Chapter 719: It’s not too much to make a contribution after death (5500+)

Wang Teng was dragging the crystal skull in his hand, and his mental power was sensed in it, confirming that the Pope of Truth had completely dissipated, and he was relieved.

The Pope of Truth is an extremely cunning existence, and Wang Teng can’t guarantee whether he still has a second hand.

It now appears that this crystal skull is the last method he can use.

It’s right to think about it, the spiritual and soul level things are too deep, and there is no way to make the soul body exist on the earth star or even the Xingwu Continent.

Even the [Netherburial] skill he obtained from the holy mountain is just a very special combat skill. Although it can strip the soul body out, the chance of success is small and pitiful.

Moreover, the stripped soul body is not separated from the body by normal methods, and it hurts the soul body itself a lot.

The so-called “Burial” is actually forced peeling and tearing, and the damage to the soul body is almost irreparable.

Moreover, the drawn soul body cannot exist for a long time in reality. It can only be stored in the [Dead Space], otherwise it will dissipate and die soon.

And that [Dead Space] was cultivated by past paladins in the Cancer Palace of the Holy Mountain with the secret method, filling the inside with the air of death, so that the body of the soul can exist.

No, those beings can no longer be called soul bodies, it is more appropriate to call them necromancers.

They have no saneness to speak of, they can only be manipulated by people, wandering unconsciously…

All in all, the [Dead Space] mastered by the Paladins of Cancer is a very unique existence, and it is not perfect.

This shows how difficult it is for the soul body to exist out of the body.

As for the origin of the soul of the Pope of Truth, it can exist out of the body because of the particularity of the crystal skull.

Wang Teng is certain of this.

After all, the spiritual realm of the Pope Truth is only to reach the realm of kings. How can the Pope of Truth be able to do things that he can’t even reach the realm of kings.

Immediately, Wang Teng put the sapphire glaze flame away, his eyes swept around, and he saw a lot of attribute bubbles floating in the air.

His eyes lit up suddenly.

These attribute bubbles are obviously left behind by the Pope of Truth after his death.

That is the attribute bubble of the 13-star warlord-level pinnacle powerhouse, but it can’t be met, there must be a lot of good things in these attribute bubbles.

Wang Teng’s mental power was rolled, and he quickly picked up the attribute bubbles scattered nearby.

【Wang Jing Spirit*560】

【Wang Jing Comprehension*620】

[Soul Origin*10]

【Extremely Gold Talent*480】

【Vibration Talent*350】

【Golden Force*8600】

【Star Force (Gold)*850】

[Jin Yaozhen kills sword intent*380]

【Jin Yao Jian Jue*250】

Wang Teng silently absorbed these attribute bubbles, while feeling the changes in his body, he was immersed in his mind, feeling the strange memory fragments one by one.

The spirit and comprehension of the Pope of Truth reach the level of the king realm, which is quite a lot when converted into the realm of the emperor.

[Spirit]: 16623000 (Imperial Realm)

[Savvy]: 17583000 (Imperial Realm)

Looking at the two attribute changes on the attribute panel, Wang Teng couldn’t help flashing a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

His spirit and understanding have increased a lot recently. It takes 3000 points to break through the imperial realm, and now he has accumulated more than half of the attributes.

A breakthrough is expected!

Then came the soul origin, this harvest was a bit beyond Wang Teng’s expectation.

After all, the appearance of the soul origin is extremely rare, and it is generally impossible to obtain the soul origin from a normal kill unless it directly attacks the soul body.

The Pope of the Truth himself did his own death, and his soul was separated from his body, and Wang Teng was burned to death. Naturally, these precious souls were left behind.

These souls are originally owned by the Pope of Truth, and ordinary people cannot absorb them. Otherwise, the soul will be mottled and the consequences will be serious.

It’s like stitching another person’s limbs to his body, which will definitely turn him into a monster.

However, the existence of the system is just a bug, and these soul origins have been extracted and purified into the purest soul matter.

Therefore, Wang Teng has no sequelae when he absorbs it.

The soul origin of 10 is not too small, it can even be said to be a bit too much.

As the soul originated into his body, Wang Teng felt an indescribable sensation all over his body, and he almost screamed out of comfort.

That kind of feeling, as if the soul ascended to heaven, almost wandering into the void, never coming back.

Wang Teng was full of spirits, and quickly kept his mind.

