Chapter 722-Awakened Alien Life

Wang Teng didn’t know that he was crowned as a daddy, but he would soon know.

Song Wanjiang chased up from behind. He had just stayed in the treatment room and waited for the results. After checking that everyone’s injuries had improved, he rushed to catch up with Wang Teng.

“Daddy…Oh no, military owner, we still have a lot of wounded. You will also help treat them, so that everyone can recover quickly and serve our army better!” Song Wanjiang said Followed up and said.

“What did you call me just now?” Wang Teng’s eyes were a little dangerous, he squinted and looked at Song Wanjiang.

If he heard it right, this guy must be called his daddy!

What a god dad!

You are the daddy, and your whole family is the daddy!

Wang Teng was angry and felt that he was insulted. Although he has the power of big breasts, he will never admit that he is a dad!

“Uh… Army Master, you must have heard it wrong!” Song Wanjiang was sweating, his scalp was numb, and he wanted to tremble.

“I’ll say it again, let you experience the special care of this army leader.” Wang Teng said viciously.

This ethos must be eliminated, starting from the source, otherwise his reputation will be ruined!

“Yes, yes!” Song Wanjiang replied repeatedly.

“Okay, gather everyone on the deck.” Wang Teng said with a cold snort.

“I’ll go right away.” Song Wanjiang was overjoyed and hurried to gather people together.

Soon, the deck of the battleship was full of people, all the warriors of the Black Sparrow Legion, with their faces full of doubts, people who knew each other gathered together and whispered.

“Why are you calling us here?”

“I don’t know, I hope it will end soon, I have to go back to heal my injuries.”

“But I actually summoned everyone here, maybe there is something to say.”

While the members of the Black Sparrow Legion were discussing, the warriors on the two warships belonging to the Red Tiger Legion and the Xuanwu Legion were also attracted, and many people looked curiously here.

Soon, Wang Teng, Song Wanjiang, Zhu Chengwang and other deputy army chiefs walked out.

“It’s all quiet!” Song Wanjiang said, “I called everyone together to let the military leader help everyone treat their injuries.”

“Cure the injury!!”

Everyone looked at each other and was shocked, their expressions were exactly the same as those of those who were seriously injured before.

Let the military owner treat them, and everyone felt that they had heard extremely absurd things.

Wang Teng saw everyone’s reaction, and he didn’t bother to explain it anymore, and he lost the [Goddess’s Blessing].

Light rain fell and sprinkled on everyone.


The people who were still questioning suddenly shook their bodies and let out an indescribable sound from their mouths uncontrollably.

It was not one or two that made the sound, but a group of people. The sound became one piece, and even the people on the two battleships nearby could hear it clearly.

They looked dumbfounded.

what happened?

Why did the warriors of the Black Sparrow Legion suddenly make such a strange noise?

They all noticed the light rain, but no one could recognize what it was. The light force was extremely rare. So far, only the saint Alaisi had it, and it was normal that those warriors had not seen it.

When everyone on the deck reacted, Wang Teng had already drifted away.

They finally understood that the military owner’s treatment was real treatment, and the effect was extremely good.

“This is… daddy!”

I didn’t know who it was, so he said so suddenly.

Some of these warriors are very young, and they usually play games, so they naturally understand another meaning of the word dad.


“Really dad!”

“From now on, our Black Sparrow Legion will have an exclusive dad!”

Everyone felt it was very appropriate inexplicably, and all of them agreed with this title. Then the title of “Dad” was passed on to ten or a hundred.

Wang Teng didn’t know these things at all. He had already returned to his room and wanted to take a good inventory of his gains.

The clone brought back a lot of good things, especially the spaceship, he hadn’t studied it well.

Now that spaceship is his property, whatever he can toss.

But not long after he sat down, Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng heard the wind.

They naturally came to him after hearing about Wang Teng’s “Dad”.

If in peacetime, the three major legions each guard one side, these news will naturally not reach them.

Even if it is passed, it will take a very long time.

It’s like now, the battleships of the three major legions are all next to each other, and you will know what happened as soon as you pass it, let alone Wang Teng didn’t intend to hide it.

Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng were anxious, and there were also many seriously wounded in their legions. If they were not treated in time, they would most likely suffer hidden injuries, which would be detrimental to future practice.

“Wang Teng, come with me!” When Zhou Xuanwu saw Wang Teng, he hurriedly pulled him out.

“Wait, what are you going to do, do you make it clear first?” Wang Teng was stunned. It was the first time that Zhou Xuanwu saw Zhou Xuanwu’s impatience, and he couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

“What else to say, we all know about your daddy, so hurry up with me to save people.” Zhou Xuanwu said.

Wang Teng didn’t hear anything else clearly, so he heard the word “daddy” clearly, his face was black like a mouth pot, and Zhou Xuanwu was thrown away, and said angrily: “You’re a daddy, and your whole family is a daddy. Whoever mentions the word daddy to me, who am I in a hurry!”

Zhou Xuanwu was embarrassed and said: “Well, this is all a misunderstanding. Let’s not mention the matter of my dad. Come with me quickly. Saving people is like fighting a fire. You can’t delay it.”

Xiao Nanfeng laughed secretly, but he knew how careful Wang Teng was.

He was a little grateful that he hadn’t spoken first, otherwise the two words Dad would have been uttered from his mouth.

Wang Teng took a deep breath, feeling that he was really dying. He had a nickname for no reason, or this kind of speechless nickname. Who did he provoke?

“Let’s go!” He calmly walked out.

After all, it was to save people, and Wang Teng couldn’t make a joke about it.

“Good, good.” Zhou Xuanwu followed carefully, the dignified 13-star generals like a small follower, accompanied by a smiling face, for fear of angering Wang Teng again.

The next thing was also very simple. Wang Teng sent two [Goddess’ Blessings] casually, healed the seriously wounded of the two legions, and then left with a black face.

He could fully imagine that after this incident, his dad’s name was completely settled down.

In the room, Wang Teng sighed, feeling that his own destiny was ill-fated, and he was utterly unlucky. It was obviously a good deed, but he had a dull nickname.

He shook his head, no longer thinking, his mind slowly sank into the space debris floating in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, a circular spaceship was parked among the space debris, occupying almost half of the space debris.

The entire surface of the spacecraft was pitch black, reflecting a dark and deep color, and the entire appearance seemed to be connected as a whole, and no gaps could be found.

This reminded Wang Teng of the pictures he saw inside the spacecraft before. There are almost no gaps in the various structures inside the spacecraft. It is very magical, and he does not know what technology was used for casting.

Wang Teng was about to enter the spaceship when he suddenly realized that his state at this time seemed to be just a mental body.

Outside, Wang Teng frowned and said in deep thought: “It stands to reason that I can put things in it, so I should be able to go in too.”

As soon as the idea came up, he decided to try it.

“But before that, it’s better to leave a clone outside!” Wang Teng thought about it for a while, and then moved directly.

The original force and spirit in its body converge, forming a peculiar cloud of smoke.

In front of him, the smoke began to change, and another Wang Teng slowly emerged.

“I’ll leave it to you!” Wang Teng said.

The avatar sat down, nodded and smiled: “You deity, go by yourself.”

Wang Teng nodded, his thoughts moved, and he acted on himself according to the usual method of putting other items in.


In an instant, his figure disappeared in place.

The clone’s eyes flashed, and he muttered to himself: “The body disappeared, and I can’t feel the existence of space debris. It’s really strange. This seems to be a paradox. The space debris is inside the deity, and the deity can enter the space debris. , Ha ha, interesting.”

“Forget it, I can’t figure it out, let the deity have a headache.”

The clone shook his head with a trace of gloat on his face, and slowly closed his eyes, as if an old monk had entered concentration, no longer paying attention to external affairs.

At this time, Wang Teng had also learned about the situation of the outside world through his clone, and there was a trace of such an expression on his face.

But when he knew the idea of ​​the clone, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Anyway, it is also his clone, can’t he share the worries for the deity!

Is it really okay to watch him be stumped and still be gloating there?

