Chapter 734 Skyfire Meteor! (2 in 1 4500+)

Bessilia Plain.

Seven days later.

At this moment, Wang Teng was at the top of a valley. He was hiding behind a huge boulder, sneaking, looking into the valley furtively, looking very wretched.

I saw the corpses of a dozen star beasts wading across the ground under the snow cover, and blood flowed out wantonly.

These star beast corpses were sent by Wang Teng through mental power, and he did not show up from beginning to end.

There was silence in the valley, and there was no movement.

It stands to reason that putting so many star beast corpses here will definitely attract a lot of star beasts.

But after a long time, no star beast appeared here.

There was a strange silence all around.

This situation continued until the night, when the night fell and plunged into darkness, only the moonlight in the night sky shed a few ray of brilliance, shining on the ground, and people could see the ground situation in a vague manner.

Suddenly, a rustling sound rang.

“Come!” Wang Teng, who was idle and bored, suddenly got a shock and looked into the valley with bright eyes.

A fine sound came from all around the valley, and soon one could see huge figures crawling out of the cracks in the rocks on the surrounding cliffs.

The flat and long body, densely packed feet and limbs crawling in parallel, making a dense sound.

Soon the surroundings were covered by this group of star beasts!

The huge body was centered on the corpses of more than a dozen star beasts in the valley, spreading radially to the surroundings, and the head was barely visible at a glance, making the scalp numb.

Obviously, this is a group of centipede star beasts!

And they are highly toxic!

Wang Teng spent a lot of thought to find this group of poisonous star beasts.

These days he has also discovered a lot of poisonous star beasts, but most of them are individuals and can only provide limited attribute bubbles.

After finally finding a few centipedes, they found that they seemed to live in groups, and they followed them to this valley. Through the observation of [Essence Pupils], it was finally determined that this valley was the nest of a group of centipedes.

A group of terrifying and poisonous centipedes existed in this strange and quiet valley.

This is… awesome!

Without hesitation, Wang Teng decided to extend his sinful hand to them.

So there was this scene.

At this time, all the centipedes crawled around the corpses of the star beasts, but they didn’t act immediately, instead they seemed to be waiting for something.


Suddenly, the ground shook, and a mound of soil suddenly swelled up in the snow, and a giant centipede appeared under the moonlight.

The body of this centipede is huge, and the centipedes around it are comparable to it, like a child and a giant.

“Lord-level star beast!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

Although I had long guessed that there must be a lord-level star beast here, when I actually saw it, I couldn’t help but surprise.

This is a Poison-type lord-level star beast, too rare!

Of course, the most important thing is that it is equal to a large wave of poison attribute bubbles.

The lord-level centipede star beast just crawled out of the ground, and suddenly felt a bit of cold, and it seemed that there was a wave of unspoken malice enveloping it.

The lord-level star beast is not low in wisdom, and when it first learned that a few star beast corpses had suddenly fallen from the sky in its territory, it felt extremely suspicious.

It wasn’t until I waited for a day to see no danger, that I dared to come out.

After all, there are more than a dozen star beasts, enough for them to report a meal, so naturally they are not willing to give up easily.

However, as soon as it appeared, it felt an ominous premonition. If it weren’t for fear of losing the majesty of its boss in front of a group of subordinates, it had already retracted into the hole.

But it was a lord-level star beast anyway, and the king of this area.

With its virulent force, even a powerful star beast at the middle lord level dare not easily provoke it.

There are not many things that it really fears, and it doesn’t believe that there is anything nearby that can threaten its life.

So… it might just be an illusion!

The lord-level centipede thought so, crawling out of the cave, slowly crawling towards the corpses of the few star beasts, the centipedes all around let out their way.

Soon it discovered that there seemed to be no danger, and let a few centipedes go up and eat.

Those centipedes couldn’t wait a long time, so they swooped up and swallowed the flesh and blood of the star beast.

The sound of biting flesh and bones suddenly sounded around, and it looked terrifying in the silent night sky.

The lord-level centipede did not hesitate at this moment, he also brought out a star beast, and ate alone.

When Wang Teng saw this scene, his aunt-like smile appeared on his face. Eat, eat, and after this meal, it’s time to send you on the road.

There were a lot of centipedes in this group, and a dozen huge star beasts were quickly eaten up.

Then they lay down on the ground contentedly, bathed in moonlight and began to practice.

How harmonious and beautiful this scene is!

It almost made Wang Teng unbearable to start, but fortunately, he was firm, and said that if he wanted to engage in them, he must engage in them.

At this moment, the group of centipedes that had been extremely quiet suddenly agitated, and the centipedes neighed with fear.

Especially the lord-level star beast, with an angry voice, he said: “Who is it? Who is plotting against us?”

“Successful!” Wang Teng showed a fox-like smile on his face, and looked down.

