Chapter 720 A Little Breakthrough… and Punishment! (2 in 1 4000+)

The warriors of the three major legions were a bit daunted and depressed at the moment.

The surviving Shinrikyo warrior actually kneeled!

This is not the result they want, the truth martial artist has caused too many murders, killing them ten times a hundred times is cheaper for them.

But at this time they actually chose to surrender very spinelessly.

After all, the warriors of the three major legions are military warriors, and for those who surrender, it is not easy for them to start.

All the warriors of the three major legions looked at Zhou Xuanwu, Wang Teng, and Xiao Nanfeng. At this time, only they could make a decision.

If the three military leaders say to kill, then they will be merciless and behead the Shinrikyo warriors on the spot.

When Zhou Xuanwu, Wang Teng, and Xiao Nanfeng saw this, they couldn’t help but exchange their eyes, and communicated with each other by means of sound transmission.

During this period, all the truth martial artists became nervous.

Their lives are all in the hands of these three army masters!

At this time, as most of the truth martial artists surrendered, even if a small group of people were still unwilling, they knew that they had no chance or even escaped.

Once they make a move, the martial artists of the three major legions around will absolutely behead them mercilessly.

This can be seen through their cold eyes.

Therefore, all the truth martial artists dare not act rashly, and they dare not expect any luck.

Soon there was a result, Zhou Xuanwu walked in front of everyone and ordered in a cold voice:

“All truth teaches warriors, those who lay down their weapons will not kill!”


All the Shinrikyo warriors suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and a trace of gratitude for saving their lives could not help appearing on their faces.

Wang Teng looked at these truth teachers. Although he and Zhou Xuanwu decided to make the decision, he still felt a little regretful in his heart.

These truth martial artists are all attribute bubbles, it is a pity to just let them go.

But the matter was over, and he couldn’t say anything more.

As for the future of these truth-teaching fighters, it will never be better.

Don’t think that everything will be fine if you surrender. There are more cruel punishments waiting for them, at least they are sent to suppress the dark species…

“Handcuff them!” Zhou Xuanwu swept his eyes and ordered again.

The warriors of the three major legions immediately took out rune handcuffs and put them on the surrendered Shinrikyo warriors. These rune handcuffs can confine the force in the warriors. The more powerful the warriors, the more advanced the rune handcuffs they use.

Like a general-level warrior, the runes on the handcuffs are specifically for a general-level warrior, and no one wants to easily crack it.

So once handcuffed, no matter how strong the warrior is, it is no different from ordinary people.

The truth martial artist was very honest, all cooperated obediently, and none of them dared to resist.

Wang Teng stopped paying attention, and the people below this kind of thing would naturally take care of it, and he had nothing to do with him.

So he finally had time to pick up a large number of attribute bubbles scattered around.

There were too many Shinrikyo warriors beheaded. Among them, there were nearly ten strong Lien generals. This attribute bubble was left by them, so naturally there will be no less.

Moreover, even the warriors of the three major legions had casualties, and the attribute bubble had to be added.

Wang Teng didn’t hesitate anymore, his mental power was rolled, and attribute bubbles flew towards him.

【Golden Force*120】

【Wood Force *310】

【Fire Force*250】

【Spiritual Comprehension*35】

【Earth Force *330】

【Spirit of Spirit*20】

【Spiritual Comprehension*40】

If these attribute bubbles are beautiful women, then Wang Teng has been completely submerged by the sea of ​​beautiful women, painful and happy.

Oh no, there is no pain, only happiness!

This is happiness that no one else can experience at all.

Earlier, he obtained a large amount of Golden Force from the Pope of Truth, which greatly increased his Golden Force, but now his Five Elements Force has skyrocketed again.

And this time not only the force of the gold type, the other four types have also increased.

Adding up all the attribute bubbles, each of his Five Elements Force attribute has increased by tens of thousands.

In other words, at this moment, his Five Elements Force has all reached the 12-star median warlord level.

This speed is terrifying.

If someone else knew that his strength had improved so much at this moment, he would be shocked to no avail.

[The Force of Gold]: 13800/35000 (12 stars)

[Wood Force]: 2550/35000 (12 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 1860/35000 (12 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 1300/35000 (12 stars)

[Earth System Force]: 3150/35000 (12 stars)

The improvement of the realm would have caused great movement, but at this moment it was suppressed by Wang Tengsheng.

