Chapter 736

Xia has fallen!

In the Besilia Plain, when Wang Teng saw the situation in Xia Du through the clone’s vision, this astonished thought could not help but popped up in his heart.

The martial arts leaders, the three marshals, etc. are unclear about their lives. The alien spacecraft is blatantly entrenched in the sky over Xiadu. Xiadu is in chaos. Isn’t this fall?

Exactly what kind of existence was that descended on Earth Star, and it even occupied Xia Du in less than two hours.

You know that Xia Du has gathered a lot of martial arts powerhouses, and there are even a bunch of warlord-level powerhouses.

As a result, looking around, Xia Du couldn’t see the figures of the generals. They were either already controlled or killed, or they were extremely jealous and went into hiding.

Either way, it shows that alien life is very powerful!

The clone received Wang Teng’s order and was about to sneak in. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the huge spaceship ahead, to the Phoenix King fighter plane where the clone was located.

“not good!”

The clone was shocked and jumped off the boat almost without hesitation.

The next moment, the light hit the Phoenix King fighter plane, and with a bang, the entire Phoenix King fighter plane turned into a ball of fire.

The clone appeared not far away, looking at the Phoenix King fighter plane that was about to disappear, a drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

so close!

Almost killed without seeing the shadow of alien life!

But the Fengwang fighter plane was destroyed, the face of the deity must be very ugly.

After all, the Phoenix King fighter hadn’t been used soon after it was acquired, so it was a pity that it was bombed like this.

The clone thought embarrassingly.

I originally thought that the isolation probe obtained from the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft could avoid the detection of the alien spacecraft, but I didn’t expect it to be too naive.

It was discovered shortly before and destroyed.

The isolation detector is simply spicy!

Sure enough, Sadidi and others are undoubtedly a group of poor ghosts.

Sadidi, who was sleeping, received someone’s resentment once again.

The explosion in the sky attracted the attention of everyone below, and many people looked up, not knowing what happened.

At this time, the avatar used the hidden shadow secret technique, and the whole person has disappeared in the darkness, only hoping to avoid the detection of the alien spacecraft by this method.

Fortunately, after the alien spacecraft emitted that light, there was no movement.

The clone secretly touched the alien spacecraft, and there is no need to go to other places, just go inside the spacecraft and take a look. If you can encounter one or two alien beings and master their intelligence, it can be regarded as mastering the next actions of the deity. Take the initiative.

He quickly approached the spaceship and found the entrance.

In fact, this entrance is extremely conspicuous, and I don’t know if the alien life is too confident or something, the huge door of the spacecraft is directly open.

The clone concealed its body into the darkness and dived into the spacecraft.

Behind the cabin door is a long passage, and the whole passage appears extremely dim, but it allows him to travel through it freely.

The avatar moved quickly, and met a group of alien life head-on at a corner.

But what surprised him was that these extraterrestrial beings were almost the same as human beings. The only difference was that these people had long hair, and the color of their hair was also very different, which seemed extremely peculiar.

The color of their hair was not the color dyed by the almost extinct Killing Matter family, but an extremely pure color.

These aliens talked and laughed, walking towards the outside, seeming to be going outside.

The clone leaned against the wall, the body melted into the darkness, silently.

Wang Teng saw the strength of these aliens through the eyes of the clone.

Compared with Sadidi and others, the strength of these aliens obviously has not reached the planetary star, but they have reached the warlord level, and none of them are below the median warlord level.

This is second, the most important thing is that the force in their bodies is not ordinary force, but the force of stars!

Wang Teng couldn’t understand their language, so he could only watch these people go away.

Divide the weight of the body and mind, and move on.

He didn’t understand the internal structure of this spacecraft, so he could only search through it one by one. The inside of the spacecraft was extremely huge, extending in all directions, and he didn’t know where it was.

The clone can only reach the cockpit of the spacecraft only if it guarantees that it is heading towards the central area.

That is, the core of the entire spacecraft.

He walked in the spaceship for more than ten minutes before finally reaching the position of the driver’s cab.

But when he arrived here, his eyes suddenly shrank.

I saw that the internal space of the cab was very large, and the structure was quite peculiar. It was surrounded by various instruments and many aliens were operating it, while the central area was a fairly spacious and comfortable rest area.

At this time, a young man was sitting on the sofa in the rest area. There were several beautiful girls beside him. While feeding him crystal clear but unknown fruits, he thumped his legs and pinched his back…

Simply enjoy it!

In front of him, a huge cage was placed in which martial arts leaders and others were imprisoned.

“Puff!” The young man with long blue hair and strange blue eyes, with a cynical smile on his face, spit out a few small pits, and said: “Your planet is a bit interesting, although backward and stupid. , But it is a place of awakening.”

The avatar hiding in the dark suddenly flashed his eyes, and the young man actually spoke the language of Xia Guo.

“The Land of Awakening!” Wang Teng was surprised in his heart, and he couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

The martial arts leader and others in the cage did not speak, quietly waiting for the blue-haired youth to follow.

The blue-haired youth took the red wine that was handed over by the beautiful girl, stood up with the glass, and walked in front of the martial arts leaders and others, and said: “The land of awakening will give birth to many benefits. Even we have to be moved. Otherwise, I really don’t want to come to your remote and backward opponent.”

As he said, he took a sip of his wine and spoke again:

“You are the head of state named Xia Guo. No one is more familiar with this planet than you. I need you to cooperate with me.”

“Of course, I will also give you some benefits. As long as you help me get what I need and satisfy me, when I leave this planet, I allow you to leave this backward planet together as my subsidiary. .”

The blue-haired youth’s complexion was flat, and there was a strong arrogance in his voice, as if he couldn’t even look down on the earth star.

It is quite natural to let martial arts leaders and others become his affiliates, and even think that this is a kind of charity, a kind of reward.

“The universe is vast and boundless. You may be considered strong on this planet, but you are not as good as an ant in the universe. Only by following me away can you get what you want and break the shackles of the moment. Become a strong man like me.”

“So you might as well think about it!”

The blue youth spoke, with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, and sat down on the sofa again.

However, the scene in which he imagined bowing his head to court did not appear.


“Although our earth star civilization is backward, we will never be a slave!”

“Yes, never a slave!”

There was a loud shout in the cage, and several martial arts experts from the earth star were enraged, and stood up and stared at the blue-haired youth.

“Really… I don’t know how to live or die!” The blue youth’s complexion suddenly sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


He stretched out his finger, and a cold light passed through the forehead of a warrior, leaving a striking blood hole.

The earth star warrior fell down.

“Old Chen!”

The martial artists around were shocked, looking at the fallen martial artist’s corpse in amazement, a chill in their hearts couldn’t help.

A 12-star warlord was killed easily!

The three marshals looked ugly, but did not say anything. The blue-haired youth was moody and it was obviously not a good idea to provoke him at this time.

The martial arts leader also kept his eyes closed, as if falling asleep.


At this moment, the blue youth suddenly stopped drinking.

At the same time he shot again, pointing to the entrance of the cab.


A cold light flashed, and the clone was forced to show its figure from the latent shadow secret technique.

“How dare you dare to break into my spaceship!” The blue-haired young man snorted coldly, and his whole body suddenly disappeared in place.

The clone’s face was solemn, and he hurriedly withdrew and violently retreated, but a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, with his palms claws grabbing his neck.

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