How could it not be added for the things that were given out for nothing!


He added a lot of medicines to the corpses of the star beasts that made them weak and weak.

You know, Wang Teng is a high-level poison master. After his preparation, the medicine is completely colorless and tasteless, and ordinary people can’t find it at all!

This group of stupid centipedes is even more impossible to detect.

The lord-level centipede was extremely angry and roared below.

But it found that its body was gradually weakening. Fortunately, it was a lord-level existence, and it could hold on for a while, unlike other centipedes that could not move directly.

But it also knows that if this continues, it will definitely fall into a situation where it cannot act.

Although it was unwilling to stay, it did not dare to stay, and immediately climbed to the cave quickly, wanting to escape into the ground.

As long as you enter the underground lair, not many star beasts can find it.

“Want to go!”

Wang Teng knew that he couldn’t wait any longer, how could the fat of his mouth let it slip away, and he immediately showed up and rushed down.

At the same time Xiaobai and Ironclad Scorpion were also released by him.

“Little ones, kill!”

Wang Teng laughed and greeted him.


The lord-level centipede was shocked immediately, and his heart was extremely angry, but he was extremely conscientious, desperately resisting the power of the medicine in his body, speeding up, and rushing to the cave.


With a wave of Wang Teng’s big hand, several flying knives flew out under the control of mental power, and instantly appeared on the head of the lord-class centipede.

“Damn it!” The lord-level centipede was horrified, and the flying knife was so fast that it couldn’t respond. It could only shrink its body suddenly, and suddenly bowed, which could be able to escape the bombardment of the flying knife.


The flying knife hit the ground, and suddenly a big hole was blasted into the ground.

Seeing this scene, the lord class centipede almost frightened his soul and fled away in a panic.

But in the smoke and dust behind him, the flying knife floated up again and ran after him.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the lord-class centipede dodged from left to right, embarrassed to the extreme, but actually avoided the attack many times.

“Is this centipede specialized in evasive magic?” Wang Teng muttered to himself with a weird expression.

Every time I saw the lord-level centipede avoiding his flying knife attack with a flick of its body, I felt extremely surprised.

You must know that his flying knife attack is known for its speed, and very few existences can avoid it. I didn’t expect the explosive power of this centipede to be so powerful.

It’s just that this evasion method is really weird, and it seems to make people want to laugh.

The dignified lord-level star beast has actually practiced such a trick to hide from life, and it can be regarded as a must!

However, after watching for a while, Wang Teng also found a pattern, and immediately took out a long bow from the space ring and pulled the bowstring to its full capacity.

Suddenly a light arrow condensed from the original force appeared on the longbow.

Aurora Holy Arrow!

This is the heavenly combat skills obtained from the sagittarius paladin, and now it finally comes in handy.

Wang Teng aimed his bow and arrow in a certain direction while driving a flying knife to attack the lord-class centipede.


The throwing knife attack fell, and again missed.

The lord-class centipede once again avoided the fatal blow by relying on its magical magic trick, and was already very close to the cave, so he could enter the cave immediately.

It was suddenly overjoyed and felt that it was saved.

However, at this moment, an extremely dangerous feeling emerged in its heart.

call out!

A piercing sound that was so slight that it was almost imperceptible came out of the void in front of him.

The lord-class centipede narrowed its eyes and saw a light arrow galloping toward it. It wanted to avoid it, but at this time its body was still in a state of curved bullets, and because of its ejection, it happened to hit it. On the place where the light arrow is about to fall.


With a soft sound, the light arrow shot directly on the body of the lord grade centipede, and exploded suddenly, suddenly splashing blood, almost exploding its body into two parts.

Throwing knife attack followed, and immediately submerged it.

Lord centipede, die!

“No matter how cunning you are, it’s not a lunch box.” Wang Teng shook his head and picked up the attribute bubbles all over the floor.

【Poison Force*3600】

【Blank attribute*4200】

【Extreme Poison Talent*120】


A pure force of the poison system circulated in Wang Teng’s body, instantly transformed into his own force, and merged with the force of the poison system in the pronucleus.

The demon lotus poison body suddenly started to move.

Wang Teng’s body is like a huge poisonous cauldron, gathering all the force of the poison elements and rushing to a certain bottleneck in the body.


The body vibrated, the bottleneck burst into pieces, and the poison force was successfully promoted at this moment!

11 star warlords!

Wang Teng stretched his waist, his body was full of powerful force, his bones crackled.

The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion and Xiao Bai also killed all the centipede star beasts around them, and were about to come over to claim the credit. As soon as they got closer, they felt Wang Teng’s aura becoming stronger at this time.

“It’s stronger again!” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion was shocked, and his heart was extremely shocked.

“All resolved?” Wang Teng asked.