This huge amount of force only wandered in his body for a few laps, and soon returned to the pronucleus, and gradually returned to calm.

This process didn’t take long, and it ended almost quickly.

Ordinary warriors can’t find anything at all, but Zhou Xuanwu, who is close to Wang Teng, naturally feels something.

With a surprised look, he couldn’t help asking: “Did you break through?”

“A little breakthrough!” Wang Teng gestured with his thumb and index finger, leaving only a small gap in the middle, as if it was really just a little bit.

“…” Zhou Xuanwu was full of black lines. If he didn’t feel wrong just now, it would definitely be a violent fluctuation that can only be seen in the ascending state. Although he was firmly suppressed, he, as a past person, couldn’t see it.

At the general level, any breakthrough is extremely difficult, not to mention the improvement of realm.

This Wang Teng actually said that it was a little breakthrough!

Fuck your little breakthrough!

Zhou Xuanwu complained fiercely in his heart and left Wang Teng to deal with other things. He really didn’t want to say a word with this guy.

This damn pretending to be a crime!

“Breakthrough!” Xiao Nanfeng on the side was also taken aback, staring at Wang Teng in shock.

Can this be a breakthrough?

He felt incredible, as if he suddenly broke through while eating and drinking water, it felt too easy.

Yes, in Xiao Nanfeng’s view, Wang Teng’s breakthrough was really too easy!

He didn’t experience any barriers at all, and broke through easily.

No wonder this guy has improved so quickly!

Is this the promotion speed of a monster-level genius?

Xiao Nanfeng’s heart is a bit bitter, and there is still a trace of weakness. In the face of this kind of genius, even a strong man like him who has been famous for a long time is greatly affected. He feels that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach…

So he also left, away from Wang Teng, away from the blow!

Wang Teng looked at the back of the two and shook his head.

This is not to take care of the faces of these mortals, these two people are actually not appreciative, they are really ignorant.

He continued to look at the properties panel.

Although the force of the Five Elements has increased tremendously this time, the force of his other special attributes has not improved.

The original force attributes of Thunder, Poison, Ice, and Wind are still too rare. Among the many warriors of the truth teaching, there is no warrior with the above four special attributes.

This also reflects from the side that the warriors of the truth sect are far behind in terms of foundation.

And most people’s talents can only be regarded as ordinary, at least Wang Teng has not found the ultimate talent in these attribute bubbles.

The spirit and comprehension attribute bubble is only up to the spiritual realm level, to Wang Teng’s current imperial realm spiritual power, it is like a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of them, and they can add up to his spirit and understanding.

In addition, there are some original force techniques and combat skills, but they are all mainland goods, and now Wang Teng is not a heavenly rank, so he simply doesn’t like it.

People’s horizons are constantly growing. The day-level exercises and combat skills have become like Chinese cabbage here. Naturally, he will no longer look down on the exercises and combat skills below the heavenly level.

Of course, from another aspect, combat skills and exercises below the heavenly rank are not very helpful to him, naturally there is no need to learn.

Therefore, these newly acquired techniques and combat techniques have become Wang Teng’s knowledge reserves. He already has many combat techniques and techniques stored in his head.

Wang Teng shook his head and laughed, his eyes retracted from the attribute panel.

It seems that the biggest gain this time is the improvement of the force of the Five Elements and the shock talent obtained from the Pope of Truth. Others are far from satisfactory.

But Wang Teng is also content…Can you be unsatisfied? The Force of the Five Elements suddenly broke through to the 12-star warlord level. Do you want to go to heaven if you are unsatisfied!

Wang Teng hadn’t thought of being able to raise a realm at once, so this result actually surprised him.

At this time, his thoughts were finally completely withdrawn, and suddenly he thought of a person-Zuo Tian Liehua!

He couldn’t help looking around, but he didn’t find the other party’s figure, and sensed the other party’s location through the soul source in the sea.

But the next moment, his face suddenly became weird.

Zuo Tianliehua’s position seemed a bit far away from where he was at this time!

In other words, that woman…she ran away? !

Obviously, Zuo Tianliehua sneaked away while they were fighting with the Shinrikyo warriors.

