang Teng put away the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft, wandered into it, and saw a clear lake in the middle of the oasis with no bottom.

Standing by the lake, Wang Teng turned on [Pupil of Elemental Quality] and [Pupil of Spiritual Vision] at the same time.

A huge force light group appeared in his eyes.


There was an 11-star lord-level star beast under the lake. It seemed to perceive the existence of Wang Teng and let out a demonstrative roar directly underwater.


Under the terrifying sound waves, the lake exploded, and a giant beast rose from the bottom of the lake.

It was a monster fish with a hideous appearance. As soon as it appeared, it pounced on Wang Teng. In its wide open mouth, two rows of steel teeth were like jagged teeth, glowing with cold light.

“It was so hospitable to give me a wave of gifts when I first came.” Wang Teng shook his head and pointed out.

Blood Moonlight Needle!

In a red light, countless blood-red light needles pierced the strange fish.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

That strange fish never thought that Wang Teng was so strong, his body could not be avoided in mid-air, and he was directly pierced by countless light needles.

All the light needles plunged into the strange fish’s body, and its body suddenly stiffened in mid-air, and then fell downwards, and fell in front of Wang Teng with a loud thump. It didn’t even flop, and it was dead.

Several attribute bubbles fell out.

Pick it up!

【Water Force *680】

【Water Force Force*350】

【Blank attribute*1250】

Wang Teng ignored the strange fish, his face was indifferent, and he turned and walked out of the oasis into the desert.

The journey of killing, start again!

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