Wang Teng shook his head and stepped into the spaceship.

This entry was completely different from the last time, and the mentality completely changed. Last time, it was sneaky, but this time it was swaggering. There is no need to worry about being discovered.

Wang Teng passed through the initial hall and went straight to the room where the alien life forms were stored.

Those alien lifeforms were stored in the dormant cabin, and they did not completely die, but the breath of life was very weak.

This was nothing to hide from Wang Teng, who possessed [Essence Eyes].

Wang Teng quickly came to the room, then opened the door and walked in.

Several alien lifeforms are still dormant and there is no movement.

Wang Teng came to the dormant cabin, frowning and thinking, he really didn’t think about what to do with these alien life forms.

Through the transparent glass of the dormant cabin, he could see that all the alien lifeforms inside were imprisoned, firmly tied to the bottom of the dormant cabin and could not move.

Based on Wang Teng’s rune attainments, it is natural to see that the runes on those imprisoned objects are dedicated to imprisoning the Force. Although they are not the same as the imprisoning runes he has seen, they are more advanced.

This is where he feels a little relieved.

Otherwise, who knows if these alien life bodies will suddenly wake up and run out.

Wang Teng had no knowledge of them, and if they were allowed to wake up and run around, who knew what would happen.

After that, Wang Teng made two more circles, and determined that there was nothing unusual, so he decided to go to other places first. Maybe he figured out the operation procedures of this spacecraft, and maybe he could get some information about this alien life form from it.

However, just as Wang Teng was about to leave the room, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around abruptly, with a look of vigilance on his face.

Just now, a strange-sounding voice suddenly rang in his mind.

“young people!”

Although the other party’s voice was weird, it was indeed the authentic language of Xia Guo, so he could understand it.

But even so, Wang Teng’s whole body tightened. Except for him, Xia Guoren, there were only a few alien lifeforms that fell into a deep sleep.

And here is within his space debris, there can be no other lives.

So… Could it be that these extraterrestrial beings were talking to him just now? ?

Wang Teng looked at the dormant cabins with solemn eyes. If they really woke up, it would be troublesome.

However, he swept his gaze, but he didn’t see any alien beings opening their eyes, as if they were still asleep.

Wang Teng’s eyes were slightly cold, and he turned on [Pupil of Elemental Quality], and he would know when he was awake or sleeping.

Soon he locked one of the alien life forms.

Sure enough, one awakened!

After obtaining the [Essential Pupil], Wang Teng has made many attempts, including the difference between the soul state and the physical state of the sleeping person and the awakened person.

Generally speaking, in a deep sleep, the body cells of a living body, and even the soul body, will also fall into a state of silence, but if it is awakened, it will be relatively “active”. There is a big difference between the two.

Such a difference is naturally invisible on the outside, but it is clear at a micro level!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but sneered in his heart. Since he woke up, he communicated with him in this way. It seemed that the other party’s state was really not very good, so he wanted to pretend to be advanced and prepare to fool him.

Who is Wang Teng? He is a man who claims to fool the king!

It’s good not to be fooled by him, and there are people who want to fool him, just joking.

Wang Teng scheming, pretending to be flustered, said: “Who, who is talking? Come out!”

Oscar actor… is online!

“Don’t be nervous, young man!” The voice sounded again.

“Who are you? Come out to me. If you don’t come out, I’ll leave.” Wang Teng looked nervous to death, as if ready to escape at any time.

“…” The alien life forms are speechless, how scared of death this kid is, he is actually like this.

“I’m right in front of you, I have no malice.” It had no choice but to say straightforwardly, for fear that it might scare people away if it pretends to be a ghost.

“In front of me?” Wang Teng set his eyes on the dormant cabin in front, and said in shock: “Are you this alien??”

“To be precise, we are Protas!” said the voice.

“Prota star!” Wang Teng said, stammering: “You, what do you want to do?”

“Rest assured, our Protas are a peace-loving race. I won’t do anything to you. I just want to talk to you, hoping to achieve cooperation, just like our previous cooperation with that human being.” The voice slowly said. .

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