Chapter 735: Xia has fallen!

“what happened?”

“What is the meteor?”

Wang Teng was a little uneasy, looking at the direction of Big Bear Country, and then his eyes on Xia Country.

He can’t control other places, but Xia Guo has his relatives and friends. If something happens…

After a while, a trace of determination flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes. He took out the Phoenix King fighter from the space debris, and decided to temporarily put aside the practice and go back and take a look.

But just as he was about to step into the fighter plane, the watch on his hand suddenly vibrated.

There is information coming!

And more than one!

Budo leader: “Don’t come back!!!”

Hong Shuai: “Aliens are invading, so powerful, don’t come back!”

Pieces of information were transmitted into Wang Teng’s communication watch almost at the same time, causing his complexion to change drastically, and his heart vibrated violently.

Alien invasion! ! !

The last thing I don’t want to see still happened!

But what a coincidence, shortly after he just learned about the aliens, alien life invaded.

He originally thought it would not be so fast, or whether it would even appear. In the vast universe, the earth star is just one of the inconspicuous planets, and it is still in a remote star field, far away from the central area of ​​alien civilization.

Therefore, the probability of the earth star being discovered is really slim.

But now, such a chance still appears!

Alien life has invaded the earth, and the information sent from martial arts leaders and others is not difficult to see that the alien life that has descended on the earth this time is absolutely extraordinary.

They were not even disturbed by the overlap between the Earth and the stars, and they were not as seriously injured and arrested like the Protas.

Just what happened over there? ?

Wang Teng sent a message back to confirm, but all the messages sent out fell to pieces without any response.

“problem occurs!”

Wang Teng’s face was gloomy, his eyes flashed rapidly, and the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

His heart was solemn.

All this happened so quickly. Since the falling of the sky fire meteor, the martial arts leaders and others sent messages, it took less than half an hour, but they had not received any information.

Explain that the accident has occurred.

And being able to do this shows that the strength of those alien beings is really terrifying, and even the martial arts leaders and others are quickly subdued.

There may even be life-threatening!

Wang Teng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and forcibly suppressed the urge to go back to find out.

If it is an existence that the martial arts leader and others can’t defeat, then he might also send sheep to the tiger’s mouth when he goes back.

At this time, he has not yet transformed the force of the stars, and he certainly can’t compete with alien life.

But he couldn’t know the situation there, and he couldn’t feel relieved.

Wang Teng felt that he should do something, his eyes flickered again and again, and he suddenly had a plan in his heart.


Use the clone to investigate the situation!

Wang Teng’s concealment methods are very good, but he is not sure whether he can escape the detection of alien life. If he can’t, the deity will be very dangerous to go. On the contrary, if it is a clone, there is no such worry.

Even if the clone is destroyed, it will send the information back without endangering his life.

Just do what he said, Wang Teng sat down, and the spiritual power and original force in his body surged in accordance with the “Dark Clone Secret Art”.

Outside his body, a cloud of black mist began to condense, and soon turned into Wang Teng’s appearance.

But he didn’t stop immediately, after a little thought, he injected the earth element and wood element force into the sub-body.

He just injected the original force of the fire element into this clone. Considering the strength of alien life, Wang Teng felt that it would be better to inject more force.

Not too strong, but not too weak!

Strong just right!

Only in this way can I confuse the opponent, a good yin person next time!

As the original force of the Earth Element and Wood Element was injected, Wang Teng slowly stopped, looked at the clone, and said, “Thank you this time!”

“This deity, you are too much, let me go to die again!” The clone said bitterly.

Wang Teng deliberately changed his appearance to the look of Yao Ji that he had used in the Shinrikyo Sect. At this time, he looked extremely funny.

Really, to force the clone to die online!

“Cough cough, in fact, I’m used to dying dead, it’s no big deal.” Wang Teng said with a dry cough.

“…” Doppelganger.


Does MMP still speak human words?

Although he was the deity, he still couldn’t help but want to curse.

“Don’t care about the details, you can still be resurrected after death, how great.” Wang Teng comforted.

“What you said doesn’t sound like comforting words at all.” The avatar rolled his eyes angrily, waved his hand, and said: “I’m leaving, stay here, I’m afraid I haven’t died in an alien yet. In the hands of life, you are pissed to death.”

“Come on, Ollie!” Wang Teng clenched his fists and cheered him loudly.

The clone’s feet couldn’t help but stagger, depressed and wanted to vomit blood, feeling very tired.

It’s really a tragedy to be a clone of such a deity!

The clone quickened its pace and entered the fighter plane, and the rear hatch closed.

Wang Teng watched the Fengwang fighter rise into the sky, turning into a black line and galloping away, and no trace was visible in the blink of an eye.

“The only thing left is waiting!” Wang Teng closed his eyes and tried his best to keep himself calm.

In any case, this is the end of the matter and I can only wait patiently.

An hour later, the fighter plane arrived at Xia Guoxia Capital, but it stopped before it approached.

The avatar walked out of the fighter plane and looked ahead. The huge flying object that was located in the sky over the entire summer capital, the whole person was in shock.

“Is this an alien spaceship?” The clone muttered to himself, his expression shocked.

I saw that the spacecraft covered almost the entire inner ring city center of Xiadu, casting a shadow, and crushing the towering buildings below for unknown reasons.

In the night, bright and psychedelic rays shone from the bottom of the spacecraft, illuminating the entire summer as bright as day.

Wang Teng saw this admiration through the clone’s vision, and his heart was shocked and solemn.

This spacecraft is simply bigger than the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft he got from the Prota star.

To use an inappropriate analogy, if the spaceship in front of you is a luxury villa, then the [Minos III] starship is a small bungalow in the countryside.

The two are incomparable!

But Wang Teng’s gaze was quickly attracted by Xia Du’s situation at this time.

At this time, many ruins of buildings could be seen everywhere in Xiadu, which was obviously severely damaged. Flames and billowing black smoke were still blowing in some places, and the sound of explosions was heard from time to time.

Xiadu, the heart city of Xia Country, seemed to have suffered a terrible disaster at this time. The streets were full of sirens and panicked crying crowds.

People were running around, looking at the huge spaceship in the sky, in horror. Some people even knelt down and prayed and begged… the scene was extremely chaotic.

The whole city was plunged into an apocalyptic atmosphere of despair.

Xia has fallen!

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