Chapter 733 Whereabouts (2 in 1 4500+)

Wang Teng didn’t expect these two little girls to be so sturdy, but he immediately shook his head and laughed, took a sip from the wine glass, and let them quarrel.

Zhao Yaqin and Qian Duoduo are worthy of being girls born in a big family, and they have a sense of control in doing things. Even if they are quarreling, they won’t bore Wang Teng, but instead give him a sense of accomplishment that is vying for beauty.

Of course, as far as his xinxing is concerned, this feeling just makes him shake his head and smile, and it doesn’t really take him seriously.

I really want to talk about it, there are more girls chasing him, and it’s not worse than these one or two!

Zhao Yaqin and Qian Duoduo quarreled while not forgetting to chat with Wang Teng to enhance their relationship.

Wang Teng was idle, and he chatted with them without a word.

Time flies quickly with the beauties.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the front door, and a faint voice came.

“The martial arts leader is here!”

I don’t know who yelled, and then the hall fell into silence, all eyes were cast to the door.

This situation is the second time tonight.

The first time was because of Wang Teng’s arrival, and this time because of the martial arts leader!

In the night outside the door, three old people were walking towards the hall with a middle-aged man.

The man has a stalwart figure, his eyes are as deep as the night sky, he has short white hair, and his face is as sharp as a knife.

He has a strong aura, walking like a dragon and a tiger.

The three marshals accompany him, faintly lagging a few steps behind, it is an extraordinary nobleness that sets off him.

“Everyone is here!”

The martial arts leader walked into the hall, looked around, and said with a slight smile.

Everyone salutes respectfully and is extremely humble.

“Sit down, just drink tonight, not talking about government affairs!” The martial arts leader nodded and continued walking forward.

The crowd parted their way automatically, everyone did not sit down, still staying aside respectfully, all eyes fell on him.

Wang Teng, Zhou Xuanwu, and Xiao Nanfeng were already in front of them.

Until the martial arts leader approached, he bowed slightly and saluted!

The martial arts leader stopped in front of the three of them, took a look at them, nodded and said:

“You are all fine.”

“Thank you for the leader’s praise!” Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng were quite excited.

The position of martial arts leaders in Xia Kingdom is too lofty, even if they are strong, they are unavoidable to show excitement at this time.

Wang Teng is fine, but he still maintains respect and respect for the martial arts leader.

After all, it is really not easy for one person to bring Xia Guo to the present situation.

The rise of the martial arts era, any difference in the world may cause a reshuffle of the world pattern.

However, Xia Guo continued to develop and grow, step by step, steadily fighting, and finally became one of the world’s powers today.

All this, the martial arts leader is absolutely indispensable, he is destined to leave a strong fortune in history.

At this moment, the martial arts leader walked alone to the high platform in front of the hall.

Everyone’s eyes moved accordingly, and it was clear that the martial arts leader was about to speak.

On stage.

The martial arts leader’s calm gaze swept across the people below, smiled slightly, and said:

“I didn’t want to come over today. Every time I show up, you all make a lot of fun, so I can only hide in the summer palace!”

This self-interested words immediately made everyone laugh and laugh.

The atmosphere relaxed a lot at once.

“Sit down, I said it’s just an ordinary banquet, don’t be so serious.”

The martial arts leader waved his hand and said casually.

Everyone finally stopped insisting and took their seats one after another, but the surroundings were still quiet, but the atmosphere became a little more lively.

“Come here today, mainly to meet the three heroes!”

“Truth Sect has always been our confidant, but this time it was finally eradicated by us.”

“And this is all due to the three heroes-Zhou Xuanwu, Xiao Nanfeng, and… Wang Teng!”

“The first two should be familiar to everyone, but the young man in the back is very young. Many people may also know him, but he may not be clear about his deeds. Today I will give you a solemn introduction.”

With a smile in the eyes of the martial arts leader, his eyes fell on Wang Teng who was in the audience.

Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng stepped away automatically, completely showing Wang Teng’s figure in front of everyone.

The three marshals watched happily on the side, with relief in their eyes.

But Wang Teng felt very helpless at this time, dozens of hundreds of people on the scene looked at him, although he had not experienced a big scene, but it was the first time that he was picked up and praised.

It’s really embarrassing!

“Ahem, everyone is subtle. Although I know I’m handsome, you guys, don’t look at me like this. It’s easy to misunderstand.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said.


Many people were drinking, and when they heard Wang Teng’s words, they sprayed out on the spot accidentally, looking very embarrassed.

All eyes were full of resentment towards him.

