Chapter 721 Our military leader is a dad…

Shinrikyo Headquarters.

Inside the belly of the third snow-capped mountain is where the Shinrikyo’s laboratory and treasure room are located.

At this moment, Wang Teng, Zhou Xuanwu and others are standing in the treasure room.

The warriors of the three major legions count items in it, including various ores, elixir, rune weapons, and so on.

Zhou Xuanwu turned around, frowned and said, “How do you feel that the treasure house of the truth sect is a bit empty? Is it that the truth sect is already so poor?”

Wang Teng stood by, watching his nose and nose, his expression that I don’t know anything, don’t ask me.

“It’s a little bit small, it looks like it’s been hollowed out.” Xiao Nanfeng also frowned, suspiciously.

“Well, too little, this truth teaching is really poor!” Wang Teng hypocritically echoed.

The two did not suspect that he was there. Wang Teng never left the previous battle, and there was no time to commit the crime, so Zhou Xuanwu did not expect to go there.

The warriors of the three major legions quickly completed the inventory, and put these treasures into the space equipment in different categories.

Although space equipment is rare, the three major legions can still come up with a few.

They are not like Wang Teng, scraping a bunch of space equipment from the Dark Seed.

That’s right, it’s just a bunch, the word is not wrong.

Moreover, this space equipment does not have that much effect on Wang Teng, after all, he is a man with space debris.

The space inside the space debris is enough to hold a lot of things!

Of course, this is Wang Teng’s secret. Few people know it. So far, it seems that only Tan Taixuan has seen him use space debris to disguise the Phoenix King fighter plane.

Even so, Tantai Xuan just thought he had a huge space equipment, but did not expect that he would have a real space debris.

This matter, most people don’t dare to think about it!

Several legion fighters are reporting the inventory with Wang Teng, Zhou Xuanwu, and Xiao Nanfeng. These are all trophies. Since the three major legions are dispatched this time, the trophies must be divided by them in the end, so it is very good. It is necessary to make a clear on the spot to avoid subsequent nastyness.

Wang Teng waved his hand directly, and rushed to Song Wanjiang behind him: “Old Song, you can handle these things as you see fit, so don’t read them to me.”

Song Wanjiang was taken aback for a moment, then showed a wry smile.

The leaders of other legions are eager to hold these resources firmly in their hands to enhance their authority and voice in the legions.

These treasures are usually best used to buy people’s hearts!

Each team needs a lot of resources to strengthen itself, and this must be approved by the legion leader. In everyone’s mind, the leader naturally becomes an irreplaceable existence.

In the system, strength alone is not enough. The so-called combination of grace and power is the same.

But Wang Teng is too lazy to pay attention to these, he is not here.

He is on the path of being a strong person. Both grace and power are for some people who are not strong enough. But Wang Teng’s current strength is definitely the strongest in the Black Sparrow Legion. Everyone is extremely in awe of him. , He naturally does not have to deliberately play with those so-called institutional means.

Song Wanjiang also felt like Ming Jing in his heart, and it seemed that, as their commander said, he would not stay in the position of the leader of the Black Sparrow Army for too long, otherwise he would not be so lazy.

Thinking of this, Song Wanjiang was both happy and depressed in his heart. Looking at the people, at a young age, his vision has been too much higher than the position of the leader of the Black Sparrow Army, but they are still here to work hard for the position of the leader.

Comparing the two, it seems that they are extremely narrow.

Fortunately, Song Wanjiang was self-aware and knew that he could not be compared with Wang Teng, so he only struggled for a while, and then no longer thought about it.

When Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng saw this scene, they couldn’t help showing a bitter smile. They couldn’t do Wang Teng’s so chic.

These treasures are still very important to them and cannot easily be given up.

They didn’t know that Wang Teng had been screened long ago, but these were just unnecessary, and of course they didn’t have the time to pay attention to them.

After a while, a legion warrior trot over and reported: “Military master, found the Shinrikyo laboratory!”

“Oh!” Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng’s eyes lit up, and they quickly said, “Lead the way!”

Seeing this, the legion warrior was busy leading the way to the laboratory.

Wang Teng was very calm, but he also pretended that he didn’t know anything, with a hint of interest on his face, and followed them.

After a while, several people came to the laboratory of Shinrikyo.

The three major legions actually have their own laboratories. Nowadays, after all, it is a modern society. All major forces will use the most advanced methods to explore the road of martial arts. Whether it is star beast experiment or human experiment, basically every force is in it. Do.

It’s just that some forces have a more bottom line. Even human experiments are done with executed prisoners, and even before that, they have to obtain permission from the other party.