After a bit of relaxation, he felt that he had found himself again, and he took a long sigh, and two gleams shot out in his eyes, and the expression in his eyes became deeper.

Wang Teng’s gaze fell on the attribute panel again, and he continued to look down.

[Extremely Gold Talent]: 4605000

[Shock Talent]: 3507000

Two talents!

One is the [Extreme Gold Talent] that Wang Teng already possesses, but with the addition of these attributes, his gold talent is more powerful, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

The other is the extremely unique [Shock Talent]!

The [Jin Yao shocking the sword intent] obtained from the Pope of Truth before has the meaning of shock. Wang Teng was extremely surprised at the time that the Pope of Truth could comprehend the power of such a rare artistic conception. Now he understands it. This is because The Pope of Truth has this peculiar gift.

Therefore, his understanding of the meaning of shock is easier than others.

When Wang Teng saw this talent, his eyes flashed brightly, he quickly closed his eyes, and carefully sensed his own changes.

The body has undergone a certain change, and it seems to be able to send out a shocking force at will.

At the same time, related memory explanations appeared in his mind.

Vibration talent is a kind of talent that can trigger the force of vibration, and the method of use is also very simple, which is to achieve a kind of resonance with the outside world through its own vibration, thereby triggering the force of vibration.

This talent can be said to be very tasteless, or it can be said to be very scary!

Why is it so tasteless?

That’s because this talent is too demanding on the body, it uses its own vibration to cause external resonance, and the higher the vibration frequency, the stronger the power.

On the contrary, the load on the body will be extremely large. Once the vibration reaches a certain frequency and the body cannot support it, it will be directly shattered.

The Pope of Truth also understands this shortcoming, so he took a different approach and used it by comprehending the meaning of shock.

In this way, he doesn’t need to use his body to harden the anti-vibration power, he only needs to add the shocking mood to the attack to achieve the same effect.

It’s just that the power limit is very large, which is far from the true shock power.

Although the Pope of Truth used this method to avoid the shortcomings of the shocking talent, it can be regarded as abandoning everything.

If he devotes himself to developing his own physical constitution, not to mention how strong his physique is, he only needs to fully develop the [vibration talent], and the body can withstand a certain degree of vibration.

After all, this talent is a physique talent. For people with this talent, the resistance to shock is naturally much stronger than ordinary people.

If the Pope of Truth truly mastered the [vibration talent], Wang Teng felt that he might not be so easy to kill him this time.

Thinking of the joints, Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly brightened.

This vibration talent is very suitable for him!

His physical body is strong enough to fully support this shocking force.

Wang Teng has discovered how important a powerful body is to the martial artist.

The previous [Swordsmanship Art] and the current [Vibration Talent], these powerful and unique combat skills and talents have rigid requirements for the body.

Wang Teng won at the starting line from the beginning.

The above example tells us that we have to exercise since we were young… 罒ω罒

The upper limit of this [Vibration Talent] is 7000 points. Among the several physiques he has obtained, the highest upper limit is 10000 points. It can be seen that this [Vibration Talent] is not the strongest talent.

Using Wang Teng to cultivate the body of the ancient god body, there is no problem with bearing the shocking force.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand, and the muscles, bones, and even the more microscopic cell level were all vibrating.

The amplitude increases slowly from the very small beginning, and the frequency also changes from slow to fast…

Suddenly, Wang Teng felt the air in front of him vibrate suddenly, and as he increased the amplitude and frequency, the vibration of the air in front of him became more intense.

Click~click! Click!

A slight cracking sound suddenly sounded!


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and a black crack appeared in front of him abruptly.

From the black crack, an extremely terrifying cold wave was faintly revealed, and Wang Teng knew that it was a spatial crack.

At this moment, his complexion changed and he quickly stopped the cell vibration in his body.

Just now, the cells in his body have died in a large area. Although the ancient god body is indeed powerful, the power of vibration is not vegetarian. When it is increased to the extent that it can break the space, it is enough to cause damage to his body.

Of course, it was just damage, it was still far from shattering his body.

Wang Teng stopped in time because he didn’t want to hurt himself in vain.

“This talent is really extraordinary!” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth appeared: “If the vibration talent is further improved, the vibration power I can display will be even stronger, even if it is 13 stars. The body of a general-level powerhouse can also be shattered.”

Thinking about that situation, Wang Teng suddenly felt that he was so awesome!

