Chapter 718 So, you can die! (4500+)

Zhou Xuanwu reacted immediately, following Wang Teng, rushing towards the Pope of Truth.

This opportunity is so rare!

Wang Teng waited for a long time before he waited for this opportunity.

If it were the beginning, the Pope of Truth would definitely be guarded and would never be so easily succeeded by him.

It can be said that there is still a lot of luck in this result.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Wang Teng’s shamelessness and shame. At least one like Zhou Xuanwu would definitely not think of using poison as a detrimental trick.

At this moment, the Pope of Truth looked extremely ugly, and his heart was depressed to vomit blood. He found that once he used the original force in his body, the invading toxins would speed up the invasion as the original force worked.

But he had nothing to do. He could only wait for death without using the original force. Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu would never let him go easily.

The thoughts of the Pope of Truth flashed rapidly in his heart, and soon he made a decision.

Then… he turned around and fled!


Must escape!

Stay with the green hills, no worries about no firewood!

Now is not the time to resist, he will stay here if he doesn’t escape.

He turned into an afterimage, abandoning the truth sect warriors, and the entire sect cult headquarters, and fleeing directly into the distance.

“The Pope!”

Seeing this scene, the warriors of the truth sect roared in despair, and there was an anger of being betrayed in their hearts.

Their pope actually betrayed them and ran away alone? ?

All the truth-teachers felt unbelievable, and their faces were shocked.

“You are dying for the truth, and you die well. The truth sect will never forget your heroes.”

“Everyone, don’t worry, this pope will avenge you!”

The Pope of Truth quickly went away, coming from afar with a tragic voice.

The truth sect warriors roared angrily, and at this moment they finally saw the true face of the pope thoroughly, and the three views completely collapsed.

Many warriors of the truth sect are deceived. They regard the truth sect as everything, thinking that the sect of the truth is saving the world, and they are the saviors of the world.

But now the Pope’s actions have completely broken their illusions. They are not the savior, but just a group of rats that have been hunted down and suppressed.



Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu watched the sudden escape of the Pope Truth, and they were messy in the wind.

The dignified pope, the legendary leader of the cult, escaped unscrupulously like this?

There is no hesitation at all!

This is not only unacceptable to the truth teach martial artist, even the two outsiders of them also feel extremely incredible.

Everyone who is strong must have strong dignity.

This truth is that the Pope is very strong, and this behavior is truly unexpected!


Wang Teng almost kept walking, turning into an afterimage, and his speed increased sharply, chasing the Pope of Truth.

It was hard to force him to this level, how could he be allowed to escape easily.

Moreover, the Pope of Truth is the key to Truth. If he escapes, it is impossible to guarantee that Truth will not reappear in a certain corner, and then take root, and wait for one day to continue to make waves.

This person must stay!

Zhou Xuanwu also knew this truth, so he didn’t hesitate, and quickly followed.

“Military Master Xiao, if you leave behind to encircle and suppress other truth martial artists, you must not leave one alone.”

At the same time, his voice came out quickly, echoing in Xiao Nanfeng’s ears.

Xiao Nanfeng was a little depressed. Both were military leaders, Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu went to chase the Pope of Truth, but he could only stay here to do the finishing touches. It was frustrating to think about it.

It seems that Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu will split most of the credit for destroying the truth sect.

At this time, Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu quickly caught up with the Pope of Truth and shouted behind them: “Don’t run.”

“Catch it with one’s hands, and you can still have a way out.” Zhou Xuanwu also shouted loudly.

When the Pope of Truth heard this, the speed did not decrease but increased.

MMP wanted to lie to him.

Do not run, only stay and wait for death.

He was not stupid, and based on what he had done over the years, Xia Guo didn’t let him go.

Seeing him running faster, Wang Teng shouted again: “You can’t run away. Do you feel the force in your body is stagnant and can’t function normally, and the more you force it, the more out of control your body will be.”

“Remember the poison I gave you before. The two are of the same origin. You think they are completely removed, but they are just dormant in your body.”

“And now there is a new poisonous invading your body, the two provoke each other, from the outside to the inside, from the inside to the outside, the explosion speed is beyond your imagination.”

The face of the Pope of Truth changed drastically, and his heart was extremely shocked.

It’s all right!

It was all right by Wang Teng!

His health is very bad now, his actions have become sluggish, and even his thinking has begun to slow down.

If this continues, he will never escape.

“Don’t do unnecessary struggles. This will only speed up the erosion of the Poison Elemental Force. If you don’t need us to do it, you won’t be able to do it yourself.”

Wang Teng continued to speak, the more he spoke, the more vigorous he was:

“How can my Poison Force Force be so easy to suppress? If you don’t control and clear it in time, you will die miserably, your whole body will rot, and you will be incomparably painful.”