These will not be mentioned for the time being.

But in any case, experimental data is very important.

Wang Teng did not take away the experimental data here, but just copied some of the more important experimental files.

As for how to distinguish, he couldn’t be troubled. After all, his medical knowledge has reached the level of triviality.

In addition, Wang Teng also took away the iron sand black lizard with the [Magnetic Sand Body] and stored it in the space debris.

When the sand iron black lizard was taken away by him, it was quite fierce and uncooperative at all.

But now it is being severely beaten by Xiaobai and Ironclad Scorpion in the space debris, and it must be honest soon.

Whether it is a human or a beast, it will never accept reality honestly without experiencing severe beatings.

It was only left for the [Magnetic Sand Body] attribute to bubble down, otherwise Wang Teng would not have time to care about it.

The things in the laboratory made Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng extremely satisfied, and even the scientific researchers in it were a rare asset.

“It’s a waste of these scientific researchers to become running dogs of the truth sect.” Zhou Xuanwu said angrily.

“It’s okay, anyway, it will be owned by the state in the future and can be used as free labor.” Wang Teng said.

“Ahem… Don’t be so blunt, it’s called atonement for merits, it’s not about squeezing cheap labor.” Zhou Xuanwu coughed dryly.

Wang Teng looked contemptuous, do you believe this?

Zhou Xuanwuquan didn’t see it, and said, “I didn’t expect the truth sect to save so many useful experimental data. How did they make it?”

Many of the experimental data of the Sect of Truth involve the transformation of the force of the stars. This kind of experiment is only a very shallow level in Xia Guo’s aspect. The Sect of Truth is not weak in this aspect. How can it not surprise them.

Wang Teng was shocked, but he had forgotten that there are a lot of experimental data in it that the Pope of Truth brought out from the alien spacecraft for the researchers here.

Zhou Xuanwu and the others won’t be able to find out about the alien spacecraft, right?

If this were the case, his alien spacecraft would be difficult to keep.

No, he wouldn’t admit it to death.

Anyway, there is no evidence, no one can say that he took it.

But Wang Teng also knew that the Pope of Truth hid the spaceship very tightly, and not many people knew about it.

Now that the Pope of Truth and most of the top leaders of Truth are dead, this secret is naturally buried.

And Wang Teng has also transferred that spaceship to his space debris.

Evidence destruction, perfect!

“Who knows, don’t underestimate the scientific research ability of the truth teaching, lunatics often hide geniuses.” Wang Teng said nonsense.

Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng even showed a thoughtful look, feeling that what he said was reasonable, and nodded in agreement.

Then there is no other place worthy of attention in the Shinrikyo Church. The place where the alien spacecraft was originally stored has naturally been discovered, but it is already empty.

Naturally, Zhou Xuanwu and others could not guess that a spaceship was placed there. They all thought that this was an underground space just opened up by the Truth Sect, probably for the purpose of hiding something important.

A few people strolled around, Zhou Xuanwu shook his head and said: “It seems that these are the only important things, let’s go out.”

Wang Teng and Xiao Nanfeng didn’t make sense, and then a few people walked out of the mountain and returned to the battleships of their respective legions.

“Military Lord!”

As soon as Wang Teng came back, Song Wanjiang and others greeted him.

Wang Teng looked around and saw a lot of legionnaires who were treating wounds, and asked, “How about casualties?”

“One hundred and thirty-six people died, of which 112 were below the seven-star warrior level, and 24 were above the seven-star warrior level. No one at the general level has fallen.” Song Wanjiang said gravely.

Wang Teng nodded his head with a deep complexion. They came this time with more than 1,300 people, but in the end 136 people died, which was basically a one-tenth death rate.

Although there are more low-level warriors in it, it is extremely difficult to train military warriors. Everyone is a warrior who has been trained on the battlefield, and death is a loss.

However, Wang Teng also knew that death is inevitable in battle, and the truth sect is not a small fish and shrimp organization. It is impossible to deal with them without dying alone.

In fact, the death of more than 100 people is considered very good, and it is completely within the estimated death toll.

This is also the benefit brought by Wang Teng’s participation in the war.

He and Zhou Xuanwu restrained the Pope of Truth, and after killing him, quickly rushed back and suppressed other truth-teachers.

In addition, the fire-based array he advocated for deployment also played a very important role, completely restraining the ice-based array of Shinrikyo, and had spare power to fight against other Shinrikyo’s warlord-level powerhouses.

This invisibly shared a large part of the pressure for the warriors of the three legions.

Calculated in this way, their death toll will be so small.