Wang Teng narrowed his mind and looked at the column of Force.

This time he gained 8600 points of the gold force, which made his gold force soar.

I have to say that the 13-star warlord-level powerhouse is really powerful, with a full force attribute of 8,600 points. Wang Teng has never obtained so many attributes from the same person.

The 13-star warlord-level powerhouse is simply a humanoid self-propelled bubble machine!

In addition to the ordinary gold force, it is also the gold star force of 850 points!

This amount is also extremely huge, it is necessary to know that Wang Teng’s current gold system star force is only a few dozen points.

Even if the original force of the fire system stars was only more than 300 points, it was the result of his hard work.

And now I got 850 points all at once, which is nothing short of rich!

The strength of the Star Force lies in the fact that when the Pope of Truth meets with him, he has a deep understanding that the same attack contains the Star Force more than twice as powerful as the ordinary Force.

This is also the reason why the Pope of Truth doesn’t have many stars, otherwise it will only be stronger.

[Golden Force]: 1285035000 (11 stars)

[Star Force (Gold)]: 935

In the end, Wang Teng also won 380 points of [Jin Yaozhen Killing Sword Intent] and 250 points of [Jin Yao Sword Art]!

One of the two is a sword intent of the tenth level, and the other is a golden heavenly rank technique and combat skills.

[Jin Yao Jian Jue] is a high-level cultivation method that includes cultivation techniques and attack methods.

Its value far exceeds the general exercise or combat skills.

[Jin Yaozhen kills sword intent]: 44010000 (10%)

[Jin Yao Jian Jue]: 150500 (Xiaocheng)

The 380-point Jin Yao Sword Art directly raised his comprehension from the entry level to the small stage.

A clear understanding flashed in Wang Teng’s mind, and he had mastered this cultivation method to the extent that others had cultivated for two or three years, and his speed was absolutely different.

In general, he gained a lot this time.

As expected to be a big boss, the attribute bubbles that burst out are the best.

The Pope of Truth is worthy of death!

Having said that, he has been in trouble for so many years, and it is not too much to make a contribution after his death.

“Wang Teng!”

At this time, the aftermath of the surroundings had dissipated, Zhou Xuanwu descended from a high altitude, called Wang Teng, and asked:

“The Pope of Truth… is dead?”

He had just heard the scream of the Pope of Truth before his death.

“Dead!” Wang Teng had already put away the crystal skull, turned his head to look at Zhou Xuanwu, and said faintly: “He is very cunning, and the origin of his soul wants to escape. I found out and burned him to death!”

“The origin of the soul!” Zhou Xuanwu was shocked. The Pope of Truth was able to escape with his soul. This method is not something ordinary warriors can possess.

But it was Wang Teng that surprised him even more.

He didn’t even find that the Pope of Truth would use his soul to escape. Wang Teng found out, caught him, and killed him.

This guy is really elusive.

He is not as good as this method!

“Since the Pope of the Truth is dead, you and I should return quickly. The battle at the headquarters of the truth is probably not over yet.”

Zhou Xuanwu no longer said much, and said directly.

“Okay!” Wang Teng would naturally not object.

The two immediately turned into Changhong and returned to the headquarters of the Shinrikyo Sect.

Not yet approaching, the sound of killing came from afar, and the remaining truth martial artists were still resisting frantically. Before the end, no one was willing to give up the hope of life.

The ants are still alive, let alone they are the truth teachers who claim to be the savior of the world.

However, with the return of Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu, all the truth-teaching fighters looked plain, their faces pale, and their eyes were extremely desperate.

On the other hand, the warriors of the three major legions were overjoyed.

“Military Lord!”

“Military Lord!”

“The black bird army is victorious!”

“The basalt army is victorious!”

“The Red Tiger Army is victorious!”

The warriors of the three major legions cheered and roared.

At this moment, they no longer have any scruples, rushing to kill them bravely, beheading each of the truth-teaching warriors to their feet.

The screams kept ringing and echoed in everyone’s ears, but no one kept their hands.

Each of these truth-teaching warriors has their hands covered with the blood of innocent people, how can they be worthy of the innocent people who died without killing them?

Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu were not idle either, the two pinnacle combat powers joined, and those truth-teaching fighters had no resistance.

Wherever he went, it was like two meat grinders, hands up and down, and hands down… from here to there, and from there to here.

Several warriors of the Shinrikyo warrior level were also killed, and now there are only two or three people left.