“This process will start from the top of the head, first let you lose your hair, become bald, bald, look at your long flowing hair, and in the end there will be no one left.”

“Then your face, your face will be a little bit shriveled, your eyes will be blind, your neck will be rotten, your tongue will be rotten, your ears will be filled with pus, and you will eventually become inhuman, expensive or not. Terrible.”

“This is not the most terrible, because you can’t die at this time.”

“The muscles on your body will also start to rot, inch by inch, starting from the neck, the vocal cords are torn, making you unable to make a sound, and then the internal organs and the intestines are rotten. At this time, you can’t even eat food because you eat it. Things will leak out of your stomach, eh…”

“Oh, by the way, even Xiaojiji and Dandan will fall directly from you…”

The more Zhou Xuanwu listened, the more he felt something was wrong, and his expression gradually became weird.

This Wang Teng is too poisonous!

The previous descriptions can be said to scare him, but what is the last sentence?

God, Xiaojiji and Dandan will fall directly!

What kind of vicious words about tiger and wolf!

Zhou Xuanwu suddenly discovered that being an enemy with Wang Teng was nothing short of torture.

Whether it was true or not, he was scared anyway.

If he was really infected with this kind of poison, he wouldn’t dare to gamble.

Just don’t know what the Pope of Truth will do?

A black color appeared on the face of the Pope of Truth from time to time, which was caused by being attacked by the poison force. At this time, when he heard Wang Teng’s words, he suddenly felt that the whole person was not good.

So what kind of poison is this?

How terrible!

Wouldn’t you really think what the vicious kid said?

He just thought about it, and he shuddered, his whole body streaked up.

Whenever there is a slight possibility, he does not dare to bet, if it is really like Wang Teng said, how will he live?

The so-called evil grows on the guts!

The Pope’s eyes are red. It’s not that he has a lack of mood, but that he has really been driven to a dead end. He is very aware of his own situation. If the poison in his body continues to develop like this, then even if he is from the king Teng escaped from the two hands, and he was also useless.

And I don’t know if I can run away.

Therefore, instead of doing this, it is better to fight to the death.

A strong man who can get to his level never lacks decisiveness.

Although he made a decision very quickly, there was a moment of hesitation just now.

“Good opportunity!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he displayed his spatial talent. Taking advantage of this moment of hesitation, he suddenly appeared behind the Pope of Truth and cut it down.

The Pope of Truth did not expect that Wang Teng would have these other methods at all. He was shocked and immediately dodged.

But it’s still too late…


The knife hit his left arm, and blood splashed.

A great arm flies high!


The Pope of Truth could not help but let out a scream.

“Wang Teng, you are deceiving too much, even if I die, I will hold you back.”

The Pope of the Church of Truth roared, his face grim, and his eyes showed madness.

Originally wanted to fight to the death, but this extravagant hope was immediately shattered by Wang Teng, and his arm was broken, his combat power was greatly reduced, and he felt that there was no way out.

A dazzling light burst out of his body, and terrifying energy fluctuations escaped.

“Hurry up, he will blew himself up!”

Wang Teng saw the crazy surging force in his body through [Pupils of Lingsight], immediately knew what he was going to do, and hurriedly shouted.

Zhou Xuanwu’s complexion changed, and without thinking, he hurriedly withdrew and retreated.

But Wang Teng didn’t slow down at all, he directly displayed his spatial talent, and his whole person disappeared in place.

The light on the Pope of Truth suddenly became strong to the extreme, and the next moment, a terrifying explosion suddenly sounded.


As if a mushroom cloud rose on the spot, the earth shook, the mountain peaks shook, and pieces of ice and snow fell like a snowball, growing more and more intense.


In the end, those ice and snow evolved into terrifying avalanches, venting down from the top of the mountain.

The star beasts in this mountain range were all startled, their eyes peeking out of the hidden place, one after another looking to this side, but no star beast dared to approach.

The energy fluctuations here are too strong, even the lord-level star beasts must be jealous.

The warriors far away from the Shinrikyo sect headquarters also heard such a huge roar, and their expressions changed drastically.

They don’t know what happened here?

One by one is both worry and anxiety.

In the end, Zhou Xuanwu didn’t escape too far. He was still affected and suffered serious injuries, but fortunately, his life was safe and he didn’t hurt the root cause.

This is already a blessing in misfortune!

The Pope of Truth is the pinnacle powerhouse of the 13-star high-ranking general. He even converted 1% of his own Force into the Star Force. The power he blew up was absolutely terrifying.

Zhou Xuanwu’s face was pale at this time, his eyes looked towards the depths of the explosion ahead, and a touch of worry emerged.

Wang Teng was too close just now, and I don’t know if he can get away.

The aftermath caused by the Pope of Truth blew up for a long time, and a lot of ice and snow rolled down all around, making this mountainous area an extremely terrifying and dangerous place.