“It’s solved, we also dug out the star core and star bones, and they are all here.” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion handed over a dozen poison system star cores and three poison system star bones to Wang Teng, and said flatly.

“Good job.” Wang Teng praised him, his eyes swept away, and he said silently to pick it up.

With the effect of mental power, the surrounding attribute bubbles flew towards him.

【Poison Force*500】

【Blank attribute*280】

【Poison Force*320】

【Poison Force*410】

【Blank attribute*550】

Wang Teng was happy, and another wave of poison force and blank attributes were recorded.

[Poison Force]: 523020000 (11 stars)

The force of the poison element he had just upgraded suddenly increased a lot, and his realm was completely stabilized.

And his blank attributes have reached more than 60,000 points at this time, and the number is extremely impressive.

“Let’s go, continue!” Wang Teng’s eyes were bright, and he greeted the Ironclad Scorpion and Xiao Bai after cleaning the battlefield, and then left here.

For the next time, Wang Teng did not leave, always hunting star beasts in the plain of Besilia.

Kill from south to north, from west to east.

Day after day, one after another Lord-level star beasts fell into his hands.

On this day, a team of warriors from the Great Bear Kingdom marched in the western part of the Besseria Plain, and a very low voice came from their mouths:

“I remember there is a lord-level snow fox nearby. Why is there no movement today?”

“Yes, there are fewer star beasts around. Could it be that they have migrated collectively?”

“I heard people say a few days ago that the star beasts in other areas have also dropped drastically. Could it be that something happened in the plain that we don’t know about?”

“Who knows, these are not under our control. The people above should have received the news a long time ago, and the results will probably be investigated soon. We acted according to the situation and immediately quit the plain if something went wrong.”


The voices of several people drifted away with their footsteps.

Obviously, when the warriors of the Great Bear Kingdom came to hunt the star beasts, they all found that the star beasts in the Besilia Plain seemed to be much less.

Fortunately, ordinary warriors did not dare to provoke the lord-level star beasts, otherwise they would find that a large number of lord-level star beasts were also missing and disappeared from then on.

One month later.


Sitting at the top of a big tree, Wang Teng counted the harvest.

He glanced at the attribute panel, and suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After more than a month of crazy killings, all his original powers at this time had reached the rank of 13-star warlord, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and poison ice.

The entire nine types of force have all reached the 13-star warlord level. If this were to be said, no one would dare to believe it.

But Wang Teng did it.

With the nine forces of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind, thunder, poison ice, Wang Teng relied on hunting star beasts to forcefully push to the 13-star warlord level, but he did not move the light force and dark force. These two forces are average. The star beast doesn’t have it at all, and it can’t be upgraded temporarily.

At this moment, even if he didn’t deliberately use the original force, his body was still faintly emitting extremely terrible fluctuations, like a terrifying beast, incredibly powerful.

Today, he can be said to be standing at the pinnacle of Earth and Star’s combat power, even if he is a martial arts leader, he dares to fight.

Wang Teng stood up slowly, standing at the top of the big tree, looking at the night sky, with a hint of emotion inexplicably.

He finally got this far!

Recalling that he first entered the martial arts, it was like yesterday, but now he is standing at the peak of the earth and stars’ combat power, and the door to a higher level is about to open for him.

The cool night wind blew his dark hair on one end, revealing a young face, and his eyes were bright and deep.

“It’s time to start practicing the star power method, and completely transform the ordinary force into the star force!” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and he muttered to himself.

For more than a month, he not only hunted the star beasts, but also did not forget to squeeze the wool from the Prota star.

The five star-level exercises have gathered together, as he guessed, they are [Xinghuo Jue], [Xingmu Jue], [Xingjin Jue], [Xingtu Jue], and [Xingshui Jue].

The five exercises have something in common. Wang Teng decided to practice at the same time to see what kind of effect it would have.

His blank attributes have accumulated to an unprecedented number.

[Blank attribute]: 123780

With more than 120,000 blank attributes, this is a huge amount of money he has never owned!

It’s a pity that I’m going to use it soon…

Wang Teng is ready to practice more.

Suddenly, a terrifying loud noise came from the distant sky.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Teng couldn’t help being startled, and suddenly raised his head, looking towards where the sound came from.

When I saw it, two fire lights that looked like meteors dragged the long flame tails from the sky, one fell towards the Great Bear Country, and the other fell towards the territory of Xia Country.

Sky fire meteor! ! !

“This is……”

Wang Teng’s face was solemn, his heart was beating, and suddenly an ominous premonition surged up.

What he didn’t know was that at almost the same time, similar meteors fell all over the world. Some fell into the oceans, some fell into the bald eagle country, some fell in the kangaroo country, and some fell in the world. Inga, some fell in Northern Europe…

At this moment, there seems to be a gust of wind around the world…

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