Wang Teng did not expect that these people could not help but tease so innocently, and looked like they were nothing to do with me.

“Hahaha…” The martial arts leader couldn’t help laughing, and pointed his finger at Wang Teng: “You guys are really naughty!”

“Now everyone’s impression of Wang Teng should be deep enough.”


Everyone couldn’t help being speechless, this was more than deep enough, it couldn’t be deeper.

At first, they only thought that Wang Teng had amazing talent and extraordinary potential. How could they think that he had such a skinny side?

Otherwise, with their concentration, how could this happen.

“Okay, next I will tell you about Wang Teng’s deeds. Everyone must know about the sea beast riot in the East China Sea. Wang Teng is the biggest hero among them. Before that, he had actually done a lot. Credit!”

“He was in the battle of Yangcheng in the other world and the battle of Xingfeng City, and he played a vital role in it…”

Wang Teng’s deeds were told one by one from the martial arts leader, and everyone was shocked.

They really knew Wang Teng from the sea beast riots in the East China Sea. Things on the alien world were limited to the alien world and the major legions, and not many people knew about it.

No one would have thought that Wang Teng had done so many great things and made so many credits just after his debut.

With the strength that is not at the general level, confronting the dark seed of the magic general level, and finally blocked the invasion of the dark seed, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements!

With the same strength that is not at the general level, he is in charge of the formation, resisting the terrifying existence of the demon lord level, and even driving it to a desperate situation!

Later, he was plunged into the dark world, but he was able to commit suicide alone to find a way out, abruptly rescued himself from the dark world, and returned to the earth star!

This pile of things, one by one, made everyone fascinate.

These things, let alone all, are just one thing, but anyone who has experienced it is enough to use it as a lifelong conversation, and it turns out that Wang Teng is alone.

It can be said that he has come along this way, really called the magnificent and vigorous.

It is hard to imagine that he can do so many things at such a young age.

Many gangsters at the scene brought their own juniors. At first, the young people were very dissatisfied, but at this time they heard the martial arts leader’s account, and they couldn’t help but open their mouths.

I’m afraid this person is not a monster!

How old he is, he has done so many great things, and he is not allowed to live.

Think about them, at the same age, still sensual, or just staying in the ivory tower carefree.

In this comparison, they have become a spicy chicken to be thrown away!

Zhao Yaqin and Qian Duoduo’s eyes are full of glittering light at this time. There is no woman who doesn’t love heroes. Wang Teng’s persona just hit the soft flesh in the hearts of the two women, and almost turned into soft fingers and twists. Go to Wang Teng.

Let alone them, many of the young girls present were looking at Wang Teng with bright eyes, which looked like a group of little fans.

Wang Teng is very helpless!

Although he is excellent, he didn’t want to be so pushy.

Life is so lonely as snow!

It’s so cold in the heights, hiss… so cold~

But he also saw that the martial arts leader and the three marshals were going to push him to the front desk completely.

This is paving the way for him.

Although with his current reputation, he doesn’t know how many people and forces he has, but whether there is a martial arts leader to endorse him behind his back is completely two different concepts.

What the martial arts leader did today was not only to praise Wang Teng, but to let everyone know that he was standing behind Wang Teng.

Wang Teng had guessed all of these, and of course he was not the only one who could see, and any of the old foxes present could not see the intention of the martial arts leader.

The banquet was very successful, and the arrival of the martial arts leader pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to the extreme. Everyone felt it was worthwhile.

At the end of the banquet, many people still wanted to say goodbye to Wang Teng to deepen their impression and goodwill, but found that he had already left with the martial arts leader.

Everyone was shocked again, and Wang Teng’s position in the heart of the martial arts leader was elevated again.

The rise of this young man seems to be beyond doubt!

No one knows what the martial arts leader talked with Wang Teng that night, and no one saw Wang Teng again after that.

This has failed many people’s plans!

As the center of attention of everyone, Wang Teng had already left Xia State, flying towards a dense jungle in the Fengwang fighter plane.

Besilia Plain!

A stealth fighter flying at a high speed broke through the air from a distance and jumped from the territory of Xia State into the territory of Great Bear State, but was not found.

Quietly, like a ghost.

This fighter plane uses alien’stealth’ technology, and even the most advanced detection technology on Earth and planets can’t be found.

This fighter is naturally the Fengwang fighter piloted by Wang Teng, and the so-called “stealth” is actually an isolation and detection instrument he obtained from the [Minos III] interstellar spacecraft.

With the level of technology on Earth and planets, it is naturally impossible to break through the invisible cloak of alien technology.