Zhou Xuanwu had to raise the height of the flight, glanced down, looking for Wang Teng’s figure.

At this moment, not far beside him, the space fluctuated.

Zhou Xuanwu turned his head abruptly and saw Wang Teng stepped out of the void, but he was not injured at all.

“Why are you so miserable?” Wang Teng was taken aback when he saw his appearance.


Zhou Xuanwu was speechless.

He was far away and was injured, but Wang Teng was close, but nothing happened.

He feels so spicy!

“Cough cough, it’s okay, don’t be discouraged, you may be worse than you if you change to someone else.” Wang Teng seemed to find that he had hit Zhou Xuanwu unintentionally, and couldn’t help coughing, comforting him.

“…Are you sure you are comforting me?” Zhou Xuanwu said silently.

“Definitely, I am just comforting you, no doubt.” Wang Teng said solemnly.

“Okay, let’s not talk to you, then Pope Truth is dead this time.” Zhou Xuanwu asked him with a blank look.

“It stands to reason that the explosion should be like this, it should be sparsely broken.” Wang Teng said, suddenly thinking of something, he couldn’t help but turn on the [Essence Pupil] and swept it down.


His eyes condensed, and a sneer appeared on his face: “Wait for a moment.”

When the voice fell, his whole person disappeared in the same place again, and went directly into the center of the explosion. Now there is only a little aftermath, but he can’t be injured.

Wang Teng stood on the ground with his mouth slightly curled up, and said to the empty surroundings: “You are cunning, you want to escape in this way, but it is really cruel enough to destroy your body and leave a trace of soul origin. If it were not for me to be cautious, you would have almost escaped.”

He seemed to be talking to himself, and there was no movement around him, only the aftermath of the Force’s self-detonation was still raging.

“I can’t give up until the end.”

Wang Teng smiled coldly, and stopped talking nonsense, his mental power carried the sapphire glazed flame and rolled out.

The ground in front of him exploded suddenly, and a crystal skull flew out, trying to escape.

But Wang Teng had been prepared long ago, and the sapphire colored glaze flame rolled past, forming a small cage, enclosing the crystal skull in it.

“Wang Teng!”

A resentful roar suddenly spread from the crystal skull.

That is exactly the voice of the Pope of Truth.

The spiritual power of the Pope of Truth has reached the state of the king, and the original strength of the soul corresponds to it.

Wang Teng was a little skeptical at first, but when he saw the crystal skull, he finally understood.

This crystal skull is so peculiar that it can preserve the origin of human soul!

And the soul of the Pope of Truth cannot leave this crystal skull, otherwise he would have rushed out long ago.

“Prodigal dog, stop barking!” Wang Teng said lightly.

“Ah! I hate it!” The Pope of Truth yelled: “I knew this was the case, I should have brought the Dark Seed to come and die with you!”

“It’s really not a pity for you to die. You want to bring the Dark Seed to come. You can’t keep this evil.” Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, and his mental power was caught in the crystal skull. After sweeping it, he found the Pope of Truth. The existence of the origin of the soul.

“What are you going to do?” The Pope Truth felt the mighty mental power, and cried out in horror.

“Kill you!” Wang Teng abruptly pulled his soul origin from the crystal skull.

It was a chaotic ball of light, burning like a flame, but it was already a little dim at the moment.

Wang Teng was merciless, the sapphire Liuliyan swarmed up.

“Wait, you let me go, I will tell you how to transform the Star Force.”

The Pope of Truth felt the temperature of the flame, and was immediately frightened, so he screamed.

“You don’t need to say, I know too!” Wang Teng said.

“You know? How could you possibly know?” the Pope Truth asked incredulously.

“I just know, I have already mastered the secret you think you are.” Wang Teng said confidently.

In fact, he did not know the method of the Pope of Truth, but he was not worried at all.

Is this a problem for a person who opens up?

The Pope of Truth was hit hard. Seeing Wang Teng’s determined appearance, he believed him. This kid was too mysterious and powerful, and he couldn’t help but believe him.

“It’s over, it’s time to get you on the road after finishing it.” Wang Teng said.

“Wait! Wait!” The Pope of Truth hurriedly yelled: “I can also tell you a great secret.”

“I don’t want to know.” Wang Teng said.

“…” The Pope of Truth suddenly bewildered.

What the hell?

Why doesn’t this kid play cards according to common sense? ?

“So…you can die!” Wang Teng said coldly.

The sapphire glaze flame swept across, completely submerging it.

The fire of the soul’s origin was struggling wildly in Wang Teng’s spiritual power, and the desperate and unwilling roar of the Pope of Truth came from it.

“Do not!”


With a soft sound, the Pope of Truth, who has ruled the roost for many years, turned into a plume of smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth.

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