Compared with previous battles, this encirclement and suppression operation can be said to be extremely smooth.

“There are probably more than two hundred people who were seriously injured. Other warriors have been injured in some way, but it is not too serious.” Song Wanjiang continued.

“Where is the seriously injured person, take me to see.” Wang Teng said.

“Yes!” Song Wanjiang responded quickly.

Under his leadership, Wang Teng came to the treatment room of the battleship.

Warships like this are specially prepared for war, so they are extremely equipped.

The best treatment for warriors is the top priority, and there will certainly be no shortage of advanced treatment rooms on the battleship.

“Military Lord!”

“Military Lord!”

When Wang Teng walked into the white, clean and tidy treatment room, he immediately attracted the attention of the wounded, and they all got up and saluted.

In their view, Wang Teng, as a military leader, was able to see them in person, which was already the greatest attention and care to them.

For a while, everyone felt quite moved.

“You don’t need to be polite, you should sit down, you should lie down, there are not so many rules here with me.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

“Thank you military master!” The crowd responded in unison without pretending to be.

“Medical staff get away a bit, and I will treat everyone.” Wang Teng looked around and said directly without obliviousness.

“This!” The medical staff around were slightly surprised and couldn’t help but hesitate.

Many of these severely wounded people are already very seriously injured, and they cannot be delayed at all. They are a little bit confused about what Wang Teng is going to do?


Does the military master still know how to treat?

Isn’t it a joke?

If the person in front of him is not their military leader, these medical staff will probably be driven out.

“Military owner, this…” Song Wanjiang was also a little hesitant. In his opinion, their military owner was still a young man. Although his strength was very strong, sometimes he was really a bit out of touch. Don’t make fun of everyone’s lives. That’s it.

“Don’t you!” Wang Teng was full of black lines: “Am I such a person who doesn’t care about it?”

“Uh… of course you are not, but everyone’s injuries are indeed serious, you see…” Song Wanjiang could only coax.

“Go away, I won’t be joking about the lives of my family members. Once again, the medical staff let the side point, speed, don’t make me angry.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

Song Wanjiang was very helpless, had no choice but to let it go.

I only hope that Wang Teng really has a way, not joking.

When the medical staff heard the words, they had to step aside and looked at Wang Teng curiously.

They can’t help but want to see, what can the military owner have to treat?

Wang Teng didn’t hesitate anymore, the light force in his body surged, waved his hand, and threw it out with the [Goddess’s Blessing].

All of a sudden, it seemed like a rain, a light rain, in the treatment room!

Those light rain spilled on the bodies of the seriously injured, and quickly penetrated into their bodies and quickly took effect.

Wang Teng’s [Goddess’s Blessing] was not small, and the amount of milk was amazing. The people who directly milked were dizzy and couldn’t help but groan.

Song Wanjiang and the surrounding medical staff were dumbfounded.

How is this going?

what happened?

Why does everyone look so cool? ! !

Obviously they were half dead just now, this change is too fast, this is not medical!

Today’s medical technology is actually very sophisticated, and with various healing pills, it can almost be said that the general injury can be cured by medicine.

But for serious injuries, it’s still tricky. After all, high-level pill is still rare, and the price is too expensive, so many people, the legion can’t get it out.

But now Wang Teng just waved his hand, and a lot of light rained down, and everyone’s injuries were obviously improved. This is not one-to-one, but one-to-many, large-scale treatment.

This effect is too amazing, it feels extremely incredible.

“Alright!” After a while, Wang Teng stopped [Goddess’s Blessing], and said to the dumbfounded medical staff next to him: “It’s almost done, I’ll leave it to you next.”

After speaking, without waiting for their response, he walked straight out of the medical room.

The severely wounded were still immersed in that kind of refreshing pleasure, unable to extricate themselves. They didn’t know that Wang Teng had left, or they would definitely have to get up and thank him.

The medical staff immediately came back to their senses and stepped forward to check the injuries of the wounded. It seemed that the effect was really good, but as medical staff, they still believed in the data.

After checking the results, the data showed that it was much better than before.

They found that the originally extremely difficult injury was now under control.

This not only relieves the suffering of the wounded, but also makes their subsequent treatment much easier, and the wounded’s recovery time will also be shortened.

Even some injuries originally left sequelae, but now the injuries that are under control, as long as they are treated properly, sequelae will definitely not exist.

The medical staff were amazed, and there was a whisper in the whole medical room:


“Unbelievable, what exactly was the light rain just now?”

“Our commander is amazing!”

“By the way, this is not the legendary daddy!”

“Daddy? That’s right, the term “daddy” is used well. Our military leader is a dad…”

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