Chapter 738

The contemptuous smile on the blue-haired youth’s face suddenly stiffened.

Why does this voice sound so fake? So pompous?

It’s not like a person to be killed at all!

Does this guy have any hole cards?

The blue-haired youth was suspicious in his heart, but was also enraged at the same time.

“Ah!” The avatar suddenly let out another scream, clutching his chest, and yelled: “It hurts, it hurts, it hurts…”

“…” The blue veins on the blue-haired youth’s forehead were beating, feeling that the whole person was not good.

Even the martial arts leaders and others couldn’t help being a little speechless, and the dignified atmosphere just now was completely destroyed, and it always felt strange.

They looked suspicious and looked at Wang Teng. Does he have any means to save his life?

“Tongue is dry!” The blue-haired young man snorted coldly, and was about to swing his long sword, completely ending Wang Teng.

“Don’t bother you to do it, I will do it myself!”

The clone suddenly stopped yelling, and smiled evilly at the blue-haired youth, with a strange expression on his face.

As soon as the voice fell, a loud bang erupted from his body.

“Bastard!” The blue-haired young man was furious, kicked his feet, and quickly backed away.


The force in the body broke out completely, swept all around, and he actually chose to blew himself up.

A 13-star warlord-level existence blew himself up, and his power was quite terrifying.

The aftermath blasted around, destroying everything that could be destroyed.

After a while, calm in the cab was restored, and the items in the central rest area were destroyed seven or eighty-eight, sofas, fine wines, and various precious furnishings were all burned.

However, the surrounding instruments were not damaged in the slightest, because an annular barrier was raised in the surrounding circle at some point, blocking the explosion just now.

Such a terrifying explosion didn’t even hurt the barrier at all.

Although the martial arts leaders and others in the cage are not life-threatening, they are all extremely embarrassed.

They didn’t bear the brunt of the explosion, but after all, it was a 13-star warlord-level self-destruction, and most people simply couldn’t bear it.

Fortunately, the cage also has a certain defensive power, otherwise some of the 12-star warlords would be choking.

The blue-haired young man looked ugly, not because of the loss, but because he felt that he was being slapped. The terrestrial person would make him uncomfortable until he died. It was a kind of provocation. This made him pamper himself and became used to being flattered How can he bear it.

But he has found anomalies.

That earth-star human being is not the deity at all, but something similar to a clone.

In other words, the existence behind that person has mastered a avatar combat skill!

The people of Earth Star didn’t know the goods, but he saw it at a glance.

The blue-haired young man’s eyes flickered with a trace of enthusiasm and greed on his face. He suddenly turned to look at the martial arts leader and others, and asked: “Who do you know the person just now?”

Everyone was silent, and no one answered him.

“Do you think I will not kill you? If no one answers, you have no value in existence.” The blue-haired youth said coldly.

The cold words made many people’s hearts jump, no one would doubt his words, the warrior who had just died was a lesson.

Many people were shaken in their hearts.

They can’t beat this blue-haired young man at all. Is the unnecessary resistance really worth it?

“We don’t know him.” At this time, the martial arts leader actually spoke first: “You asked them the same thing. We have never seen this person.”

“Oh? No one knows.” The blue-haired youth looked directly at the martial arts leader and sneered: “Do you think I’m stupid?”

“No one of us really knows him.”

“Yeah, I have never seen it before!”

Seeing the martial arts leader speak, others echoed.

They didn’t know who the clone was, and it was natural to say that it was more rhetorical at this time, and it was more true than true.

The blue-haired youth suddenly became fascinated. Do these people really know that person?

“This is a polygraph, you answer it again, if I know who lied to me, you will think about the consequences.” The blue-haired youth took out something from the space ring and said.

The martial arts leader and the three marshals mentioned it in their hearts.

They don’t think that this polygraph and the terrestrial polygraph will be the same thing. The alien civilization is obviously more advanced.

I’m afraid this so-called polygraph is not that foolish.

But they still looked extremely calm on the surface…don’t panic, don’t persuade, just watch the changes.

“You speak first.” The blue-haired youth pointed to the martial arts leader.

“I haven’t seen that person.” The martial arts leader said almost without hesitation.

The face does not change the color, a calm batch.

Whether you have seen it or not, whether you know it or not, are completely two concepts.

The martial arts leader said that he had never seen a clone.

So the polygraph gave a very real response-no lying!

Seeing this, the martial arts leader couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Wang Teng did not show up in his own face, otherwise he would not be able to avoid the polygraph with language loopholes.

The blue-haired youth suddenly frowned, pointed to the three marshals, and asked them to test one by one. Of course, the results were the same.

The three marshals had never seen Wang Teng’s clone.

After the other tests were completed, the blue-haired youth frowned deeper, and there was a burst of irritation in his heart.

He is not stupid, he guessed the joint in his heart.

The person who possesses the avatar’s combat skills is probably hiding extremely deep, and does not let others know who his deity is, so these talents don’t know the identity of the opponent.

This is not difficult to guess, because as far as he knows, many people in the universe who have clone combat skills behave in this way. This is not an exception.

The clone can exist as a hole card, so naturally it cannot be easily exposed.

The blue-haired young man waved his hand and asked the martial arts leader and others to be taken away and imprisoned, while he was preparing to carry out a control operation against Xia Guo…

In the Besilia Plain.

Wang Teng opened his eyes at this time and received all the feelings from the clone. After a while, his eyes flickered and muttered to himself: “Xiadu has fallen, and the martial arts leaders have been arrested. These aliens are not small.”

“The earth star is called the land of awakening in the mouth of the blue-haired young man. Does it refer to the change of the earth star after the Force’s invasion? Some opportunities here attracted them, so they came.”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, the shooting stars were the scene where they descended that day. In that case, the Great Bear Nation might be more fortunate.”

“So, is the same in other countries?”

A touch of worry and dignity appeared in Wang Teng’s eyes. The strength of these aliens was too strong, and one person was enough to make a country unable to resist.

Fortunately, he used his clone to hide his identity, otherwise he would be easily found. With the opponent’s technology and strength, he might not be able to escape.

But even so, they want to find him, I am afraid it is not difficult, his reputation in Xia Guo is not small, one can find him, even if it is only doubt, the blue-haired youth will not let him have a huge The suspect.

So before that, he must improve his strength as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to deal with the next crisis.

Wang Teng’s eyes were deep, closed his eyes, and was immersed in the attribute panel. The clone picked up a few attribute bubbles from the blue-haired youth…

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