When the fighter plane arrived in the central area of ​​the Berseria Plain, it finally landed slowly and stopped on a snow-white clearing full of snow.

A figure came out from the fighter plane, it was Wang Teng.

With a big wave of his hand, the fighter plane on the snow disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Teng did not stop, recognized the direction, and flew towards the depths of the dense forest. A gust of wind blew up behind him, blowing the snow on the ground, completely concealing the traces of the fighter plane that had just stopped.

Everything was calm, as if no outsider had ever appeared.

“I remember the top wood talent I found here last time!” Wang Teng murmured in his heart while speeding through the jungle.

In fact, he came this time to improve his strength.

I have picked up a lot of attribute bubbles before. Not only are there physiques, but also various exercises and combat skills, especially the few planetary-star exercises and combat skills that have just been obtained. I want to improve my ordinary force. To be transformed into the Star Force, it must be supported by massive blank attributes.

So he came, and came to the Besilia Plain, which is known for its large number of star beasts and one of the seven most dangerous places in the ball.

At this time, Wang Teng had no scruples at all, his mental power was fully deployed, sweeping around, looking for the powerful star beast.

Before long, a group of star beasts appeared in his perception.

Yes, not one end, but a group!

Wang Teng was overjoyed, a group of them would be good, it is not enough to stuff their teeth.

He immediately galloped in that direction.


There was a sudden howl of a wolf.

As soon as Wang Teng approached, the group of snow wolves spotted him as the intruder. A group of snow wolves stood up from their creeps, their eyes glowing fiercely, and their low roar echoed in the surroundings.


Then the snow wolf the size of a calf suddenly jumped out, turned into an afterimage, and rushed in the direction where Wang Teng was.

They felt that the intruder had not left, but rushed in their direction, so they had to respond.

“Good job!”

Wang Teng laughed, and several flying knives appeared out of thin air, and they galloped out suddenly under the control of mental power. They gave out a cold light and wiped them from the necks of the snow wolves.




The blood spattered, and the snow wolf rode the violent wind at extremely fast speed. It was clearly killed, but the body could not stop it. It rushed forward more than ten meters before slamming into the ground and completely dead.

In an instant, a group of snow wolves were killed seven or eighty-eight, and one of the snow wolves, which was stronger and taller than the others, paced out and roared towards Wang Teng.

Lord class!

This snow wolf is a star beast of the middle lord level!

It is the overlord of this area, the king of this group of snow wolves!

“Human, get out of my territory!” Snow Wolf King roared.

“The middle lord-level star beast of the wind element!” Wang Teng’s eyes brightened, his fingers moved a little forward, and the meteor cone appeared and disappeared into the void.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of the Snow Wolf King, splitting into several cold rays in an instant, and piercing directly toward its eyes.

“Damn it!” The Snow Wolf King was horrified in his heart, roaring with a burst of blue light, and slammed into the meteor cone.


The two collided directly, and the aftermath of horror swept all around.

However, Wang Teng’s mental power was so powerful that the meteor cone was not blocked, but quietly passed through the attack of the Snow Wolf King, instantly submerged in its eyes.


The Snow Wolf King only had time to let out a roar, his eyes burst open instantly, and the meteor cone had pierced its brain, completely taking away its vitality.


The huge body crashed to the ground.

The middle lord star beast…dead!

Wang Teng swept his eyes and picked up the surrounding attribute bubbles.

[Wind Force *4500]

【Blank attribute*5200】

[Top Wind Talent *150][Wind Force *300][Wind Force *500]

【Blank attribute*620】

As these attribute bubbles merged into his body, Wang Teng was shocked, and his wind force actually broke through!

[The Force of the Wind System]: 12020000 (11 stars)

The original force of the wind system, which had only been at the 10-star quasi-general level, has now broken through to the 11-star under-general-general level.

Wang Teng did not expect to have such a harvest when he first came to the Besilia Plain. This is…very cool!

I should have come here sooner if I knew it!

Wang Teng shook his head, but it was a pity that he was always entangled in mundane things, otherwise his strength should have been improved long ago.

In addition to the enhancement of the original force, he also gained a blank attribute of 6850 points and a talent attribute of the top wind system of 150 points.

This gain is not small.

It is said that the star beast with the top wood type talent was not found, but he got the top wind type talent first, is this a mistake?

It was harvest anyway, and Wang Teng didn’t care.

The start went smoothly, and Wang Teng was immediately full of motivation, and continued to go deep into the Besilia Plain, where there were more attribute bubbles waiting for him.

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