Chapter 737: Nicholas? Vosniba? King

Wang Teng didn’t expect the clone to be discovered so soon.

Just now the blue-haired youth’s actions made the clone feel angry and accidentally leaked a little breath. The blue-haired youth discovered the existence of the clone, which was really terrifying strength and perception.

Wang Teng was helpless, after all, the thought of the clone was not controlled by the deity, and there was still a little difference between him and the deity.

It’s a pity that he is far away, no matter how anxious he is, it won’t help.

Besides, isn’t this also a situation that had been expected long ago.

The clone is bound to die here.

But before that, if you can try out the opponent’s strength, the loss this time is not too big.

Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, and he looked into the alien spacecraft through the clone’s field of vision.

At this moment, in the alien spacecraft, the clone was retreating rapidly, and the blue-haired youth followed closely, with a slight curve of contempt at the corner of his mouth, grabbing the clone’s neck.

In his opinion, the person in front of him may be considered an extremely strong person in Earth and Star, but to him it is just an ant that can be pinched to death with his hands.

At this moment, the martial arts leaders in the cage were immediately attracted by the situation here, and they all looked at them.

When they saw the appearance of the clone, everyone was stunned.

It turned out to be a strange face!

“Die me!”

While everyone was speculating on the origin of the clone, the blue-haired youth was already impatient, stepped out suddenly, speed increased, and suddenly rushed to Wang Teng with the shape of blue claws in his hands, almost grasping. Live on the neck of the clone.

However, there was no chaos in the body and mind. Although he was extremely solemn, he reacted in the first place.


The fist engulfed the scarlet force, and suddenly bombarded the blue claws.

The two froze for a moment, then burst open.

With the force of recoil, the clone retreated more than ten meters, but the blue-haired youth was only repelled by three or four meters.

Disparity in strength!

“Very strong!”

But in the eyes of martial arts leaders and others, the strength of the clone is already very strong.

“Where did the strong come out of this??”

Others were surprised when they saw that the clone could fight the blue-haired youth without being injured.

At the same time, I was a little puzzled and couldn’t help but guess the identity and origin of the clone.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the strong from all over Xia Kingdom to rush over so quickly, and there is absolutely no such person in the nearby strong.

Such a strong person, it is impossible for them not to know.

Did this person grow out of the soil?

The blue-haired youth stopped, his complexion was slightly gloomy, he stood with his hands behind his hands, and looked at the clone with his eyes slightly squinted: “The strength is good, I will give you your name? Although you are very stubborn, I still decide to give you a chance. , Become my subsidiary.”

The lofty tone of voice, the expression of incomprehensibility, the blue-haired youth showed it vividly, it was a kind of pride from the bones.

“Then I really want to thank you.” The doppelganger said with a mocking tone, “But you want to know my name, it’s not impossible, listen up, I’m the legendary handsome out of the universe, fascinated by thousands of beautiful girls , Known as the Friends of Women, King Nicholas Vosniba in the Red Light District!”

“…” The blue-haired youth looked slightly dumbfounded.

God is so handsome out of the universe, fascinated by thousands of girls!

Also known as the Friends of Women, 10,000 people killed in the red light district?

Don’t look at what you look like.

Forgive him for his shallow knowledge, never seen such a brazen person.

“Nicholas Vosniba King, right? Damn, what the hell is your name!” the blue-haired youth said silently.

He didn’t notice the problem at all.

The martial arts leaders, the three marshals and the others looked weird, and suddenly felt a strong familiar painting style rushing toward their faces.

Especially the three marshals, but they have seen someone’s cheapness. At this time, I feel that this cheap and cheap style is exactly the same.

Plus, that name… Nicholas Vosniba King!


This is not Wang Teng, who is it?

What else is Vosniba, isn’t this an explicit curse?

Only that kid can think of such a weird curse method!

As for what he looks like at the moment, they don’t feel surprised. In the martial arts era, there are still many ways to change their appearance.

Although the martial arts leader hadn’t seen Wang Teng’s cheapness with his own eyes, he had heard a little bit. At this time, he naturally guessed something. He looked at each other with the three marshals and was even more sure.

It really is that kid!

A few people suddenly looked solemn, didn’t they tell him not to come back? This kid is too capricious, he can’t listen to people at all!

They were angry and anxious.

Knowing that he is not the opponent of the blue-haired youth, he is still here. What is it that this is not a self-inflicted snare?

Wang Teng should not be so stupid!

A few people really don’t understand.

“You can think about it, will you become my subsidiary?” The blue-haired youth asked again, seeming not to care about Wang Teng’s mockery of him just now.

“Where are you from?” The avatar didn’t answer, but took out a sword, grabbed it in his hand, and then asked.

“It seems that you are going to kill yourself!” The blue-haired young man naturally wouldn’t reveal his origins easily. Seeing the clone take out the weapon, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Come on then, my destined opponent, have a man-to-man duel with me, and the winner will get that woman.” The clone said with a solemn face.

Suddenly, a strong scent of S2 filled the surroundings.

The three marshals: “…”

Budo leader: “…”

Everyone “…”

Blue-haired youth: “…”

Mad, where is this strange flower that ran out, so far in second two, so terrifying.

What a special winner can get that woman!

Are you the legendary girl born out of nothing? ?

The blue-haired youth felt a layer of goose bumps on his body, and couldn’t help shivering.

“Eat me with a knife!” The avatar suddenly stepped forward, and the whole person seemed to be an arrow from the string. It instantly appeared in front of the blue-haired youth and cut it down with a single knife.

Crimson sword mansions condensed!

The flame sword intent broke out!


The flames swept out, and a scorching high temperature rushed towards the blue-haired youth.

“I can’t help myself!” The blue-haired young man snorted coldly, and an aqua-blue long sword appeared in his hand for an instant.

The long sword is crystal clear like jade, reflecting the light like water waves, and it is very extraordinary at first glance.

The long sword flicked and turned into an afterimage to face the slashed red sword light.


There was a crackling sound.

The clone’s eyes shrank, only to see that the sword in his hand was under the long sword, cut off as if cutting tofu, and then he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Looking down, the aqua-blue long sword has submerged into his heart.

The martial arts leader and the three marshals saw this scene, and suddenly closed their eyes in despair.

The reason why they didn’t let Wang Teng come back was because they regarded him as their last hope, but now…

The Doppelganger raised his head again and looked at the blue-haired youth on the opposite side. He saw that the corner of his mouth was looking at him with a slight arc of contempt, and he couldn’t help but let out a strange cry:

“Ah… so strong! To die! To die! To die…”

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