Feng Quan, the Bishop of the Truth Sect, was one of them. This person had a lot of means to save his life. He wanted to escape, but he was dragged down by a strong general of the Xuanwu Legion, and he couldn’t find a chance at all.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Teng suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared behind Feng’s body in the next moment.

“Feng Quan!”

A faint voice came from Wang Teng’s mouth, like a ghost desperate for his life.

Feng Quan was violent, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat. He only felt that his scalp was numb and the hairs all over his body exploded.

It’s him!

It’s that evil star!

My life is over!

Feng Quan screamed in despair, but he was also extremely decisive, knowing that there was a great horror behind him, facing the attack of the general-level warrior in front of him, he did not evade and ran into it directly.


A sword was inserted into his body.

The warlord-level warrior was also shot flying by his palm, and Feng Quan took the opportunity to escape and made the final struggle.

“Old guy, where are you running?” Wang Teng’s voice came from behind him again, as if echoing in his ears.

Feng Quan’s face was green, and he ran faster.

“Don’t run, don’t you want to kill me, what are you running!” Wang Teng followed him like a shadow, did not make a move, just followed him firmly, and his voice kept coming out.

Feng Quan was frightened, his nerves strained to the extreme, he was terrified.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, knowing that Wang Teng can’t escape the chase, but he doesn’t want to wait for death, so he can only seek a ray of life in such a predicament.

The beast is still fighting!

Now he is the sleepy beast!

As a result, there was a very comical scene on the battlefield, where a bishop of truth ran around like a frightened mouse.

Whenever he thought he was going to escape the encirclement, a figure would appear in front of him and block his way.

Feng Quan was so scared that almost his whole person jumped up, changed direction, hoping to break through from other places.

It’s a pity that he ran for a long time and still couldn’t get out of this lap.

At this moment, Feng Quan was panting heavily, his eyes were red, his spirit was on the verge of collapse, and that thread would break if he tightened it a little bit.

“Wang Teng!”

He couldn’t bear it anymore, and roared, looking around, looking for Wang Teng’s figure.

When the martial artists all around saw him, they only felt that he was really miserable, and couldn’t help but sympathize with his experience.

It’s all like this, it’s better to die a hundred!

Feng Hua was hiding in the distance, his appearance was extremely miserable, and he was seriously injured. Seeing his father’s appearance at this time, he couldn’t help but shiver.

too frightening!

That Wang Teng is not a human at all, he is a devil!

He couldn’t understand how he would offend this devil.

“Wang Teng, it’s almost there, he’s also a bishop anyway, let’s give a decent way to die!” Zhou Xuanwu couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted from a distance.

“Since you say that, then I will save you face!”

Wang Teng’s voice came out, and then his figure emerged from behind Feng’s body, a golden light slashed across the air and slammed down fiercely.


Feng Quan was shocked and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Bang bang bang…

In a moment, a big pig’s head appeared in front of everyone, and staggered to all sides.


Feng Quan’s figure hit the mountain, making a loud noise.

“I… was wrong!” His regretful voice came out with difficulty and echoed all around.

Everyone was shocked!

Wang Teng swept his gaze, saw Zhou Xuanwu’s startled gaze, and said, “How about it, decent enough?”

“…Do you call this decent?” Zhou Xuanwu said in shock.

“Quite decent.” Wang Teng nodded seriously, then looked around and asked: “Who else wants to die with a decent way, I will fulfill him!”


All the truth-teaching fighters regressed and stayed away from Wang Teng.

More truth-teachers actually collapsed directly, dropping their weapons and begging for mercy.


“I surrender!”

“Don’t kill anymore, forgive me!”

Countless truth-teachers were frightened, their faces turned pale in fright, and they could no longer raise the slightest heart of resistance.

Wang Teng’s approach seemed to be the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

“Te Niang’s, this is fine!” Zhou Xuanwu almost fell off his chin and couldn’t help but explode.

He worked so hard to kill the enemy, and he didn’t see these truth teach martial artists surrender. Why did Wang Teng make a fuss like playing for a long time, but frightened these lawless truth teach martial artists?

This is not right!

He Zhou Xuanwu expressed dissatisfaction.

Not to mention Zhou Xuanwu, the warriors of the other three legions were also shocked, with an open mouth that could almost squeeze an egg.

Can’t this fight anymore? ?

They all surrendered, how can they fight?

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