Wang Teng wasn’t very angry. It was said that the other party was forced by him to surrender his soul origin. Who is right and who is wrong? He is the villain.

And Zuo Tian Liehua didn’t actually do anything to him. Even if he did, it was only when he became Yao Ji’s appearance that he was rejected by the other party.

The two had no feud at all.

So she ran away, Wang Teng didn’t feel angry.

It’s just that he is a little strange, how can Zuo Tianliehua dare to be sure that he will not kill her.

You know, whose soul is in whose hands, then her life is in whose hands.

When Wang Tengwan was angry all his life, as long as a single thought crushed Zuo Tianliehua’s soul origin, she would die instantly.

Wang Teng turned his eyes and felt that he should do something.

Although he wouldn’t kill Zuo Tianliehua, he still wanted to give her a small punishment.

After all, Zuo Tianliehua sneaked away without his consent anyway!

Shouldn’t you be punished for the disobedient little servant?

Wang Teng’s eyeballs turned, and the sapphire colored glaze flame was divided into a small one, and moved to the soul source of Zuotian Liehua.

The distance between the two is just right, which will not really hurt her soul origin, but can also make her feel the burning pain and suffering.

Ten kilometers away from the Shinrikyo headquarters, it has reached the edge of the mountain range.

Zuo Tianlie saw that he was about to escape, a glimmer of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes, looked back, and saw that no one was chasing him, he couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Then at this moment, her whole body trembled, and a burning pain came from the depths of her soul, causing her to open her mouth suddenly and let out a scream!

Suddenly she couldn’t control the force in her body, and her body involuntarily fell to the ground, falling to the ground, rolling all over the floor in pain.

The burning pain is not above the body, but from the depths of the soul, so it is so difficult.

Zuo Tian Liehua curled up, breathing in pain.

This torment lasted for about ten minutes before it slowly subsided, but she was still lying on the ground, her beautiful body still twitching unconsciously.

“Wang Teng!”

A hoarse voice squeezed from between Zuo Tianliehua’s teeth.

She naturally knew where the pain came from?

The origin of the soul is mastered, life and death cannot be controlled, Zuo Tianliehua’s heart is full of bitterness and helplessness, but there is no way.

Now that he knew the identity of Wang Teng, he didn’t dare to expect that the other party would let him go, so he took the risk to escape.

Now it seems that the other party does not intend to let her go easily.

Was the pain just a warning? Or punishment? Or both!

Zuo Tianliehua thought silently, and after another moment, she slowly got up, looked at the location of the headquarters of the truth sect, hesitated for a while, and finally flew in the opposite direction with her teeth.

Anyway, she must go back to Neon and bring back the news here.

If Wang Teng really wanted to kill her, then she would admit it too.

Zuo Tian Liehua is betting, she knows that she has no deep hatred with Wang Teng, so Wang Teng will not kill her easily.

She flew for more than half an hour before the burning pain did not reappear, and she did not die suddenly.

Zuo Tianlie whispered “Sure enough” in his heart, a trace of relief appeared on his face, and he flew away even harder.

Wang Teng naturally didn’t know Zuo Tianliehua’s psychological activities. After giving her a small punishment, he stopped paying attention.

At this time, he and Zhou Xuanwu and others had entered the headquarters of Shinrikyo Sect.

Now is the time to take stock of the harvest after the war.

This time the extermination of the Truth Sect was extremely smooth. All the high-levels of the Truth Sect were dead and wounded, and none of them escaped.

They naturally have no chance to transfer the materials and treasures away!

These valuable things must be in the Shinrikyo headquarters.

Wang Teng walked quietly beside Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

In fact, the most valuable thing in the Shinrikyo sect headquarters has been quietly transported away by him using his clone.

Time was when they were fighting the Shinrikyo Sect. At that time, the Shinrikyo Sect was in chaos. There was no one in the headquarters to guard the treasures. This gave Wang Teng the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

When he and Zuo Tian Liehua left the mountainside, they secretly left a clone inside.

Therefore, he was fighting outside the body, but the clone became a porter in the headquarters, silently, no one could think that he did it.

Of course, he didn’t leave nothing, at least there was still a lot of things left for Zhou Xuanwu and the others.

In any case, they can be regarded as hardworking, why is Wang Teng embarrassed to eat alone…

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